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Text Chapter 249 Ground Ambush Battle

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    After Yang Zhen calmed down, after receiving a report from Wang Guangyu who was commanding at the front line that a small plane had landed in the courtyard of the Fourth Division's headquarters, he thought about what he had learned in later generations about the important Japanese soldier in Jiamusi City.  Regarding the character's future career, Yang Zhen immediately understood that the Japanese army was unable to mobilize reinforcements and sent a plane to pick up Sawada Shigeru.

    Leaders go first. This is true in any society, country or army in ancient and modern times.  [.Com text] Manjiamusi is the only lieutenant general in the army.  This small plane, which can only seat two people at most and can't even carry much supplies, took such a big risk and landed in Jiamusi, where the artillery fire was raging. Apart from picking up Zetian Shigeru, there would be no other reason.  .

    Because the Japanese, who have always been stingy, have always regarded airplanes as more important than people.  Without the most important thing, they would not spend such a high price to send planes to Jiamusi, which is currently a dead place for the Japanese army.  Bombing doesn't matter, the Japanese won't mind blowing up Jiamusi.  It's stingy, but the Japanese are not stingy with bombs.

    But the plane landed in the division headquarters, which was not large in area but had a playground inside that was large enough for a light aircraft to take off and land. So it had to come to pick up a certain commander.  The only person in the entire Japanese division headquarters who has this qualification is Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru, the commander of the Fourth Division, and he doesn't think twice.

    After figuring out the intentions of the Japanese army, Yang Zhen, who adhered to the idea that flaws must be reported, picked up the phone and called Wang Guangyu, who was commanding from the front.  Facing the Japanese and puppet troops huddled together with no more than a thousand people, there was naturally no need for Yang Zhen to go into battle in person.  In fact, Wang Guangyu didn't need it. It was enough to send a regiment leader.

    Although there is no need for a brigade commander to take command personally.  But Yang Zhen still transferred Wang Guangyu up and took charge personally.  Because in his opinion, this time is a rare experience in tackling difficulties.  The guys from the Fourth Division spent more than half a year building a city wall and only built a dirt fence.

    ¡°But the division headquarters and barracks, these buildings where they live and protect their lives, are not willing to cut corners at all.  The previous barracks were strong and well-equipped with fortifications.  Yang Zhen had already experienced it during his first surprise attack on Jiamusi.  But he didn't expect that the division headquarters was built stronger. A 75mm mountain artillery shell only blew up a corner.

    The first brigade destroyed almost 30% of the artillery shells they carried, and then they blew open several gaps in the outer wall for the troops to attack inward. It took a lot of effort to destroy this extremely solid wall of the Japanese army.  Dozens of firepower points and shooting holes were built on the wall.  This is just a peripheral wall.

    As for the division headquarters building inside, more than a hundred mountain artillery and infantry artillery shells were fired at it, which only pockmarked the floor and failed to cause serious structural damage at all.  It didn't even have much impact on the Japanese troops inside, and the firepower coming out of it was still intensive.

    Standing and looking at the 4th Division Regiment Headquarters building that was motionless in the rain of shells, Yang Zhen couldn't help but lament that those officials from the Urban Construction Bureau and Quality Supervision Station in later generations would not have to spend large sums of public funds to conduct inspections all over the world.  Just take a look here.

    Learn from others and see what truly excellent buildings are and what truly high-quality projects are.  As long as they have some conscience, don't accept anything except money, and have more sense of responsibility, there won't be so many shoddy projects that collapse within two days of construction.

    As for those bullshit construction experts, engineers, and real estate development company bosses, they should really come and take a look and learn, so that ordinary people will not have to wait to move into the house they bought after spending a lifetime of savings or even carrying a lifetime of debt that is difficult to repay.  It leaked into a water curtain hole.  Not to mention being hit by a shell, even if a truck passed by, the whole building would tremble.

    It was precisely when he encountered such a tough guy that Yang Zhen asked Wang Guangyu to take charge personally.  Because in the future, unless you always stay in the base area and don't show up, you will inevitably encounter tough battles like today.  Opportunities are rare. It is better to do more and see more now than to rush in and out.  After today, Yang Zhen couldn't bear to give up such a sturdy house for the troops to practice and attack.

    As soon as the call was connected, Yang Zhen said without any politeness: "Old Wang, the Japanese plane just flew in from the northwest. But judging from what we know about the internal structure of the Fourth Division's headquarters,  , No matter what their true intention is, one thing we can be sure of is that he can only take off from the east if he wants to return.¡±

    "The Fourth Division Headquarters is not an airport. There is not that much space and manpower for large aircraft to take off and land. The little devil transferred a light aircraft over at this juncture and landed at the Fourth Division Headquarters. There is definitely something going on here. You  Move two anti-aircraft machine guns to the east of the Japanese 4th Division headquarters and set up an ambush. If this plane takes off from the east, you must shoot it down as soon as it appears.""The little devil's air raid this morning brought huge casualties to the people of Jiamusi. At this time, this plane landed at the headquarters of the Japanese Fourth Division in the core area of ????Jiamusi. There must be some secrets in it.  No matter what the purpose of this plane is, if this plane cannot be shot down, the blood of hundreds of people in Jiamusi will be in vain.

    Having said this, Yang Zhen paused and said: "Old Wang, this plane is probably here to pick up the commander of the Fourth Division, Shigeru Sawada. As long as this plane is shot down, the military morale of the little devil will be completely messed up. You  I also know that the devils in the Fourth Division are not good at fighting in the field, but there is still something they can do if they shrink their heads and act like a turtle. "

    "Once these guys are forced into a desperate situation, maybe they can really bring out the energy in their bones. Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry. These guys are not rabbits. They are well-trained soldiers. As long as  There is still some hope that these guys will resist to the end.

    "The reason why they are still resisting now is because they are not completely desperate yet. Only by destroying their last glimmer of hope can we defeat their determination to resist in the shortest time. So since this plane is here,  You have to stay. Lao Wang, I think you should understand what I mean."

    After Wang Guangyu listened to Yang Zhen's order, he was silent for a moment and then said: "Commander, look at this, I concentrated a mortar company to fire a salvo before the Little Japanese plane took off.  My brigade is in one group in Jiamusi City. There are two French-made 13mm anti-aircraft machine guns in the front, and the anti-aircraft gunners are half-empty. "

    "It's too late to gather the other Soviet-made anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns scattered in the city. The firepower density of the two anti-aircraft machine guns is too weak. I'm afraid that they won't be able to hit them and the little Japanese plane will run away.  "

    Yang Zhen smiled when he heard this and said: "Don't you still have a heavy machine gun company? Find a few higher and more open positions to set up these six heavy machine guns, and form a fire network with the two anti-aircraft machine guns.  I think this density should be enough. Although the Type 92 heavy machine gun of the Little Devil is not a high-level dual-purpose gun mount, it can be used as a temporary fire platform with ammunition boxes. "

    "Old Wang, when you encounter problems, use your brain more and use the existing equipment to make more changes. You will find that many things are not difficult. If you know how to make changes, you will find that the front that was once dense with obstacles will suddenly become clear."

    Putting down the phone, Yang Zhen smiled, raised his binoculars and looked at the only place in Jiamusi City where there was still the sound of intensive gunfire.  In later generations in Africa, people could use anti-tank rocket launchers to shoot down US imperialist helicopters.  Now, with six heavy machine guns and two 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine guns, is it still impossible to shoot down a small plane that doesn't fly very fast?

    It¡¯s not like I have never done it before using a heavy machine gun to shoot a plane, and it is also very common among squadrons who generally lack air defense equipment.  It¡¯s just that the triangular gun mounts imitating Maxim¡¯s Civilian 24 heavy machine guns and Browning¡¯s 30-section heavy machine guns that are commonly equipped by the Guannai Central Military Forces are more suitable for anti-aircraft fire than the four-legged gun mounts of the Japanese Type 92 heavy machine guns.  .

    After receiving the order, Wang Guangyu hesitated for a moment, and not only mobilized a heavy machine gun company, but also mobilized nine French-made Type 1922 light machine guns and three from his brigade, which had all been converted into French-equipped security companies.  It is equipped with a French-made eight-millimeter Hotchkiss heavy machine gun equipped with a high-flat dual-purpose gun mount modified by its own arsenal.

    If it weren¡¯t for the strange ammunition feeding mechanism of the crooked machine gun that was not suitable for upward firing, and in order to ensure that the suppressive firepower of the front attacking troops was not weakened, some machine guns could not be mobilized.  In order to complete the tasks assigned by Yang Zhen, Wang Guangyu wanted to transfer all the machine guns in the brigade.

    Wang Guangyu used these equipment to form a continuous fire network at several commanding heights around an open area east of the Japanese Fourth Division headquarters.  Due to Yang Zhen's attention, in order to ensure the success of the attack, Wang Guangyu handed over the attack task to He Zhishan, the leader of the first regiment, and rushed to the ambush site to personally direct this alternative ambush battle in which the ground ambush the aerial aircraft.

    Wang Guangyu chose the ambush location very cleverly. Although he did not understand air combat and air defense, he was accustomed to ground ambush warfare and used ground ambush warfare tactics in the air.

    When choosing the focus of an ambush, it must be said that Wang Guangyu has a very good vision.  In his view, the north was his base, and the plane carrying a Japanese lieutenant general would not fly that way.  Unless the people on the plane are crazy, they will never go north.

    As for the other three directions, no matter which way the plane flies, but due to the terrain, it must fly east first.  Therefore, Wang Guangyu used some machine guns to form three fire networks on the ground that could cross fire, focusing on the south and east of the Japanese division headquarters.  Especially in the south, he knew the Mudanjiang River over there.??A large Japanese aviation base.

    So far, although it cannot be said to be the closest to Jiamusi in the Japanese-controlled area, it is the safest and most well-equipped airport.  If nothing goes wrong, the plane should fly to Jiamusi.

    Wang Guangyu was indeed right. After the plane took off and left the ground, it adjusted its course and prepared to go straight to the south before it climbed too high.

    And to the south, it happens to be the place where Wang Guangyu focuses on guarding.  Not only were the two anti-aircraft machine guns on hand concentrated in this direction, but also the three French-made eight-millimeter heavy machine guns equipped with high-flat dual-purpose gun mounts.

    Seeing that the Japanese aircraft had entered his own fire network, Wang Guangyu gave the order to fire cleanly after roughly calculating the distance.

    Although he didn¡¯t understand airplanes, let alone the conversions required during air defense, he had shot down Japanese cars after all, so he simply mistook the planes flying in the sky for cars on the ground.

    Although this tactic sounds a bit ridiculous, this tactic is very suitable for light aircraft like the Japanese army that do not fly very fast and do not fly too high.  Wang Guangyu didn't understand what advance was at all, but he put two of these machine guns in a group to form an ambush circle with a certain depth.

    The Japanese aircraft, which was unaware that a large ambush circle had been set up for it on the ground, had just completed its turn and had not yet had time to climb to the optimal altitude.  Several fire nets on the ground opened fire at the same time, spraying dense bullets into the sky.  This unprepared Japanese aircraft took hundreds of rounds of 12.7mm bullets and 8mm bullets.

    Not to mention this small aircraft with almost no armor, even those dedicated ground attack aircraft equipped with a small amount of armor cannot withstand such intensive firepower.  For a light aircraft with almost no armor protection, the dense rain of bullets, especially those extremely powerful 12.7mm bullets, is almost devastating to this aircraft.

    Thanks to the Japanese military¡¯s tradition of pursuing speed while ignoring survivability, Japanese combat aircraft generally lack protection.  Since fighter jets and light and heavy bombers used as combat aircraft do not have much armor protection and lack self-sealing fuel tanks, this light transport aircraft that temporarily serves as a special aircraft is no exception.

    The dense machine gun bullets easily tore apart its extremely thin skin which lacked armor protection.  According to the special requirements of Yang Zhen, who had a certain understanding of the performance of Japanese aircraft, one of the specially imported incendiary bombs contained in an average of five anti-aircraft machine gun bullets easily ignited the fuel tank on the fuselage.

    The exploding fuel in the exploded fuel tank instantly turned the aircraft into a blazing fireball.  Even if the people on board were not killed by bullets that penetrated the fuselage, they would be burned alive.  And all this happened in just three or two minutes.  It was so fast that even if there were survivors on board, there would be no time to parachute.

    When the plane carrying the commander of the Japanese Fourth Division and the future commander of the Thirteenth Army was turned into a ball of fire right in front of the eyes of the enemy and ourselves, it obviously had a great impact on the morale of both sides.

    When the attacking brigade saw the enemy plane being shot down, they naturally burst into cheers and their morale soared.  The resistance of the Japanese army, which was still resisting desperately, plummeted.  Obviously, the death of the division commander had a great impact on the morale of the Japanese army.

    Seeing that the resistance of the Japanese army was declining, Wang Guangyu immediately seized the opportunity to use the blasted forward passage to launch a full-scale attack on the two buildings that the Japanese army was still holding on to.  After half an hour of fierce fighting, not only were all the Japanese troops on the periphery wiped out, but the remaining Japanese troops in the two buildings were also successfully separated.

    Just when Wang Guangyu was about to launch the final attack, Yang Zhen's order to suspend the attack came from behind.  Wang Guangyu, who planned to finally defeat the Japanese resistance in one fell swoop and do his best, received Yang Zhen's order to stop the attack. After confirming it in disbelief, he couldn't help but be stunned.

    He didn¡¯t know that he, a commander who had always been on the battlefield and liked to kill all the Japanese troops in front of him, suddenly changed his style this time. What kind of medicine was sold in the gourd?  What the hell are you doing again?

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