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Text Chapter 288 Finally took the bait

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    Yang Zhen laid the bait and waited for the Japanese army to take the bait. What surprised him was that as the target of being fished, the Second Division refused to bite the hook.  [.Com text] In order to make things more realistic, Yang Zhen, through Guo Bingxun, ordered the third brigade and the third division unit to Zhao Shangzhi, who had full command of the front-line war at Haoliang River, to attack the 14th Regiment of the 25th Division of the Japanese Army at the front line of Haoliang River.  An order to counterattack across the board.

    In order to establish a sufficient posture, in addition to moving Wang Guangyu's brigade out of the hiding place of Qunce Mountain, in front of the Japanese reconnaissance planes, they assumed a posture of marching westward at any time.  Yang Zhen even disguised a battalion of the Rocket Artillery Regiment directly under the General District as the main force and transferred it to the front line of the Haoliang River to participate in the battle.

    After the third brigade and the third division troops launched a full-scale counterattack on the Haoliang River front line, the original excitement of the offensive only lasted for two days, and then turned to depression. The 25th Division was half-dead under the command of Lieutenant General Shiro Kuwahara.  Next, I suddenly became excited as if I had taken Viagra.  A large number of troops were invested, and with air support, they launched repeated fierce battles with the third brigade.

    The fighting on the Haolianghe front line was in full swing, but the Japanese Second Division's offensive on the Dong'an front line not only failed to strengthen, but actually declined in intensity.  The original tactics of three wings pushing forward on the front line had to be changed to one wing taking the main attack and three wings supporting it due to the terrain.  After the Second Division reached the front line of Dong'an, its attack formation changed into a long snake formation.

    In fact, facing the long snake formation of the Second Division, Yang Zhen was really itchy.  The current formation of the Japanese army is the best moment for a full-scale counterattack.  It's just that the second division has yet to divide its troops, and there are four regiments.  Including auxiliary troops, the strength is nearly 16,000.

    Judging from the combat effectiveness displayed by the Second Division, if I choose to counterattack at this time, I will have to mobilize at least 30,000 troops.  But unless he stops the fighting in other directions and transfers back all the core regiment of the first division that is fighting a detachment of the Japanese 11th Division from the direction of Fujin, plus all the troops on the Haoliang River front line, he can't get it together even by selling iron.  To send out so many troops.

    And judging from the extremely powerful combat effectiveness, quick response speed, and tacit cooperation between the various regiments displayed by the Second Division in the past few days of fighting, it is possible that if I attack rashly before they divide their forces,  If you fail to beat the snake, you will be eaten by it.  This snake is not a small snake, but a huge python.

    Just when Yang Zhen was a little anxious because the Second Division had not taken the bait, a fierce quarrel was also breaking out in the Second Division headquarters.  The protagonists of the quarrel were Lieutenant Colonel Hattori Takushiro, who refused to leave in the Second Division, and Lieutenant General Ani Toji, the commander of the Second Division.

    To be honest, as a lieutenant general, quarreling with a lieutenant general, Toji Ani has a lot of status.  But this lieutenant general who urged him all day long to take advantage of the emptiness in the opponent's hinterland and split his forces and attack together really made him a little too angry.  Toji Yasui did not believe the intelligence that Hattori Takushir¨­ kept saying that his opponents had mobilized their main forces to the front line of the Horara River.

    In the view of Lieutenant General Anjing Fujiji, the straight-line distance between the Haoliang River and Dong'an is not far.  If the opponent wants to attack me, more than a hundred miles is only two day and night marches, so we can rush back as soon as possible.  The consequences of the division of the 24th Division are not far from the past, and he, Toji Yasui, does not want to repeat this mistake.

    ¡°And Fujiji Yasui didn¡¯t believe in what the Kwantung Army¡¯s Special Intelligence Department and the Intelligence Department had done together before.  He even had some distrust of the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department.  In his opinion, if this damn intelligence department really had half of the capabilities they boasted about, their opponents would not have grown so strong in just six months.  Did those well-trained soldiers fall from the sky?

    As for the so-called combat plan of Hattori Takushiro, Fujiji Yasui has extreme contempt.  In Toji Yasui's opinion, Lieutenant Colonel Hattori Takushiro had no other strengths except being bold and able to cause trouble.  Before, he kept saying that the other party had lost unified command and could only fight independently in the face of the imperial army's offensive, but this conflicted with the new information that the opponent was currently massing heavy troops on the front line of the Haoliang River.

    Based on the assessment of this guy and the useless people from the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department, as well as the so-called combat plan.  The opponent should be fighting passively now, dividing their forces to resist the imperial army's attack, and there is no possibility of cooperation between them.  Because they lost their unified command, they could only fight independently.

    ??It is true that this guy¡¯s so-called evidence is very conclusive.  By interrogating the other party's captured personnel, it can be learned that the only ones fighting against them in the past few days are one brigade of the other party.  Moreover, during the several-day battle, other than relying on the ammunition they carried with them, they did not receive even a single reinforcement.

    Of course, neither Toji Yasui nor Takushiro Hattori knew that their information was out of date.  But it was precisely this, something that Toji Yasui thought did not represent the overall situation, that made Hattori Takushiro regard it asConvince yourself with your reasons and evidence.

    After receiving the intelligence that the opponent's main forces were massing on the front line of the Holiang River, Yasui Toji once wanted to see if this information, which was completely inconsistent with the previous so-called intelligence, would make Hattori Takushiro be more honest.  .  As a result, he underestimated the thickness of this guy's face.

    Not only did this guy not think that his previous judgment was wrong.  He even used this as evidence to bluntly tell Ani Fujiji that the opponent's current defense was empty and it was the best time to divide his forces for a surprise attack.  He was not ashamed of his previous mistakes, but rather smug, which made Toji Anjing very disgusted and disgusted.

    The current complex situation on the battlefield makes Fujiji Anjing only believe in his own judgment.  In his opinion, a force that severely damaged the Kwantung Army several times, and even almost completely annihilated a division of the Kwantung Army, caused almost no more casualties to the Kwantung Army than when it faced the Soviet army with aircraft, heavy artillery, and tanks in Nomenhan.  If a small army loses its fighting spirit just because its commander loses his ability to command, can it still be called a strong combat force?

    Indeed, whether a unit can fight and whether it is tenacious has a lot to do with the style of its commander.  Just like in the Japanese army, the combat effectiveness of a division has a lot to do with the folk customs of the region where the troops are recruited.  The richer the place, the less determined the soldiers are to fear death.

    Just like the First Division and the Fourth Division of the Japanese Army.  These two recruitment areas are mainly based in Tokyo and Osaka, which have been Japan's most prosperous and commercial atmosphere since ancient times. The strength of the officers and soldiers is basically the same as that of the Second Division and Sixth Division from Sendai and Kumamoto, which are poor areas.  There's no way to compare.

    But Fujiji Yasui does not believe that the casualties of a commander will affect the combat of a unit, or even fall apart.  Indeed, this situation is not uncommon in the Chinese ** team.  After the arrest of the young marshal, wasn't it true that the Northeast Army was also torn apart by the Chinese government?

    However, in the eyes of Anjing Fujiji, the opponent in front of him is different from the ordinary Chinese ** team.  Its internal cohesion is very strong and its unity is also very good.  Otherwise, they would not have repeatedly inflicted heavy losses on the Kwantung Army.  Although the top commander's loss of command ability due to injury will have a certain impact on such a unit, it will never be absolute.

    If an ace unit falls apart because of a change of commander, it cannot become an ace unit.  Just like his second division, no matter how many division commanders he changed, his combat power was still the first among the imperial army.  Therefore, Hattori Takushir¨­'s statement that his opponents would go into chaos and fight on their own after losing their supreme commander was sheer nonsense in his opinion.

    With such a preconceived understanding, it is reasonable for Ani Toji to be extremely indifferent to Hattori Takushiro's suggestion to urge him to divide his troops and take roundabout ways.  And his repeated rejection of Hattori Takushiro's suggestions was partly based on the supervising force granted by Umezu Meijiro, and his attitude of using tiger skin as a banner was one of the main reasons for Hattori Takushiro's rage.

    After the two people had a fierce quarrel, the direct consequence was that although the Second Division's offensive was still sharp, its intensity was sharply reduced compared to before. Even in the eyes of Hattori Takushiro, it was simply a perfunctory battle officer.  Although this has a certain relationship with the unfavorable terrain, it cannot be without a disguised warning from Fujiji Yasui to Takushiro Hattori.

    Hattori Takushiro, who was very dissatisfied with Yasui Fujiji's move, had been active in the Second Division for a while, trying to encourage young grassroots officers who were warlike and dreamed of wearing the rank of general, so that they could give full play to the internal advantages of the Japanese army.  Feng Xia overcomes tradition and ignores the division commander's orders and acts freely.

    What Hattori Takushiro didn¡¯t expect was that the young and fanatical officers of the Second Division were also somewhat dissatisfied with the division commander¡¯s overly conservative tactics.  But I was even more disgusted with this guy who acted like an imperial envoy all day long and stayed with the Second Division.  Moreover, Hattori Takushiro also underestimated Yasui Toji's control over the Second Division.

    As early as when the Second Division was assembled, Yasui Toji, who had also spent his youth and knew what the young officers under him could do when they were hot-headed, had sternly warned those who were against him and the special divisions.  The relatively conservative officers who came from the reserves of the regiment and the newly formed division were compared with the extremely impulsive young officers.

    Anjing Fujiji sternly warned his subordinates that this battle was unusual.  If someone disobeys orders and acts without authorization, no matter how great his achievements are or how many enemies he annihilates, as long as he is still in the army, Yasui Fujiharu will definitely send him to Hokkaido to count the stars.

    ¡°Obviously, Fujiji Yasui¡¯s warning played a big role.  Adding to this is his dislike for Hattori Takushiro.

    Although those minds are full of extremely fanatical achievements,Almost no one of the young officers was moved by his agitation.  Everyone knows what kind of place Hokkaido is.  Being transferred there is almost equivalent to exile.

    Hattori Takushiro was extremely angry at the steady attitude of Yasui Toji and the indifference of everyone in the division to him.  After several fruitless disputes with Yasui Toji, the angry Hattori Takushiro no longer ignored his previous pretense of elegance and directly read a book to Umezu Mijiro.  In a rather vicious tone, he sued Ani Toji harshly.

    ???????????? Umezu Yoshijiro is worthy of being a person favored by senior Japanese military officials and elders, and he does things with ease.  Within two hours of receiving Hattori Takushiro's report, he sent an extremely severe reprimanding telegram to Yasui Toji.  Umezu Meijiro clearly told Ani Toji that Hattori Takushiro's meaning was his own.  Hattori Takushiro's plan was drawn up by himself.  You, Anjing Toji, must strictly obey.

    Even at the end of the telegram, Umezu Yoshijiro added that you, Toharu Yasui, were promoted to military commander, but you were still within the Kwantung Army.  Even if I, Umezu Yoshijiro, do not have the authority to replace you, I still have the authority to recommend substitutions to the Tokyo base camp.

    After receiving this telegram from Umezu Meijiro, even if Yasui Toji was reluctant, he would have no choice but to act on that guy¡¯s bullshit plan.  After issuing the order, Toji Yasui complained privately to Major General Katayama Shotar¨­, commander of the 15th Brigade of the Second Division, that if he followed his tactics of holding one division together and fighting steadily.  Judging from the combat effectiveness of the Second Division, even if the enemy cannot be completely annihilated in this attack, at least heavy damage will be no problem.

    ¡°But General Umezu Yoshijiro only listened to that damn Hattori Takushiro¡¯s words and did not learn the lessons of the 24th Division.  Urging himself to divide his troops and take roundabout ways.  If the current situation is a trap set by the opponent, I am afraid that the second division will be unlucky in the future.

    Regarding Yasui Toji's somewhat pessimistic analysis of the prospect of dividing the troops and making detours, Major General Katayama Shoutaro hesitated slightly and said: "Your Excellency, Division Commander, are you overly worried? The 24th Division is the 24th Division.  The Second Division is the second division. The combat effectiveness of the Second Division is not comparable to those of the 24th Division."

    Regarding Katayama Shozaburo's answer, Yasui Toji smiled bitterly and said: "Katayama-kun, you are an officer who participated in the China War. After these few days of attacks, haven't you seen clearly what kind of army the opponent is? This army  Did you encounter this style when you were fighting in the China Pass?"

    Hearing this, Shozaburo Katayama shook his head and said: "Your Excellency, Division Commander, this bandit is armed with excellent equipment, resolute fighting will, clever use of tactics, and reasonable combination of various firepower. When I fought in the pass, no matter where I was.  What they call the Central Army has never been seen in the local army, which is called a miscellaneous army. "

    "But we can't be too careful. Although Hattori-kun's information may not be completely true, you should still believe in the intelligence collection capabilities of the Imperial Japanese Army, especially the Kwantung Army. Among these intelligence  "Although it is not credible that their leader has lost the ability to command, the information on his troop mobilization should still be accurate."

    "And you should have confidence in the combat effectiveness of the Second Division. The Second Division is the division with the strongest combat effectiveness among the Imperial Japanese Army. Since its formation, whether it was the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War or the Manchuria Incident,  He refused to obey and made countless achievements for the Japanese Empire. I think the result this time will be no different."

    After listening to Katayama Shozaburo's confident answer, Yasui Toji remained silent for a long time before saying: "Do you really still think this is an armed bandit? No, they are no longer bandits, but an out-and-out bandit.  The army. We have always underestimated the enemy."

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