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Text Chapter 287 Singing a fake show to show the Japanese army

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    When Guo Bingxun was adjusting the deployment of front-line blocking positions, Yang Zhen was talking to Chen Bo, who came to report. Quietly, Chen Bo, who came to Yang Zhen alone, reported in great detail.  [.Com text] Yang Zhen was very happy that Chen Bo got into work so quickly.  But Yang Zhen rejected Chen Bo's request for arrest.

    Chen Bo, who was later known as one of Yan'an's three intelligence and counter-espionage wizards, immediately got into work after arriving at Guo Bingxun.  And based on the clues provided by Yang Zhen, the main target was locked at the Military Region Logistics Department.  In just two days, the clues were found and the rough target was locked.  It's just that the people involved make him feel cautious.  That's why he rushed back overnight to report to Yang Zhen.

    After hearing the report that Chen Bo had locked the target, Yang Zhen was happy but felt a little angry.  Although he wanted to cut this man into pieces in his heart, Yang Zhen finally suppressed the anger in his heart and calmed down.  When asked whether Chen Bo should be arrested, Yang Zhen only replied in eight words: "Closely monitor and follow the clues."

    Yang Zhen¡¯s meaning is very clear. If he doesn¡¯t take action, it will be fine. Once he takes action, he will catch them all. There must be no fish that slips through the net.  But now that this person has surfaced, in Yang Zhen's view, his follow-up plan can be launched.  This person is still useful, now is not the time to arrest him.

    After Chen Bo left, Yang Zhen sent Guo Bingxun a top-secret telegram that could only be translated by him personally and could only be viewed by him and Li Yanping.  In addition to giving a rough explanation of Chen Bo's report, he also signaled Guo Bingxun to start taking action according to the established plan.

    After sending the telegram to Guo Bingxun, Yang Zhen sat on his chair and watched the sunset gradually setting behind the mountain. He was silent for a long time before letting out a long sigh. It was difficult to truly calm down in his heart.  He did not expect that this man would rebel, that an old brother who broke out from the Japanese base would betray himself, and would betray these brothers who almost lived and died with him.

    It¡¯s not that Guo Bingxun couldn¡¯t understand Yang Zhen¡¯s mood at this moment.  But after receiving Yang Zhen's telegram, Guo Bingxun stabilized his emotions as quickly as possible and found Zhang Zhenhua, who was in charge of front-line supplies.  When the second phase of the battle was about to begin, according to the original plan, the logistics department was divided into two, and the work of the ministers and political commissars was reversed.

    Because his body was severely tortured when he was captured before, it has never been in good condition.  After returning from the secret camp of Lao Heidingzi, he has been extremely busy. The almost exhausted Logistics Minister Peng Dingjie stayed in Luobei and was responsible for the arsenal, production and construction troops, and mainly the collection of food.  The most important thing is to be responsible for contacting Jiangbei.

    The supply of frontier ammunition and materials, and the distribution of all materials, were changed to Zhang Zhenhua, political commissar of the Logistics Department.  So this time Guo Bingxun found Zhang Zhenhua, not Peng Dingjie who should be responsible for the overall work.

    After Zhang Zhenhua arrived, Guo Bingxun confessed face to face: "Old Zhang, you immediately load the prepared ammunition, food, medical supplies and other military supplies into the truck and send them to the front line of the Haoliang River, and hand them over to Deputy Commander Zhao of the Military Region in person.  Sign for it. Remember, it¡¯s Deputy Commander Zhao.¡±

    Hearing that Guo Bingxun actually wanted to transfer the supplies that had been prepared to replenish Liu Changshun and Wang Guangyu according to the plan to Deputy Commander Zhao, Zhang Zhenhua was slightly startled: "Didn't you say that this batch of supplies was going to be replenished to the first and second brigades?  Why was it transferred to Deputy Commander Zhao? Has the plan changed to launch a counterattack on the Haoliang River line? "

    In response to Zhang Zhenhua's question, Guo Bingxun nodded slightly and said: "In view of the current strength comparison between the two Japanese armies and their overall deployment, the front commander of the military region has decided to attack the 25th Division first. The First Brigade has now arrived at the Haoliang River  The 25th Division's flanks have been deployed, and the artillery directly under the military region has been mobilized to Haolianghe to prepare for the battle. This batch of materials, especially artillery shells and rocket shells, is prepared for them. "

    "This plan must be kept strictly confidential and must not be leaked except to the relevant personnel of the Logistics Department. During the transportation, you will personally lead the team and be on the front line of Qunce Mountain. Remember, you are the one leading the team. Others  Even relevant personnel are not allowed to inform or accompany them.¡±

    "And in addition to the march route that only you know, bring a radio and choose the most reliable operator. In addition, you go to the political commissar to get a new password. Only you have this password, and all sending and receiving  You must translate the report yourself, and you are not allowed to use a translator.¡±

    Zhang Zhenhua was a little puzzled by Guo Bingxun¡¯s repeated explanations.  The plan can be discussed with relevant personnel, but the material delivery route can only be known by yourself.  You also have to bring a radio, which has never been done before.  Moreover, it was the first time that I had to personally escort someone by name, without bringing anyone else with me.

    Looking at Zhang Zhenhua¡¯s puzzled expression, Li Yanping was preparing a passwordAfter handing the book to him, he took the topic and said: "Old Zhang, please be disciplined and don't ask too many questions. I will tell you when it's time to tell you. If I can't tell you for the time being, I can't tell you even if you ask. You are an old comrade.  It's a very important matter, I think you should understand. You must strictly follow the instructions of the chief of staff when you go back, and you must pay attention to confidentiality. "

    Seeing that the political commissar had also spoken, Zhang Zhenhua did not dare to continue asking.  After paying a military salute to Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun, he hurriedly left to prepare.  Looking at his back, Li Yanping said hesitantly: "Should I tell him the truth? This will also help his cooperation. Zhang Zhenhua is an old revolutionary, an old party member for 32 years, with a tough character and a determined fight against the enemy.  I have done military movement work and served as the Chief of Staff of the Fifth Army.¡±

    "As the political commissar of the Logistics Department, although I still lack some experience in my work, I am still qualified for my job overall. And due to Lao Peng's physical condition, he is the political commissar who plays the leading role in the Logistics Department. With his cooperation, I  I think the effect might be better.¡±

    Regarding Li Yanping's thoughts, Guo Bingxun hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head and said: "I understand his and Lao Peng's characters. Although this matter occurred in the Logistics Department, it has nothing to do with them. As for the two of them, Commander  The staff and I still trust each other.¡±

    "But political commissar, although this fake show is not easy to sing, we must try our best to sing it well. Not only must we sing it well, but we must also sing it realistically. Let them regard this fake show as real."

    "That man is a veteran and has participated in several battles on the frontal battlefield in the pass. He has rich experience and has poisonous eyes. As long as we reveal even the slightest clue, he will see the problem. If we tell Ming to tell him and  Lao Peng, no matter how much they can keep it secret, no matter how much they can control their emotions, it is impossible for them not to reveal anything when it involves the commander, so it is better not to tell them for now. "

    Having said this, Guo Bingxun knocked on the table covered with a large military map in front of him, pondered for a moment and said: "If the Japanese army learns that the main force of our army has been transferred to the Haoliang River line, it will inevitably divide its troops and strive to go north as soon as possible. As long as they divide their troops and go north, we  The fighter plane is coming."

    "Before this man was dug out, we hoped that Meizu Yoshijiro would be anxious and urge Ani Tš­ji to divide his troops. But we did not expect that the manpower transferred from the central government would be so capable and be able to dig us out in such a short period of time.  The traitor in my heart. Now that we have discovered the problem, we¡¯d better take advantage of the situation and take advantage of it.¡±

    "Political Commissar, I think you are going to Qunce Mountain in person? Wait for Zhang Zhenhua there. When Zhang Zhenhua gets there, tell him the truth. At the same time, tell Wang Guangyu that you must stay calm. After receiving the order from the headquarters to attack,  We were hiding there before. At the same time, we must pay attention to controlling the troops. What happened to the Second Brigade must not happen to them again because of defections. "

    After hearing Guo Bingxun's suggestion, Li Yanping pondered for a while and said: "Okay, Lao Guo, I will go to Qunce Mountain. I will leave this place to you alone, and all the burdens can only be placed on you."  You must be more careful when it comes to a person.¡±

    Regarding Li Yanping's concern, Guo Bingxun smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, political commissar. As long as that person spreads our army's fake move, the commander will definitely close the net. As long as the net is closed, I think  It¡¯s time for the commander to recover from his illness and return to work.¡±

    After Li Yanping left, Guo Bingxun found his position outside the command post of General Shixian. He looked at the starry night sky outside and pondered while listening to the sound of gunfire coming from the south.  Like Yang Zhen, he did not expect that the person the Japanese and puppet troops were developing within him would be him.

    The one who, together with the commander and himself, broke out from the Japanese secret base, and together with the commander, guarded a cave in the Wudaolingzi Iron Mine.  The man who used a company of troops to fight a Japanese brigade during an ambush at the junction of Wuchang and Acheng and successfully covered the transfer of the main force would actually commit betrayal.

    After a year of bloody battles, especially several bloody battles since the beginning of this spring, the brothers who broke out from Harbin together now have less than a hundred people left.  Every time one was lost, Guo Bingxun knew that the commander would be very sad.  We once had the experience of living and dying together, but today there are only a few people left, making the commander and himself cherish every one of them.

    But now, in addition to being angry, Guo Bingxun is also sad.  If someone who had not experienced the Japanese germ warfare base did such a thing, Guo Bingxun might be angry, but he would not be sad.

    But it is this experience that is unforgettable to almost everyone who survives, even?It was a past that was unbearable to look back on, and the man who finally betrayed the oath he made on the bank of the Ash River made Guo Bingxun feel more sad than angry.  Since the net has not yet been closed, the real reason for his rebellion is still unknown.

    But one thing Guo Bingxun knew was that he not only betrayed his brother who lived and died with him, but also betrayed the commander who rescued him and his brothers from the devil's cave, and completely sold his own soul.  His betrayal was not only a betrayal of his original oath, but also a betrayal of his own past.

    The betrayal of the man who was once considered the most trustworthy opened a serious wound in the hearts of Guo Bingxun and even Yang Zhen.  This wound will not heal for quite some time.  Now Guo Bingxun finally understands Peng Dingjie's painful mood when he was in the concentration camp.

    As the top commander of a large army at the frontier temporarily, Guo Bingxun knew that now was not the time for him to feel sad. With the changes in the war situation, he would not have much time left to suffer.  After only a short period of time, Guo Bingxun quickly adjusted his emotions.  He turned around and returned to the huge one-fifty-thousandth map covering almost the entire base area. He stared at the map and turned his thoughts back to the war.  .

    Not long after Guo Bingxun returned to his position, he put down Zhang Zhenhua's report and set off immediately. Less than an hour after calling him to ask if he had any other requirements, a confidential staff officer hurriedly walked in and reported to him that he had specially deployed the  The radio station that had been monitoring radio signals throughout the base discovered a new signal.  Judging from its radio call sign and the password used, it is certain that it is not our own army.

    After listening to the report of the confidential staff officer, Guo Bingxun pondered for a moment and said: "Can we now determine the approximate direction in which the signal was sent? And can the content of the telegram be deciphered?"

    In response to Guo Bingxun's question, the staff officer quickly said: "Chief of Staff, although this new radio signal was sent for a long time, a full ten minutes. However, due to the limitations of communication conditions, several people from the Communications Department reported from the Customs  Judging from the strength of the signal, the transferred comrades could only estimate that its location should be roughly due north of us."

    "But the distance will not be too far. It should be in the Xingshan Street area, but the specific location cannot be determined yet. As for the password, I'm sorry, Chief of Staff, because the time is too short and the password structure used is very complex, although the Communications Section has already  All the telegrams have been intercepted, but they cannot be deciphered yet.¡±

    After listening to the report, Guo Bingxun waved his hand and said: "You go down first. If there is any new situation, report it immediately. Tell the Communications Section that this telegram must be deciphered with all its strength."

    After the confidential staff officer went down, Guo Bingxun stared at the map and pondered for a long time. Although he hesitated, he picked up the phone and called Liu Changshun and Wang Xiaoming directly in Yong'an.

    As soon as the call was connected, Guo Bingxun spoke directly to Liu Changshun and said unceremoniously: "Don't hold on to your position. You must combine small-scale counterattacks with frontal blockades. Give full play to our advantage in close combat firepower and use close combat as much as possible."  The way."

    Having said this, Guo Bingxun said to the two of them: "In addition, you must pay close attention to the changes in the strength of the Japanese army in front of you. If there are any new situations, you must report them in time. Remember, these are all changes in the strength of the Second Division. As small as a squadron,  If it's as big as a regiment, it must be reported in detail. I don't care about the details here. As long as it involves changes in the strength of the second division, I have to report it."

    After putting down the phone calls to Liu Changshun and Wang Xiaoming, Guo Bingxun picked up the phone again and called Li Mingrui.  After the call was connected, Guo Bingxun didn't say anything nonsense to his old subordinate. He just said in a calm tone: "According to the scheduled plan, start taking action immediately."

    After putting down the phone in his hand, Guo Bingxun stood in front of the map, staring at the map in front of him, as if he had put down a big stone, and whispered to himself: "The beginning also means that the end is not far away."

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