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Text Chapter 160 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (7)

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    Just when Yang Zhen and Liu Changshun were puzzled by the sudden outbreak of the Third Battalion of the Eighth Regiment of the Fourth Division, in fact, at this time, the commander of the Japanese army, Major Kitano Takatsu, was also suffering.  .  ¡¾.Com text¡¿It's not that he doesn't want to run, but he really doesn't dare to run.

    Kitano Takatsu is actually in trouble right now.  Originally, according to the garrison designated by the Kwantung Army for the Fourth Division, the Eighth Regiment was not stationed in Jiamusi.  However, after being crippled in the battle north of Dunhua, the Third Battalion has been relying on Jiamusi for reinforcements.  No matter how fast the division and regiment headquarters rushed, they just couldn't move.

    In fact, Kitano Takatsu¡¯s Third Battalion fought in the north of Dunhua, and the casualties in the battle were not very large.  When his Third Battalion collapsed, even the organization remained intact, and most of its men were not killed or wounded in the battle.  In addition, after the battle, due to the situation, Yang Zhen did not clear out his stragglers.  So except for a few unlucky ones who got lost and died in the deep mountains and forests of Zhang Guangcai Ridge, at least 60% of the people ran out.

    Based on the consistently high efficiency of the Japanese army, although the replacement of troops must give priority to the losses in the battlefield within the Chinese Pass, as the heavy troop group that the Japanese army attaches most importance to, the Kwantung Army is not slow to replenish.  In fact, the previous losses of the Third Battalion had been replenished before May.  The reason why I still stay in Jiamusi is because it is really a good place to do business.

    Jiamusi¡¯s railways and shipping are extremely developed. To the north is the fertile Xiaoxinganling Mountains, rich in coal, timber and various high-end furs.  As the provincial capital, Jiamusi, with its bustling lights and rich nightlife, is much more attractive to Kitano Takatsu and the officers and soldiers at all levels of the Third Battalion than the original place of residence.

    After receiving the order from Ueda Kenkichi, Sawada Shigeru transferred all the mobilizable troops of the Fourth Division to the front line of Qunce Mountain to participate in the clearing.  However, Jiamusi, as an important town in northern Manchuria, could not resort to an empty city strategy. In desperation, Zetian Shigeru could only leave the third brigade, which always found various excuses not to return to its original station, to stay in Jiamusi as a security guard.

    In Zetian Shigeru¡¯s view, the anti-Japanese armed forces on the front line of Qunce Mountain would not have the strength to divide their forces to attack Jiamusi in the face of massive pressure from the imperial army.  The remaining anti-Japanese armed forces in the North Manchuria area had already lost much combat effectiveness at this time.  Either they were forced to hide in the deep mountains and old forests, or they had already crossed the Xiaoxing'an Mountains and retreated to the west.

    As the headquarters of the Fourth Division, Jiamusi, which has a large amount of reserve supplies for the Fourth Division, will not pose any threat in the short term.  But the necessary remaining troops must still be left behind.  What's more, Sawada Shigeru's immediate boss, the Kwantung Army's Fifth Army Commander Doihara Kenji, is still supervising the battle in the city. If he doesn't even leave the army commander's guard troops, it really can't be justified, right?

    Since your third brigade cannot fight in the field, but without any threat, it should be able to serve as a garrison, temporarily serve as a military policeman, policeman, and look after the home of the army commander and others.  In order to show the importance he attached to the Third Brigade, Sawada Shigeru also appointed Kitano Takatsu as acting Jiamusi Security Commander before leaving.

    " Sawada Shigeru's wishful thinking was good, and Kitano Takatsu, the acting security commander, was also leisurely and contented.  Every day and night the dogs and horses play and sing.  Sawada Shigeru had only been gone for a few days. This guy had already visited all the big and small brothels in Jiamusi City. Whether they were run by Japanese, Chinese or Koreans, he always insisted on killing the wrong ones and not letting them go.  .

    Although the army commander was in the city, this guy who thought he had a tough backend didn't care.  What to do, or what to do.  How to play, or how to play.  Jiamusi is very safe now. As long as no anti-Japanese elements attack, even the army commander can't do anything to him.  But now those anti-Japanese elements simply do not have the strength to attack Jiamusi, and it is impossible.

    ??????????????????????? But this extremely enterprising guy didn¡¯t relax about his business while having fun.  Dealing with businessmen from China, Japan and North Korea in Jiamusi City every day, thinking about how to sell the private goods in his hands at a good price.

    As for whether the powerful bandits on the front line of Qunce Mountain would take advantage of the situation to attack Jiamusi, this guy had never thought about it.  The division commander at the front gathered three infantry regiments, plus a reinforced regiment attached to the 11th Division. There were more than 10,000 elite troops of the imperial army with aircraft support, not to mention a small group of ruthless bandits.  It is not a problem to have several regular armies of the National Government.  Those ruthless bandits have too much time to take care of themselves. How could they have a chance to sneak attack on Jiamusi?

    It¡¯s just that he didn¡¯t expect that Yang Zhen would really dare to divide his troops and attack when the Japanese army was pressing heavily on the border.  Ignoring the Japanese troops on the front line of Qunce Mountain, they launched a long-distance attack to kill Jiamusi.  When the first wave of artillery shells hit the military camp, blowing blood and flesh into the troops who were gathering for morning exercises, Kitano Takatsu, who had just returned from the brothel, could hardly believe what he saw.

      After Liu Changshun launched an attack on the military camp occupied by the Japanese army.  Kitano Takatsu, who originally thought that he was at the very back and should be the safest place, found that Jiamusi, which was originally at the very back, suddenly became the front line.

    ?????????????????????? Although I have always been a little unprofessional, I spend more time on how to make extra money.  But Kitano Takatsu is still a graduate of the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School, and his military standards are still at a certain level.  Although he likes to live and drink, the basic quality of a soldier is poor, but it does not mean that his reaction ability is also poor.

    He immediately realized from the density of shells hitting his head that his opponent's sneak attack on Jiamusi was definitely the main force.  And when intensive gunshots rang out everywhere in the city, Kitano Gaojin, who knew how many troops there were in Jiamusi City, immediately discovered keenly that he could be said to be fighting alone, and unfortunately fell into the hands of that cunning opponent.  Enclosed circle.

    Finding that he was surrounded and knowing that his way out was dead, it was extremely rare that Kitano Takatsu and his men aroused the military spirit that had been missing for a long time or had never existed before.  Although the Fourth Division likes to bargain, has poor willpower, and generally lacks the determination to fight to the death found in the rest of the Japanese army, it does not mean that they will not fight to the death when forced into a desperate situation.  However, whether their determination is strong or not is related to the war situation.

    However, despite a half-day of fierce fighting, Liu Changshun's several attacks continued to make progress and suffered heavy casualties, and only captured a small half of the camp.  But just this short half-day of fierce fighting completely wiped out the bloody spirit that the third brigade had barely inspired.  Liu Changshun's casualties were not small, but Kitano Takatsu's casualties were not that good either.

    After the third brigade has been replenished, in addition to the brigade artillery that still needs to be allocated by the Kwantung Army, the four infantry squadrons and the heavy machine gun squadron have been fully replenished.  But one of the four squadrons is still serving as a guard outside the military camp for the division headquarters and Lieutenant General Kenji Doihara, who is currently living in one of the most luxurious hotels in Jiamusi.  There are only three squadrons in the camp, as well as some baggage, engineering, artillery and cavalry units directly under the division.

    After half a day of fierce fighting, apart from nearly one of the three infantry squadrons that was lost in the shelling, the remaining two squadrons also suffered nearly 30% casualties.  As for the engineers and baggage squadron who were dragged in by Kitano Takatsu in an extremely unethical manner and had few guns, more than half of them had been killed or injured.  After half a day of fierce fighting and such high casualties, the officers and soldiers of the third brigade had long lost their determination to continue the fight.

    The reason why they are still resisting and not breaking out, but just running away, is first of all because the commander of the Fifth Army, Lieutenant General Kenji Doihara, is in Jiamusi now.  No matter how much Kitano Takatsu and his men cherish their lives, they still know that if they leave a lieutenant general commander in the city and run away, no matter how tough their background is, no matter how rich their family is, they will not be able to do it from above.  Will forgive myself.

    Secondly, neither Kitano Takatsu nor his troops had serious confidence in breaking through.  The intensity of the artillery fire that had just fallen on their heads made them, who were good at calculation, already know that the anti-Japanese armed forces that entered Jiamusi were definitely not in the minority, and their firepower was also extremely powerful.

    And the gunfire in other areas of the city has gradually subsided, especially the gunfire from the Third Cavalry Brigade station, which is also telling them that they are probably the only Japanese army left in Jiamusi City.  Breaking through without reliable cover may be impossible.  The memory of the battle in northern Dunhua is still fresh in their minds at this moment.

    ¡°These Japanese soldiers knew that when they suffered a lot of casualties, their opponents were extremely cunning, and they were trapped in a city with walls on all sides, the possibility of a successful breakout was almost zero.  Unless a force is left to provide full cover, it is almost impossible.  Although at this moment they are not far away from the west wall where the gate has been dismantled.

    ¡°But that unit was left to cover the breakout, and several squadron leaders were passing the blame among themselves. No one was willing to take on this task, which in their opinion would definitely lead to death.  After half a day, we still haven't decided who will stay.  I was so anxious that I wanted to go together and stay together.  They all stay, and relying on the large inventory of ammunition in the garrison, they may be able to hold on until the division commander returns for reinforcements.

    In view of the statements of several squadron leaders, Kitano Takatsu, who did not want to offend his subordinates too much, could only make a decision that almost everyone except him was happy with. Everyone did not leave, but stayed and stayed together.

    The most critical reason for all the officers and soldiers of the Third Brigade to persist in the fight is that they have been in Jiamusi for several months, and the money and goods they collected are now in the camp.  For these Osaka soldiers, life is precious, but the charm of money cannot be underestimated.  Throwing away these money and belongings is as uncomfortable for them as having to kill them.

    For all the grassroots officers and soldiers of the Third Battalion, the safety of military commander Kenji Doihara is no more important than the money and property he has.How much are the items worth that can make you rich?  If the commander of the army is killed in battle, the responsibility will naturally be borne by the superior commander, and he will have almost no losses.

    ¡°If all these valuable things are lost, then I want to make up for the loss, but I don¡¯t know that I have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.  It can be said that among the three reasons, this reason is the most fundamental reason that motivates all the officers and soldiers of the Third Battalion except Kitano Takatsu to resist.

    The officers and soldiers of the Fourth Division had a good idea, but when they changed their previous tactics of advancing layer by layer, mounted bayonets on cannons, advanced mountain cannons under their noses and fired flatly, and knocked down the barracks where they were hiding one by one, these Japanese soldiers  The officers and soldiers were dumbfounded.  If you use the power of a grenade to compete with a mountain cannon, isn't that asking for death?

    When Hu Zhaoshan commanded the four mountain cannons to brave the Japanese machine gun fire and enter the Japanese camp under the cover of the main artillery force, Liu Changshun saw that the commander had transferred all the precious artillery, and knew that this was Yang Zhen's actual return.  He issued the final general attack order and gritted his teeth and spent a lot of money.

    In order to ensure the success of the attack, Liu Changshun concentrated all the 60 submachine guns that had just been produced by the arsenal and temporarily distributed to a regiment before setting off, plus all the speed machines in his existing troops, into one company, and  All the new grenades, which were not in large numbers in the entire regiment, were allocated to this company.  The regiment's mortars and infantry artillery that had been providing fire support outside the camp were also transferred to the battlefield by him.  Provide fire support at the nearest location.  A general attack was launched.

    The mass production of submachine guns has just begun. Due to the lack of technical personnel and lack of experience, even if it was a surprise production, before this roundabout operation, even if it worked overtime, only a few thousand were produced.  Except for the remaining part of the headquarters guard force and the arsenal guard force, they were mainly equipped to the reconnaissance battalion first.  Each of the remaining regiments is temporarily equipped with an average of 120 units.  Because he had to divide his troops for fighting, Liu Changshun only had sixty guns in hand at this time.

    Hand grenades are also due to insufficient production capacity. Although there are many Type 97 grenades in stock seized, the number of modified pull-type fuse grenades is not large.  And it was also mainly allocated to the reconnaissance battalion.  On average, the three regiments also did not have much equipment.  At this moment, the most used type of grenade by the troops is the unmodified type 97 grenade with impact fuze.

    Liu Changshun gave this company all the submachine guns, new grenades, and even all the speed machines that could be concentrated on hand, which was considered a huge investment.  You must know that he currently has only more than one battalion of troops, and the number of these types of sharp weapons and equipment for street fighting and close combat is really not large.

    Before the general offensive was launched, Liu Changshun approached the commanders of the last main attack company and the three companies of mortars and infantry artillery, and carefully explained the mission: "You three companies should not attack from the front. You should attack from the three company positions on the right.  Because the terrain is relatively narrow, I have always chosen it as a breakthrough point this time.¡±

    "As for the front, I will deploy troops to cover you with a feint attack. Your attack will be launched fifteen minutes after the feint attack is launched. This is where the Japanese barracks are most densely populated, and it was also a blind spot when covered by previous artillery fire. There are relatively many buildings preserved.  . You must adopt close combat tactics, using grenades, submachine guns and rapid fire at close range.¡±

    "Remember, the artillery must keep up with the advance of the infantry, and don't be stingy with artillery shells. The infantry artillery must break open all fortifications for the infantry. You must make sure that wherever the infantry hits, your fire support must go there and tear apart all the Japanese troops.  The blocking fortifications. The mortars must suppress the Japanese grenade launchers until their grenade launchers fire one round, but they are absolutely not allowed to fire a second round. "

    After explaining the task, Liu Changshun did not say anything to boost morale. He just pointed his finger in the direction of Yang Zhen's headquarters and said: "The commander is watching us over there. Whether we can raise our heads in front of our brother troops in the future depends on you this time."  Can the attack succeed?"

    Although Liu Changshun¡¯s words were not many, their effect was obvious.  Especially that sentence, the commander was looking at us, obviously aroused by the emotions of the three company commanders.  The company commander who was finally transferred to Liu Changshun was an old brother who broke out from the Japanese germ warfare base. Hearing this, he didn't say anything. He picked up the submachine gun next to him and turned around to leave.  The two artillery company commanders also nodded and led their troops towards the planned attack location.

    Liu Changshun's desperate move soon bore fruit.  The feinting troops on the front attracted most of the Japanese army's attention, especially the four attached mountain cannons, which were less than a hundred meters away from the Japanese position. They completely blasted the ruins of the Japanese army on the front into ruins.  The Japanese troops were continuously driven out of their established positions.  In order to stabilize the remaining territory, Kitano Takatsu had to devote most of his troops to frontal defense.

      Just as Kitano Takatsu had just completed the deployment of troops, dense gunfire suddenly rang out from the flanks that had been silent before due to the narrow terrain, which was not conducive to the attacker.  A troop armed with a large number of submachine guns used intensive firepower in conjunction with infantry artillery and mortars to tear his flanks riddled with holes. Then, like a sharp knife, it stabbed into his remaining  territory.

    In places like Japanese military camps where there are a large number of buildings, and the combat distance between the enemy and ourselves is mostly tens of meters or even a few meters, the rifle's large range and high-precision shooting have no effect at all.  What is needed more is rapid and intensive firepower.

    Didn¡¯t expect that the opponent was equipped with a large number of charges

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