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Text Chapter 159 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (6)

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    Jiamusi City is located in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province, the southwest of Sanjiang Plain, and the south bank of Songhua River.  [.Com text] is the political, economic, cultural center and transportation hub of the northeastern Sanjiang Province of the Puppet Manchuria.  The urban area faces Tangyuan County across the Songhua River to the north and west, is adjacent to Yilan and Huanan counties to the south, and is connected to Huachuan County to the east.

    The Jiamusi area was originally the jurisdiction of the three-surname deputy capital under General Jilin in the Qing Dynasty.  In 1888, the Yilan Banner Office established Dongxing Town at the base of Zhangfang Street, Jiamusi today.  After 1905, it was successively under the jurisdiction of Yilan Prefecture and Huachuan County, and became the seat of Huachuan County.  In 1930, Jiamusi Tun and Dongxing Town were combined and named Jiamusi Town.

    After the September 18th Incident, Jiamusi Town still belonged to Huachuan County.  On December 1, 1934, Sanjiang Province was established in Manchukuo, with the provincial capital in Jiamusi Town.  In September 1937, the Puppet Sanjiang Provincial Office established the Jiamusi Municipal Preparatory Office. On December 1, Jiamusi City was officially established. It was directly under the jurisdiction of Sanjiang Province and was the seat of the Puppet Sanjiang Provincial Government.

    Jiamusi is backed by the Xing'an Mountains and faces the Sanjiang Plain. Since the September 18th Incident, it has been an important base for the Japanese army to control the northeast and attack the Soviet Union northward.  In order to better control Jiamusi and serve his own so-called strategy.  After the Japanese army occupied Jiamusi, they vigorously built railways.  In addition to the Hejia Railway and Tujia Railway that have been completed, the Japanese army is also building the Harbin-Jiamusi Railway, and the Binsui Railway under construction also passes through Jiamusi.

    But there are always two sides to everything.  Although the Japanese army built a large number of railways to increase their mobility and more conveniently plunder the rich resources of the Lesser Khingan Mountains and Sanjiang Plain, sometimes they may not be unable to provide assistance to the anti-Japanese armed forces in their counterattacks.

    After boarding the train, the journey of more than 30 kilometers, which originally required a long march, arrived at the destination of the raid in less than an hour.  When Yang Zhen's troops took the train quietly into the city and arrived at Jiamusi Station smoothly, the entire Jiamusi did not react at all.

    Even if the Puppet Manchukuo railway police along the railway discovered the mountain cannons placed openly on the flatbed cars and the black muzzles in the open doors of the tank cars, they did not pay attention.  Because the Japanese troops mobilized too frequently during this period of time.

    In addition to all the Fourth Division originally stationed in various parts of Sanjiang Province being transferred back, Japanese troops from other places were also transferred to Jiamusi.  Because of the lack of sufficient cars, the Japanese army's mobilization basically relied on railway transportation.

    And these transfers are basically something that the Puppet Manchukuo Railway Police have no right to know.  Seeing the artillery and machine guns on the military column, these puppet Manchukuo police thought that another Kwantung Army was mobilized to clear the mountainous area northwest of Tangyuan.  The military uniforms of Yang Zhen's army are too similar to those of the Japanese army.  Except for the different hats and lack of military ranks, everything else is almost the same.

    In order to prevent their caps from being blown off on the speeding train, almost all the artillerymen riding on the flatbed took off their caps.  After doing this, if you didn't look carefully, you would have thought that the people in the car were all Japanese soldiers.  Moreover, the speeding train did not leave enough time for them to take a closer look.

    When the train entered Jiamusi Station, it had not yet stopped.  A large number of troops poured out of the car and occupied the entire Jiamusi Station as quickly as possible. They cut off all the telephone lines inside and outside the station and disarmed all the Puppet Manchukuo military and police officers.  Found something wrong.  The few passengers waiting for the train at the station were also shocked when they saw the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces written on their badges.

    After occupying the station, Yang Zhen immediately issued an order to attack the predetermined targets in Jiamusi City.  Twenty-four mountain cannons placed on flatbed trucks also launched a large-scale bombardment on the camp of the Japanese remaining troops, which was less than a kilometer away from the station in a straight line.  When the first batch of artillery shells fell in the Japanese military camp, the unprepared Japanese troops left behind who were doing exercises were immediately bombarded with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

    When the first batch of artillery shells exploded at dawn, and the burst of gunfire that was as dense as exploding beans, Jiamusi, who had just woken up from a deep sleep, immediately exploded.  No one knew what happened.  After they saw a large number of unidentified armed forces pouring out from the station and attacking various targets in the city, almost everyone's first reaction was to hide to avoid harming the fish pond.

    Yang Zhen, who set up the temporary headquarters in Jiamusi Railway Station, did not know the reaction of the residents in the city.  And it's not the most important thing for him to worry about now.  For him, whether he can complete the predetermined goal in the shortest time and control Jiamusi is what he cares about most.

    Although the main force of the Japanese army in Jiamusi has been transferred to Tangyuan, they are attacking the front line of Qunce Mountain.  But Jiamusi is still too important to the Japanese army after all.  There are still two to three thousand Japanese and puppet troops left behind in Jiamusi, including various puppet Manchukuo police and spies.

    And these twoAmong the three thousand people, the Japanese army accounted for at least half.  Among the remaining half of the Puppet Manchukuo military and police, there are a large number of Japanese police officers, military officers, and Japanese consultants among the Puppet Manchukuo military and police.  Perhaps the combat effectiveness of the puppet Manchukuo military and police was not strong, but there were not many soft persimmons among the remaining Japanese.  Even if the troops of the Fourth Division are a little softer, we must still prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

    And these two or three thousand people, for Yang Zhen, means that his military strength does not have an absolute advantage.  The biggest advantage he currently has is that he has achieved tactical surprise quite well.  Using railways to transport troops perfectly caught the opponent off guard.

    Whether it is the Kwantung Army that occupied the Northeast and became the Supreme Emperor of the so-called Manchukuo, or the so-called Manchukuo police, as well as the various military police, railway police, forest police and other police and spies in Manchukuo, for them, the past  The work was more about preventing the anti-Japanese armed forces from destroying the railway, but I never thought that one day the anti-Japanese armed forces would use the railway to attack the city.  I never expected that someone would be so bold as to take a train and march directly into the train station.

    Yang Zhen¡¯s plan to use the train to attack Jiamusi was a brilliant one.  The suddenness of the tactics combined with the fact that although there were many Japanese and puppet troops in Jiamusi, most of them were logistics and baggage troops, and their combat effectiveness was not strong.  As time went by, the war progressed relatively smoothly.

    The Puppet Manchukuo police, who accounted for half of the Jiamusi garrison, resisted fiercely except for a few Japanese police officers who were quite tenacious.  After only a few rounds were fired, most of the policemen from the Sanjiang Provincial Police Department and the Jiamusi City Police Department surrendered.

    The real difficulty lies in the remaining Japanese troops.  Although they encountered a sudden attack, all Japanese military departments still showed extremely high military literacy and responded within a very short period of time.  Although they were divided into their own camps and could not form a unified deployment, they were still under the command of their respective commanders and relied on the built camps to resist desperately.

    The resistance of the Third Cavalry Brigade was particularly fierce.  Although there were only two cavalry squadrons left behind, they not only resisted tenaciously, but also launched several counterattacks.  Trying to counterattack Yang Zhen's troops who had already entered the city out of the city.  It wasn't until he lost his ability to fight back due to the intense firepower that he calmed down.  Relying on crude fortifications, they continued their desperate struggle.

    The behavior of the remaining troops of the Fourth Division made Yang Zhen a little strange.  Because this unit was the main force of the Japanese army staying in Jiamusi, the first wave of artillery fire mainly fell on their heads.  But Yang Zhen's old friend's performance this time was completely different from that in northern Dunhua.

    Even though they withstood the fierce artillery fire, and the unsuspecting Japanese army suffered under the artillery fire, the number of casualties was definitely not small.  But instead of any collapse, there was a desperate resistance.  Although they did not make any counterattacks, they were just passively defensive. They did not launch several counterattacks from time to time like the Third Cavalry Brigade, but the resistance was still tenacious.

    Seeing that the two camps of the Japanese army could not be conquered for a long time, Yang Zhenque, who had received reports from Dong Ping that he had successively captured important targets such as the Sanjiang Provincial Government, Sanjiang Provincial Police Department, Jiamusi City Office, Jiamusi City Police Department, and Telegraph Bureau, etc.  There was no happy expression.

    As the Japanese troops left behind have been unable to deal with the situation, they will not be able to completely occupy Jiamusi.  Although this roundabout operation was mainly focused on mobilizing Japanese troops to attack Qunce Mountain, it was not intended to capture Jiamusi.  However, several attacks were thwarted, but Yang Zhen was still a little unhappy.

    The two cavalry squadrons left behind by the Third Cavalry Brigade are easier to say.  After half a day of fierce fighting, there were only two cavalry squadrons. Because it was a defensive operation, they could only be converted to infantry. These two Japanese squadrons, which had no fire support, had suffered nearly two-thirds of their casualties.  Even if they cannot be completely eliminated, the remnants of these two Japanese squadrons can no longer pose any threat to themselves.

    But the remaining troops of the Fourth Division are definitely a threat to themselves in terms of strength.  There is not only one infantry brigade of the Japanese army, but also three squadrons of artillery, two squadrons of heavy equipment and a squadron of cavalry.  If this Japanese army cannot be eliminated, once it retreats and pursues it, it will have a huge impact on its next battle.

    Although the troops of the Fourth Division are not completely stationed in Jiamusi on weekdays, they are scattered in various counties in Sanjiang Province.  However, the artillery regiment, baggage regiment, cavalry regiment directly under it, as well as the 70th regiment that has been transferred to Harbin at this time, are all stationed in Jiamusi.  Therefore, the Jiamusi Camp, where the Fourth Division headquarters is located, is still very large.

    Although Qiu Jintang¡¯s previous bombardment was not stingy with shells, it only destroyed part of its camp.  The remaining troops of the Fourth Division relied on the remaining barracks and the ruins of the destroyed barracks as fortifications, and their resistance was still very tenacious.

    At this close range,In almost head-to-head combat, the quality of the Japanese army's individual soldiers was reflected.  Not only can light and heavy machine guns move positions extremely quickly, but their grenade launchers are particularly threatening.  There was almost no sound across the wall, and a sudden attack came, causing a lot of trouble to the attacking troops.  Many of the light and heavy machine guns of the attacking troops were knocked out in this way.

    Liu Changshun attacked several times but managed to break into the Japanese military camp.  However, due to unfamiliarity with the structure here and the inability to deploy troops due to terrain restrictions, Yang Zhen resorted to the fueling tactic that Yang Zhen least wanted to see.  I could only gnaw at them layer by layer. After a whole morning, I only managed to capture a small half of the camp.  But the casualties were considerable, and the entire leading company was crippled.

    Yang Zhen was dissatisfied with Liu Changshun's inability to make significant progress in his attack, and Liu Changshun himself was also quite depressed.  The Third Battalion of the Eighth Regiment in front of me was clearly defeated by him when they were in Dunhua.  Although it was not defeated in one blow, its fighting will was not even considered rubbish compared to other Japanese troops.

    It was just detoured from behind, that is, the whole line collapsed.  What's going on today, resisting like a chicken blood?  It is almost unbelievable that this is the opponent who was easily defeated by him in Dunhua North at the beginning of the year.  People who don't know think it's someone else.

    To be honest, after the battle in northern Dunhua, Liu Changshun looked down upon the Fourth Division, or at least the Eighth Regiment.  The individual qualities of these people and even the abilities of grassroots commanders are absolutely top-notch.  Whether it is marksmanship or tactical movements, they are not inferior to other Japanese troops.

    "Compared with other Japanese troops who resisted extremely resolutely even when they were surrounded and at an absolute disadvantage, these Japanese troops were simply a pile of rubbish.  In the battle of Dunhua, although it could be considered that it was attacked in the upper and lower parts, the speed of collapse was a little too fast.  Almost as soon as he found an opponent behind him, he collapsed immediately.

    Even if it has something to do with the fact that field fortifications cannot be built due to climate and environmental reasons, leaving them bare and exposed on the snow to be beaten passively, the speed of their collapse also shows that these guys have a weak will to fight.

    To be honest, I don't like it anymore, but Liu Changshun also admitted privately that if these guys really fought as hard as they do today, in terms of the real combat effectiveness of the troops on both sides, even if his side occupied  If we take the tactical initiative and concentrate our troops and firepower, we will not be able to defeat them in such a short period of time.

    If nothing else, our troops used the same Type 38 rifles at that time.  My own people may not be able to hit the target within three hundred meters.  But even if they are six to seven hundred meters away, almost most people can hit them accurately.  From a distance of five to six hundred meters, it can be knocked down with almost one shot.

    In that battle, if the commander had not lurked in front of the formation and launched a sudden attack, he would have tried to use close combat tactics.  If it comes to a head-on confrontation, our troops will suffer heavy losses just based on the marksmanship of these little devils.  At least today, I won't suffer any less from these Japs.

    Fortunately, these Japanese soldiers have completely different styles from other Japanese soldiers. They are very soft.  When the situation is bad, saving your life comes first.  The situation is unfavorable and he can slip away faster than anyone else.  "Is this considered an army?" This is why Liu Changshun has always looked down upon this Japanese army.

    Standing on the attic of Jiamusi Railway Station overlooking the battlefield, Yang Zhen couldn't help but feel a little annoyed when he saw that Liu Changshun's attack was not going smoothly.  Yang Zhen put down the telescope in his hand and said to Qiu Jintang beside him: "Tell your artillerymen to put bayonets on my cannons and get close to the Japanese fortifications to shoot. Knock them out one by one."

    "Also, how did your artillery observer train me? How come the impact points of the artillery shells were so scattered when the distance was less than a thousand meters? Four mountain artillery were deployed to provide close support, and the rest of the artillery concentrated firepower on me.  , to give a little coverage to the Japanese positions."

    "Don't feel bad about the artillery shells. Dong Ping has at least seized the artillery shells for you from the arsenal of the Fourth Division for you to use for a few years."

    After hearing Yang Zhen's order, Qiu Jintang frowned and said: "Commander, I don't feel sorry for the artillery shells. It's just that this is already a thousand meters. Any closer, is it too close to the firepower of the Japanese infantry? Let's train a  Artillery is not easy. Isn¡¯t it a pity to sacrifice it so easily? We don¡¯t have such a big capital.¡±

    Regarding Qiu Jintang's concern for the artillery, fearing that the artillery would be too close to the Japanese position and cause a large number of casualties, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "You can't think of a way? Since the Japanese can use the ruins as hiding places, your artillery can't? Liu Changshun has already occupied it.  It¡¯s a small half of the camp, can you fully utilize it?¡±

    "You punch through the houses that are still intact and use their windows as firing points. If that doesn't work, use a few quilts to pour water on them as a shield. The little devil's artillery is now useless and only relies on light weapons.  How much danger does it bring to you?"

    Seeing that Yang Zhen was a little surprisedQiu Jintang did not dare to argue, so he picked up the field phone and directly called his most capable deputy battalion commander of the first battalion, Hu Zhaoshandao, a former artillery platoon leader in the puppet army who was with Ma Qichang.  : "Lao Hu, the commander just ordered the cannon to mount bayonets, get close and shoot with direct aim."

    "You bring four mountain cannons, find dozens of quilts, and go in with the follow-up troops of the same regiment. Use the ruins as bunkers to knock out the Japanese firepower points one by one. Also, when necessary,  Pour the quilt with water as a cover. But please listen carefully. If you cause too many casualties to me, I will not spare you."

    Over there, when Hu Zhaoshan heard Qiu Jintang¡¯s order, he was silent for a moment and then said: "The group

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