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Text Chapter 102 Commander-in-Chief (3)

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    Xiao Huzi saw a military lunch box full of rice, a box of roasted roe deer meat with fungus, a box of canned beef, and more than half of the lunch box filled with mushroom and pheasant soup placed in front of him.  [.Com text] Knowing that Yang Zhen had probably put a lot of thought into his arrival, the commander-in-chief, who had been a little melancholy just now, showed a smile on his face and said: "It seems that your life is good."

    "Although the delicacies of roe deer, pheasants and mushrooms in this mountain are not fresh, this rice is a material that is strictly controlled by the Japanese. Even among the puppet Manchukuo officials, except for high-ranking puppet officials, ordinary people cannot eat it.  ¡±

    Li Yanping, who had completely calmed down at this time, heard that the commander-in-chief had some misunderstandings, so he smiled and said: "Commander-in-Chief, this is specially prepared for you by Commander Yang. As for us, except for Lao Peng who has stomach problems, we usually work with him.  The other soldiers ate the same sorghum rice. When Lao Peng was in prison, his stomach was damaged and he couldn¡¯t bear to eat whole grains.

    "However, the meat is the same. Our troops have intensive training. In order to ensure the nutrition of the cadres and soldiers, the commander found a way to organize a group of people with Orion backgrounds to form a hunting team, which is responsible for hunting and providing meat to the troops."

    "Zhang Guangcai Ridge is a treasure trove. Although it is all mountainous and very fertile, we have no seeds and cannot grow food, but there is plenty of ready-made meat. We can beat roe deer with sticks and scoop out fish with gourds. Especially after winter, all kinds of food are available.  The beast is very fat."

    "A wild boar weighs two hundred kilograms. If you try to hunt two wild boars, it will be enough meat for the troops for a day or even two days. There are also pheasants. After the snow, I need some food and a condom. I can get a dozen or even pheasants at a time.  Dozens of pheasants. Just like what the commander said, we can't defend Baoshan without even eating a meal of meat, right?  No."

    "Don't worry, we have made arrangements for the cadres and soldiers who will be transferred with the general headquarters. We are just worried that the soldiers will be hungry for a long time and eat too much at once, which will burst their stomachs. So we only provide sorghum rice porridge.  With braised wild boar and this pheasant soup. As for this roe deer, it was accidentally shot by the troops during training yesterday. The commander said that the roe deer meat is more delicate than wild boar and has higher nutritional value, so he specially told you to keep it for your body.  "

    "If it's special, only this rice and canned food are specially prepared for you. The commander said that you are from Yunnan and are used to eating rice. I knew you were here today, so when I was preparing a meal for Lao Peng,  I told the cooking team to cook a little more, and I said that I would give you a toothpaste first, which is considered a blessing."

    After hearing Li Yanping's words, the commander-in-chief looked carefully at Yang Zhen in front of him, sighed slightly and said: "Commander Yang, thank you for your trouble. Although I am from Yunnan, after so many years of fighting in the north and south, I have long been accustomed to doing as the locals do.  We are used to eating sorghum rice and pancakes. Now that the situation is difficult, it is better for us senior cadres to share the joys and sorrows with the ordinary cadres and soldiers."

    Yang Zhen didn¡¯t pay attention to the somewhat unfamiliar words in the Commander-in-Chief¡¯s polite words. He just smiled and said: ¡°Commander-in-Chief, the situation is difficult. It is right to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. We have been doing this.¡±

    "But sometimes special circumstances and special treatment are needed. You are the supreme commander of all the anti-Japanese troops in the entire East Manchuria area. Everything is as small as replenishing the troops with a grain of food and a winter coat, as big as how to break the Japanese and puppet forces.  Encirclement and suppression are all things you need to consider.¡±

    "When the soldiers are resting, you have to think, study, and find ways to solve problems. When the soldiers are marching, you also have to march. If conditions don't allow, there is no way. But when it is appropriate, it is still necessary to supplement some nutrition.  .You know, mental work consumes much more energy than physical work.¡±

    "Commander-in-Chief, sometimes to maintain military morale and morale, we as commanders do not have to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. Of course, what I am talking about does not mean that we should marry young, spend all day drinking and living alone. It is appropriate at certain times.  , We still need to take care of certain things, such as diet. After all, many of us commanders are very old and still have injuries.¡±

    "How to maintain military morale and morale, the key is to let the soldiers see hope, the hope that we will eventually win. Military morale and morale must be maintained by continuous victory." Yang Zhen said these last words  Somewhat heavy.

    Hearing Yang Zhen's words, the commander-in-chief put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, sighed and said: "Yes. If we can win battles often, all cadres and soldiers can see the hope of victory. Some of our comrades,  Even comrades who have withstood the harsh torture of the Japanese will not betray the faith they have sworn because of the hope of not winning."

    Regarding the commander-in-chief¡¯s sigh, Yang Zhen knew that he was still??For the general who was once his most beloved betrayed the Anti-Japanese Alliance during the most serious period of the Western Expedition.  After Yang Zhen unexpectedly captured Weihe County and was captured again and shot, he was still haunted by the betrayal of the commander of the First Division of the Fifth Army who was shot.

    After pondering for a while, Yang Zhen raised his head and said to the commander-in-chief who looked a little sad: "Commander-in-Chief, don't be too sad. For us, the more severe the moment, the more it is time to test people. Only those with the strongest will  Only people can see our victory. There is endless gold in the sand.¡±

    "Okay, what Commander Yang said is right. What you can't find is real gold. As long as we stick to our beliefs, don't compromise, and keep fighting, I believe we will see the day when we win.  "After listening to Yang Zhen's words, the commander-in-chief's spirit obviously seemed much better.

    However, perhaps it is the deteriorating situation that makes the commander in chief seem to have no appetite.  The commander-in-chief just ate a few hasty bites and then put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands.  After waving to the guards behind him to take away the mess in front of him, the commander-in-chief was silent for a moment and said: "What does Commander Yang think of the current situation?"

    Yang Zhen pondered for a moment, then stood up and walked to the map hanging at the back to think about it and pointed at the map and said: "Commander-in-Chief, we have been fighting alone. In addition to obtaining some intelligence through interrogating prisoners in several battles, we have no answer for this.  We don¡¯t know anything about the situation in Xiajiang, so Commander-in-Chief, we still need you to brief us on the current situation in Xiajiang.¡±

    The commander-in-chief walked to the map and looked at it carefully and said: "To be honest, we don't know exactly how many troops the Japs have dispatched. The underground organizations in Xiajiang have been so damaged by the Japs that we can hardly see from the outside world.  Got some useful information."

    "Just judging from what our Second Route Army units are currently encountering and the number of troops blocked by the Japanese and puppet troops in the Xiajiang area, there are at least 20,000 to 30,000 Japanese and puppet troops concentrated in the Xiajiang area so far. This does not include the troops from various places.  Puppet Manchukuo police and puppet self-defense groups and other miscellaneous puppet armed forces.¡±

    At this point, the commander-in-chief looked at Yang Zhen, smiled slightly and said: "Having said this, I would also like to thank you. If you hadn't taken the initiative to capture Weihe County and mobilized a part of the Japanese and puppet troops to march westward, we would have  The current situation is even more dangerous. You must know that before you attack, the Japanese and puppet troops mobilized in Xiajiang are at least 40,000. "

    "Due to the intensive crackdown by the Japanese and puppet troops, our secret camps in Xiajiang basically lost embers. The troops who stayed in Xiajiang after the Western Expedition were in trouble and suffered heavy losses. The only three divisions left after the Western Expedition of the Fifth Army  , two division commanders died, and more than half of the troops suffered casualties. "

    "After the Ninth Army surrendered to the enemy, the only remaining main force, the Seventh Army, also suffered heavy losses. With less than two hundred men left, it had lost its combat effectiveness. The most important thing is that under various means of the Japanese, the food and ammunition were  With two shortages, it can be said that we are almost out of ammunition and food.¡±

    "Currently, after the main force of the Third Route Army marched westward, after the main force of the Third Route Army marched west, among the anti-alliance departments in the Xiajiang area, there are only small units left behind by the Third Army and the Sixth Army, except for the Seventh Army. They are currently trapped in the deep mountains and old forests and are unable to support themselves."

    Listening to the commander-in-chief¡¯s introduction, Yang Zhen stared at the map and frowned deeply.  After a long silence, Yang Zhen said: "Commander-in-Chief, I would like to put it bluntly. If the Second Route Army and the Third Route Army cooperate in fighting, although the current passive situation cannot be completely changed, at least it will not fall into such a predicament."

    "There is a big gap between our strength and the Japanese and puppet troops. As the two main forces of the Anti-Japanese Alliance operating in the Xiajiang area, they are unable to cooperate in the face of the enemy. Instead, they fight independently and are defeated by the Japanese. If  If we clenched our fists and hit people, the result might be much better.¡±

    Regarding Yang Zhen's thoughts, the commander-in-chief shook his head and said: "How come we don't know what you said? It's more powerful to hit someone with a fist than to hit someone with a slap, but if the troops are gathered together, we can't solve it at all.  Provisions.¡±

    "Ever since the Japs began to implement the practice of returning villages and merging households, we have fallen into a passive position. Every grain of food and every bullet must be exchanged for blood. Not to mention large troops gathered together, even when there are many small troops, half  Hungry and half full.¡±

    "If large troops are gathered together, let alone fighting, they will collapse even if they are hungry. Moreover, the combat effectiveness of our troops is too different from that of the Japanese. If we meet face to face, we are no match for them. If we gather together, we can only go faster.  Being wiped out by them is our best and only option."

    Yang Zhen nodded and said: "Yes. The devils are very vicious when they return to their villages and households. Strengthening the walls and clearing the fields should be our method to deal with them, but now they are using it to deal with us. We have a close relationship with the common people.  If we are fish, then the people are like water. Fish cannot survive without water.¡±

    "I just can't understand it. At the beginningWhen the Japs were carrying out the task of returning villages and merging households, why did you just let the Japs drive the people into clustered tribes without thinking of ways to destroy them?  Instead, we got into trouble.  "

    Regarding Yang Zhen¡¯s question, the commander-in-chief could only smile and shake his head, but he was unable to answer.  This was Moscow's decision, so how could he, who was extremely party-minded, object to it?

    Seeing the wry smile on the commander-in-chief¡¯s face, Yang Zhen understood somewhat.  Yang Zhen also knew something about the commanding ability of this representative to the Communist International from later books.  When it comes to playing tricks and engaging in political conspiracy, he is indeed a good player.  But when it comes to coordinating the overall situation and commanding operations, he is far behind the founding leader.

    Since the commander-in-chief was embarrassed and did not want to answer, Yang Zhen, who could roughly guess the reason, wisely skipped the question and did not continue to entangle him.  But regarding the current situation in Xiajiang, even though he has lived decades longer than everyone here, he is still helpless.

    Not only did the Second Route Army¡¯s Western Expedition suffer huge losses, but also the Third Route Army¡¯s Western Expedition in Northern Manchuria was said to be successful.  Although there was not much fighting, the non-combat losses were also huge.  Relying on the current strength of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and being divided into many places by the Japanese and puppet troops, it can be said that it is basically impossible to recover.

    After hesitating for a moment, Yang Zhen said: "Commander-in-Chief, I suggest that the Second Route Army still remaining in the Xiajiang area, especially the Seventh Army, the remnants of the Fifth Army, and the Fourth Army that have withdrawn to Tongjiang, Fujin, and Fuyuan, temporarily withdraw.  Enter the Soviet Union. And here we continue to recuperate and recuperate. The key is to retrain the troops."

    Regarding Yang Zhen¡¯s idea, the commander-in-chief was a little hesitant.  For him, who had crossed the border many times to meet with the Soviet army, he was too clear about the outcome of the Anti-Alliance departments retreating into the Soviet Union.  The result is almost permanent loss.  Those anti-alliance soldiers did not die on the battlefield to kill the enemy, but they were made alive and dead by the big brother in their hearts.  The outcome of the Third Army and the Sixth Army at the beginning of the year was something he would never forget.  Where would they dare to allow the troops to withdraw to the Soviet Union to rest and recuperate?

    Yang Zhen naturally knew the commander-in-chief¡¯s hesitation.  Yang Zhen smiled and said: "Commander-in-Chief, do you still remember the last telegram I sent you when you were in Yidong? I know what you are worried about."

    Seeing the commander-in-chief nodding, Yang Zhen continued: "Even if our troops crossing the river are disarmed by the Soviet army, I believe that their safety is at least guaranteed. As long as our people can survive, they will one day be able to survive again."  There is a chance to return to the battlefield. Besides, commander-in-chief, how long do you think they can last in this ice and snow, surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, and themselves short of food and ammunition?"

    "Commander-in-Chief, I still say that people can find ways to survive. Besides, with the changes in the situation, I don't think the attitude of the other side will remain unchanged. The situation in Manchuria now is incomparable with that at the beginning of the year. The Japanese have made great changes in just this year.  Mobilizing a large number of Japanese troops to station in Manchuria is absolutely impossible without the threat of hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops."

    "Judging from the little information we have, the Japs not only upgraded the Kwantung Army, but also increased the strength of at least a few divisions. The Japs army column we ambushed in Weihe County was carrying the troops that had just arrived from Japan.  The fourth division mobilized from the mainland is the first regular four-unit field division formed by the Japanese."

    "Right now at least the Japanese army has no rivals in Manchuria. And our army in the pass cannot pose any threat to Manchuria at least in a short period of time. The Japanese are constantly increasing their troops in Manchuria. I guess they are not here to make soy sauce after all, right?"

    "This year there was not only a small-scale conflict on the Manchu-Soviet border. It was just a battle at Zhanggufeng. If both sides had not had their own thoughts and did not want to expand the conflict, I think it would have been a lively fight. As for the international situation, let's not talk about it.  The situation on the Manchu-Soviet border is enough, I think, for the Soviet army to change its attitude towards us.¡±

    "Of course, large-scale arms assistance is impossible. But at least it will give us a place to recuperate. However, the commander-in-chief has one thing we must mention. The Soviet army is to provide us with support, but the ultimate goal is definitely not an international obligation.  , but for us to serve them.¡±

    "So even if we retreat into the Soviet Union, we must dispatch capable cadres and keep the troops firmly in our hands. We must not let them consume us bit by bit. That would be counterproductive."

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