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Text Chapter 101 Commander-in-Chief (2)

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    Despite the severe enemy situation, the Anti-Japanese Alliance was mentally prepared for the predicament it was in.  [.Com text] When the commander-in-chief led the headquarters of the Second Route Army and the remaining troops of the Third Division of the Fifth Army to Xiaosu at night, they passed through the heavy blockades of the Japanese and puppet troops. In order to avoid the sight of the Japanese and puppet troops, they had to walk deep into the mountains and forests most of the time.  After more than ten days of arduous trek, when he arrived at the secret camp of Laohedingzi Mountain, Yang Zhen still couldn't help crying quietly when he saw the naked anti-alliance fighters in front of him.

    Yang Zhen did not expect that the Anti-Japanese Federation would be in such a difficult situation.  Seeing that there were less than sixty people standing in front of him, including the security troops of the Second Route Army Headquarters. They were still wearing single clothes in the severe cold of minus 20 to 30 degrees, and they were wrapped in old military blankets from the captured Japanese army to keep out the cold.  Various sheets.  Many people even had no shoes on their feet and were only wrapped in two pieces of rags tied with ropes. Their whole bodies were covered in bruises and bruises from the cold. Yang Zhen felt as sad as a knife in his heart.

    "This is our ancestors, who have never received even a trace of assistance from their motherland in the world of ice and snow, but are still unyielding and persisting in fighting alone.

    Seeing the anti-alliance fighters who were shivering with cold, Yang Zhen quickly ordered Peng Dingjie to arrange for them to rest immediately, and distributed the winter clothes that had been prepared as quickly as possible.  At the same time, Xiaohuzi was asked to inform Zhang Ting, the temporary acting director of the military medical department, to immediately bring people to conduct physical examinations on these soldiers.

    Seeing Yang Zhen's arrangements, Wang Guangyu on the side quietly pulled Yang Zhen's hand and said: "Commander, hurry up and get some food for the troops. The troops have been without food for two days, although except for the horse that carries the radio for us,  The rest of the horses were killed, but they only lasted until they crossed Mudanjiang. The troops ran out of food as soon as they crossed Mudanjiang. The weather was so cold and there was no food in their stomachs. They were almost exhausted after entering the mountains.  Walking to the secret camp."

    "How could this happen? Haven't you replenished a grain of food since you set off?" Yang Zhen frowned deeply when he heard that after the anti-alliance soldiers killed horses, they had been without food for two days.  What does this mean? It means that they have received almost no supplies since their departure.

    Yang Zhen has no doubts about the commanding ability of the commander-in-chief.  To be honest, although the Western Expedition ruined the two main forces of the Second Route Army, this Western Expedition, which was destined to be unsuccessful, was the only and necessary choice for the Second Route Army under the circumstances at that time.  Although he failed, it cannot be said that the decision was a mistake.

    If there were flaws in this Western Expedition, it was that there was no command organization and no effective commander. As a result, when the situation deteriorated, each army or even division had no unified command and fought independently.  It is even wrong for some troops to make decisions without considering the safety of their main force.

    But Yang Zhen also knew that unlike the Third Route Army, which was full of talents, and the First Route Army, which had powerful assistants, the reason why the commander-in-chief, who was almost fighting alone, did this was because he really didn¡¯t have much to take action.  Talents, especially qualified military cadres, are extremely scarce.

    But for those who are worried now, they are worried that some of the troops who are hungry and cold, and whose physical strength has almost reached their limit, will fall behind and be captured. This will expose the old Heidingzi secret camp, which is the only place in the entire Northern Manchuria that still stores a large amount of supplies, enough to maintain an army of small size.  The secret camp where the small troops overwintered, and the commander-in-chief personally stayed behind with Li Mingrui who was supporting them to take in the stragglers for so many days. Yang Zhen seemed a little worried about the fact that he had not been able to get much supplies despite marching such a long distance.

    Because he knew that with the ability of the commander-in-chief, even during the long-distance march, he did not even get much supplies. It was not because of the commander-in-chief's ability, but because the enemy situation must have changed.

    In response to Yang Zhen's frown, Wang Guangyu explained: "Commander, you don't know that before our retreat this time, the commander-in-chief tried to open one or two logging factories or group tribes in Manchukuo in order to obtain some supplies. Because the commander-in-chief  The commander knew that the headquarters and the Third Division would not be able to sustain a long-distance march from the north to the east due to the shortage of food and ammunition. "

    "In order to enable the troops to safely cross the deep mountains and old forests and break through the Japanese and puppet troops' pursuit and interception, the commander-in-chief made great determination before setting off and concentrated all the troops and ammunition at hand in an attempt to launch an attack eastward and open up one or two  A small group of tribes. The first is to feint to the east and cover the follow-up operations. The most important thing is to obtain some supplies, especially food supplies."

    "Unexpectedly, the commander-in-chief concentrated his troops and opened up the two group tribes at great casualties, only to find that the Japanese and puppets only allowed each group tribe to retain rations for three days. If more than three days were exceeded, the food rations stationed in the group tribe could only be retained by the group tribe.  The Puppet Manchukuo police and the Puppet Self-Defense Group went to the big market town where the Japanese and puppet troops were heavily stationed to collect cotton. The little devils even restricted the people in the tribe to only keep one cotton coat, and the rest.  Destroy them all. The little devil's hand was too vicious.Apart from robbing ordinary people of their cotton-padded clothes, we couldn't raise any cotton-padded clothes at all.  "

    "We defeated two groups of tribes. In addition to seizing thousands of rounds of ammunition, we only raised less than 200 kilograms of food. Even the standard of one kilogram per person per day for roughly fifteen days to ensure the march was met.  Not even a single winter coat.¡±

    "Because we have to cross the overlapping blockades of the Japanese and puppet troops, we must not be able to walk in a straight line on many roads and can only advance in circuitous ways. Many times we cannot even march during the day and can only travel at night. For fifteen days, the commander-in-chief has tried to count as little as possible  . However, what we didn¡¯t expect was that the march route from Yidong to Ning¡¯an, which was not too far, took us seventeen days.¡±

    "On the way back, we killed our only two horses, so each person could only receive five taels of food per day. When we were crossing the Binsui Railway, we encountered the pseudo-road police and had a fight. Although  The interception by the puppet military and police was defeated, but more than a dozen soldiers were sacrificed and some food was lost. In order to avoid the Japanese and puppet pursuers, they went around in several circles and walked for several days.  We only lasted past Mudanjiang before we ran out of food. If the commander-in-chief hadn¡¯t insisted, the horse carrying the radio would have been killed.¡±

    "Commander, when we interrogated the captured Puppet Manchukuo military police, we obtained confessions and the Japanese's plan to return to the villages and merge households has changed. In response to the situation where the Anti-Alliance armies attacked the group tribes to obtain supplies, the Japanese not only strictly  To control the amount of food in the group tribes, we are also merging the entire small group tribes in Xiajiang, Dongman and North Manchu into the large group, and each large group must be heavily defended."

    Regarding the situation mentioned by Wang Guangyu, Yang Zhen nodded and said: "It seems that the little devils are not targeting us only. They want all the anti-Japanese armed forces to starve to death and be trapped in the deep mountains and old forests. The walls are strong and the fields are clear.  It¡¯s not something we can do.¡±

    After arranging the cooking team to cook porridge for the anti-alliance fighters immediately, the changes in the enemy situation made Yang Zhen fall into deep thought.  Undoubtedly, this will greatly increase the difficulty of the troops' activities after they come out of the mountain.  If you want to obtain enough supplies, you have no other choice but to use inferior forces to attack places where heavy Japanese and puppet troops are stationed.

    The little devils changed from passive to active, forcing the various departments of the Anti-Alliance, including their own troops, to take the initiative to fight for supplies and survival, and tried to take the opportunity to gather all the various departments of the Anti-Alliance and annihilate them.  They knew very well that when the Resistance Alliance, which was unable to obtain supplies and could only disperse their activities with small forces, attacked a place where they were heavily stationed, the only result would be to be eaten by them.  But if they don't go, the troops will have no choice but to starve to death and freeze to death in the mountains and forests.  It is much easier to wait and wait than to mobilize large troops to search the mountains.

    The Japs¡¯ move was really vicious. No matter how reluctant the Anti-Alliance departments were, they could only bite the bullet and go head-to-head with the Japs for supplies.  Who is the commander of the Japs this time? These series of schemes are really vicious.

    Yang Zhen was deep in thought until Li Mingrui's voice came from the side: "Commander, the commander-in-chief is here." Yang Zhen woke up from his deep thoughts.

    ¡°Looking at Li Mingrui walking over with a very tall middle-aged man who looked very old due to the continuous deterioration of the situation.  Yang Zhen, who had seen photos of this famous Anti-Japanese League general in later generations, knew that this middle-aged man was the commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army who he had long been famous for in later generations.

    Yang Zhen stepped forward in a few steps, took off his coat and put it on the commander-in-chief, who was also wearing a thin military uniform like the other soldiers. Then he respectfully saluted with a military salute and said: "Hello, commander-in-chief."

    While Yang Zhen was sizing up the commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief was also sizing up the young Yang Zhen in front of him, who could not believe the achievements Wang Guangyu said.  Seeing Yang Zhen salute him, especially after Yang Zhen put on his coat, he quickly returned the salute and said: "Hello, Commander Yang."

    Hearing that the commander-in-chief actually called himself Commander Yang, Yang Zhen quickly said: "Commander-in-Chief, please don't say that. In front of you, I am just a pawn, and I dare not say anything about the commander not being the commander. You  Just call me Xiao Yang.¡±

    Yang Zhen seemed a little excited when he met this famous anti-resistance general for the first time.  The Anti-Japanese Alliance fighters have been placed there, and Li Yanping, who rushed over after hearing the news, looked extremely excited when he saw his superiors.  After calling out the word "commander-in-chief," his eyes filled with excitement and tears, and he couldn't say anything else.

    Looking at the excited Li Yanping, Yang Zhen smiled and said: "Political Commissar, you and the Commander-in-Chief have been separated for a long time and you want to rekindle old friendship. I can understand this. But we can't just talk in this ice and snow. Besides, Commander-in-Chief  You are still hungry like the other soldiers. If you have anything to say, you should go back to the headquarters and let the commander-in-chief warm up."

    After saying that, Yang Zhen personally led the way, let the commander-in-chief go to his headquarters, and arranged for the little tiger to go quicklyAfter the cooking team prepared food for the commander-in-chief and personally asked the cooking team to open a few cans, they sighed for a long time before sitting down with the commander-in-chief and Li Yanping, who had barely calmed down.

    Although Yang Zhen was very humble, the commander-in-chief, who had already learned some information from Wang Guangyu, did not dare to look down upon him at all.  After a moment of silence, the commander-in-chief spoke first: "Commander Yang, Guangyu has already discussed your situation with me. I have also read all the telegrams you have sent these days. As for our situation, Yanping is here  You must have some understanding of this.¡±

    "In this case, I won't say any polite words or thanks. You know, we have lost contact with the central government for two years. Don't be anxious about eating. Can you first introduce us to the situation inside the customs, especially the party's  some situations.¡±

    Regarding the somewhat eager attitude of the Commander-in-Chief, Yang Zhen waved his hand and said: "Commander-in-Chief, there are some things that we should not rush for a while. We will still have that in the future. People are like iron, and food is like steel. The troops have been without food for two days. Commander-in-Chief  We share the same joys and sorrows as the soldiers, and we probably haven¡¯t eaten for two days. Let¡¯s eat first and solve the problem of food and clothing before talking about other things.¡±

    Having said this, Yang Zhen paused for a moment before saying: "Commander-in-Chief, and I think what we should do most now is how to study the situation we are facing, how to break the devil's conspiracy, and let our troops survive. As for the rest,  I think we can push back first.¡±

    "Besides, since those of us were captured at the beginning of the year and taken to Manchuria in the middle of the year, we are not very clear about how the war situation in the pass has developed. Like you, I have lost contact with the party for a long time."

    Hearing this, the commander-in-chief nodded and said: "What you said makes sense. But I also hope you can understand us. Since we lost contact with the party last year, we have lost contact with the Party Central Committee for two years. I wrote to the Central Committee  There are many letters, hoping that the Soviet Party can help us forward them, but there is still no news. We have lost contact with the Party, and we are like a group of children without mothers. "

    "I understand. But Commander-in-Chief, all I can say is that your efforts to pin your hopes on the Soviets are in vain. The Soviets will never want us to get in touch with the Central Committee, at least not now. To be honest,  It would be easy for them to help us, but you have written so many letters but still haven¡¯t heard from us. Don¡¯t you feel something?¡±

    "It's not that the Soviets don't want us to survive or even develop. After all, anyone who has a strong opponent around them will feel uneasy. As the Japanese army continues to increase its troops in Manchuria, as long as we continue to fight,  For them, the threat posed by this opponent will be reduced accordingly.¡±

    "But the premise is that we must be in their hands. You want to get in touch with the central government, which is obviously against their wishes. Do you think they will help? But even if they want to control us in their hands, they can't  They will not risk going to war with the Japanese to support us, because it is not in their interests to go to war with the Japanese, and it is not in their interests to let us get in touch with the central government."  Yang Zhen said it very seriously.

    "In fact, if we want to open up the connection with the pass, we do not necessarily have to go through the Soviets. At the end of last year and the beginning of this year, some troops of the 115th Division of our Eighth Route Army were already deployed on the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei front line. There are also troops of our Eighth Route Army in Shandong.  force."

    "I once asked Deputy Chief of Staff Wang to tell the commander-in-chief that we can send a capable person with a code to enter the customs alone and find a way to establish radio contact with the customs. We now have one hundred and fifty watts  As long as you have a password for a high-power radio station and some gasoline that can be used for power generation, it is not difficult to get in direct contact with the central government.¡±

    Regarding Yang Zhen's idea, the commander-in-chief nodded, sighed and said: "We have thought about your idea, but we didn't dare to think too deeply. Besides, we always hold the spirit of internationalism in our hearts.  With a glimmer of hope.¡±

    Regarding the hint of melancholy in the commander-in-chief's tone, Yang Zhen shook his head and didn't know how to persuade him.  Seeing Xiao Huzi coming in with a few lunch boxes to get food, Yang Zhen waved his hand and said: "Commander-in-Chief, you eat first. If you have any questions, we will talk after dinner. We are not in a hurry."

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