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Text Chapter 79 A classic night ambush (2)

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    Although Koji Ikeda changed his tactics, he did not change his cautious style.  [.Com text] For him, whose promotion is already certain, what is more needed at this time is stability, rather than underestimating the enemy and advancing rashly like Kojiro Haraji who was blinded by jealousy and ambition.

    For the sake of stability, although Koji Ikeda unconventionally marched at night, he also used a large number of flares to clear the way, illuminating the marching route brightly.  Not only that, when pursuing, they only use their sharp soldiers to bite the opponent and prevent the opponent from leaving their sight. The main force will never leave the cover of artillery fire.

    Not only that, he also changed the Japanese army's past stinginess in the use of firepower, and used artillery fire from time to time to cover all suspicious targets on both sides of the mountain road and all places where troops might be ambushed.

    Anyway, before setting off, Major General Kanji Ishihara, who did not explain all the facts to him, had already said that as long as these rebels who dared to twist the Kwantung Army's beard are eliminated, they will replenish as many supplies as they consume.  It was precisely because of these words from His Excellency Deputy Chief of Staff Ishihara that the future Colonel was very generous in the use of firepower.

    It¡¯s just that when Koji Ikeda selected the fire coverage, he chose the dense birch forests that appeared from time to time on both sides of the mountain road, and chose the hillsides on both sides of the mountain road.  However, he ignored the dense bushes closest to the mountain road, which could even be said to be under the nose of the Japanese army.

    It¡¯s not as if Koji Ikeda intentionally ignored those bushes that, although they grew extremely luxuriantly, were less than half the height of a person even for Japanese people who are generally not tall.  But in his opinion, for those bandits based in mountain forests, those birch forests that are connected to the mountains and it is difficult to see clearly what is going on in the forest even under flares are more suitable for hiding in China for those who are good at sneak attacks.

    As for the bushes under the eyes, which are clearly visible under the flares, they are not even enough to hide a normal person squatting. For those despicable Chinese people who can only sneak attack and never dare to fight face-to-face with the Imperial Japanese Army.  , too short.

    Koji Ikeda was the first among his classmates at the non-commissioned officer school to achieve the position of captain, and was about to be the first to be promoted to captain of the Colonel's Wing. He was also the first to be admitted to the Army University, known as the cradle of Japanese generals, not just because of his father-in-law's relationship.  , on the contrary, he himself is also very shrewd.

    Although he changed his tactics according to the situation, he did not underestimate the enemy and advance rashly like his classmate who was blinded by jealousy.  In addition to using a small force to pursue parallel pursuits along the mountain, the main force always controlled the rhythm of the attack very well.  And during pursuit, artillery can always provide powerful fire cover to the infantry.

    But this time his shrewdness was in the wrong place.  The opponent has changed the way he fights, but he still sticks to the old rules and sees people with the same old eyes.  He only stared at the birch trees connected to the hillside, but ignored the bushes that could also hide people.  Who said you can't hide people in low bushes? Who said that you must have a good hiding place when planning an ambush?  When Koji Ikeda, who was blasted into the sky by grenades flying everywhere, wanted to understand this, he was already helpless.

    However, Koji Ikeda, who was standing on the artillery position at this time, doing the same thing as Yang Zhen with the help of the flares fired, and using binoculars to observe the effects of the artillery shells that fell from time to time in the birch trees on both sides of the mountain road, did not expect it at all.  , the opponent who was about to give him a fatal blow was ambushing right under his nose.

    Seeing the birch trees that appeared from time to time on both sides of the road being blown away and falling branches, Koji Ikeda proudly twirled his neatly shaved snotty beard under his nose. He had been frustrated earlier because the mountain road was relatively narrow and could not accommodate the entry of armored vehicles.  Already swept away.

    At this time, Ikeda Koji, who seemed a little complacent, ordered to shell the woods around him that might be deserted, and wasted the empire's precious artillery shells. This move was a little confusing. The brigade combat staff and several Puppet Manchukuo officers said  : "You don't understand your tactics."

    "The opponents we face this time are very cunning, and their warriors are not good at it. I observed several of their battle summaries and found that these Chinese have never had a face-to-face positional battle with the suppression force. They are very good at ambush warfare. And they are  Use all available terrain to carry out ambush warfare."

    "And the terrain here is two mountains sandwiched between a ditch, which is a good place to fight an ambush. However, the mountains here are a bit special. The mountains are mostly dominated by low shrubs, but there are a lot of birch forests below the mountains. Moreover,  Most of these birch forests at the foot of the mountains are connected to the mountains. These birch forests can not only provide these people with an excellent hiding place, but also provide them with a place to retreat and defend. "

    "There is an idiom in China that strikes the grass to scare the snakes, and another saying knocks the mountains to scare the tigers. When I bombard those birch forests, it can be said to strike the grass to scare the snakes, and knock the mountains to scare the tigers. That's it.It is to use artillery fire to make those anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements who tried to ambush us give up their cowardly attempts and fight a formal decisive battle with us.  "

    Just as Koji Ikeda finished speaking, several Puppet Manchukuo officers next to him, although they did not agree with his views, still flattered him: "High, it is really high. Your Excellency Lieutenant Colonel is indeed worthy of being the Imperial Japanese Army University."  He is a top student, and I really admire his insights.¡±

    Hearing the flattery of the Puppet Manchukuo officer around him, even though he had heard these compliments too many times on weekdays, Koji Ikeda looked a little indifferent on his face, but it was really helpful in his heart.

    Ikeda Koji waved his hand to stop the intention of the puppet Manchukuo officers to continue shooting. He waved his hand and said: "Order the artillery to move forward and the infantry to seize the time. These Chinese people must not be allowed to escape. Although Kojiro-kun is incompetent in commanding operations,  , but the battle plan this time is still good. Since Mr. Kojiro is no longer able to command the battle, it is better for us to complete his battle plan for him. We must order the troops to seal the enemy before those anti-Manchu anti-Japanese elements.  Live the breach that was opened.¡±

    Ikeda Koji gave the order, and naturally none of the surrounding Japanese officers dared to disobey it. They quickly followed Ikeda Koji's request and gave the order to their own troops.

    Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that although the Japanese and puppet troops seemed a little cautious, they resolutely walked towards the ambush circle that he had carefully constructed.  What he was most worried about now was that the engineers who were ambushing near the weathered stone and preparing to detonate would not be discovered by the Japanese and puppet troops marching on the mountainside on both sides of the mountain road.

    But so far, good luck seems to continue to be on Yang Zhen¡¯s side.  Although there is the help of flares, the brightness emitted by the flares is still different from that during the day.  In addition, when Yang Zhen was in the secret camp of Laoheidingzi Mountain, he had carefully trained the concealment of his troops.  The engineers in the platoon are all veterans from the secret camp in Lao Heidingzi Mountain, and they know how to hide themselves safely in this situation.

    ¡°However, good luck will not always favor one person on both sides of the battlefield. Fate is fair to everyone.  Just when half of the main force of the Japanese and puppet troops walking on the mountain road had passed the weathered stone and entered the ambush circle, the Japanese and puppet troops marching on the mountainside were the first to encounter Yang Zhen's heavy machine gun position on the mountainside.

    When the sound of heavy machine gunfire sounded in front of him, Yang Zhen's heart suddenly jumped: "Aren't the Japanese and puppet troops on the mountain and down the mountain advancing in parallel? How come the Japanese on the mountain arrived first?"

    Now, for Koji Ikeda, although his tactic of catching grass and alerting the enemy was not successful in the place he expected, it was still barely considered a partial success.  At least he found traces of his opponent, and he was definitely the opponent's main force.  The reason is simple. Judging from the gunshots coming from the mountainside on both sides, the opponent has at least six heavy machine guns deployed on the mountainside on both sides.

    This number of heavy machine guns is not something that the small force that blocked him before could have.  If we look at the configuration of the China Army in Guannei, the one with such a number of heavy machine guns is at least an elite regiment of its Central Army.  If it were placed in their so-called miscellaneous troops, it would be possible for even a division to be destroyed.

    As the commander-in-chief of this encirclement and suppression campaign, before Koji Ikeda left, His Excellency the Chief of Staff, who was temporarily acting as the commander of the garrison, repeatedly told him that this group of anti-Manchu anti-Japanese elements captured an imperial arms train at Weihe Station.  Although the train was blown up afterwards, it is not yet clear how many weapons the Chinese seized.  But one thing is undoubtedly that for the Chinese people who have no arsenal and no logistical supplies, they will take away the weapons and equipment on the train as much as possible.

    As an Imperial Army officer, Koji Ikeda could easily tell from the sound of gunfire that the machine guns his opponent was deploying on the mountainside and firing intensively at his troops were the Imperial Army's standard Type 92 heavy machine guns.  Koji Ikeda could even easily conclude that these heavy machine guns were part of the large number of weapons carried on the arms train captured at Weihe Station.

    Listening to the intensive sound of machine gunfire coming from the mountains on both sides, Koji Ikeda finally managed not to frown.  I scolded those railway guards in my heart for being useless for allowing so many weapons and ammunition to fall into the hands of those anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements, and then being used by those damn anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements to deal with the Imperial Japanese Army.  These trashes should all commit seppuku and apologize to His Majesty the Emperor.

    The troops on the mountainside were the first to make contact with the enemy, but this did not change Koji Ikeda's three-way parallel combat plan of the mountain road and the mountainside.  In his opinion, although the main force of the anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements was captured by him, their main force was not deployed on the mountainside.

    Maybe, those heavy machine guns are the golden silkworm shells used by those hateful anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements to get rid of themselves.  It may even be used to set up an ambush circle to block self-defense.His pursuit was just that he happened to be discovered first.

    Ikeda Koji stubbornly believed that what was resisting on the mountain was not the opponent's main force.  Because he judged from the sound of gunfire that although the opponent had a large number of heavy machine guns, there were very few sounds of rifle shooting.

    Moreover, when he fought against the Anti-Japanese Alliance or various other anti-Manchurian anti-Japanese armed forces in the past, his opponents used a large number of various machines made in Germany or imitated by the Chinese, which they called speed machines or boxes.  The distinctive sound of gunfire and other automatic pistols has never been heard before.

    Based on several aspects, in Koji Ikeda's opinion, the resistance firepower on the mountainside was just a pawn used by these rebels to prepare and design a small ambush in order to delay their own steps.  Their real main force should still be preparing to flee in a certain direction.

    Because there is no army, one can simply rely on a few heavy machine guns to defeat the enemy's attack.  Without infantry, it would be extremely foolish to rely solely on machine guns to resolve the battle.

    Therefore, although there was intensive gunfire on the mountainside, Koji Ikeda did not order the people marching down the mountain to support the people on the mountain, but ordered the main force to speed up.

    In Koji Ikeda's view, since the opponent's equipment itself was very insufficient, since he took out six heavy machine guns at once to block him, he was so generous and fired them all. There was no place to replenish the bullets so big.  ¡¯s capital, then it proves that the opponent¡¯s main force must be nearby.  The six heavy machine guns on the mountain were just buying time for their main force.

    In fact, countless practices have proved that good luck on the battlefield only lasts a moment.  Since you are not sure, you will never come again.  Koji Ikeda almost without any hesitation rejected the suggestion of his subordinates to reinforce the mountain, but stubbornly ordered the troops to quickly continue the pursuit along the original route.

    Just as the main force of the Japanese and puppet troops suddenly accelerated and rushed past the mountain leg where explosives were planted and covered with weathered stones, a violent explosion, together with the flying rocks set off by the explosion, smashed the back half of the Japanese marching column into a mess.

    These weathered stones that were set off by a violent explosion and a shower of stones cannot be used for any construction, but there is basically no problem in using them to hit people.  The hundreds of Japanese puppet troops in the second half of the Japanese march were beaten to death by the overwhelming debris.  Many unlucky people were even hit on the head directly by larger flying stones and went to the west.  A steel helmet that can only be used to protect against a single piece of steel has no resistance to these large stones, which are even as big as millstones.

    Before Koji Ikeda, who was walking in the middle of the team and escaped unharmed, could react to the rain of stones, a series of violent explosions rang out on the mountain road ahead.  The shock wave caused by the explosion knocked the captain, who was still a little arrogant just now, directly from his horse.

    "Baga, what's going on?" Ikeda Koji, who was almost dragged to death by his own horse, stood up from the ground in embarrassment if the guards hadn't been able to control his frightened mount as quickly as possible.  He got up and looked at his subordinates who were all killed and wounded by the bombing, and almost broke all the teeth in his mouth.

    Before he could recover from the shock of the explosion, there was another sound of shells breaking through the air.  Along with the sound of shells breaking through the air, like Koji Ikeda, the Japanese and puppet troops who had not yet recovered from the violent explosion were caught in the dense rain of mortar shells.

    "Your Excellency, mortar." The same guard with quick hands and quick eyes pushed down Koji Ikeda who was in a daze looking at his subordinates who were dead and wounded on the ground. Regardless of the strict hierarchy in the Japanese army, he quickly laid down on himself.  On the officer's back.

    After finally waiting for the explosion of the artillery shells to subside, he pushed away the guard who was lying on his back and had been turned into a hedgehog by the shrapnel flying in all directions. He saw that his subordinates had experienced this rain of mortar shells again.  The tragic situation made Koji Ikeda almost cry.

    Under the attack of a large number of explosives and mortar shells, Koji Ikeda removed the thousands of remaining men who had detoured from the mountains on both sides. At this time, less than 30% of the men who escaped were able to stand up.  Of these 30%, at least half were injured to some extent.

    After continuous attacks, Ikeda Koji, who had suffered heavy casualties, had long lost his original arrogance.

    When Koji Ikeda looked at his dead and wounded subordinates in a daze, he had not yet figured out a way to deal with the situation at hand.  Suddenly, dense grenades flew out of the bushes on both sides of the mountain road that he had ignored before.  These grenades are different from artillery shells. They make almost no sound from the time they are thrown to the time they hit the ground and explode.  Especially in the dark night, without the flares, the beaten Japanese and puppet troops had no idea that the god of death that had just left had returned to their heads again.

    Not this timeUnder the cover of the guards, Koji Ikeda could not escape the threat of death again.  After being blasted into four or five pieces by four or five grenades at the same time, Ikeda Koji no longer had to worry about how to defeat these despicable bandits to reverse the situation.

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