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Text Chapter 78 A classic night ambush (1)

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    Fortunately, Guo Bingxun did not worry Yang Zhen for too long.  [.Com text] Qu Qianqian had just arranged the explosives and Qiu Jintang had finished demarcating the shooting range. Not long after, Guo Bingxun managed to temporarily escape from behind with two-thirds less troops than when he set off.  The Japanese and puppet troops suddenly launched a mad pursuit and withdrew.

    Seeing Guo Bingxun with a bandage on his arm, Yang Zhen rushed over to greet him after receiving the report. He quickly stepped forward and said eagerly: "Why are you injured, Lao Guo? Is the injury serious? Zhang Ting, come over and call the staff immediately."  Check it out."

    Seeing Yang Zhen shouting anxiously that when Li Yanping was evacuating with the wounded in advance, Zhang Ting, who refused to accompany the evacuation and insisted on staying, came over to check him. Guo Bingxun waved his hand and said: "Commander, no need for now.  , My arm was just scratched by the shell, there is nothing serious about this injury. "

    After saying that, Guo Bingxun turned his head and looked at the troops behind him who were much shorter than when they set off. He said with a strong bitterness in his tone: "There is nothing wrong with my injury, but the strength of this entire company is now full."  There was less than one platoon left, the radio operator was sacrificed, and the radio station was destroyed by Japanese artillery fire during the retreat."

    Looking at Guo Bingxun with a bitter look on his face, Yang Zhen knew that he was somewhat blaming himself for causing such heavy casualties to the troops.  The company he handed over to him was the most combat-effective company in the army. From the company commander to the squad leader and even the fighting backbone were all old bones who had stood out from the concentration camp.

    After a blocking battle, not only the heavy machine guns and mortars they carried were all lost to embers.  The troops suffered so many casualties and lost so many old brothers at once. Not to mention Guo Bingxun, who was the commander of this blocking battle, how could he not feel distressed enough?  Especially the telegraph operator who died was once the most proud student in the telecommunications class held by Guo Bingxun at the secret camp of Laoheidingzi Mountain.

    It hurts, but Yang Zhen knows that Guo Bingxun has tried his best.  Although a lot of heavy firepower has been strengthened, an infantry company of only more than a hundred people could hold off the heavily armed puppet troops of more than a thousand Japanese soldiers with artillery assistance for four hours, and still only had one platoon of troops left.  It¡¯s already not easy.

    Yang Zhen comforted and patted Guo Bingxun on the shoulder and said: "Lao Guo, don't feel too bad. Although the losses are a bit larger, we have also won the necessary time. As long as we persist in fighting, sacrifices are inevitable.  Now they are taking the first step, and maybe we will have that day in the not too distant future.¡±

    Hearing this, Guo Bingxun sighed and smiled bitterly: "Old Yang, I understand everything you said. I am not a person who does not want to see death. Don't forget that I am also a soldier. I used to fight in the Battle of Xuzhou, and we participated in the battle with all the armies.  The Sichuan Army's equipment is the poorest, and its training is also the worst compared to other armies. Every time we kill a Japanese enemy, we have to pay ten times or even dozens of times the price."

    "It's just that I have to bear at least half of the responsibility for paying so much today. If after receiving your telegram, if I accurately judge that the Japanese will change their tactics because their overall combat intentions are disrupted, I will seize the time to fight with you.  If the Japanese and puppet troops break away, many brothers will not lose their lives to the enemy's fire. Unfortunately, I still have too little war experience."

    "Lao Yang, this Japanese tactic is very strange. I have dealt with them a lot in the pass, but this is the first time I have seen them adopt this tactic. Every time they encounter our obstruction, they try their best to  It is possible to use firepower to kill us. But I feel that the real intention of the infantry's attack is to use its absolute superiority in firepower and troop strength to squeeze us little by little."

    "I tried several times to use mobile ambushes to kill the vanguard soldiers who were always following us, but unfortunately I gave up because they were too alert. Even when the Japs were chasing us, they deployed two mountain cannons as on-duty artillery fire.  . Once there is any trouble, we use firepower to cover it. There are not many casualties during the battle, and most of them are caused by Japanese artillery fire."

    "And the mountain cannon used by the little devils this time is not the Type 41 mountain cannon they commonly used in the Guan Civil War, but another Type 95 mountain cannon that is equipped with the artillery wing directly under the packhorse division regiment. This type of mountain cannon has a longer range than the original one.  It is much farther than the old Type 41 mountain gun, and its accuracy is much better, especially when shooting directly.¡±

    "While blocking the attack, although I used mortars to suppress the Japanese grenadiers, I was unable to suppress these artillery pieces. All the heavy machine guns I brought were destroyed by these mountain cannons."

    "However, although the Japanese have been suppressing our heavy weapons with artillery fire, the casualties of the troops have not been large. The real heavy casualties began after I received your telegram. Just when I received your order for us to immediately  Less than half an hour after we received the telegram to break away from contact with the Japs, the Japs started attacking us like crazy.?Successive shocks of scale.  "

    "They even changed their previous tactics of only using the puppet Manchukuo army and police to attack, while the Japanese troops held down the formation from the rear. After several attacks by the puppet Manchukuo army were repelled by us, the Japanese army actually went into battle themselves and adopted a multi-channel attack tactic.  They launched attacks on us from mountain roads, ridges and even mountainsides."

    "The ferocity of its offensive is almost completely different from the previous attacks. Although we relied on the terrain and barely escaped the pursuit of the Japanese and puppet troops, but according to the tactics of the Japanese and puppet troops that insisted on us, I don't think it will take much time.  They will catch up."

    As if to verify Guo Bingxun¡¯s words, not long after his words fell, the sound of cannons that had just fallen silent sounded again.  Along with the sound of cannons, a flare also rose into the sky, illuminating the earth brightly.

    As the sound of artillery sounded, Huang Dali hurried over and saw Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun. He quickly reported: "Commander, Chief of Staff, the Japanese army is coming up. The sound of artillery was when the Japanese and puppet troops were marching."  , constantly bombarding the birch trees on both sides of the road."

    Hearing Huang Dali¡¯s report, Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.  It seems that I made the right move by strictly ordering the ambush troops not to enter the birch forest.  As expected, the Japanese were worried about being ambushed, so they adopted the method of averting the enemy's suspicion.  If he hadn't thought of this, the troops would be ambushing in the birch forest at the foot of the mountain. Based on the intensity of the gunfire, the ambush troops would probably lose their combat effectiveness in a short time.  You must know that in the woods, it is not only the shells that can kill people, but also the blown-up trees and flying branches that can also cause heavy casualties to the troops hidden in the woods.

    While heaving a sigh of relief, Yang Zhen said to Huang Dali: "Go and pass on my order. Before the explosives on the mountain road explode, even if the Japanese soldiers step on the top of their heads, as long as they are not discovered, no one will be allowed to do it."  shot."

    Huang Dali heard Yang Zhen's order and responded quickly, turned around and hurried towards the ambush position to convey the order.

    After giving the order, Yang Zhen ended his conversation with Guo Bingxun, raised his binoculars, and carefully observed the Japanese and puppet troops chasing in his direction through the light of the Japanese flares.

    Although this group of Japanese and puppet troops never stopped advancing, they did not move very fast and never left the range covered by their artillery fire.  Although the impact of the Japanese artillery shells sounds scattered, there is no definite target.  But if you listen carefully, you can still hear that the impact point of the Japanese artillery shells is pushing forward little by little in the direction where you are.  And he never left the place where dense birch forests grow at the foot of the mountain.

    While Yang Zhen was observing the enemy's situation, a cadre with a background in the Anti-League who had been beside him frowned and said: "Commander  , Chief of Staff, we have been dealing with the Japanese and puppet troops for many years during the Anti-Japanese War. "

    "Although these little devils have surrounded and chased us many times, they rarely spend the night in the mountains and forests for fear of being attacked at night, let alone go into the woods. Even when they have a great advantage in strength, they pursue during the day and rest at night.  . Because they know that at night in the mountains and forests, although they have more troops, they are not afraid of being ambushed."

    "So when our Anti-Japanese Alliance is active, no matter how tightly surrounded the enemy is, we can use the night to rest and break out of the encirclement."

    "What happened to them this time? Are they crazy? Not only did they go against their usual routine, they went deep into the mountains and forests at night, biting so tightly, but they also fired so many flares at once? I have been in the Anti-Japanese Alliance for so many years, and this is the first time that the little devils have behaved like this.  Once seen. Are they really not afraid that we will use the terrain to ambush them? You know, before the political commissar takes away some of the troops to cover the wounded and new soldiers, our strength is not much less than the Japanese puppet army in front of us? "

    When Yang Zhen heard what this cadre said, he did not put down the telescope in his hand. He just smiled lightly and said: "The Japanese and puppet troops in front of us are violating the usual practices. I am afraid that their superiors are pushing too hard."

    "We attacked Weihe County and shot most of the traitors in Weihe County. We also blew up two Japanese military columns, causing a large number of casualties to the Japanese army. Along the way, we also destroyed several small Japanese group tribes.  Do you think the Kwantung Army headquarters of the little devils can feel better? I guess the little devils now regard us as a serious enemy, right? This way, their crazy behavior that violates the rules will be easier to explain. "

    Although Yang Zhen had long expected that the Kwantung Army would hate him deeply and regard him as a serious problem, the real situation was much more serious than he had imagined.

    It¡¯s easy for the Kwantung Army to regard Yang Zhen¡¯s troops as a serious nuisance. They simply regard them as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh.  Lieutenant General Yasui Toji and his party not only failed to clear up Yang Zhen, but also lost Yang Zhen.The traces of the cat's body also make people wonder how fat and strong the cat was raised in that deep mountain and old forest.  Just when Anjing Toji was concentrating on dealing with the Anti-League, he stabbed him hard in the back.

    Not only did he secretly rescue the Anti-Japanese Expeditionary Force that had become a target of the Kwantung Army, but he also conveniently captured the forest police and railway police forces who were the main force in the suppression of the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the Weihe area in the Wei'an Mountain area.  Even the Japanese who served as the deputy director of the Binjiang Provincial Police Department with real power was beaten to death.

    What¡¯s even more outrageous is that Weihe County, which was considered a banditry by the Kwantung Army and had already been eliminated and became a model county for public security, was not only captured by this group of daring bandits.  Along with Weihe County, what fell into the hands of this heinous group of anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements was a Kwantung Army supporting an arms train that was fighting a fierce battle with the Soviet army in Zhanggufeng against the Korean army.  A large number of weapons, ammunition and supplies on the car, especially the heavy artillery shells that the Korean army urgently needed, all fell into the hands of these damn anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements.

    What made the Kwantung Army even more intolerable was that a military column of the Fourth Division that had just been transferred to Manchuria for garrison was actually blown up in broad daylight. Two brigades of soldiers from the Fourth Division loaded with weapons and equipment were sent away in the car.  Up to the west.

    By the time the rescue team arrived, less than one or two Japanese soldiers in the car had survived.  The complete bombing of Weihe Station also disrupted the Binsui Railway, one of the main transportation arteries of the Kwantung Army.  Not only did this greatly reduce the Kwantung Army's garrison support capability in the Soviet-Manchu border area, it also seriously threatened the Kwantung Army's connection with the North Korean army.

    With the loss of the Weihe County seat, the Kwantung Army was at best losing face, and at most it was just blowing away its claim that it had eliminated anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements in the northern Manchuria area.  However, two consecutive military columns were attacked, a large number of weapons and ammunition fell into the hands of the anti-Manchu anti-Japanese elements, a large number of imperial soldiers suffered serious casualties without firing a shot, and the interruption of the Binsui Railway was extremely intolerable to the Kwantung Army.

    Especially the 4th Division who received a heavy blow not long after taking office and lost two full brigades of troops without even seeing the enemy's shadow, which far exceeded the total losses of the 4th Division in the Chinese Pass.  The commander, Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru, relied on the support of the prince who had served as the commander of the Fourth Division for many years. He threatened that if the Kwantung Army did not give a satisfactory explanation to the Fourth Division, he would directly report to the Emperor and request  Yuduan's words made Ueda Kenji's face pale.

    The day after the angry Ueda Kenkichi was lost in Weihe County, and the day after the Fourth Division's army column was attacked, he immediately dismissed Yasui Fujiharu as the commander-in-chief of the suppression campaign.  If it were not for his position as division commander and the fact that he, the commander of the Kwantung Army, could evacuate at will, the rather anxious Ueda Kenkichi would be happy to brag about that bullshit, claiming that the Binjiang area was no longer in danger of banditry.  Withdraw to the end and leave this big blame on the shoulders of the commander of the Second Division who is also the commander of the Qing Suppression Campaign in Northern Manchuria.

    What makes Ueda Kenkichi even more embarrassed is that until Weihe County, which had been voluntarily abandoned by Yang Zhen, was recaptured again by the puppet Manchukuo military police that night, the Kwantung Army intelligence department, which is said to have great supernatural powers, did not even know what this audacious bandit was.  It came out of there.  I have always thought that it was the work of a small Soviet army unit that was still confronting the North Korean army even though the war had ceased.  Because the Kwantung Army intelligence department did not believe that the resistance alliance that had been theoretically defeated had such great capabilities.

    It was not until the interrogation of the Puppet Manchukuo military and police prisoners who were released by Yang Zhen, and it was learned that many of these people spoke with Kannai accents, that I was reminded by the chief of staff, Lieutenant General Isotani Rensuke, that the Kwantung Army's anti-epidemic water supply  The troops fled and killed Major General Ye Fu Changde and most of the troops in the Wudaolingzi Iron Mine in one fell swoop.

    After learning the news, Ueda Kenji was furious.  After removing Toharu Yasui from the post of commander-in-chief, he almost didn't directly shoot the newly appointed commander, Colonel Kubo Shunjiro, of the newly established Special Intelligence Department of the Kwantung Army.

    If it weren't for the fact that this guy had just taken office in early August, and the Kwantung Army's special intelligence department had just been established, I'm afraid Ueda Kenkichi, who had been made furious by his consecutive mistakes, would have directly ordered this guy who regarded Yang Zhen's unit as a Soviet squad.  The intelligence chief committed seppuku.

    After Ueda Kenkichi dismissed Yasui Toji as the commander of the Northern Manchu Bandit Suppression, which was not welcomed by Yasui Toji himself and was regarded as a thankless drudgery by himself, under the strong pressure of the Tokyo Military Department, he finally lowered his self-esteem.  Think noble head.

    Ueda Kenkichi, who had no choice but to bow his head, reported to the Tokyo Military Headquarters on the advice of Major General Kanji Ishihara, then deputy chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, requesting that the so-called father of the Manchurian revolution, who had been transferred to the China Expeditionary Force and had brought to the Anti-Japanese Alliance,  Lieutenant General Sasaki Toichi, who suffered heavy losses, was appointed as the commander of the independent Fifth Guard Corps, which was specifically responsible for the defense mission in Northern Manchuria.

    ¡°However, although the Tokyo Military Headquarters agreed with Ueda Kenkichi¡¯s suggestion, Sasuke, who was far away in China,It is impossible for the first lieutenant general to take office immediately.  In the end, in desperation, Ueda Kenkichi still took the advice of Major General Kanji Ishihara out of his new appointment to the guy who single-handedly planned the September 18th Incident.  Ueda Kenkichi still agreed that until Sasaki arrived, a close confidant of Major General Kanji Ishihara, the chief of staff of the garrison, would be the temporary acting commander.

    "The chief of staff, who was suppressed by the tyrannical Ani Toji during his tenure, was ecstatic after receiving the order from this agent.  In order to express himself eagerly, under the pressure of time, he accepted the so-called Wei Sanque 1,  A work that only leaves a way out

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