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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 36 The dragon enters the sea (3)

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    Although the dense gunfire in the bungalow area could not reach the urban area of ??Harbin 20 kilometers away.  [.Com text] But the Puppet Manchukuo police stations all around could hear it clearly.

    If the Kwantung Army had not issued an order at the beginning of construction here that all military, police and special personnel in the area, especially the so-called Manchurians, were not allowed to enter without special requirements from the Ministry of Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply or orders from the Kwantung Army, these would have been impossible.  The police department, with all real power in the hands of the Japanese deputy, had already taken the initiative to provide support.

    The reason why Yang Zhen has been able to support himself until now is thanks to Shiro Ishii, who drank an entire bottle of strychnine.  If he didn't want to save face, Ishii Shiro, who didn't think those timid Chinese people would pose a threat to him and refused to ask for help, responded to the inquiry call from the Harbin Military Police after receiving the report from the surrounding police station, but did not tell the truth.  I am afraid that according to the Japanese army's usual reaction speed since the war began, Yang Zhen would not be left with such a long time at all.

    When the gunfire subsided and the phone calls here could no longer be reached, the Japanese who were in charge of the surrounding Puppet Manchukuo Police Station immediately smelled something unusual and immediately reported it to the Harbin Japanese Military Police again.

    The Harbin Japanese Military Police, which has always been responsive, seemed a bit slow this time for some unknown reason.  Even after receiving reports from several Puppet Manchukuo police stations in the Pingfang area, there has been no action.  It was not until two geishas who fled from Dongcun Village reported the incident to a nearby Puppet Manchukuo police station that the gendarmerie, which was somewhat slow to respond this time, rushed directly to the scene of the incident as quickly as possible.

    In fact, it was not that the military police lost their sense of smell this time. It was just that after receiving the first report from the police station below, the military police, who knew the importance of this place, called Shiro Ishii and asked about the origin of the gunfire.  However, Shiro Ishii, who answered the phone in person, only told them that they were dealing with a batch of redundant or diseased road horses and had nothing else to do.

    The military police captain, who had had many contacts with this arrogant and even somewhat arrogant military doctor, and knew the true inside story of this force under his jurisdiction, which was under the direct control of the Kwantung Army Headquarters, saw Shiro Ishii's answer.  He didn't dare to ask further.  Just order the surrounding police stations to pay close attention to the movements there.

    When he received the report of changes in Dongcang Village, the military police captain no longer cared about Shiro Ishii's face, and immediately led people to the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department.  But when he waited here, except for the corpses on the ground, he found no living person.

    Seeing the corpses lying on the ground, especially those of several well-known experts who had worked at Manchuria Medical University, the gendarmerie captain who personally led the team to the scene couldn't help feeling chills at the base of his neck.  When he saw Shiro Ishii who had become a ghost eunuch, the military police captain felt like crying.  He couldn't even imagine what was waiting for him.

    The captain of the military police who did not dare to delay, let alone conceal anything, immediately reported the situation here to the Kwantung Army headquarters while ordering the entire city to be under martial law to search for these daring people. Damn the road was so big.  And asked for help from the Second Division and the Fifth Independent Defense Force stationed in Harbin.  Request the dispatch of aircraft and cavalry to cooperate with the search.

    The reason why he asked the garrison for help was because the military police captain did not know the whereabouts of these five hundred former prisoners of war and needed a large number of manpower to search them.  In the mind of the military police captain, these more than 500 former prisoners of war who had looted enough equipment for two squadrons were not something that his mere 100 military policemen could handle.

    He was very sure that all the weapons and ammunition here had fallen into the hands of the rioters, because after arriving here, except for two damaged rifles, there were usually enough weapons and ammunition to equip a squadron and a piece of equipment for the security force.  did not see.

    The most critical issue for him to ask for help is that although the garrison here has only one squadron for the time being, it is a serious field squadron drawn from the independent fifth garrison.  If we talk about combat effectiveness, he is more focused on breaking down the anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese underground organizations and arresting those military police who are keen on resisting the prisoners of the Japanese Imperial Army.

    ?According to the descriptions of the policemen at the surrounding police stations, it took less than an hour from the time the gunfire started to the time the gunfire completely subsided.  In such a short period of time, the guard team composed of more than a hundred authentic field force elites were all thrown down here, and no one was spared.  What does this mean?  It shows that the fighting power of these thugs is relatively strong.

    ¡°According to the combat effectiveness of the military policemen under my command, who are not police officers and not agents, if they really encounter those thugs, the more than a hundred military policemen of my own will not give them meat in their mouths.

    ¡°Besides, Harbin is such a big place, so relying on more than a hundred armed military police and some Manchukuo police to hunt down thugs equipped with a large number of weapons and ammunition, isn¡¯t it just like looking for a needle?  Even if you have control over yourself,Even with all the police in the area, the Harbin area cannot be completely sealed off.

    Fortunately, although the main force of the Second Division is still participating in the battle within the Chinese Pass, and the garrison area is also large, not many troops can be mobilized to assist at the moment, but the independent fifth garrison's actions are still quite fast.

    Although the new commander had not yet taken office, under the coordination of the former commander Fujiji Yasui, who had just been promoted to the commander of the second division, after receiving the military police's request for help, he immediately mobilized all the troops that could be mobilized to assist the military police in apprehending these men.  The daring Chinese.  The Second Division also deployed some cavalry to assist in the search.

    After learning that the Second Division and the Independent Fifth Guards had agreed to send troops to assist in the search, the gendarmerie captain, who had been worried, breathed a sigh of relief.  After his anger subsided, he felt a little lucky.  I hope that since I can annihilate all these thugs without causing too serious leaks, the Kwantung Army Headquarters may be lenient and let me go.  Even though he knew there was little hope.

    As the captain of the military police responsible for eliminating so-called threats to local security, he knows many secrets known to ordinary people.  He knew that those who were killed in the attack on the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department of the Kwantung Army were not only those in the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department themselves.  He also knew that at least a dozen of the corpses were members of the Kwantung Army's chemical weapons squad, which specialized in chemical weapons.  There are even several well-known poison gas warfare experts in Japan.

    "Whether it is the arrogant people in the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department or the chemical weapons class of the Kwantung Army, they can be regarded as Japan's top experts in these two fields.  The deaths of these people angered not only the Kwantung Army.  Someone must take responsibility for this matter, and I, who is responsible for local public security, am the best scapegoat for this matter.

    Although there are records of the phone call with that damn Shiro Ishii to prove for him, no one can guarantee whether the furious emperor and the military will see these.  Although they both hold the rank of colonel, in the eyes of Tokyo, he is far less valuable than the dozen or so colonels who are now corpses.

    ¡°However, even if the Second Division and the Fifth Independent Guard Corps agree to send additional reinforcements to assist the Military Police in enforcing martial law in the surrounding areas of Harbin.  But lost time is already lost, and it is not easy to get it back.

    After estimating the time for the reinforcements to depart and arrive at the designated location, the military police captain suddenly discovered sadly that by the time the reinforcements promised by the Second Division and the Independent Fifth Guard Corps were in place, those Chinese thugs would have long since disappeared without a trace.  No trace left.

    The gendarmerie captain, who had been ecstatic just now and disappeared without a trace after coming to this conclusion, could only place his hope of finding out the whereabouts of these people in the policemen of the Manchukuo Police Department who were densely scattered throughout the Northeast.  , as well as the aircraft sent out after dawn.

    Although Yang Zhen was mentally prepared for the possible pursuit methods of the Japanese, he still felt worried.  He wasn't too worried about the aerial reconnaissance. Now they all wore Japanese military uniforms. From the sky, they looked like a normal marching team.

    But what Yang Zhen is most worried about is the Japanese cavalry and the military and police officers all over the Northeast, especially the minions they support who speak Chinese and eat Chinese food, but are determined not to do anything Chinese.  These talents are the greatest danger to this team.  Without the help of these people, Yang Zhen believed that the Japanese alone would never be able to truly defeat the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    During the fourteen years since the fall of Northeast China, it was these people who really brought the greatest and most disastrous losses to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  How many heroic anti-Japanese generals were not sacrificed under the butcher knife of the Japanese, but were sacrificed in the hands of these people.

    If he really met these people, Yang Zhen knew that even though they were wearing Japanese military uniforms, it would be difficult to hide them for a long time.  There are very few civilian military personnel in the Japanese army, and most of them are in hospitals or some high-level institutions.  There are basically no field troops.

    Not to mention Chinese people, just ordinary Japanese soldiers, rarely seen except in hospital.  It is impossible for so many groups to appear together in this wilderness like now, fully armed, and many people have blood or even injuries on their bodies.

    ¡°Look at the people around you who are carrying guns in different postures during long-distance marches, and some even directly use their guns as crutches. How can they be compared with well-trained Japanese soldiers?  Not to mention compared with the Japs, even compared with the elites of the puppet Manchukuo army trained by the Japs, they were far behind.  These are all things that cannot be hidden from those dogs who have been fighting the Anti-Japanese War for so many years and whose vision has been tempered.

    In order to avoid the sensitive sense of smell of these dogs and to enter the mountainous area as soon as possible, Yang Zhen refused several suggestions to rest along the way, but kept urging him to speed up the march.  It wasn't until he entered Acheng that Yang Zhen agreed to take a short break.

    ? ?Although he was worried that the Japanese cavalry would catch up at any time, he only agreed to rest for fifteen minutes.  If there weren't any wounded in the team, Yang Zhen would not have agreed to rest.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Except for the former 18th Army soldiers in the team who could barely hold on, the former ** soldiers were so tired that when they heard the order to rest, they staggered and lay on the ground.

    It¡¯s no wonder that these people¡¯s physical strength can¡¯t support them.  The men had not had enough to eat since their capture.  When they got here, in order to save their worries, the Japanese would not give these former soldiers enough to eat.  In addition, they lacked training in forced marches, and after a period of fighting, their bodies have not been able to fully recover. It is normal for them to be unable to keep up with their physical strength.

    As for the Eighteenth Group Army, this army has never known what it means to have a full meal since the day it was established.  For them who had never had any means of transportation, long-distance marching itself was what they were good at.  So although it¡¯s very tiring, I can barely survive.

    Looking at these tired people lying on the ground, Yang Zhen took care of the wounded, and then personally led his comrades from the 18th Group Army who still had energy to set up guard posts.  If the number of landmines seized in the bungalow was not too small, Yang Zhen would really like to lay out a minefield around it.

    After setting up a warning, Yang Zhen did not rest.  Instead, he came to a place that was slightly higher than the surrounding area. He held up his telescope and carefully observed the surrounding situation in the morning light.  Although he was also tired.

    In fact, Yang Zhen, who has been on the front line, can be said to be the most tired of these people. Whether it is mental or physical, Yang Zhen has reached the peak at this time.  If there was any possibility, Yang Zhen didn't want to do anything now, he just wanted to lie on the ground and sleep.

    "The current long-distance march after a fierce battle is nothing to Yang Zhen, who has received professional long-distance training in later generations. It can even be called a common occurrence.  But his current body is really unable to support him.

    But the grim fact made Yang Zhen know clearly that no matter how tired he was, he could only persevere.  We are still far from the safe zone and it is not the time to rest.  Needless to say, if you are slightly negligent, the surrounding Japanese and puppet soldiers will pounce on you like flies that smell the smell of blood.  In such a plain area, with the surrounding enemy troops densely packed, a head-on fight against an enemy with an absolute advantage is not even a good idea.

    Although I cannot guarantee that I will not be exposed, I must try my best to delay as much time as possible in order to get as close to the mountainous area as possible.  "Enemy situation" is what Yang Zhen wants and needs to understand most now.  But what was in front of him was that his eyes were dark and he didn't know anything.  Why doesn't this make him anxious and allows him to rest safely and boldly?

    While Yang Zhen carefully observed the surrounding environment, he used the map to constantly estimate how to take these people safely to a place with much room for maneuver in the shortest marching distance without alerting the enemy.  Mountainous areas.

    Yang Zhen, who was immersed in thinking, was interrupted by a kettle being handed over.  Taking the kettle from Guo Bingxun, Yang Zhen shook his head and realized that his throat was already smoking with thirst.

    Looking at Yang Zhen who took the kettle and took a gulp of water, Guo Bingxun said: "Old Yang, you should also take a rest. No matter how good your physique is, you can't bear such torment. From yesterday to now, you have not been able to stand it at all.  No rest."

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