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Text Chapter 35 The dragon enters the sea (2)

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    I wanted to go to pick up Guo Bingxun, but I didn't expect that before Yang Zhen rushed to Dongcun Village with his remaining brothers, he met Guo Bingxun who came to pick them up first.  [.Com text] Seeing Guo Bingxun with a bandage on his arm, Yang Zhen quickly asked with concern: "Lao Guo, is your arm injured? Is it serious?"

    Seeing that Yang Zhen didn't ask him how the mission was completed, but was concerned about his injuries, Guo Bingxun raised his bandaged arm and smiled and said: "It's okay. When I was fighting with the Japanese guards, I was grazed by a stray bullet. No.  Heavy."

    Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Guo Bingxun had only been grazed by a bullet and his injuries were not serious.  For Yang Zhen at this time, Guo Bingxun was too important, both in controlling these former Japanese soldiers and in future actions.  If Guo Bingxun is lost, Yang Zhen, who is not familiar with these Japanese soldiers now, will find it difficult to truly control these people.

    He knew that even if he rescued them, even if he showed strong skills in front of them, it would not be easy to conquer these people from the bottom of his heart and make them obey the command of his leader.

    There was too much estrangement between them before. Although I had saved their lives, now the two sides who once fought against each other can be considered friendly forces.  But the grievances among them cannot be eliminated in a short time.  After leaving Guo Bingxun, leaving here, and getting out of the crisis, Yang Zhen even doubted whether he could really command these people.

    Guo Bingxun may know what Yang Zhen is thinking, or he may not.  But since the beginning of the operation, he has always shown sufficient respect for Yang Zhen, especially in front of all former Japanese soldiers, and has shown resolute obedience to any order given by Yang Zhen.

    After a brief chat about the injury, the smile on Guo Bingxun's face disappeared, replaced by a serious look on his face, he stood at attention and saluted Yang Zhen: "Report to the commander-in-chief, Guo Bingxun has returned from completing the mission. Three of our troops were killed and ten were slightly injured.  At the cost of two people, 14 members of the East Village Japanese guard force and a total of 160 military personnel were wiped out."

    "A total of twelve rifles, forty pistols, one light machine gun, and one piece of various baggage and equipment were seized in this battle. All the armed devils in Dongcun Village were not missed and all were wiped out."

    Looking at Guo Bingxun who stood at attention and saluted him in front of everyone, Yang Zhen immediately understood what he meant.  He did this in front of everyone, not only to consolidate his position as commander-in-chief.  It was still a statement, showing absolute obedience to oneself.  Since he, the person with the highest official position here, has expressed his stance, the people below him are not qualified to object.

    Regarding Guo Bingxun's disguised expression, Yang Zhen nodded slightly to show that he understood what he meant, and then returned a very standard military salute and said: "Brothers, thank you for your hard work. Thanks to all the brothers for their efforts, we not only successfully escaped  , and also eliminated all the devils here, and eliminated this demonic force that used our flesh and blood compatriots to conduct germ warfare experiments, and in the near future will use the demons they created to bring unprecedented disaster to our nation and compatriots. "

    Having said this, Yang Zhen turned his head and re-examined this place that had tortured countless Chinese people in the history he knew. Then he turned his head and said to everyone: "Let us always remember  Live here, remember all the days and nights you have experienced here, remember this man-eating Japanese army, and firmly remember all the things the Japanese did to our compatriots, and all the sacrifices made here.  "Brothers."

    Looking at Yang Zhen who was sighing, Guo Bingxun walked to him and said: "Old Yang, now is not the time to sigh. For us, the most important thing now is what to do next? You said that this is not a place to stay for a long time.  , now that we¡¯ve done what we should do, it¡¯s time to evacuate.¡±

    In response to Guo Bingxun's words, Yang Zhen nodded and asked Xiao Huzi to take out the map collected from Shiro Ishii's office.  With the light of the flashlight, Yang Zhen pointed at the map and said to Guo Bingxun and Peng Dingjie: "I have a rough idea of ??what to do next. Look, Lao Guo, this is the Bingfang Railway Station in Harbin, just a few steps to the north.  This is where we are now.¡±

    "This area is all plains. On this terrain, it is difficult for us to escape from the enemy's aircraft tracking, as well as the pursuit of cavalry and mechanized troops. The enemy's control over the plain areas, which are food production areas, is much higher than their control over the mountainous areas.  . So the only thing we can do now is to retreat to the mountains as soon as possible. We will wait until the mountains."

    "Look, Lao Guo, although we can enter the Xiaoxing'an Mountains to the north, we need to bypass Harbin where the Japs have heavy troops stationed, and the marching distance is not close. In such plain terrain, the Japs have tight control over the hinterland areas and conduct long-distance marches.  , it¡¯s too dangerous for us, and once the devils find out something is going on here, they will definitely kill people and silence them.??Cavalry, mechanized troops and even aircraft were dispatched to pursue us.  "

    "So what I mean is that we go southeast, enter the territory of Acheng, and go straight to Songfeng Mountain and Daqing Mountain. This is the remnant of Zhang Guangcai Ridge. Although the mountain is not high, it is rich in forests and can provide us with a  A chance to take a break.¡±

    "Moreover, once we get there, we will have much more room for maneuver. To the north we can enter the Xing'an Mountains, and to the south we can enter Jilin. In addition, the Anti-Japanese Alliance also has troop activities in this area and can cooperate with us."

    Guo Bingxun looked at the map and listened to Yang Zhen's plan. He pondered for a while before nodding and said: "This is the only thing we can do now. In fact, if we retreat to the north, we have more room for maneuver. Although there are mountains in Acheng,  But it is between two railway lines, and there are many Japanese troops around. It is very convenient for the Japanese to mobilize troops, and it is not suitable for our long-term activities. "

    "But from here to the north, we need to bypass Harbin and then go northeast, which makes the march distance too long. This is in the plains, and we are carrying wounded people, so it is very easy for the Japanese to overtake us. Everything here is  The plain is an inner-city area controlled by the Japs. The situation is complicated and there are Japs¡¯ spies everywhere. Once we are exposed, it will be very convenient for the Japs to mobilize their troops.¡±

    "Okay, Lao Yang, I'll do as you said. After we cross the Labin Railway, we go straight to the southeast. Didn't we capture a large number of Japanese military uniforms? Let the troops put on Japanese military uniforms first. We can hide as long as we can.  How long should you hide first?¡±

    "That's it. Lao Guo, please count the number of people immediately, order the brothers to put on the Japs' military uniforms, sort out their weapons and ammunition, and set off immediately. It's almost dawn, and we can't delay here any longer." Since Guo Bingxun and Peng Dingjie were so concerned about their  There was no objection to the decision, and Yang Zhen nodded and gave the order without any hesitation.

    After explaining Guo Bingxun, Yang Zhen found Huang Dali alone, handed him a map and a pair of Japanese binoculars, and said to him: "Dali, you are an old Red Army scout. For reconnaissance, I count you here.  You have the most experience. If you can fight in such a difficult environment as the Long March, I believe you have the ability to open a good path for the large army."

    "You can choose any of the brothers here. You go and pick eleven brothers, dress up as Japanese soldiers, and serve as the vanguard of the large army. Remember not to expose your identity easily, and be sure to find out the situation along the way. I have already prepared the general route of the march.  Marked on the map for you."

    "We don't have much combat power now. Once we encounter a large group of Japanese soldiers, it will be difficult for us to escape unscathed. Even if we encounter the puppet army with stronger combat power, we are not sure of winning. Our victory here is just a fluke, far from it.  We have reached the point of defeating the Japanese. Don't say too much, if the Japanese attack another squadron, it will be a disaster for us.

    "We have no foundation here, no source of intelligence. We are not clear about the surrounding enemy situation at all, and we are worse than a blind man. And the advance personnel you lead are our eyes. We must be cautious when making any decisions.  Don't act recklessly anymore. It depends on you to find a safe marching route for our brothers. Remember, the lives of hundreds of brothers are at stake."

    When he heard Yang Zhen's words, there was a solemn look on his face, and Huang Dali's usual playful face also nodded seriously and said: "Captain Yang, don't worry, I will definitely do what you ask.  Be a good pair of eyes for everyone and clear the way.¡±

    Regarding Huang Dali's answer, Yang Zhen nodded with satisfaction and said: "I believe you can do a good job, and I even more believe you will not embarrass the troops of the 18th Army. You go to Lao Guo and pick the right person and set off immediately. But there is one thing  , you have to come back alive."

    Huang Dali nodded without saying anything. After saluting, he turned around and asked Guo Bingxun for help.  Looking at his hurried back, Yang Zhen shook his head, but felt a little worried in his heart.  His confidence now is far less than what he showed when talking to Huang Dali.

    Since the September 18th Incident, the Japanese have been entrenched in the Northeast for nearly seven years.  The tight control over the Northeast is far from comparable to that in Guanhai.  And the combat effectiveness of the puppet Manchukuo army, which was trained by the Japanese to copy swords in person and was fully equipped with Japanese-style equipment, was not comparable to that of the puppet troops collected by the Japanese in the pass, which were not even as good as the miscellaneous troops.

    "The thing that troubles Yang Zhen the most is not the Japs or the puppet troops, but the fact that the Japs have spread a large number of traitors and spies throughout the Northeast in order to rule the Northeast for a long time.  Although these dogs have little fighting power, they are relatively well-informed dogs that are the most annoying and the greatest threat to themselves.

    Many anti-Japanese soldiers were not sacrificed in the hands of the devils, but in the hands of their compatriots who acted as thugs for the devils.  And not counting the puppet troops, large and small traitors, and spies, the Kwantung Army, which is now at its peak, has a full presence in the Northeast.?There are millions of people.  These are what you will face.

    ¡°Is it possible to march dozens of kilometers in a plain area that has been controlled by the Japanese for seven years, and still carry wounded soldiers, without being exposed?  For this point, Yang Zhen had no answer in his heart.  We can only take one step at a time.

    Guo Bingxun moved quickly. Not long after Huang Dali left, he counted the number of people and organized the team.  There were more than 500 people who came, but now there are less than 400 left, and nearly one-fifth of them are wounded.  In other words, the fierce battle with the Japanese guard squadron lasted only half an hour, and he suffered more than a hundred casualties on his side.  And judging from the battle history, most of these casualties occurred in hand-to-hand combat.

    Looking at the team that was shorter than when they arrived, Yang Zhen smiled bitterly and shook his head, but he couldn't help but shout that he was lucky.  This battle was fought when one's side had the numerical advantage and the firepower was basically equal after suppressing the heavy machine guns.  And just like this, the casualty ratio reached almost one to one.  And according to the number of casualties compared with the number of Japs killed, the casualties on our side were even greater.

    This was under the circumstances that the Japanese did not dare to smash this place to pieces and did not use heavy weapons. When they did it, they could be said to have their hands and feet tied up and were greatly restricted.  If this is really brought to the battlefield and fought with real swords and guns, based on the combat effectiveness shown today, even if we face a Japanese squadron, after this battle, I am afraid that these 500 people will be left.  Half would be good.  It is even possible to be defeated by the Japanese backhand.

    Fortunately, the Japs did not use heavy weapons, even grenade launchers were not used much, and I suppressed the Japs' heavy machine guns with precise rifle fire.  Most of the wounded in the team were lightly wounded that did not affect their movements, and the number of seriously wounded was only a dozen.

    Although now they only have one gun per man, there are more than a dozen light and heavy machine guns, and there are even two captured grenades.  After centrally distributing the captured ammunition, each rifle reached the Japanese standard of 120 rounds.  But the casualty ratio in that round of fierce fighting made Yang Zhen decide to avoid the Japanese as much as possible.  With the fighting here like this, Yang Zhen didn't even dare to think about what the outcome of a field battle with the Japanese would be.

    The tight time made Yang Zhen, who knew that it was pure luck to annihilate the Japanese guard squadron, did not dare to delay at all. After the team changed clothes, he immediately carried the dozen seriously injured people and buried the fallen brothers.  Then he led the team and set off.

    For safety reasons, Yang Zhen personally led the vanguard.  And Ma Ming, who was born in the Northwest Army, took the initiative to shoulder the heavy responsibility of shelter after the break.  In his words, our 59th Army was cut off from the rear during the great breakthrough at the Battle of Xuzhou, and it is the same here.  It was the most difficult place, and there were members of their 59th Army there.

    Time was running out, so Yang Zhen didn¡¯t hesitate at all to Ma Ming¡¯s request and nodded in agreement.  When Guo Bingxun on the side saw Ma Ming's initiative to request a break, he couldn't help but sighed: "During the Battle of Xuzhou, although I was not able to meet Xin Chen, I still admired his name for a long time. I have always heard that the 59th Army has always fought hard.  , is famous for dangerous battles, and today I saw General Xin Chen¡¯s subordinates, and they are indeed worthy of their reputation. Don¡¯t worry, Ma Ming, I will definitely equip you with the best soldiers and the best weapons.¡±

    "Sir Guo, no need. I will just use the dozens of brothers who guarded the underground passage with me before. As for the weapons, the ammunition on hand is enough. Our Northwest Army has never been so rich in war."  Regarding Guo Bingxun's kindness, Ma Ming shook his head but refused.

    Rejecting Guo Bingxun's kindness, Ma Ming saluted Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun and said: "Two officers, please rest assured that as long as Kaishan has a breath, he will never let the Japanese catch up with the brothers. Two officers, if you are lucky enough to open the mountain, you can still  I¡¯m alive to meet you and listen to the instructions of the two officers. Sir, it¡¯s getting late. Please go ahead.¡±

    Regarding Ma Ming's oath, Yang Zhen didn't say much. He just stuffed the German-made telescope seized from Ishii Shiro into his arms and said only one sentence: "You and your brothers must survive."  Come to the army, I'll be waiting for you at the front line of Songfeng Mountain and Daqing Mountain."

    After saying that, Yang Zhen didn't say another word. He turned around and waved to the assembled troops without looking back: "Let's all set off."

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