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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 296: The Scorpion King Hunter

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    After entering the city, the four armored men seemed to relax a little.  Taking off the full-body helmet, Jin Batian saw that they were a middle-aged man and three young men. They had wheat-colored skin, eyes and hair of different colors. People walking around in the city naturally don't wear full-body helmets. Seeing  The men and women coming and going on the street were handsome and heroic, while the women were slim and pretty. No wonder they didn't regard themselves as aliens.

    Jin Batian is so discerning that he can already see that the clothes worn by the people here are all made of silk, so wearing linen clothes is really a bit dazzling.  There are various crops grown in and outside the city called Tacheng, but I don't see the ones that are cotton or linen. I guess they are mostly food, medicinal materials and spices.  It's just that I don't see anyone growing mulberry and raising silkworms inside or outside here. Where do you get so many silk clothes?

    Because the sky above Tacheng City is covered by thorns and vines, there are no very tall buildings - what if you want to jump off the building? The houses on the street are no more than two stories high.

    The middle-aged man in armor led Jin Batian into a house not far from the city gate and said: "This is Jenny's Pharmacy. The medicinal materials we usually harvest are sold here, and the poison sacs can be sold here.  It¡¯s a good price. For the rest, you can ask Jenny. Our raw materials are to be sold to restaurants, and the taste will deteriorate over time. Let¡¯s go first.¡±

    Jin Batian had no choice but to enter the shop by himself and asked: "Excuse me, who is Jenny?"

    The young brown-haired girl who was cleaning the floor in the store asked: "Are you looking for Grandma Jenny, Mom Jenny, or Aunt Jenny? I think I'm not familiar with you. My great-grandmother hasn't been in the store for a long time, so it shouldn't be  Find my great-grandmother Jenny.¡±

    Jin Batian took out the spider poison sac and said, "Any Jenny will do. I want to sell some raw materials."

    "Then I, Jenny, can do it." The girl Jenny took the spider poison sac, checked it with various methods, put it on the scale and screamed: "Wow, forty-two and a half weights. That's really it.  A big guy. Selling money or exchanging medicine? Or entrusting us to make medicine? "

    "In exchange for money, thank you." The main reason is that Jin Batian is penniless now. It can be said that he is impoverished. If he doesn't find a job or something, he may starve to death - there are some in the truck brought from the earth.  There are various vacuum-sealed seeds, but it will take at least several months for these seeds to grow. And where to plant them is also a problem, and even whether the climate here is suitable for these seeds to survive is also a problem.

    The girl Jenny calculated orally: "A poison sac weighing one weight is worth five cents. If the weight exceeds 20 weights, add 20%. If it weighs more than 40 weights, add 20%. It will be 306 cents. If you erase the fraction, it will be 300 cents."

    "You are a foreigner, I haven't seen you here. I haven't heard of a caravan coming today, so you can't be here alone. That would be really dangerous. Okay, please click." The girl.  After Jenny finished the calculation, she took out a bag from the cabinet and poured out the large and small copper coins inside to pay Jin Batian.

    Jin Batian touched the large and small copper coins. It was obvious that the value was based on the weight of the copper coins. He thought: This is using copper as gold.  Calculated in this way, it is the level of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

    Jin Batian took out the spider's huge silk sac: "I want to know, where can I sell this?"

    The girl Jenny said: "Go out from here and walk thirty-seven steps straight forward. The sign outside shows a room with a clothing style. That is my aunt Jenny's shop. Because your fraction has been erased, this news is free  Yes, it will cost you money if you ask again."

    "Thank you." Jin Batian went to Jenny's textile store and exchanged the spider's silk sac for 750 yuan.  Here I learned about the location of the Tacheng Hotel for free. It is said that this is also the residence of insect hunters - of course the residence of those insect hunters from out of town. The local insect hunters still live at home, so the cost of living is much lower.  .

    In the Tacheng Hotel, Jin Batian opened a small house with a large bed (2 meters by 3 meters) and a spacious house for ten yuan a day - this place was originally prepared for at least four hunters, and single hunters were not allowed to live here.  common.  While eating the food, which costs ten cents a piece, and drinking the wine, which costs five cents a glass, I gradually got to know the life of the insect hunters here.

    The so-called insect hunter, as the name suggests, is a person who makes a living by hunting insects.  Because the insects in this world are all huge and ferocious, there is no future for breeding them. However, through gathering, hunting and farming, the intelligent humans in this world have still formed a symbiotic relationship with this world where insects dominate - as for those in the sky above the city  The thorns and vines were erected to prevent giant flying insects from falling into the city. Although the final outcome of a giant insect falling into the city would be death, some old people and children obviously could not resist the attacks of such insects.

    Many materials for food, clothing, housing and transportation here are obtained from giant insects.  After thousands of years of development, all walks of life, more or less?It has something to do with insects.

    For example, what Jin Batian likes to eat most now is scorpion meat or centipede meat, and scorpions can be used on almost everything. The last time Jin Batian saw the man in armor, he was wearing armor made of adult scorpion shells. It is quite strong and contains scorpion venom.  Needless to say, nature is also a good material for pharmaceuticals.  But even those juvenile scorpions are also very dangerous - the juvenile scorpions here are more than two feet long, and the adult scorpions are more than two meters long, but this is still not the largest. Some people have seen scorpions four or five meters long.  Yes, this is only what humans have seen. Scorpions of seven or eight meters that have never been seen outside the scope of human activities in deep mountains and old forests may also exist.

    Think about how dangerous a scorpion the size of a truck can be.  Therefore, ordinary insect hunters will not provoke those giants even if they work as a team.

    Insect hunters who come from other places naturally want to get bigger ones to make more money. Local insect hunters mostly deal with juvenile insects on the outskirts of the jungle.  Mutual hostility does exist, but it is not that intense. After all, humans in this world are still very weak and can even be said to be fragile. Ancient poems record the precedents of some cities being relocated and destroyed by gregarious insects, which are often sung by the people here.

    In order to get this information, Jin Batian spent a lot of money on drinks.

    "Ed, ah, I forgot what year this is?" After almost convincing the insect hunter Ed, Jin Batian started talking again.

    "Uh!" Ed burped from the wine: "Jin, you are really drunk. This year is of course the year 1933 in the Iron-Blooded Calendar. It was the year 1933 when the Iron-Blooded Emperor founded the country. Hahaha, haha,  Well¡­"

    Jin Batian thought to himself: Dongfang Sheng is so shameless. He actually laid an ambush here. His grandmother even wrote that I was sent to another world to live in another world, and even made an iron-blooded calendar that came out in 1933.

    (Dongfang Sheng: I finally breathed a sigh of relief. This book did not deviate from the topic, hahahahaha)

    Forget it, another good thing about this world is that humans generally live longer.  It is said that Jin Batian would be in his fifties or sixties this year, and he would be retiring in a few years on this earth. Although someone calls me twenty years old, as a public figure, he always dominates the position.  It's not a big deal on stage.

    It may be because of the higher oxygen content in this world. Not only are the insects extremely huge, but the life span of humans has also been greatly improved. When Jin Batian left the earth, the average life span of humans was only seventy years old.  In this world, although there are no statistics on the average life span of human beings from various departments, there are still some 130-150 years old. People with longer lifespan can live to more than 200 years old. It is said that there are still people who live to more than 300 years old, but they are rare -  ¡ªIf I want to live more than two hundred years on earth, I only have four words to give. It is a wishful thinking.

    ¡°But here, when you are fifty or sixty years old, the sun shines at eleven o¡¯clock in the morning, and it has not yet reached its peak.  People begin to slowly and obviously age after they are ninety years old. Bone calcium is gradually lost, muscles and tendons are increasingly atrophied. The elderly are getting smaller and smaller in this world. If an ordinary person dies of old age at more than 150 years old, the height  It¡¯s not unusual for it to drop to half of its heyday.

    Here, before the age of thirty is the time for human beings to study and practice, while the age from thirty to ninety is the time for work, and after the age of ninety is the time for educating future generations. Because the standard of living is superior, Jin Batian thinks that in ordinary times  It was well maintained, and every possible strengthening was done before stripping off the system and merging it with the earth's axis. Just looking at the surface, some people in their twenties and thirties would believe it - after all, they have to use all kinds of things frequently.  No hunter has a callus on his index finger. After breathing the air here for a few days, Jin Batian himself feels like he has been reborn and young again - will he say from now on that I am eighteen years old?  .

    In addition to gathering this information, as an insect hunter, other information is also very important, that is, which materials are more valuable, the weaknesses of various insects, the locations of dangerous social bugs, whether adults will raise larvae, etc.  Genius Jinba now knows that beings who could be trampled to death with a casual kick in the past actually have so much care. In other words, in this world, it seems that humans are the only beings that can be trampled to death by bugs.

    In Jin Batian¡¯s view, prices in Tacheng are still very low. It is said that prices in the Imperial Capital are higher, and this is generally the case in other cities.  Caravans come to Tacheng from other cities every ten or twenty days to balance prices in various places and exchange information to make profits. The occupations in this world are divided into hunters, farmers, craftsmen, and merchants, regardless of high or low.  and the nobles who collected their taxes.

    The nobles here are not engaged in production, but they have to recruit guards to ensure the safety and order of the city. The nobles still give some benefits to the insect hunters who are hunters and soldiers in wartime. That is, the insect hunters indirectly protect the city.  For this reason, hunters are not taxed directly - of course, there is no way to tax them indirectly.

    BusinessIf you are a merchant, you will have to pay a head tax and a trade tax, and merchants who come here will have to pay an additional town tax.  Farmers and craftsmen also had to pay a poll tax, which was paid monthly.  Those who are in arrears with taxes, hehehe It depends on the mood of the lord, but the general method is to register these families who cannot pay taxes. When the country builds a new city, these people will follow the caravan  Migrated there as the first batch of immigrants in the new city.

    After spending a few days in the Tacheng Hotel to inquire about various information, and buying some local clothing and various antidote or repellent for hunting, Jin Batian's money bag gradually dried up.  It is said that more than a thousand dollars, if it is a local resident, is enough for one person to use for several months, but that is the situation of local residents. Insect hunters from other places will have much higher expenses. Plus Jin Batian has to spend money from time to time.  It is understandable that money is not enough to buy some news.

    Before he came to this world, Jin Batian had considered all kinds of bad situations, such as procreating with cavemen, robbing primitive tribes of food and water, or even using force to conquer uncivilized primitive tribes and becoming a cannibal chief.  Yes, but the thing to do now is still very harmonious, that is to go hunting.

    There are all kinds of giant insects in the jungle and wilderness not far outside the city, many of which are extremely valuable. I have already bought a cart, and I can make money by dragging the prey back and selling it.  For Jin Batian, being able to support himself was a surprise.

    Looking at Jin Batian dragging a cart out of the city alone, guard A at the city gate said: "You really went out alone, you didn't just pick up some insect eggs or kill some flesh insects, right?"

    Guard B of the city gate said: "Don't talk nonsense. I asked about it when I came back with Su and the others. This guy killed an adult spider that sneaked up on him by himself. It was the same one that Su and the others carried back."  "

    Because the cutting surface of the six-millimeter assault rifle was too small, Jin Batian changed his main weapon this time to a 12-millimeter six-barreled Vulcan cannon - probably the one that so-and-so mounted on the car to fight the Japanese, but here Jin Batian  Batian said he was very sorry that this kind of Vulcan cannon with a built-in motor was only developed in the mid-1950s, and its main function was to provide airborne firepower for armed helicopters - the Japanese had surrendered many years before that.

    If the hand-held Vulcan cannon machine gun had not been strengthened several times by Jin Batian, it would have been out of the category of fighting against the five scum, and at least it would have to be used by future robots such as T800.  This Vulcan cannon is powerful and has a high rate of fire, but one thing is that the recoil and weight cannot be used by ordinary humans. Jin Batian heard that the military industry department is studying an exoskeleton system for human use. It is said that after this is completed, ordinary combatants will be able to use it.  Humans with five scum can use the Vulcan Cannon.

    After walking out of the white circle outside the city, Jin Batian walked much slower. This white circle is maintained by the city lord of Tacheng every month. It is actually some quicklime.  Because most insects don't like the smell of quicklime - it can even be said that no insect likes the smell. Like the thorns in the city, they are used to prevent insects from attacking human cities. They are also the outermost protective circle of the tower city.

    Jin Batian has already bought a map of the distribution of various dangers in the nearby jungle - these were all discovered by senior insect hunters with their lives.  But today, Jin Batian wants to make a fortune with this.

    Around here, Jin Batian has analyzed it, and the most valuable ones are scorpions, especially those old scorpions that are far larger than their adult bodies that even hunters have to take a detour from.  For ordinary hunters, such an old scorpion is almost invulnerable. In addition, it moves quickly. Even if the team can fight together, it will suffer heavy losses in the end.  Therefore, except for natural death or seriously injured old scorpions, few hunting teams can kill old scorpions.

    However, Jin Batian didn't care. When he was in Tacheng, he bought a breast shield made of the shell of an adult scorpion and tried it. It was easy to penetrate a pair with one shot of the pistol. Even if the shell of this old scorpion is harder, I'm afraid  It's not a match for this bullet - even if it can't penetrate the opponent, it's still acceptable to penetrate Jin Batian alone.

    Jin Batian has also read some novels before, talking about some mutated zombies - after the former humans were infected and died, after mutating and upgrading several times, they can become invulnerable to bullets. That is called strong, you know.  Even an elephant can be knocked down by one bullet. The cuticle or the calcium in the bones of the body must be strong to bounce the supersonic bullet. Of course, no matter how strong the zombies are, they will die at the hands of the protagonist - to put it bluntly  It's the hook that makes it so open.

    Fortunately, the insects in this world have little resistance to the cutting power of supersonic bullets.

    Arriving at the territory near the Scorpion King in this wilderness, Jin Batian felt that the hairs on his body stood on end. Sure enough, there was still danger.  Jin Batian placed the Vulcan Cannon on the ground. It consumed too many bullets and he didn't bring many. Now heWe can't build any factories, so we have to save bullets.  After checking the pistol and the medium-sized sniper rifle, Jin Batian began to look for the Scorpion King through the scope.

    It is said that this Scorpion King is the dominant one in this area. No matter what insects or humans come here, they will become food for this huge Scorpion King, which is said to be over five meters in length. It is said that even the scorpions of the same family will not be spared -  - It is already the king of this territory, and anyone who comes to this territory is its prey.

    After discovering a huge monster eating a one-meter-long spider in the scope, Jin Batian adjusted his breathing and relaxed his body, and said softly: "Finally found you, baby, don't move, become  It¡¯s a small amount of money that I use to pick up girls.¡±

    "Pa" the gunshot sounded, and a ball of cyan blood exploded from the food in the Scorpion King's mouth, directly penetrating the Scorpion King's body. However, for a figure of 5.5 meters long, the 7.92mm rifle bullet was  The power was a little too low. After the pain, the Scorpion King figured out the direction and rushed towards Jin Batian.

    Here Jin Batian expressed that he has never hated so much why arthropods with such small brains missed the vital point and rushed over at a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour.  But now is not the time to hold grudges. The sound of the sniper rifle is also increasing, as are the injuries on the Scorpion King.

    After the nine shots were fired, Jin Batian had no time to change bullets, so he threw away his official sniper rifle and picked up the Vulcan cannon on the ground. With a "sizzling" sound, a fire chain was fired at Scorpion, who had quickly climbed to a distance of more than 200 meters.  king.

    The original design intention of the Vulcan cannon is that it can also be used by armored vehicles for you to fight easily.  This Scorpion King Kong has brute strength and a huge body, but he is far from being a match for this Vulcan Cannon.  After the Scorpion King's body, especially his head, was splashed with huge blue blood, his body rushed along the inertia for more than a hundred meters and finally stopped.

    When the Scorpion King was completely transcendent, Jin Batian looked at the ammunition box of the Vulcan Cannon. Hundreds of rounds of ammunition were gone in the short time it took for the Vulcan Cannon to fire.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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