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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 295: First Arrival in Your Realm

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    Iwo Jima, United Empire Laboratory.

    "Marshal, do you really want to go in person? To conduct experiments on humans traveling through the gate of time and space, we should first find some ordinary volunteers."

    Jin Batian, who was wearing a marshal uniform, said from the chair in the center: "Comrade Heinrich and I signed up to participate in this experiment before we were looking for the axis of the earth. In terms of sequence, no one was earlier than us, right?  ."

    The laboratory researcher advised: "But, you are the marshal of the empire. How can you go to danger yourself?"

    Jin Batian said thoughtfully: "Comrade Heinrich must have gone earlier than me."

    "Just because Marshal Heinrich has not come back, you can't go in person."

    Jin Sanduo recalled: "Since I joined the Anti-Japanese War in 1933, every time I fought in the war, whether as a soldier or an officer, I never hid behind others. It is the same today, even if I am an imperial marshal and I was born to my parents, I am the same as everyone else.  Just like everyone else. It¡¯s not because I hold a high position that I have the privilege of hiding in the rear. Also, I have to share the responsibility for studying the various accidents of ships, planes and even missing people caused by the Earth¡¯s axis over the years.  If I can't come back, consider it as my redemption. You must always remember that the interests of the empire are above all else."

    "Yes, the interests of the empire are above all else."

    With those high-sounding words on his lips, Jin Batian asked himself: Do he hate this era, or do he want to find his own world?  But it doesn¡¯t matter, an exciting life is what I¡¯ve been pursuing.

    The Earth¡¯s Axis is an ancient civilization relic discovered by Heinrich and Jin Batian in 1950 after a year and a half of hard searching in Japan.

    When Jin Batian saw the axis of the earth, he knew that it was a very advanced supercomputer connected to various unknown devices. These items were still intact after tens of thousands of years in the crypt.  However, the energy to drive these machines is gone - which may also explain why the people who found it in previous lives failed to use it.

    After Jin Sanduo was promoted to the rank of general, he stripped off the optical brain system in his body and integrated it with this computer called the Earth Axis, and finally obtained part of the authority of the Earth Axis - to put it simply, the Earth Axis  It was invented to protect the earth.  Because the process of human civilization will eventually destroy the earth, the Atlanteans, who appeared on the earth earlier than modern people and had higher technology, created the earth axis and used the ability of the earth axis to move to other time and space dimensions.  Inhabit the planet and protect the original ecosystem on the home planet Earth.

    At that time, when the Atlanteans migrated, the population was only one billion. By the end of the 1950s, the population of the Sino-German Empire had exceeded one billion, so the immigration plan using this earth axis was put on the agenda early.  .  It's just that activating the earth's axis to open the light gate requires huge energy support. Compared with the energy required, large nuclear power plants and the like are completely incompetent.

    It¡¯s not that the electricity brought by the nuclear power plant cannot open the Time Gate, it¡¯s just that more energy is needed to stabilize the Time Gate. Therefore, the Time Gate that is opened again and again over the years is always uncontrollable. Among them, what happened  There are many accidents, that is, the level of confidentiality here is relatively high. Only two digits of people on the planet know about it except the Iwo Jima laboratory. These accidents are also regarded as ordinary disappearances - the same is true for disappearances.  It's very common.

    It wasn¡¯t until people studied the technology of the main computer that the Atlanteans left behind on the Earth¡¯s axis that they finally developed a large-scale nuclear fusion power plant in the late 1960s.  This brings an opportunity for the stable opening of the gate of time and space, but just like this, it only uses one month's power generation to open the gate of time and space for five minutes at a time.  Fortunately, this light door is very big. In theory, a lot of things can be done in five minutes. If a high-speed train is used to pull people through it, tens of millions of people can be transported away in these five minutes - provided that the time and space are ruthless.  There is no connected high-speed rail track opposite the gate.

    When conducting animal experiments on this time and space gate, the few minutes of images brought back by the camera were different every time. There were all kinds of strange creatures from dinosaurs to reptiles, some of which were unnamed.  Once everyone even saw a real dragon in the image.  Marshal Heinrich, who led the laboratory together with Jin Batian, left everyone during the first human time travel experiment last month. The scene Heinrich sent back through the light gate before leaving showed that it was still very safe for the time being.  area, and there are traces of intelligent life activities nearby.

    However, through these experiments, a theoretical basis for time travel has also been laid, that is, the time and place of each time the time and space gate is opened are uncontrollable. However, one thing is certain, that is, if the time and space gate is opened on land,  Open it up and you won't fall into space or the ocean.  Similarly, if you open the door of time and space in space, you can only travel to another latitude of space.

    Similarly, if you reach a place through the gate of time and space,?If it were not the earth in another space-time latitude, it would be an environment suitable for human survival similar to the earth. Of course, there would be dangers. For example, if a person ran to the age of dinosaurs, even if he could survive, the continuation of the race would become a problem.  Even though humans existed in the Ice Age, their aesthetics were something that only Brother Furong and Brother Feng could tolerate.

    Although he knew there was danger, this time, it was Jin Batian's turn to take action.

    "Charging is over. Energy is full."

    "Get ready to open the door to time and space."

    "Countdown. Nineteen eighty-seven"

    "The gate of time and space is opened, and the observation robot is sent in."

    "The robot's observation images are sent back and can be quickly judged and analyzed."

    After three tense minutes passed, the researchers finally analyzed the information on the other side of the light gate.

    "Marshal, this is a habitable planet, with the oxygen content in the air reaching one-third. There are traces of suspected human-like intelligent life activities five kilometers away from the light gate. The danger level has not been determined yet."

    Jin Batian nodded: "That's enough. My equipment is ready."

    "It's ready. A color-changing four-wheel drive truck, and a nuclear battery that can be used for about thirty years. All other supplies are inside. But, Marshal, do you really want to go alone?"

    Jin Batian walked up to the truck and started the fire: "I remember that in the plan, the first three experiments of humans passing through the light gate were all done by one person. Of course, I have to go alone this time. Don't worry, everything has been arranged later. I want to pick me up.  The class has already been lined up."

    "Goodbye, Marshal."

    "Goodbye." Jin Batian started the truck and passed through the light gate.

    The truck drove very slowly. After passing through the light gate, Jin Batian stopped without turning off the engine. The light gate could last for more than a minute. If there was danger, it would be too late to reverse the truck immediately.

    After staying here for a while, until the gate of time and space disappeared, together with the observation robot that was released just now, the two worlds were disconnected due to the disappearance of the light gate, the wires were broken, and the energy support was lost and fell to the ground. Jin Batian thought for a while and  The remains of the observation robot were put away.  After all, it is a product from another world, so it is best not to cause any misunderstandings.

    Similarly, this truck cannot be taken with you. It would be bad if the aborigines think it is some kind of monster and attack it in a group.  Because senior explorers have already conducted experiments, those who went to the cannibal tribes with modern products such as flashlights and lighters were not worshiped as gods, but were eaten as fresh sources of protein.

    Jin Batian is now wearing undyed linen clothes. Of course, there is still a body armor underneath.  After grabbing a six-millimeter assault rifle and a nine-millimeter automatic pistol from the truck, Jin Batian turned on the camouflage function of the truck and left here.  At this time, from a close distance, the car is just a huge stone covered with green moss. It is integrated with the surrounding environment, as if it has taken root here for tens of thousands of years. If you are not a person who comes here often, it is difficult to see this place.  There is one more boulder.

    Taking a deep breath of the fresh air of this world, Jin Batian shouted in his heart: "New world, I'm here."

    It¡¯s just that the distance of a little more than three kilometers is not easy to walk. The location where Jin Batian is now is on the edge of a jungle. Under the cover of various unknown tall trees, there is also a hidden murderous intention in this jungle.

    Jin Batian had just walked a hundred or dozens of meters, when his intuition suddenly made his body stiff for a moment. When Jin Batian raised his head, a huge spider web and a huge spider fell down from above. Although there are murderous spiders on the earth,  But it relies on venom to kill people. The palm-sized tarantula that can catch small birds is already the largest spider on earth.

    And the spider in front of him has exceeded the category of any known spider. If it weren't for the eight legs and mouthparts and the huge spider web on several legs, Jin Batian doubted whether he saw a cow.

    ¡°But if there really were spiders as big as cows, then eating people wouldn¡¯t be a big deal.

    In a matter of seconds, Jin Batian used his strength to jump back several meters and jumped out of the range of the spider. Of course, Jin Batian understood the danger of this spider web. The strength of spider silk is several times that of steel wire of the same thickness.  Moreover, the stickiness on it can make all the prey stuck on it become entangled tighter and tighter, and it will soon die.

    Of course, Jin Batian is not trying to run. Humans are probably the slowest runner among mammals, so they need to form a society in order to survive.  In nature, lone humans are just prey.

    After dodging the attack of this huge spider that was as big as a bull, Jin Batian's hand instantly opened the safety of his assault rifle, and hit the giant spider that was about to pounce again to prey on him with a "click, click, click".

    Assault rifle six-millimeter bullets are twice as powerfulA little bit of supersonic speed quickly penetrated the body of the giant spider - so talking about dodging bullets was just a joke. Based on intuition and experience, it was still possible.

    (Writing this, Dongfang Sheng couldn¡¯t help but consume a cigarette and thought: Superman flies faster than bullets. What materials are his clothes and red underwear made of so that they can fly at several times supersonic speed without being damaged?  )

    The giant spider's body was sprayed with blue blood by the bullets from the assault rifle. There was no cry. The giant spider's movements towards him became slower and slower, and finally it collapsed in front of Jin Batian.

    At this time, the one-hundred-round drum magazine carried on the Jinbatian assault rifle had been finished.

    But this is not the end. You can¡¯t be too careful when you first come to another world.  After taking a few steps back, Jin Batian replaced the drum of the assault rifle, then pulled out his automatic pistol and pointed it at the giant spider's body. "Pap, Pap, Pap, Pap", and then fired wildly. The giant spider's body was still shaking during the first few shots.  After a few blows, he was probably really dead and motionless in the end.

    Jin Batian looked at the corpse of the giant spider in front of him and said, "This monster is so difficult to kill."

    The sound of gunshots spread far in the silent jungle. Before Jin Batian could think of how to deal with the giant spider's body, the planet's indigenous intelligent life appeared on the scene.

    In Jin Batian's eyes, there were four people wearing strange yellow armor that provided almost full-body protection. Let's look at them here as humans. Although we can't see the inside of the armor, they still look like humans from the outside - non-intelligent primates.  Humanoids should not wear full body armor and hold or carry various non-metallic weapons in their hands or on their backs.

    At present, a man in golden armor looked at the giant spider's body from a distance and asked Jin Batian: "Did you kill the adult spider by yourself?"

    "Yes. I just came here and I saw this big guy jumping down from the tree crown." Jin Batian somehow understood what they were saying, but it was definitely not any language he had learned on earth, and  It comes naturally.  Well, just think of it as a gift from the light gate. Well, that¡¯s the setting.

    "You are not from Tacheng. I have never seen you there. Where did you come from? The jungle near here can stop the strongest hunter. It is impossible for a person to cross the jungle."

    Jin Batian said: "I don't know how I got here. My hometown is the capital."

    The man in yellow armor on the opposite side said: "It's a place I've never heard of, and no one has been that far nearby. Forget it, there are always accidents in the world. You can't take away so much loot by yourself, do you want our help?"

    Faced with this trophy as big as a cow, Jin Batian certainly hopes for someone to help: "This is my first time to kill this giant spider. Just leave me two or three of the useful ones that are easy to get."

    The four men in golden armor each took out knives more than a foot long and began to decompose the giant spider's body.  The first man in armor who spoke to Jin Batian handed two of them to Jin Batian: "These are the silk sacs and poison sacs of an adult spider. They are worth about half of the loot. They are also the best to get. The others  If you need the spoils, just ask."

    Seeing that the giant spider in his hand had a poison sac weighing hundreds of grams and a silk sac weighing several kilograms, Jin Batian thought to himself that he was lucky not to have been bitten. Otherwise, if hundreds of grams of venom were injected, he would probably be erecting his body in a matter of seconds. What?  It was too late for the serum.

    After getting the trophy, Jin Batian continued to ask: "What are these two for?"

    After hearing such a retarded question, the man in yellow armor looked at Jin Batian like a gorilla and then said: "Of course it is useful. The poison sac is used to make poison and antidote. It can be made by mixing different herbs.  The antidote to spider venom is amazing. And the bigger the poison sac, the better the effect.

    The poison sac in your hand is worth about three hundred dollars. Inside the silk sac is a ball of silk that has been made by the spider. Its greatest use is to make the most sophisticated inner armor. The silk armor of an adult spider is extremely soft and cannot be cut with a knife.  , invulnerable to spears, invulnerable to water and fire.  Of course, the amount you have may not be enough.  Or you can only make a half-length soft armor for a half-year-old child.  But it can be sold for at least 800 yuan in Tacheng. There will always be people who want to buy such good things.  "

    Probably thinking that Jin Ba was naive and didn't understand spiders, he continued to explain: "Of course the flesh and blood of this spider is used for food. Of course, so many of them can be sold for hundreds of dollars. In addition, the spider's mouthparts can be polished.  It is made into a very high-end gun head. The mouthparts of the juvenile body can only be used as arrowheads. The spider legs and joints also have other uses. It can be said that except for a few internal organs and the spilled spider blood, everything else is useful.  "

    Jin Batian looked at the four pairs of football-sized spider eyes and asked, "Where are the spider eyes?"

    The man in yellow armor said:"This one can only be used as a ball for children. Normally when we encounter this kind of giant spider, we will shoot out a few of its eyes first. Although this thing looks big, it can't be sold for a lot of money."  , it¡¯s not very delicious, why, do you want it?¡±

    "No." Jin Batian quickly shook his hand.  I think I would have had nightmares playing this thing all day long since I was a kid.

    "These men in yellow armor were very skilled in their movements. They dismembered the giant spider in about ten minutes. Except for some unwanted internal organs and worthless spider eyeballs, the rest was packed up and ready to be taken away.  It can be seen that the four people are very strong. Otherwise, in Jin Batian's opinion, this giant spider would weigh not only 1,000 kilograms, but also 800 kilograms. Although some useless internal organs were thrown away after dismemberment, the weight carried by each person  Neither weighs less than a hundred pounds.

    In addition, the four of them did not come empty-handed. Although the yellow full-body armor cannot be seen from what kind of material it is made of, it must have a certain weight.  Including the weapons and other things carried by several people, Jin Batian estimated that each person carried about two hundred kilograms. It is not that there are no strong men on the earth who can carry two hundred kilograms, but people like this can still move normally after carrying two hundred kilograms.  Yes, that's rare - even in the army, officers would not let soldiers carry 100 kilograms of weapons and equipment onto the battlefield. They would rather have logistics personnel deliver it little by little to the frontline troops despite artillery fire.

    Jin Batian naturally decided to go to Tacheng with them.  Human beings naturally want to live together in groups. One person cannot survive in nature.

    This is already the edge of the jungle, or in other words, humans in this world can only move around on the edge of the primitive jungle. He and the four armored men walked carefully around the road for more than ten minutes. Jin Batian also followed the four armored men.  Leave this jungle.

    Not long after leaving the green jungle, I saw white smoke rising from the green in the distance. Then a man in yellow armor said to Jin Batian: "That's our Tacheng."

    Jin Batian looked left and right, but he couldn't see any city in the green sea that was smoking from time to time in the distance. Since it is a city, you must have a city wall first, okay? How do you look at that area?  The place looks like a bush.

    When he got closer and entered the city, Jinba discovered that this green sea was really a city, but the low loess-rammed city walls and the sky above the city were covered with green thorny thorns.  The sunlight can only shine into the city through the gaps in the thorns - there must be something wrong with this lighting.  The white smoke is produced by various households and restaurants in the city when cooking and lighting fires. This is an obvious human activity.

    Naturally, what reassures Jin Batian the most is the aesthetics of this world.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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