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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 85 Another Fight against Foreign Businessmen

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    The remaining three-north defense line fortifications will be carried out secretly in the next six months. As for the Nantianmen, which will be used for future exercises by various troops, Jin Batian feels that this exit is still unsafe in the open - in case the defenders  What to do if the army retreats without authorization, what to do if the exit is not blown up but a group of little devils seize it.

    Therefore, the real underground fortifications of the Three-North Defense Line soldiers have one entrance and exit. After negotiation, this entrance and exit was left in the Xiaotangshan area on the north bank of Shahe River. The Peking Military and Political Department drew a military restricted area here.  There is a reason why it is painted here. If the front line of Xiaotangshan is lost, the enemy's heavy artillery can already threaten the safety of Sijiu City.  This is also the so-called final bottom line.

    There are hundreds of strategic highlands in the Three-North Defense Line Project. These highlands will be constructed in groups of two or three or five in the next year.  In Jin Batian's plan, the entire Three-North Defense Line project could hide millions of troops. Even if the worst-case scenario happened - for example, the Japanese-Russian coalition forces would use all their national strength to attack, they would still be defeated.

    As for the 203mm heavy artillery group requested by Minister Song, it is also necessary. This is the embodiment of deep strike capability. Its maximum range is 40 kilometers, which is equivalent to four times of the 105 howitzer, but its total weight is that of the 105 howitzer.  Ten times as much as 23 tons. At this point in the country, it can only be used as a fortress cannon.

    Jin Batian¡¯s life is still four points and one line, home, the Military and Political Department of Peking, the 29th Army, and the occasional overpass in the eight alleys.  As for the mining engineering robots waiting on the construction site, you only need to input the drawings and don't have to worry.

    In the summer, it is so pleasant to have such an iced lotus seed soup in the lush green garden, because the ice cubes are not the kind stored in winter, but come from household items dismantled from ships at Limin Shipbreaking Plant.  Refrigerator, so the whole family can enjoy it regardless of their age.

    This household refrigerator launched by Limin Shipbreaking Plant is also a big seller - for people with a little money, it is very likely that they don¡¯t really have an ice cellar at home, and high-end restaurants have also realized the benefits of this refrigerator.  However, Limin refrigerators are not the only ones these days. German-made wooden small refrigerators were launched earlier than Limin refrigerators. Along with Limin refrigerators, American-made Arctic refrigerators were launched in the summer.

    This Arctic refrigerator is extremely heavy and expensive. Comparatively speaking, the Limin refrigerator is made of aluminum, which has a slight advantage in weight. It does not require four young men to lift it - only two are needed.  In terms of price, the refrigerators that benefit the people are also much cheaper, only costing 100 yuan. This makes the Arctic brand refrigerators priced at 100 US dollars shelved and lost sales.  Except for some owners in the Shanghai Concession who support domestic products or who don¡¯t care about money and only buy expensive ones rather than the right ones, most people still choose the high-quality and low-price Limin brand.

    This time, the foreign businessman Pierre Ott launched three major household appliances: refrigerators, air conditioners, and toasters, all of which suffered a setback.

    There are some who say that the reason for refrigerators is because Limin brand competes in the market with low prices.  For toasters to become popular, they must first change the dietary structure of the Chinese people who have eight major cuisines. Selling this thing in Asia is destined to be a tragedy.  As for air conditioners, dozens of them were originally sold as soon as they were launched. However, a bad rumor suddenly appeared on the market, saying that if the air conditioner is blown for a long time, you will get an air conditioner disease and your body will become weaker and weaker. Chinese people  As we all know, if the air conditioner disease spreads from person to person, blowing on the air conditioner will cause death.

    At this time, there was an old man in his seventies in Tianjin Wei who died while sitting in the air-conditioned room. The old man's family, relying on rumors and theories, naturally believed that the air conditioner was sold by foreign devils and blew the old man to death, so they came to the door.  Come and stay with this foreign company.  Naturally, Pierreot couldn't admit it. Why couldn't he die when he was over seventy? He was too old to die of natural causes in his hometown.  He wasn't the only one blowing the air conditioner, and he didn't see anyone dying while blowing it.

    The suffering masters are also deeply rooted in Tianjin Wei and are not afraid of you foreigners. Finally, the filial sons and grandsons of the family decided to build a memorial shed opposite the foreign bank.  This time, Pierre Ott was convinced. This business was not good to begin with, so if someone set up a funeral shed outside, he would stop doing business.  The final result of the negotiation between the two parties was that Pierreot paid part of the funeral expenses and the funeral shed was built at home.

    When Pierre Ott continued to sell air conditioners, he made it clear that air conditioners were not suitable for the elderly, infirm, infants, pregnant women, and patients. Otherwise, the seller would not be held responsible if something went wrong.

    A group of highly accomplished Chinese medicine practitioners also stood up and said that this air conditioner violated the laws of the four seasons and was contrary to nature. This person must go through the dog days of summer and winter to ensure the balance of yin and yang in the human body. Therefore, fans should be used to escape the heat in summer.  , bamboo hat, straw hat, iced sour plum soup, mung bean porridge and other traditional methods are suitable.

    Limin Shipbreaking Plant set up a large refrigerator at the door at the right time. Add the mung bean soup and red bean soup with sugar, divide it into small grids, insert bamboo skewers, freeze it solid in the refrigerator, and pay for it for one copper (about half a cent).  Red bean popsicles and green bean popsicles for sale??Possicles.  Needless to say, a large group of children gather around to buy ice cream every day. Even adults think it is quite good to spend a copper to buy a piece of ice cream to eat to relieve the heat in this summer.

    ? Seeing the crowds there, and seeing the lack of people at the entrance of his store, Pierre Ott felt as if he had eaten a ball of charcoal in the dog days of summer, and he was burning with anger.  Fortunately, the red bean and green adzuki bean popsicles had no technical content. Two days later, the foreign company in Pierreot also put an Arctic brand refrigerator outside the door and launched the ice cream business.  At the end of the day, I sold a lot of ice cream, but when I asked someone to do the accounting, I found that after deducting the cost of machine depreciation, labor, raw materials, electricity bills, etc., the profit from this ice cream was very small, and I couldn't make much money.

    Pierre Ott didn't know the hardships of the people at the bottom. The workers Jin Batian found to make popsicles were all family members of Limin Shipbreaking Factory. First of all, the wages of these women who worked as temporary workers were much cheaper. In this era, there were opportunities for women to make money by working.  Not much, even less if you can't read.  Except for textile mills, spinning mills and silk reeling mills, which require more female workers, most other urban women still take care of housework at home.  Secondly, the electricity used by Limin Shipbreaking Plant is wires pulled from the underground electric heating plant. This electricity is also free, and there is no depreciation fee for the machines.  Therefore, the profits from selling ice cream at Limin Shipbreaking Factory are acceptable.

    However, many people still see the benefits of this ice cream, which is that it makes little money but it can attract people. For a while, some teahouses, restaurants, and shops on the streets in Peking, Tianjin, Shanghai, and other places have a refrigerator at the door. In this summer,  Run a sorbet business.

    ? Pierre Ott was tortured to death by Jin Batian for several rounds, and he was in a state of ecstasy.

    Naturally, the rumor about the air-conditioning disease was spread by Jin Batian, and it doesn¡¯t count as spreading rumors. After all, the air-conditioning disease really does exist.  However, in order to prevent air-conditioning disease, Jin Batian still did not choose to install an air conditioner in the house. Instead, he placed several basins of ice and the effect was the same - he didn't have to do it himself anyway.

    As a new thing, refrigerators were installed in the kitchen of Jin Batian's home. Four large-capacity ones were placed respectively for meat, vegetables and water. The refrigerators at this time did not have a fresh-keeping function. If they were placed below, they would freeze, and if they were placed on top, they would freeze.

    Xiaoju, who had only received light gauze (for sun protection), brought over a stainless steel basin: "Master, it's frozen."

    "Come on, come on, let's try my craft." Jin Batian makes sorbet using a mixture of cocoa powder, sugar, and water.  Jin Batian also wanted to make some ice cream, but Jin Batian really didn't understand the combination of cream and ice cream without a cone, so he had to make a simpler chocolate sorbet.

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