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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 84: Defense Line

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    PS: It¡¯s a little late on purpose, 3,000 words, please bookmark and vote.

    During breakfast, Jin Batian heard Xiao Zhu say that another opium den had been silenced, and he couldn't help but look at Valme and Melia.  I slept well last night, but didn't do anything.  Valme and Melia also looked innocent, and they had no source of intelligence, so how could they destroy the Black Tobacco House?

    In the end, Jin Batian also thought that it might be an imitation of his own superhero. Unfortunately, it was his first time being a superhero and he forgot to leave a mark on the scene. It was a pity that he didn't type out his name.  Jin Batian secretly reviewed it, and next time he would be sure to leave a mark on the wall, such as "Three Fatty Killers" or something like that.

    After breakfast, Jin Batian first came to the Peking Military and Political Department. Today, there was an arms delivery that was still sent to Nanjing. It could directly arm three reorganized divisions and some aircraft and tanks. This time, Jin Batian was directly invited to the combat research room.  .  Song Ziwen, Sun Liren and others were studying the defense line on a sand table of more than ten square meters.

    Seeing Jin Batian coming, Song Ziwen said: "It just so happens that you are here too. We are currently studying the problem of the three northern defense lines. There is a lack of a group of heavy artillery in the center, the kind with a caliber of more than 200. I think since Nanyang Military Industry  If we can make a 203mm naval gun for a heavy cruiser, then selling the 203mm heavy gun alone won¡¯t be a problem.¡±

    "Of course that's no problem." Jin Batian also looked at the location of the defense line.  It turns out that the three northern defense lines refer to the three provinces outside the Great Wall, Rehe, Suiyuan and Chahar. Looking at the densely packed machine gun bunkers and artillery fortresses on the high ground passes on the sand table, it feels like playing Oriental Maginot.  However, it is worthy of recognition to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

    Seeing this, Jin Batian asked: "Has the construction of the Three-North Defense Line started?"

    Sun Liren replied: "That's not true. Because the Zhongshan ship protects coastal security, the government decided to spend one to one and a half years building this three-north defense line. This is a major project costing tens of millions."

    Jin Batian couldn¡¯t remember how strong a defense line could be built in these three provinces at a cost of tens of millions. Of course, what Nanjing meant was that labor was free, and he only needed to spend money to buy some materials and heavy artillery.

    After some research, Jin Batian felt that even if the three-north defense line was built, it would only be able to delay the killing of the Japs. It would be difficult to block hundreds of thousands of Japs with this level of defense - defense is better than offense.  Disaster.  You must know that the Kwantung Army in later generations had millions of people, and its equipment and training were better than those of the local troops.  Now that it has been built, we must build an Eastern Maginot Line of Defense that can block millions of little devils.

    Jin Batian summed it up and found that the underground mining field is fully capable of this kind of fortification operation - although it may reduce the mining efficiency, national defense is the first priority.  The enemy in the north of Peiping is not only the enemy with ill intentions - what if Lao Maozi's millions of mechanized troops roll over in a torrent of steel? The three-north defense line fortifications are completed, which can ensure peace in the north of Peiping for a hundred years.

    So Jin Batian said: "In that case, it is better to leave this project to our Nanyang military industry. Of course, there is no basis for what you say, seven days, give me seven days, I will give it to you at Nantianmen (Nantianmen outside Peiping City)  Build a fortification and everyone will know the level of our Nanyang military industry."

    Song Ziwen naturally had no objections. It had only been seven days, so it was enough to dig tunnels and bunkers and lay out machine gun fortresses.  If the quality of the project was decent, Song Ziwen wouldn't mind finding a contractor.  Besides, I bought the railway stocks built by Nanyang Investment Holdings at a bargain price of 15 million before going public. Based on this relationship, I have to give them a chance, right?

    Jin Batian took the warrant from the Military and Political Department, returned to the 29th Army, took the reinforced ** company and hurried to Nantianmen.  The role of the ** company is to prevent anyone from snooping, and the rest of the work will be completed by a newly built underground mining site by Jinbatian.  Jin Batian and Valme, as well as Meria and the rest of the company, used the most insidious and most effective means of killing the enemy they thought of in the design of the fortifications of Nantianmen and the Sanbei Defense Line.

    The underground mining field can quickly hollow out a mountain according to the requirements, although there are no particularly valuable veins here.  The excess earth and rocks excavated were also used by engineering robots as concrete materials to reinforce machine gun bunkers and hidden forts.

    Most of the seven days were spent on various insidious designs. The seven days passed by in a flash. On the seventh day, when Jin Batian proudly brought the minister and others to visit the fortifications here, everyone was shocked - Seven days actually  Nothing has been done well, there is not a single trench, not a single machine gun fortress. What kind of fortification is this? If it matters, don't be so arrogant.

    Sun Liren has been to Nantianmen before, and he always feels that this place is a little different from before, and the Nantianmen on the sand table seems to be a little different, but he is not sure.

    Looking at everyone's doubts, Jin Batian said: "ThisFrom the outside, Tianmen looks like Nantianmen.  I will take you inside to see it, and you will understand.  "

    Jin Batian led everyone into a four-meter-high and four-meter-wide passage from the foot of the southern mountain. Electric lights were installed on both sides of the passage. Sun Liren and Song Ziwen casually touched the walls of the passage. The walls and the road were not smooth.  The mirror is level but not uncomfortable.  The two people were horrified that the wall was actually made of rock. Could it be that the Nanyang Military Industry had dug through the mountain of Nantianmen in only seven days and still had time to pull in the wires.

    After walking through the passage of more than 100 meters, the space suddenly opened up and everyone discovered that they were in a hall. Several high-magnification electric lights above illuminated the hall brightly.  There are several doorless passages in the hall. The functions of these passages are written on both sides of the passage. For example, it leads to the rest area, leads to the light and heavy machine rifle shooting area, leads to the kitchen and dining area, leads to the ammunition depot, leads to  The water room leads to the howitzer area, to the mortar area, to the toilet, to the headquarters, etc.

    Jin Batian explained: "This hall is responsible for the assembly and transfer work. We found underground water veins during the project and built a water house. There is no shortage of water sources. As long as we ensure that there is enough food and ammunition, in theory we can stay here as long as we want.  ."

    A staff officer from the Military and Political Department asked: "Then we can't attack it?"

    "That's a good question." Jin Batian said: "Theoretically, there is no fortress that cannot be conquered, but as the attacking party, you have to consider the price. I will show you the three-dimensional defense map, and then take a look at its defense system in person.  knew."

    After taking out the three-dimensional defense map, Jin Batian introduced: "This place is built according to the standard of a brigade garrison. In fact, a division can be squeezed in and then work in shifts. The entire defense system, we are in the mountain  A total of 400 heavy machine gun muzzles, 800 light machine gun muzzles and 800 rifle free-firing muzzles were dug. It can be said that the entire shooting system is 360 degrees with no blind spots.

    ?Another twenty-four 20mm twin anti-aircraft guns, thirty-six mortars and sixteen 105 howitzers were installed.  These places can withstand direct bombardment from artillery with a caliber of less than 150 mm.  If his luck wasn't so bad, he wouldn't have been injured.  "

    Another staff officer looked at the picture and asked: "I can understand the placement of so many gun ports on the front and two wings, but why should there be the same density of shooting ports in the back."

    "Do you think, if the Jaap's frontal attack is thwarted and the attack on both wings is thwarted, do you think of making a detour? Or maybe our front slope has been completely lost, so we can concentrate all our personnel on the reverse slope. Control it through the firing port on the reverse slope.  On the road here, as long as this nail is not pulled out, the little devil will suffer.

    According to our calculations, if the troops guarding here do not escape or surrender, a B brigade can block an A-class division of the Japs.  A second-class division can block the first-class division of three little devils.  Of course, this is calculated when the Japs are not equipped with a heavy artillery wing.  In actual use, our suggestion is to open the shooting port bit by bit to gradually put pressure on the little devil, and retain part of the strength to keep the little devil in check.  "

    "Jin Batian's words are too full. Of course, many people don't believe it. But you can understand it after walking all the way and seeing the shooting eloquence one by one.  The thinnest part also has natural rock mass or reinforced concrete fortifications of more than one meter. At this level, the 105 howitzer can only scratch its itch if it fires grenades.

    The entire mountain's defenses are divided into six layers. The uppermost layer is naturally an anti-aircraft gun. This thing can hit people from above and below, and its power and range are both good.  The second floor is divided into forward and reverse slopes. The forward slope is the muzzle of sixteen 105 howitzers, and the reverse slope is equipped with thirty-six 120mm mortars (since there is no need to march, the diameter of the gun is naturally larger and larger.  good.)

    The lower four floors are densely packed with machine gun muzzles. Each heavy machine gun muzzle is equipped with a light machine gun muzzle and a rifle shooting port on both sides. Every three heavy machine gun muzzles cover each other, and the entire defense line is integrated (telephones and telephone lines are laid out).  ).  In this way, even if you want to destroy the machine gun muzzle through proximity blasting, you have to pay a sufficient price.

    "At least a few staff officers couldn't figure out how to capture this fortress without the help of heavy artillery.  Sure enough, as long as you have enough food and ammunition and the will to persevere - blowing up the passage, you can easily block ten times or even more enemy attacks.  For such a hedgehog fortress, there seems to be no other way except to mobilize a large number of heavy artillery or to besiege it.  Moreover, the Sanbei Defense Line to be launched is not this lonely Nantianmen. When several such hollowed-out mountains form hedgehog fortresses and rely on each other to block the inevitable path, it will really be a nightmare for the attackers.

    What Jin Batian wants is this kind of effect. If it doesn't have this level, how can it be considered the Oriental Maginot Line of Defense?  Back then, the fortifications in Shangganling were far inferior to those here, so the United Army didn't have enough recruits.

    Minister Song is very satisfied with this defense system.However, the problem came up again. Minister Song asked: "It's good, but our Three-North Defense Line Project only has a budget of 10 million yuan. If it is built on this scale and equipped with heavy artillery and artillery shells, it shouldn't be enough."

    "Minister Song doesn't understand our Nanyang military industry. The cost of building a mountain using our secret method is very low (one investment will benefit you for a lifetime). Otherwise, this project would not be completed in seven days. Although ten million is not enough, this is not building a house, this is building a country.  It is the lifeline of national defense, and it is acceptable for our Nanyang military industry to suffer a small loss." Of course, Jin Batian would not say 10 million to 10 million. Mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are, not to mention it is still a big project of 10 million.

    In this way, the Three-North Defense Line project was started.

    Minister Song sighed in his heart: It¡¯s great to have a conscientious businessman.

    Jin Batian also sighed in his heart: Business without capital is really great.

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