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Red Alert: The Republic of China Text Chapter 676 The Thief of the Century (Part 1)

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    On the outskirts of Manhattan Airport, two American soldiers on guard duty were talking when suddenly his mouth was covered by someone, and then he felt a pain in his heart. There was a trace of panic in his eyes, but he was unable to make any move.  , because a Mitsubishi bayonet had pierced his heart, and three bleeding troughs drained his blood as quickly as possible.

    At the same time, two special forces members quickly rushed to the power grid, and two special grenades that had been prepared were immediately released.  "Boom! Boom!" After two explosions, a huge hole was immediately exposed in the power grid, and the entire power grid was instantly paralyzed.

    These two grenades are special graphite grenades used by special forces.  Two special operations teams filed in, and Chen Fuliang and his team immediately ran towards the tower.  However, the special forces attack had been discovered by the US military, and sirens sounded throughout the airport.

    At the same moment, in front of the airport terminal, several cars driving wildly broke through the temporary cordon set up by the US military and rushed into the terminal instantly at the risk of being destroyed by US armored vehicles.

    As soon as they entered the terminal, the special operations personnel in the car immediately jumped out of the speeding car. They were all very agile and hid in the entire terminal, while quickly cleaning up the US officers and soldiers stationed in the terminal.  And relying on the cover they had just found, they began to shoot at the chasing U.S. troops.

    At this time, the entire Manhattan Airport was in chaos. Before the Americans could fully react, an air defense position not far from the airport emitted a huge explosion and flames shot into the sky.  It turned out to be a special operations team responsible for sneak attacks on U.S. air defense positions.  It only took more than ten minutes to unceremoniously kill the US military sentries guarding the perimeter, and then easily and neatly kill the 'unarmed' air defense soldiers, and then directly used homemade delay bombs to eliminate all anti-aircraft missiles.

    The attack by Chen Fuliang and others went extremely smoothly. In their opinion, the heavily guarded US military showed a trace of panic after the air defense position was bombed, and some US soldiers even fled without fighting.  Along the way, the team led by Chen Fuliang hardly encountered much counterattack, and they rushed directly to the airport tower like cutting a watermelon.

    Gunfire erupted throughout Manhattan Airport.  The special operations team that rushed into the terminal relied on the buildings in the terminal to block the swarming U.S. troops from the outside.  In addition, because it is in the terminal, although the armored vehicle has powerful firepower and almost indestructible offensive capabilities, it is difficult to display it.

    Suddenly.  The U.S. military's originally complete three-layer defense line was cracked by the special operations team.  What makes them even more depressed is that.  They were supposed to be defensive, but now they became attackers.  Moreover, their attack was not going well. The special operations team that had just finished cleaning up the air defense troops moved behind them.  Let them be attacked from both sides.

    Almost all the fighting at the airport is concentrated in the terminal.

    "Be careful!" Before an American soldier had time to remind his companions, a bullet had passed through the back of his head. The white mixed with red brains scattered instantly, and the American soldier who reminded him instantly  With his face covered by these things, the originally strong-willed man suddenly vomited without caring about the hail of bullets in front and behind him.

    "Behind! Behind!" Not far from this US military, a machine gunner on an armored vehicle was following the commander's command and constantly adjusting the direction of the US military's offensive fire cover.

    ¡°Kill him, I feel sick when I see him!¡± Before the armored vehicle turned around, the captain of the Chinese special operations team who was attacking from behind said disgustingly.

    Just like the hip-hop character of the United States itself, this wheeled armored vehicle is an enlarged version of a Beetle. The armor on its body can only barely resist rifle fire. If it is used against armed bandits, it can barely be used, but on the battlefield  It feels like a toy, and I don't know how awkward it is.

    A member of the special forces team who rushed to the front heard the captain¡¯s voice in the communicator and volunteered.  Then he took out an armor-piercing grenade, placed it on the muzzle of the automatic rifle he carried, and then aimed directly at the armored vehicle that was an enlarged version of the Beetle.  At this time, the distance between him and the enlarged version of the Beetle was less than a hundred meters, and the agile Beetle just turned around.

    The kiss between the Beetle wheeled armored vehicle and the rifle grenade happened at this time. A small rifle grenade cost only a few dollars. When it successfully kissed the Beetle wheeled armored vehicle, it completed the last battle of its life.  , also got the best destination. An armored vehicle worth hundreds of thousands was turned into a pile of scrap metal without even being able to withstand a small rifle grenade.

    The surrounding U.S. troops were immediately confused. They had not had time to kill the special operations team member who was rushing forward.  The other special forces members had successfully covered the special forces member's running back with crossfire.

    ? ???Get rid of them!  "The commander of the US military is a little crazy. Until now, he still doesn't know who he is facing? Is it the Chinese or the armed personnel who have fled from the south? The opponent's endless offensive methods and tactical awareness have given the commander of the US military some control.  At a loss, a surprising scene happened. The numerically superior US military was unable to break through the encirclement consisting of only thirty or forty special operations teams, but the casualties continued to increase.

    Inside the airport, a special operations team was solving the US military firepower points inside the airport bit by bit.  Although the opponent's firepower was very strong, the only thing that made this special operations team happy was when the American troops simply fired blindly, trying to eliminate them with suppressive firepower.

    Chen Fuliang and others quickly eliminated the guards around the tower and rushed to the tower. When they finished solving various problems, they discovered that all the instruments on the tower had been destroyed by the Americans. They looked at all kinds of smoke rising everywhere.  Instrument, Chen Fuliang could only smile helplessly. Although this result is not the best, this result is not the worst either.

    "Send power to the headquarters immediately and say that we have captured the airport tower and request immediate reinforcements!" Chen Fuliang understood that the fact that he had captured the airport should have been reported to his superiors by the US military stationed here, and they would immediately be violently attacked by the other party.  Counterattack, you need to know what an airport means.

    as expected.  In less than half an hour, just when Chen Fuliang and others had just finished dealing with the defenders inside the airport, they heard a roar not far away. U.S. military reinforcements arrived, and it sounded like tank troops.

    There is a very special building in Manhattan. With this building as the center, there is an absolute restricted area within three kilometers.  Two elite U.S. Army divisions are stationed inside.  Even in peacetime, when there are only a few American troops, the number of troops stationed here has not decreased.

    These two reorganization divisions are all armored divisions.  All kinds of heavy firepower are available.  It can definitely be said to be the ace regular army of the United States.

    Two reorganized armored divisions.  The total number of people exceeds 23,000, and what these soldiers protect can definitely make anyone jealous, as long as they have a sense of money.  They can't resist what's inside.

    There is only one thing inside.  More than 10,000 tons of gold.  This is the largest gold vault in the world.

    In 1937, the United States concentrated all gold except for circulation here.  Since World War I, the United States has received gold from Europe plus all of its own gold reserves.  It's all here.

    In Manhattan, Lahar, the commander of the 33rd U.S. Army, is a fanatical militant. He moved his military headquarters to the center of the city. He understands that if these places are lost, no matter how many places he holds, he will be  To no avail.  After hearing the report from the airport guard, Lahar immediately thought of a key issue, that is, the Manhattan Airport is still intact.

    Suddenly, Laharl figured out too many things at once.  You know, if the Chinese just wanted to destroy the airport, the Air Force could have carried out the attack long ago. Why bother sending special forces to carry out the attack?  This shows that the Chinese want this airport and they have been planning for a long time.  Since it has been planned for a long time, this shows one thing, that is, the primary target of China's attack fleet entering the Atlantic Ocean is likely to be New York, and Manhattan where he is located is a key location.

    It¡¯s not that Lahar didn¡¯t know the geographical location and significance of Manhattan. Lahar suddenly felt the ambition of the Chinese. They seemed to be ready to destroy them all Thinking of this, Lahar risked being bombed and sent out his own troops.  The tank troops reported their thoughts to Shangfeng and asked for support.  However, no matter how we contacted, the communication was completely interrupted, and no matter what methods we tried, it was of no use.

    What Lahar didn¡¯t know was that the earthquake he thought just now was actually a Chinese nuclear bomb, and his climb to the peak had been finished long ago.

    In the end, Lahar could only send messengers and keep communication troops in constant contact, and then began to organize the defense of New York.

    Manhattan Airport.

    "Quickly deal with them. I hope the people on the periphery can delay for some time. We must hold on until reinforcements arrive and immediately request the headquarters to send planes to reinforce us!" Chen Fuliang ordered through the communicator while firing.

    Maybe he was a little anxious, but Chen Fuliang suddenly felt that these originally rubbish American soldiers had become so difficult to deal with. He really hoped that he could shoot them one by one, and those American soldiers could stand there honestly and let them go.  He hit.

    When the special operations team who had been on the periphery responsible for outflanking heard the sound of tanks, they immediately understood that things were getting more and more complicated.  When the depressed American troops heard the sound of the tanks, their vitality burst out again like chicken blood, and each one of them seemed to have been smeared with Indian divine oil.He stood up and desperately resisted the unilateral massacre by the special operations team.

    "Withdraw! We have to find a way to delay those tanks!" the peripheral captain said with some frustration.

    "Captain, I don't think we can withdraw. You see, the American troops are launching an attack on us. They want to fight with their reinforcements as soon as possible!" A team member said with some helplessness.

    "MD, I'll fight hard and tell the brothers that no one can be let go. They are still young if they want to break through our defense line!" Upon hearing the words of the team members, the peripheral captain also clearly felt that the opponent's firepower seemed to have been strengthened a lot, and  Some US troops were turning their guns and rushing toward them. It seemed they wanted to open up the passage here. What rushed at the front were two Beetle wheeled armored vehicles and an unknown type of 4x4 that disgusted them.  Wheeled armored vehicle.  However, after all, Chen Fuliang's pressure on the US military is still relatively high, so the US military's main focus is still there.

    "Get them! Let them in! Lure the enemy deeper! The first group is responsible for getting rid of those two disgusting vehicles; the second group is responsible for getting rid of the armored vehicle; the third group is responsible for sniping the US troops behind them." The perimeter captain looked at the three vehicles.  Armored Car, said without hesitation.

    actually.  He preferred to rob them so that he could use the 30mm machine gun on the unknown armored vehicle to eliminate those American troops who were still resisting.  Since the direct range of armor-piercing grenades is only about a hundred meters, when the three armored vehicles rushed over, all the team members ducked aside and waited for opportunities, and behind them there were more than a dozen American troops following them.

    "Start taking action!" As soon as the three armored vehicles entered the range of the special operations team, the perimeter captain immediately issued the order to attack.  At this moment, something unexpected happened. At the moment of the attack, a special operations team member who was ambushing at the front suddenly rushed out of his bunker.  Rush directly towards the 4x4 armored vehicle.

    "The third group cancels the operation. Others are responsible for covering him!" When the peripheral captain saw this scene, he cursed in his heart and gave the order.

    The U.S. military also saw the rushing Chinese soldier. The two Beetle wheeled armored vehicles beside the 4x4 armored vehicle had not had time to fire bullets to block his progress.  Just heard a few explosions.  Then it immediately turned into two piles of fire.  Turned into a pile of scrap metal.  The U.S. soldiers following the armored vehicles were also accurately and fatally blocked by other special forces members, and immediately crawled to the ground motionless.

    And the special operations team member who rushed out was like a whirlwind, rushing in front of the armored vehicle in three steps and two steps at a time.  Before the people inside could react, they climbed onto the top of the moving armored vehicle like an ape.

    The special forces member climbed onto the moving armored vehicle like an ape. Because the two Beetle wheeled armored vehicles on both sides were suddenly destroyed, the personnel on the armored vehicle were caught by the special forces member before they had time to react.  Time difference.

    As the special forces members climbed onto the roof, the armored vehicle sensed danger like a wild beast and began to sway left and right, hoping to get the special forces members off the vehicle.  A U.S. soldier sitting in the car also opened the rear door, trying to climb up and deal with this annoying guy And the U.S. infantry who were suppressed not far away also opened fire, hoping to kill this daring person.  Come down and eliminate the armored vehicle threat

    "Bang!" The American soldier had just exposed his head and before he could turn around and look up at the sky, he was shot in the head by the special operations team member. The body was immediately thrown out of the car and rolled several times on the ground.  When other American soldiers in the car witnessed this scene, they no longer dared to dispatch rashly.

    But there was a "wow" sound coming from inside, and it seemed that they were thinking of a way After a while, they heard the sound of "bang!" shooting inside. It seemed that the US military in the car wanted to use a gun to penetrate the protective armor of the armored vehicle.  Come and deal with him, completely beat this hateful guy into a sieve

    "Not coming out? Let you have a taste of grenades!" The special operations team member understood that he must solve the problem in front of him immediately. If he gave the US military some time, he would really become a sieve.

    He pressed his whole body as close as possible to the top of the armored vehicle to avoid the shots of the American infantry. He grabbed the concave and convex part above the armored vehicle with one hand to prevent the armored vehicle from swinging left and right and threw himself down. He took out a grenade with one hand and pulled off the ring.  Release the safety pin.

    Looking at the white smoke coming out of the grenade, I muttered in my heart: "1, 2, 3" At the moment before the three words came out, the grenade in my hand was immediately thrown into the armored vehicle through the open back door.  Then he turned over and jumped down.

    At the same time, the US troops in the vehicle also used their guns to penetrate the steel plate of the armored vehicle. Before they could be happy, they heard an explosion of "Boom!", and hundreds of bullets were fired.The car rushed out instantly. In such a small space, several American soldiers in the car suffered different injuries.

    The sound produced by the explosion became very loud because it was in a very small space. Even the driver driving in front was not hurt, but he was attacked by the sound waves and hurriedly covered his ears with his hands and opened his mouth as wide as possible.  to buffer.

    And the action of the armored vehicle also paused and slowed down.  The two special operations team members who had been waiting on both sides immediately rushed out and made a beautiful appearance. Then the assault rifles in their hands let out the roar of death. The American soldiers in the car who had basically lost their combat ability immediately fell into a pool of blood.  .  Then the two men immediately rushed into the car and killed the driver.  At the same moment, the special team member who had made great achievements was immediately rescued into the shelter by two other people.

    "MD! It's too thrilling!" The captain of the peripheral special forces team couldn't help but cursed.  However, the roar of tanks in the distance was getting closer and closer, and the situation in front of them did not allow them to be negligent.

    And the American helicopters arrived extremely quickly. As soon as the third group finished setting up the armored vehicles, the helicopters had already arrived over them, but they did not attack. Instead, they hovered over them and began to attack the terminal with machine guns.

    American helicopters are still the same, bloated, with a Brown heavy machine gun on each side, operated by two soldiers.

    "It seems that this armored vehicle helped us!" The peripheral captain wiped the sweat from his head and smiled: "They thought their partners had won here, and the airport was more important to them, so they were not careful.  Observe. We have a chance, use the dual-purpose machine gun on the armored vehicle to shoot them down!"

    The peripheral captain's guess was good. They saw that their armored vehicle had broken through so far. Several soldiers were leisurely sorting out the corpses. Moreover, on the road it had advanced, there were two burning armored vehicles.  It seems that the battle here has just ended, and his troops have won.

    The addition of the helicopter put a lot of pressure on Chen Fuliang. The dense rockets instantly swallowed up two members of the special team. The Lone Wolf special team, which had always maintained zero casualties, lost four in less than a minute after the helicopter joined.  players.

    "Be careful!" This was the only thing Chen Fuliang could do. He reminded his team members loudly and tried hard to avoid heavy machine gun attacks.  The opponent's helicopter is too smart. It stays at a distance and height that the guns in their hands cannot catch. In order to break through, they do not carry weapons such as anti-aircraft missiles at all. They only have individual equipment, so they can only  On the passive side of being beaten.  The American soldiers, who had been suffocated by them, also rushed forward screaming.

    "Let me give you a lift!" A member of the special forces team of the third group immediately grabbed the on-board high-level dual-purpose machine gun on the armored vehicle and unceremoniously blocked the retreat of the two helicopters.

    "Boom!" Just when the morale of the US military was high, a helicopter that had just been showing off its teeth exploded.  Before the other helicopter had time to react, it was immediately hit by the high-level dual-purpose machine gun on the armored vehicle. Its tail was blown to pieces, spinning in the air and hitting the US military area not far away.

    No one on the battlefield could react to the sudden change of situation, and at this time the perpetrator had already driven an armored vehicle to look for cattle.  After losing the helicopter attack, Chen Fuliang once again organized a defense line. The defense line composed of special forces members was like a human meat blender, strangling the U.S. military bit by bit As for those U.S. troops who tried to pick up rocket launchers or light machine guns, they became the targets of the special operations team snipers.  ¡­

    Harald clearly understood the importance of Manhattan Airport. While sending out a tank regiment to try to retake the airport, he ordered the only artillery unit he had on hand to cover the airport with fire. Even if the entire airport was destroyed, it would not fall into the hands of the Chinese.  Once it falls into the hands of the Chinese, it means that China will have a convenient frontline airport in the future, and the attack range of its air force will at least double.

    Another point is that in previous attacks, once the airport was used by China, China's transport planes could directly transport large troops over.  Then the pressure on the US military will be even greater.

    PS: The actual location of this building is Fort Knox in Louisville, Kentucky, which is the U.S. Army Armored Corps Command.  The New York Fed vault in Manhattan also has a vault, but there is not as much gold as Fort Knox. This book combines the two into one.

    It¡¯s good if everyone knows about it, don¡¯t make any assumptions!  Because there are really two US Army armored divisions stationed there, a lot of Abrams, Longbow Apache!  (To be continued)
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