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Red Alert: The Republic of China Text Chapter 675 Occupying Manhattan

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    Seeing Truman's seemingly relieved look, Marshall didn't want to hit him, but there were some things he had to say.

    "Mr. President, because of the cold winter in the north, we don't have to worry for the time being, but it's hard to say in the south. Although the South American coalition forces have been blocked in New Mexico, with a large number of weapons and equipment eliminated by China being installed in the South American coalition forces, our situation is getting worse and worse.  It¡¯s getting less and less optimistic.

    Today¡¯s South American troops have begun to have Chinese King Tiger tanks and Panther tanks, and a large number of jet fighters have also appeared on aircraft.  Different from the beginning, now their tactics are basically formulated by Chinese military officers.

    According to the spying of the intelligence department, a large number of active Chinese military officers and ace pilots have entered the South American coalition forces to serve as military advisors and flight instructors. A large number of trainer aircraft and combat aircraft are assembled in the South American rear areas every day.  Even the fuselage parts of the Titan bombers have begun to appear. Once the South American coalition forces have a large number of Titan bombers, they can bomb our industrial cities in depth at any time.

    If we say that the former South American Allied Forces were just some low-rate troops, then now they are already a third-rate army. It will probably not take a month. When they become more proficient in Chinese weapons and equipment, our advantage will become smaller and smaller.  .

    When the war started, we could still maintain a casualty ratio of one to ten, but now we can barely maintain a casualty ratio of less than one to three.  Once the casualty ratio is reduced to less than one to two.  By then, I am afraid that not only New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona will be occupied by the South American coalition forces, but other continents may also be in danger.  "

    "Then what should we do?" Truman couldn't come up with any good ideas for a while, so he could only look at Marshall expectantly.

    "Mr. President, my opinion is simple. We cannot fight on two fronts. We can only end the war with China as soon as possible, redeem all the prisoners, rearm them, and transfer the elite troops from the north to the south. All our problems will be solved  ." Marshall said helplessly.

    "That is to say, we still have to ask Congress to agree to China's conditions?" After hearing Marshall's words, Truman suddenly looked helpless.

    "Unfortunately, that's what it is."

    "Okay! This is the most difficult thing to achieve at the moment. I'm afraid only the Almighty God can make those bastards change their minds."

    Marshall glanced around, slowly moved closer to Truman, and whispered: "If you can't punch them in with words, you can only take extreme measures."

    "You mean!!" Truman was shocked and couldn't help but said.

    "Yes, we cannot just watch a group of plutocrats ruin the entire United States. I firmly believe that if Mr. Roosevelt learns of this situation in heaven, he will definitely agree to this final measure. We can't wait any longer. Maybe tomorrow, China's nuclear bomb will  It will fall on us." Marshall said calmly.

    "But" Truman seemed unable to make up his mind and wanted to say something else, but before he could say anything, Marshall ignored any etiquette and interrupted him.

    "Mr. President, there is nothing better. I feel that from the moment Japan signs the instrument of surrender, we don't have much time. There is an old saying among the Chinese: if you continue to resist, please make up your mind.  ! The lives of more than 100 million people in the United States of America depend on your just a thought."

    "Okay! I agree"

    However, before Truman could say his words of agreement, there was a sudden flash of light, and then nothing more.

    The No. 1 nuclear warhead exploded in the air less than three kilometers away from the White House. With a nuclear bomb with a yield of tens of millions of tons, people within three kilometers could not hear the explosion at all. They were caught in the explosion and vaporized immediately.  Buildings were destroyed in an instant, all in a split second.

    In the United States, some small TV channels, newspapers, and magazines often publish prohibited reports these days.  This has made many Americans clearly realize how terrifying China's final resort is, and the nuclear cloud has enveloped the United States.

    ¡°There are disastrous photos after nuclear explosions circulating in the streets and alleys of the United States. Each of these photos can make people intuitively feel the fear of facing the abyss.

    Many people have begun to organize and demand that the government and China immediately start peace talks.  However, these voices were suppressed by the US government agencies as soon as they appeared.

    At this moment, those Americans who live on the outskirts of the city targeted by the nuclear strike can really see the shocking mushroom cloud.  Especially in the middle of the night, the charming colors make it impossible to ignore its devastation.

    ¡°It is difficult for those who live in cities to see such a gorgeous scene. Perhaps, no American wants to see it in their own home.¡±?See this beauty that comes with death.

    Washington, which was the most severely damaged, including many members of Congress, the respective headquarters of the navy, army and air force, it can be said that the top brass of the US government agencies were instantly wiped out by the nuclear explosion.  Except for those who insisted on working in the basement most of the night, basically no one was spared.

    The 10-million-ton hydrogen bomb has brought all within a radius of more than ten kilometers around the center of Washington into its absolute lethal range.

    However, China¡¯s actions against the United States are not over yet. Perhaps a successful nuclear explosion is the beginning of another plan.

    New York, the largest modern city in the United States, is also the world's leading big city.  Oddly enough, the city was not within range of a nuclear strike.

    When the shock of the nuclear bomb explosion reached here, the Lone Wolf Brigade belonging to the Ghost Special Forces, one of China's two major special forces, also happened to find a safe foothold in New York.

    They landed next to a river about 20 kilometers northeast of Manhattan.  After gathering members of their respective teams, more than a dozen special operations teams immediately rushed towards their goals. Now they only had eight hours left, and they had to reach those important goals within these eight hours.  , and hold on to the arrival of reinforcements.

    Chen Fuliang is the captain of one of the special operations teams of the Lone Wolf Breakthrough Force. The team he led this time targeted the civilian airport in Manhattan. This was an airport that was not subject to military control in the United States during the entire war.

    However, the entire Lone Wolf Brigade understood that if they could not capture this airport, then the subsequent attack would be frustrated, and there was no telling how many people would die innocently.  Therefore, they must capture this airport to clear the way for the follow-up troops.  Chen Fuliang and his team arrived at the outskirts of the airport without any danger

    "How is it?" Chen Fuliang asked hurriedly as Liu Dabao, the leading soldier, had just returned.

    "There is about a battalion of US troops, which is very different from the information we got!" Liu Dabao said, stroking the sweat on his head.  "The enemy has obviously strengthened their defenses. They also have armored vehicles and a large amount of light and heavy firepower as well as anti-aircraft artillery support. I think we have little chance of winning if we attack by force!"

    "It seems that since the war, the air force brothers have brought a lot of pressure to the US military, which has caused us a lot of difficulties!" Chen Fuliang was amused when he heard this, and said with a smile: "The more enemies we have, the more fun we have. Tell the other teams  , just say that the prey is in groups, let them give up some unnecessary targets, and let¡¯s hunt together!¡±

    Liu Dabao looked at Chen Fuliang's cheerful look and knew that this guy would be happy whenever there was a fight. He was simply a killing machine!  He reminded with some helplessness: "You'd better be careful, we still have a mission!"

    "It's drizzling!" Chen Fuliang said with a sinister smile on his face.

    Manhattan Airport is heavily defended, and this lone wolf special forces team caused a little trouble.  Because there were not enough manpower to achieve the effect of a surprise attack, the bold but careful Chen Fuliang chose to wait for his other teammates.

    At two o'clock in the morning, with three hours left before Ma Ning set the time for the general attack, Chen Fuliang finally waited for the three teams that had just arrived after completing their mission. After a brief exchange, Chen Fuliang and others finally formulated a rough combat plan.

    There are several major factors limiting the operation. The peripheral air defense positions and armored vehicles must be eliminated as soon as possible to prevent the US military from destroying the airport.  At the same time, after seizing the airport, we must find a way to hold on until reinforcements arrive.

    "We should request the dispatch of aircraft to attack their anti-aircraft missile positions and peripheral guard positions. This can cover our smooth entry into the airport! Anyway, the attack fleet has arrived, and we have time to wait for our fighter planes to arrive." Among them.  One of the captains said with some objection.

    "If planes are sent to attack, if the missiles deviate from the direction, destroy the airport runway, etc., our mission will still not be completed. Don't rely on high technology for everything, sometimes it may not be able to solve the problem!" Chen Fuliang directly retorted, with a look on his face  He looked a little angry and said in an aggravated tone:

    "I think you should understand that if we fail, the captain will bear the responsibility. And this responsibility, let alone our captain, even if our chief instructor is called here, he cannot bear it. After all, it is about numbers.  The life and death of thousands of comrades is not easy for the airborne brothers, so there must be no mistakes."

    The captain who was taught a lesson by Chen Fuliang was immediately speechless. It was not that he had not considered this, but that it had become a habit in his mind to use high-tech technology to solve problems.

    "Okay, in twenty minutes, each team will prepare according to the plan. Three teams will sneak attack on the airport, and one team will deal with the air defense positions separately!" Chen Fuliang arranged.

     ps: I just heard a few people in the Internet cafe talking about where they went to have fun on Christmas yesterday. Only then did Huali realize that Christmas has passed. A belated blessing, also because Huali doesn¡¯t care much about these things, (mainly a  People! Everyone understands.) I wish those book friends who like Christmas a Merry Christmas, and those who don¡¯t like it should just ignore it.

    Christmas Eve has also passed. Although Hua Hua has committed numerous crimes in the book, Hua Hua actually still hopes for peace.

    In the following content, Manhattan will appear in other places in reality. Everyone knows it.  (To be continued.
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