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Text Chapter 489 A surprising new ally

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    "But before that, I will continue to give the same formal speech."

    Alfonso's words made everyone feel like they were being fooled, but more often than not, they felt that such tricking was somewhat understandable, because Alfonso's face had a shrug and helpless look, which made people feel a little bit out of place.  Think about it and understand.

    So, people started to listen seriously again.

    These mastery of speech techniques and other skills have made many people in the world admire them, especially the leaders of various countries. Although they don¡¯t say it with their mouths, they are already in admiration in their hearts. Even the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, this  Asquith, an old man in politics, could not help but say to the people around him: "This is a sign of strength and charm. With him here, Spain can enjoy its status as a world power for fifty years."

    This sentence happened to be heard by one of his guards, and a few years later, this follower became a world-famous man. In a memoir, he made Asquith's words appear in the world,  Used to express Asquith's far-sighted vision.

    In the United States, retired people such as Theodore Roosevelt and Taft all expressed disdain for this.

    But there is also a hint of excitement. Obviously, they may plan to use this method of canvassing votes in the future.

    In fact, they are not the only ones. Many politicians in the world have such plans. After all, controlling voters or the people is what every political leader is most concerned about. Only when their thoughts are controlled by themselves can they be able to act for the policies they will implement.  Both hands agree.  Instead of going to [street parades] to protest.

    ¡°When my father, Alfonso XII, first announced that Spain would be free from civil war forever, people rode on horseback and sang loudly to carry that message slowly across the land, and then ships came to carry it across the ocean. And now,  The sights and sounds of this ceremony were instantly broadcast around the world.

    Nowadays, with tools such as radio and telegraph, information is global. Investments in the economies of various countries, with the support of major consortiums, are also liquid. Innovative technology is almost magical. The ideal that it can improve life is now even more important.  of universality.  This can be seen from the fact that Audi cars are placed in front of every household in Spain.

    today.  We Spaniards seek to survive through peaceful competition with people from all over the world.  Profound and powerful forces are shaking and transforming our world, and the imperative of our time is whether we can make change our friend rather than our enemy.  "

    Alfonso secretly cursed himself for his deceitful language, but actually he didn¡¯t want to do it like this.  But.  These are needed.  Still need to do, after all, these things.  It needs to be spread.  Positive energy, every country and every government needs it, right?

    "This new world has allowed tens of millions of Spaniards who can compete and win to live a prosperous life. However, when most people earn less the more they work, when it is impossible for some people to work at all  , when the burden of taxation overwhelms many families and brings businesses large and small to the brink of bankruptcy, when the fear of criminal activities prevents law-abiding citizens from moving freely, when millions of orphans cannot even imagine that we are calling them to live.  When we live that kind of life, we fail to make change our friend. We know that we must face the hard truth and take strong steps. But too often we fail to do so, instead letting it slide to the detriment of  It has destroyed our resources, destroyed our economy, and shaken our confidence.

    We face amazing challenges, but we must also have amazing strength. The Spanish have always been a nation that is restless, constantly pursuing, and full of hope. Today, we must bring the foresight and strong will of our predecessors to our tasks.  .  Starting from the French Revolution, Spain was devastated by the export of revolution, and Spain fell completely into civil war. Finally, the Great Depression, until the country reaffirmed its unity, our people have always made up their mind to build the pillars of our country's history from all crises.  formed the now powerful Spain.

    ¡°There are members of my administration who believe that in order to preserve our country¡¯s foundations, we need to make exciting changes from time to time.  My people, I think our cabinet members are not freeloaders. When they spend money in front of you taxpayers, it turns out that their money is valuable, so we can allow them to spend more.  We should remember that our era is an era of change, let us embrace this era to build our world.

    If we want to continue to revive Spain, we must have the courage.  We must do things that no one before us has had to do.  Our government must invest more in the people, you, in your jobs and your future, and at the same time, our government must reduce its massive debt.  Moreover, we mustDo it all in a world where you need to compete for every opportunity.  Doing so is not easy and requires sacrifice.  But it can be done, and it can be done fairly and reasonably.  We are not sacrifices for sacrifice's sake, we as governments must provide for our country the way families provide for their children.

    The founders of our country viewed themselves through the eyes of future generations.  We must do the same.  Anyone who has ever watched a child sleep with his or her head covered knows what future generations mean. The future generations are the world to come, to which we adhere to our ideals, to whom we borrow this planet, and to whom we have a sacred responsibility.  We must do what Spain does best, provide more opportunities for everyone and hold everyone more accountable.

    ¡° If we want to revive Spain, we must revive the vitality of our reform system.  This beautiful capital, like every capital since the dawn of civilization, is often a place of intrigue and infighting.  The big names are vying for power and are endlessly worried about the replacement of officials, but they forget those who brought us here with their hard work and sweat and supported us.

    The Spaniards deserve better.  There are people in this city who want to do things better today.  So I say to all of you here: Let us resolve to reform politics so that the clamor of power and privilege no longer overwhelms the voice of the people.  Let's put personal interests aside.  In this way we can become aware of Spain's ills and see its hope.  Let us be determined to move the government in the direction that many say is good for Spain, a government that looks to the future rather than dwelling on the past.  Let us return this capital to the people where it belongs.

    ¡° If we want to revive Spain, we must meet various challenges at home and abroad.  There is no longer a clear line between foreign and domestic affairs. The world economy, the world environment, the outbreak of wars around the world, the ongoing race in world armaments, all of this affects us all.

    While we are rebuilding at home, we will not shrink back from the challenges of this new world, nor will we miss opportunities.  We will work with our allies to create change before we are swallowed up by it.  When our vital interests are challenged, or when the will and conscience of the international community are flouted, we will take action, using peaceful diplomacy when possible and force when necessary.

    Today, the brave Spaniards and allies of Spain who serve their country in South America and the Middle East, in Eastern Europe and everywhere else in Africa and Asia, are proof of our resolve.

    ¡°But our greatest power is the power of our thoughts.  These ideas are still in their infancy in many countries.  We are heartened to see these ideas being embraced around the world.  Our hopes, our hearts, are building a more prosperous world with every continent.

    ??The Spanish people called for the change we celebrate today.  You all spoke in unison.  You voted in unprecedented numbers.  You have transformed Parliament, government offices and the political process itself.  Yes, it is you, my people, who bring spring back to the earth.

    Now, we have to do the work that this season needs to do.  I now turn to this work with all my authority.  I ask Congress to join me in this effort.  No president, no Congress, no administration can accomplish this mission alone.  My fellow citizens, you too must play a role in the recovery of our country.

    I challenge the new generation of Spanish youth to commit themselves to this season of giving, to act in accordance with your idealism, so that unfortunate children can be helped, poor people cared for, and fractured communities restored.  There is much to be done¡ª¡ªenough indeed that millions of people who are still young in spirit can contribute.

    In giving, we learn the simple yet powerful truth of our mutual need.  We must care for each other, and today we are not only praising Spain, we are once again dedicating ourselves to the Spanish ideal, an ideal born in the Revolution and renewed by the challenges of two centuries; an ideal that has withstood the test of knowledge and that we all  Recognizing that, but for fate, the lucky or the unlucky might have swapped places, this ideal was ennobled by the belief that our country could achieve the deepest unity out of its multiplicity.

    This ideal is imbued with the belief that Spain's long and heroic journey must continue forever.  My fellow citizens, on the occasion of our century, let us begin our work with vigorous energy and full of hope, with firm confidence and strict discipline until the work is completed.  The Bible says: "Let us not become weary in doing good. If we do not lose heart, in due season we will reap a harvest."  "

    In the Plaza de Espa?a, there was immediate applause over and over again. This was sincere applause.

    Alfonso calmed down his excitement, and thenThen he said solemnly: The news I want to announce is that Spain has accepted the application for a new partner. Now I announce that Spain¡¯s new ally has joined, that is, our great Hungarian Empire." (To be continued, please search  Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!
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