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Text Chapter 488 Supporting allies, big news?

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    "Today we celebrate the restoration of Spain, a gift from God that no one can take away from us."

    Alfonso looked around at the crowds that filled the entire Plaza de Espa?a, and said with great enthusiasm: "I stand on this stage today, I don't know because I am your king. Of course, I am not talking about those foreign countries and international  Tourists, I'm sorry, I don't dare to say this to you. After all, if this happens, I may really become a public enemy of all countries in the world, which my small body cannot bear."

    Alfonso's somewhat frightened expression made everyone laugh, and at the same time they felt more relaxed. Even, except for those who were carrying cameras and taking violent pictures, on the contrary, those who were holding pens  Those who were about to take notes couldn't help but show dull expressions, and then they became even more cheerful and started writing quickly.

    This time, even the Tsarist Russian journalists who were not very friendly with Spain did not write in their notebooks, and did not add any more fuel and jealousy to criticize Alfonso XIII. Instead, they adopted a more neutral and impartial stance. Of course,  , now this note will still be a note. As for whether it will be reported to the newspaper in the end, whether such a view will be published in the newspaper will not be revealed until Alfonso XIII completes his speech and the regular press conference. The most important thing is  Yes, it is still the opinion of the headquarters, but this is already invisible. The reporters on the front line silently support Alfonso, which will obviously affect the judgment of the rear headquarters.  These are the results Alfonso wants most.

    "God is fair, a person. Many times, he will encounter many setbacks, such as a certain person." Alfonso pointed at the back of his head with his hand. This funny look made him  Everyone smiled knowingly.

    "He often wonders if he is a little neurotic. Otherwise, why is it because he is always too persistent on some issues? For example, this person often asks himself. Why can the British Navy be known as  The world's number one. Why can the German Empire's army continue to occupy the title of number one in the world? These all bring me thinking. Yes. What does Spain have now? How many world's number one can it have?  1. This is not just for me, but many Spaniards are confused now. The people of the world care about Spain and have no idea at all.

    ¡°When the founders of our country bravely declared Spanish independence to the world and declared their purpose to God, you knew that if Spain was to last forever, it must change. Not change for the sake of change, but to preserve Spanish ideals.

    Change for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Although we move to the beat of today's times, our mission remains the same.  Each generation of Spaniards must define what it means to be Spanish.  Today, you, a generation that has grown up under the shadow of the unclear world situation and wars, should take on new responsibilities in the world.  Although the world is bathed in the sunshine of freedom and beauty, it is still threatened by old grudges and new disasters.  "

    Everyone is seriously thinking about Alfonso¡¯s sincere words, but they have various considerations in their hearts.  Alfonso did not wait for them to understand the meaning, but continued:

    "Spain is like a towering tree under the sun that has grown up in unparalleled prosperity. After its collapse, it has begun to protect many people, including some passers-by, such as other Spanish allies. In order to survive, these allies  Fighting against the threat in their minds, they chose to come together with Spain and became the small trees next to this towering tree. What I want to say is, these small saplings, you don¡¯t have to worry that this big tree will one day stretch.  The branches that come out will crush you and occupy your living space.

    No, no, no, this is definitely not Spain¡¯s true intention. On the contrary, Spain is your shielding partner. At the same time, Spain will do its best to help you in the strong super wind attack.

    This is what I said, at least in my career as king, my promise will be fulfilled as scheduled.  For this reason, Spain can not hesitate to fight against those so-called powerful countries that dare to invade Spain's allies to see whether their aircraft and cannons are more powerful, or Spain's courage to protect its allies is better.  "

    Alfonso¡¯s words were like a tsunami, attacking the entire world. Like an earthquake, circles of dots spread out in all directions.

    The governments of some countries are quite disdainful of this, mainly the United Kingdom, France, the German Empire, Italy, etc., while the United States and Japan are somewhat serious, and they are thinking about their own problems.

    And Spain¡¯s major allies, especially those who are concerned about whether Spain can fulfill its commitments to protect them.They have always been worried about the inviolability of their country, but now Alfonso's words have made them let go of their worries, and because of this, when they look around, there is no sense of pressure in their hearts.  Among them, the South American countries are targeting the United States, while Thailand is targeting neighboring Cambodia and Laos. Even when the Nanjing government is happy about this, the other three major governments that oppose it frown even more.

    The most embarrassing thing is the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This big country in Europe is now under the colored eyes of the world. After being considered to have abandoned its allies and such unfaithful actions, the world has no longer had the great power complex of the past towards them, but looks down on them.  , which gave Joseph I, Archduke Ferdinand, and Heinlis a headache, but they still firmly believed in their decisions. In the south of the Aoji Empire, more and more people were dissatisfied with it.  In both Transletania and Neletania of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, many people took to the streets to demonstrate their disdain for the government's abandonment of allies, but there was still a difference.

    Joseph I also understood this day.

    He looked at Heinris and said: "Suppress these voices, just use the interests of the country to speak out with emotion and reason, and tell them to shut up."

    Heinris looked at Archduke Ferdinand sitting next to him for help, but besides frowning, his silence still made Heinris feel a little uncomfortable.  However, he could only bite the bullet and did not respond.

    "Just say what you have to say?" Seeing Heinris like this, Joseph I suppressed his anger after having been with him for many years.

    Heinris said with a wry smile: "I also want to suppress it quickly, but this requires the ability to suppress it."

    Seeing Archduke Ferdinand, he showed no intention of answering, and seeing Joseph I's unclear expression, he continued: "Neletania has become much smaller, but in Outer Letania, there has always been  None of them are something I can relate to, so I may be a little helpless on this."

    Joseph I's anger flashed through his heart. He was immediately dissatisfied with Janos. At the same time, he was also dissatisfied with Hungary and other two speakers due to the situation in the parliament some time ago.

    However, there is still a doubt in his letter, that is, these two guys used to be very cooperative with the central government, but now, they seem to have deviated from the original track, which is not a good thing.

    Forget it, after this crisis, he will definitely find a way to replace some people who are more satisfactory to him to sit in those seats, but what he doesn't know is that by that time, he has already regretted not taking a firm stand and doing it immediately.

    And Archduke Ferdinand, who was sitting next to him, was already feeling a little uneasy in his heart.  But seeing that the other two people were still worried about that matter, he could only suppress his dissatisfaction and wanted to continue listening to the speech of the Lord of Revival.

    "Although the United States is still the most powerful economy in the world. As for Spain, according to some previous estimates, and I have received the same news, Spain has already assumed the status of the second largest economy. However, I have some  We are worried that if companies close down, wage growth stagnates, inequality increases, and people's divisions deepen, if these problems befall Spain, our economy will be completely weakened, and as a result, Spain will lose its international reputation.  The knock-on effect of this status is that Spain will have no money and no weapons to do many things for its allies.

    Therefore, the economy is still one of the most important focuses of Spain, and the relationship with its allies. So far, although Spain¡¯s allies have brought huge contributions to Spain¡¯s economy, this is undeniable. Although Spain¡¯s foreign economy is still  Mainly in Europe, however, the economic status of these allies has risen rapidly. Take the four old South American countries as an example. Now Chile, Peru, and Ecuador have far surpassed the Tsarist Empire in terms of per capita economy. This is the result of "Time" magazine and "International Wired"  ¡·Survey results.

    Although Peru is not that high, it is already the same as Tsarist Russia. What surprises me most is that Thailand, under the leadership of King Vacharajun, has quickly reached the level of Peru. Of course, Chulalong  Thanks to the foundation laid by the former king, this country has gained many opportunities.

    The Nanjing government has also entered a stage of rapid development. It is said that if nothing unexpected happens, the coastal areas will be on par with Thailand and other regions in the next year or so, and will even catch up with the four old countries in South America. As for Spain,  The current economies of the three new South American countries including Venezuela, Mexico, and Colombia, which are new allies, are at the same level as the Nanjing government.

    However, these countries have already caught up economically with the old Mediterranean power, the Ottoman Empire.??This country and its allies like Spain no longer have any economic advantages at all. It can be said that except for the larger number of people, this has no advantage in front of the Nanjing government.

    Economic speeches have always been silent topics except for data, so I won¡¯t say more. Next, I will announce a piece of news. I think this news should make it less boring for everyone.¡±  Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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