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Text Chapter 1312 European Storm (18)

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    Although Jenny came to the Vatican for revenge, just killing an enemy could not make her hatred towards the church disappear.

    Therefore, she planned to inflict heavy damage on the church while killing her enemies.

    Only in this way can she feel more comfortable.

    Otherwise, every night when she closed her eyes, she would see the scene of her mother's tragic death and the tragic situation when her father was sent home.

    Although more than ten years have passed, she still can't forget that scene.

    It can be said that this is unforgettable.

    "Chief, if you want to do this, we have nothing to say. But once it starts, will it greatly weaken the strength of the church and increase the strength of Portugal and France. This will change the course of the war and become impossible.  Where¡¯s the control?¡±

    As Jenny¡¯s deputy and the deputy leader of these people, Chucks, who is not too young at the same time, had to remind Jenny at this time.

    Yes, everything Jenny is doing now is actually not authorized.

    Whether it is the authorization from Jiejiao or the empire.

    This time, it was a plan she started on her own using the request of the intelligence minister in the concession.

    And, this plan is not just about revenge.  But some people from the church kingdoms are also involved.

    What Jenny said just now is already very obvious. Not only does she want to kill the top leaders of the church, but if possible, she will also cause a shock in the coalition of church princes.

    They even had to assassinate some leaders of the coalition forces.

    If you do this, the coalition of church princes will definitely be leaderless and their strength will decline in the short term.

    Invisibly, it will make Portugal and France stronger.

    If Portugal and France seize this opportunity, they can defeat the Church Alliance in one fell swoop.  This will completely destroy the empire's plan.

    You must know that the empire¡¯s plan for the European continent is to allow the Church Alliance and the Portuguese-French Alliance to consume each other¡¯s physical strength and energy.

    It prevents both parties from focusing their energy elsewhere, thereby giving the empire a stable development time.

    This is for the empire.  But it's very important.

    However, plans like Jenny¡¯s now can be said to pose a great threat to the empire¡¯s progress.

    One bad move will completely overturn the empire's plan.

    By then, these people will be severely punished.

    Although they are members of the Jiejiao religion, the Jiejiao religion is the state religion of the empire.  therefore.  If they do such a thing, Jie Jiao will not let them go.

    Therefore, as the deputy leader, Chucks had to remind Jenny to pay attention to this.

    Of course, everyone knows the past of their leader, so they also sympathize with Jenny very much.  At the same time these people.  They also have a more or less bloody feud with the church.

    Therefore, everyone supports Jenny¡¯s plan from the bottom of their hearts.

    It¡¯s just that worries like Chucks¡¯s are things that have to be seriously considered and weighed.

    After all, they would not be able to fight against the church without the support of the empire.

    Moreover.  Now they are all fanatical believers of the Jie Cult. Because they have been brainwashed, they do not want to be abandoned by the Jie Cult.

    After Jenny heard this, after thinking about it, she felt that what Chucks said made sense.

    Although this plan of my own can take revenge and weaken the military strength of the church coalition at the same time.

    ¡°However, this will also bring some unnecessary troubles and changes to the empire¡¯s plans.

    Even they can't control it.

    This is a very bad result.

    However, Jenny soon thought of a solution.

    She turned her head over, looked at Chucks who looked worried and said: "Actually, this problem is very easy to solve. Strictly speaking, Portugal and France are not good friends. Their existence is also a threat to the empire, so we  We have to use means to weaken them. So I think that while dealing with the church alliance, we can also involve Portugal and France, and we will use the names of both parties to assassinate high-level figures on them. "

    While speaking, Jenny¡¯s face revealed a sinister expression.

    When Chucks heard what Jenny said, his eyes suddenly lit up.

    If he did as Jenny said, then his worries would cease to exist at all.

    Spread against the church coalition forcesRumors, assassinate several high-level officials at the same time to cover up.  Although this will make the church coalition become leaderless and panic-stricken in a short period of time, which will further weaken the morale of the army.

    But at the same time, in order to avoid changes, they can also do this to the Portuguese-French alliance.

    In this way, both parties will fall into this situation, so changes will not occur, right?

    "This plan, chief, is very feasible. If it is implemented, then the problems you are worried about will no longer exist."

    With the approval of the No. 2 figure, basically there will be no problems with Jenny¡¯s plan.

    Jenny was very satisfied with this.

    "Well, let's start taking action now. I need to know the whereabouts of some people. At the same time, you also send some people to spread rumors in the Franco-Prussian Alliance and Church Alliance areas. I need to muddy the waters!"

    Chucks nodded with a smile on his face: "Yes, Europe has been too quiet recently. The two sides have started a military confrontation, and there has been no large-scale battle at all. This is not what the empire wants to see.  situation, so we have to break this situation."

    He is very smart, he just says he is doing it for the sake of the empire.

    Rather than saying that this planning decision was made due to Jenny¡¯s revenge.

    Therefore, if this thing is successful, their contribution will be considerable.

    "Whether it's the empire or the Jiejiao, they will be credited with a lot of credit.

    And if Jenny made such a plan out of revenge, then they don¡¯t have such credit.

    Although they are all fanatical believers in the religion, they also have great ambitions for worldly power and wealth.

    For these, Jiejiao did not stop them.

    Because Zhao Hongyu and others believe that greed and ambition are the driving forces of human development.

    I want to develop Jiejiao.  Then the fanatical believers of Jiejiao cannot lack these things.

    Of course, for these people, as long as they can control it and there will be no big problems.

    So, people like Chucks.  While thinking about completing the task of intercepting and teaching, I will also make some plans for myself.

    But what is certain is that when they do tasks, they can also get benefits and benefits, and these people are full of energy.

    So, let¡¯s get down to business.  It¡¯s also twice the result with half the effort.

    This is why brainwashing them allows them to retain these selfish desires.


    The Seven Deadly Sins of mankind, if used well, will be of great benefit, right?

    Even if they are brainwashed into crazy fans, can¡¯t these fanatics still commit the original sin of ¡®killing¡¯ among the seven deadly sins?

    ¡°Anyway, the top management of Jiejiao will be firmly controlled by Chinese people, and the same will be true for the middle and grassroots levels.

    therefore.  I'm not afraid of any unexpected situations.

    People of Chinese descent don¡¯t have to worry about their loyalty.

    ¡°As long as Zhao Hongyu doesn¡¯t do anything outrageous, the loyalty of those genetic people of Chinese descent will not weaken, let alone overthrow him.

    ¡°After all, Zhao Hongyu is not the kind of brain-dead person, is he?

    After formulating the plan, Jenny¡¯s men began to take action.

    Over the next few days, they began spending money in the Vatican.  He bribed many people who served the church, as well as the church's middle-level clergy, and obtained a lot of useful information.

    At the same time, a very bad rumor began to spread on the front line of the military confrontation between the coalition forces of the church princes and the Portuguese and French forces.

    Rumors say that the coalition's finances have been exhausted, and the people have been plundered to the extreme and can no longer squeeze out any money.

    "But the core of the coalition, the Church, is as stubborn as a rooster, and is still thinking about plundering the people at the bottom.

    If you can't get the money, you will be declared a "devil" or a "degenerate" to the people.  Then torture.

    Well, the church can do this, because when the church dominated the European continent, it basically did this kind of thing.

    So, this rumor spread.  All of a sudden, the soldiers at the bottom of the coalition forces of the church princes and several layers of officers were shaken and panicked.

    After all, although these people are fighting here, their families are still there in their respective countries behind the scenes.

    And according to the church¡¯s style of doing things, it might not be possible to wait until the war is over.After they returned home, they were in a miserable state of ruin.

    The moral character of those in the church can only be understood by individuals.

    Think about it, they are working hard for the interests of the church here, but these church men want to harm their families in the rear.

    Therefore, how can we not shake the morale of the military?

    Originally, the coalition of church princes and states was indeed financially exhausted.

    In addition, the battle situation was unfavorable, so they planned to rest the army so that the soldiers could take a rest.

    After the financial problem is solved, the attack on the Portuguese-French coalition can be reorganized.

    They have been resting for more than half a month, and the soldiers' spirits have almost recovered.

    But who could have imagined that such a problem would arise.

    This matter is no small matter. If it is not handled well, the entire army will lose military morale.

    And when that time comes, there will be no need for the Portuguese-French coalition to attack at all, and they will fail.

    Therefore, when the rumors spread, the generals of the coalition forces of the church princes began to constantly ask the church to give an explanation to stabilize the morale of the military.

    At the same time, military and financial difficulties should be solved as soon as possible.

    In fact, during the period when there was no fighting, these generals continued to discuss this matter with the church.

    However, the messenger sent by the church insisted that he had no money and could not provide support.

    This has been delayed until now.

    To be honest, people like the Church and the Allied Forces of the Princely Countries do not believe that the Church has no money.

    Therefore, everyone simply did not believe what the messenger said.

    Now, rumors have emerged, which gives them an opportunity to force the palace.

    Look, the morale of the army is not stable now, and it may be defeated.

    If the church still wants to preserve its own interests, then it should quickly take out the money.

    This situation was promptly reported to the Vatican by the priests below, causing a headache for the senior bishops.

    When the internal rumors of the church vassal nations are circulating, there is also a rumor that is very unfavorable to them
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