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Text Chapter 1311 European Storm (Seventeen)

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    "Chief, is there no problem with the church's finances?"

    Seeing the disdain on Jenny¡¯s face, someone among the subordinates in the room asked.

    "Obviously, if she didn't despise the church and might know some real situations, how could Jenny, as the leader, have such an expression.

    Facing this question from her subordinate, Jenny sneered in her heart.

    Of course there is no problem. How can those high-ranking bishops in the church have no money?

    Even the combined wealth of all the countries in Europe today is not as rich as the bishops of the church.

    This may be an exaggeration, but it is not an exaggeration.

    After all, Jenny was once an assassin and killer trained by the church, and her status was not low.

    Therefore, I also know some of the more secretive things in the church.  And outsiders will not know these things, because it is impossible to publicize them to the outside world.

    There are churches everywhere on the European continent. Don¡¯t people¡¯s donations for atonement flow into the Vatican in the end?

    Even if it has passed through a few hands and been scraped off a few layers, it is still a very huge number after it flows into the Vatican.

    Not to mention how much wealth has been obtained for the church by using the name of "witch" to ransack homes and frame people and plunder wealth.

    The sale of ¡°indulgences¡± alone has made the church rich from top to bottom.

    So, how can the church have no money?

    Even if they have no money, it is impossible for the bishops of the church to have no money.

    Jenny is too clear about the faces of these people in the church.

    It is precisely because she knows it very well that she is so disdainful and contemptuous.

    The war has reached such a point that the bishops of the church are still holding on to the money like iron roosters. If they let go a little bit.  The war situation would no longer be like this.

    ¡°However, this would be beneficial to the Portuguese and French coalition forces, wouldn¡¯t it?

    ¡°It¡¯s just that I don¡¯t know what is going on in the minds of these bishops.

    Could it be that apart from the method of harming people, it is just a piece of shit?

    Jenny shook her head gently, she was amused by the cruel behavior of these bishops.

    but.  Looking back and thinking carefully, they value the money and interests in their hands so much.  Not giving any help to the coalition forces of the church states at all would be of great help to the empire's plans in Europe.

    After all, if these bishops are really so selfless, the empire will have a headache.

    You know, the wealth these people control.  Not a small sum of money.

    If they really do it, the empire will also have to provide corresponding economic assistance and materials to allow Portugal and France to support it.

    "Of course, how can the church have no money? This is all shown on the surface to outsiders, used to fool those poor believers." Jenny retracted her thoughts.  His eyes slowly swept across the faces of the subordinates in the room, and he said to them at the same time.

    ¡°Everyone has lived in this land before, so don¡¯t you know the face of the church?¡±

    "Externally, they claim to be the servants of the Lord, and they are people who preach the glory and majesty of the Lord to the public. They seem to have no desire for worldly wealth and power. But in fact, these people just use the Lord as an excuse to satisfy themselves.  It¡¯s just an excuse for them to plunder power and wealth. These guys are very greedy at heart. It¡¯s not what they show at all.¡±

    Facing what Jenny said, all her subordinates in the room were silent.

    Yes, although these subordinates of Jenny are also fanatical believers of Jie Cult.  But before they went to America to contact Jie Jiao, they were all people living on the European continent.

    Therefore, how can one be a stranger to the church?

    Just like Jenny said, those people in the church are really like this.

    I want money, but if I don¡¯t have any money, I won¡¯t even sell you a indulgence.

    Even worse, in some areas, if you need a rural priest to conduct Mass or confess, you will need to spend a large amount of money to do so.

    Otherwise.  People just ignore you.

    This style of work is very different from what they claim to the outside world.

    "God loves the world and the Lord is our benevolent father. In fact, these are all bullshit.

    Is it possible that I won¡¯t love you if I don¡¯t give you money?

    If a god is measured by the wealth of its believers,?His mercy.  So is such a deity still a real god?

    Coupled with some outrageous behaviors of those priests and priests, many people are actually not very interested in the church anymore.

    ¡°It¡¯s just that the church has been brainwashing people on the European continent for such a long time, and there are still many brain-dead fans under its command.

    And, coupled with some interest disputes, as well as the protection of those stakeholders involved in the church.  Therefore, if you show any dissatisfaction with the church, your end will come.

    ¡°These subordinates of Jenny have basically all themselves or their family members been persecuted by the church.

    It can be said that they are all people who have a deep hatred for the church.

    Therefore, they are not interested in the church at all.

    This is why when these people arrived in America and came into contact with Jie Jie, they were immediately attracted by Jie Jie and became fanatical believers.

    Of course, some of the special methods shown by Jiejiao cannot be said to be without merit.

    You must know that the church cannot use the methods used by Jie Jiao.

    With such a comparison, it is no wonder that the Church in America was defeated.

    ¡°I have to say that the so-called miraculous ¡®movie¡¯ produced by Zhao Hongyu and Zhang Tie is really indispensable.

    As for the external propaganda of the church, except for the rhetorical boasting of so-called miracles and the false miraculous events that happen every now and then, there is no comparison with Jiejiao.

    Especially Jenny, as a former church member, is very aware of some of the falsehoods in the church.

    Even though some things originally have nothing to do with the church, the church still wants to have something to do with itself, and then publicizes them as miracles.

    Jenny really despises this.

    "If you say that, leader, I think it's really possible."  Among the subordinates who had been silent for a long time, someone spoke up at this time.

    The silence that everyone just felt was not speechless, but each one was deep in thought.

    After some thinking, they could certainly understand what Jenny was referring to.

    "Those bishops obviously will not use their private wealth, and the church's wealth has long been divided and squandered by them. So now the church claims to the outside world that it has no money. Maybe this is an excuse for them to make money again.  "

    This person¡¯s words caused everyone to nod.

    It¡¯s not that bad. When churches usually want to make money, they basically follow this routine.

    "We have no control over whether they make money or not, but I think we can use this matter to cause some trouble for the church, right?"

    Jenny raised her right hand.  He stretched out his white and slender fingers and gently played with the ends of his golden hair, and at the same time said to his subordinates with a sinister smile.

    Although Jenny is not old, she always has some fantastic ideas, and she is also very powerful.  Therefore, these subordinates who are older than her are very convinced of her.

    ¡° Now that Jenny said this, everyone knew about this leader.  I thought of some good way to trick the church.

    So, everyone became quiet and waited for Jenny to continue speaking.

    Jenny¡¯s group and the church all have hatred of one kind or another.

    So, to be honest, everyone is willing to see the church in trouble.

    Besides, this time they followed Jenny to the Vatican.  Isn¡¯t it just causing trouble for the church?

    ¡°It¡¯s been a few days now, and everyone can¡¯t hold it any longer.

    ¡°If Jenny hadn¡¯t been able to keep everyone under control, the Vatican would have been in a state of chaos and chaos due to these people.

    ¡°After all, within Jenny¡¯s group, several subordinates had their families broken up and their lives destroyed by the church, which was very tragic.

    These people¡¯s attitude towards the church is very radical.

    That means Jenny can suppress them.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?

    ¡°However, Jenny can¡¯t always suppress them and prevent them from venting.

    Otherwise, not only will it not be beneficial, but it will also cause your own group to get into a lot of trouble.

    Because of those radicals.  After suffering from the church, my brain is a little hard to use.  So no one knows what crazy things they will do.

    "If it weren't for the fact that they are powerful in force and are very pious to the Jie religion, they are absolutely fanatical believers.  Jenny doesn¡¯t want to use these people either.

    But when doing business in Europe, no one knows what kind of dangers they will encounter.

    ??There is something wrong with these so-called brains.  And for these guys who are very radical, their powerful force will be put to use.

    "Indulgence? Donate to confess? In short, the church is going to make money. This is their method. I can think of it with my little toes." Jenny said slowly while looking at the subordinates.  "But I don't want the church to plunder people's wealth so easily. We can even expose their true colors bit by bit. This is also to intercept the church!"

    "Chief, what are you going to do?"

    An anxious subordinate asked more questions as soon as Jenny finished speaking.

    In response to this subordinate¡¯s questioning, Jenny did not show any dissatisfaction, but smiled slightly.  She leaned forward and said to everyone with a smile: "I think there must be many people who are persecuted by the church. They just dare to be angry and dare not speak out against the church. So I hope to find them all"

    "Chief, what if these people don't dare to come forward? Do we have to force them to come forward?" Jenny's method is not very smart, because it may not be possible.


    Jenny smiled and said: "I don't expect them to succeed, so I don't expect them to stand up against the church. That's not reality, right?"

    The meaning of Jenny¡¯s words revealed that she obviously had other meanings.

    "Let them tell their neighbors through their own experiences. In fact, the church is just making money. I think this will cause some little trouble to the church. Of course, these people may be hunted by the church, so  You can give them enough benefits.¡±

    "At the same time, send people to the coalition forces of the princely states to spread a rumor to me, saying that the church's top leaders have money but they don't want to take it out. They just want to plunder the people's wealth, and the people have begun to be dissatisfied  "
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