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Text Chapter 971 Amami Island Crisis (Third update!)

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    Because of the existence of Zhao Hongyu, through the connection of the virtual trader, the genetic people cultivated by him can obtain superior resources that are beyond what people in this era can obtain.

    An inconspicuous little thing like an effervescent tablet is one of them.

    In this era, what people who sail on oceans and even make a living at sea fear most is a situation.

    That means malnutrition and sepsis.

    It is easy to understand that it cannot provide nutrition. After all, ships of this era cannot carry so much supplies on the sea due to warehousing, let alone store those cannonballs, and leave space for storing fresh water and resting space for the sailors.

    Therefore, people in this era often have to strictly control their diet, that is, ration their food, when going on ocean voyages.

    Under such circumstances, everyone basically doesn¡¯t have enough to eat.

    Especially an ocean voyage, which often takes several months or even more than half a year, is not a pleasant experience.

    Europeans understand this very well.

    And this is not the most important thing. Because they cannot eat fresh fruits and vegetables for a long time, coupled with the lack of nutrition and lack of fresh water, sailors often suffer from septicemia symptoms at this time.

    Many times, a sailor will lose his life because of this.

    This kind of thing happens most to Europeans.

    The east side is better, after all, there is no ocean voyage in the Oriental Sea.

    But similarly, people who live too much at sea will also suffer from some illnesses due to lack of vitamins.

    But such things were not seen among the navy of the Song Empire.

    The reason is simple, because this problem can be solved, and the solution is effervescent tablets.

    Effervescent tablets are another product of modern time and space. After a small vitamin tablet is dissolved in water, it can supplement some of the substances needed by the human body.

    Although it is not possible to get enough vitamins for the body like eating fruits and vegetables directly, having these can always avoid the trouble caused by lack of vitamins.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? And the Pangteng tablet is small and easy to carry, and it can be stored without taking up a lot of space.

    Therefore, a lot of space is saved.

    Li Xiang took the wooden water cup handed over by the genetic man captain and tasted it briefly.

    The taste is a bit sweet, and there are some bubbles in the mouth, but overall it is good.

    "This is what you drink when you are at sea?"

    After Li Xiang clicked her lips, she looked at the Song Empire captain who followed him and explained a lot of things to him.

    "Yes, when we were at sea, thanks to this thing. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to endure such a long voyage. After all, we are also made of flesh and blood."

    The genetic man captain is not talking nonsense. Although they are all genetic men cultivated in the virtual world through virtual traders across time and space, they are not supermen or robots. They are also made of flesh and blood like Zhao Hongyu.  body.

    They are all subject to birth, old age, sickness and death, there is nothing different about them.

    So, they will also get sick due to long voyages at sea.

    But what makes them better than the people who make a living at sea in this era is that each of their ships has enough medicine, a relatively comfortable lounge, and the space on the ship is also very clean.

    Although with this gene captain, he explained it to Li Xiang.

    However, Li Xiang still didn¡¯t understand what this effervescent tablet was.

    How can such a small and inconspicuous thing replace fruits and vegetables?

    ??Under the generation gap across generations, it is actually normal for Li Xiang to have such confusion and doubts.  If he could really understand, then he would be a monster-like existence.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the waist of the genetic man captain.

    Li Xiang¡¯s attention was immediately attracted.

    "I'm sorry, I might have something wrong here." After the Gene Man captain confessed to Li Xiang, he reached out and picked up a dark object from his waist.

    "Hey, this is Ship No. 101. I'm Ship No. 101. What's going on? What's going on?"

    Who are you talking to?

    Li Xiang¡¯s eyes widened, looking at the man who wasThe genetic captain talking into the walkie-talkie.

    This genetic man captain has no time to explain to Li Xiang now, he is really talking to other people.

    After a while, they finished talking.

    "Who were you talking to on the phone just now? I saw there was no one around."

    After seeing that the genetic man captain ended the conversation with someone who didn¡¯t know who it was, Li Xiang couldn¡¯t help but ask.

    Hearing this, the Genome captain smiled at Li Xiang and said, "This is a gadget from our empire. It's called a walkie-talkie. It can communicate with other warships through the air. It's very convenient"


    Quite confused!

    But while being confused, Li Xiang was also very shocked.

    ??Call over the air!

    Grandma, what kind of method is this?

    To be honest, Li Xiang is sincerely curious about this walkie-talkie that can talk through air.

    Seeing the curious expression on Li Xiang¡¯s face, the genetic man captain knew that he had to explain to him again.

    However, the captain did not think that Li Xiang would be able to understand everything after he explained it.  After all, if someone can¡¯t even understand effervescent tablets, do you still expect him to understand a walkie-talkie?

    This is simply impossible¡ª¡ª

    Dividing line¡ª¡ª

    When Li Xiang set off from Nagasaki and led thirty imperial warships and three Ming-style warships back to Amami Island, hundreds of warships of various sizes appeared fifty nautical miles off Amami Island.  Boat.

    On the flagpoles of these warships, without exception, there are large flags with the word "Àî" in black on a white background.

    These ships appearing on the sea are all oriental-style ships.  It is a Ming-style warship with two floors of small lofts on the ship. There are crenels on both sides of the ship, and there are rows of paddle boats, followed by single speedboats around it.

    Ships like this are only found in the Eastern Sea.

    ?You can tell the difference just by looking at it with your eyes.

    These ships that suddenly appeared were the fleets under Zheng Zhilong, who had occupied a large area of ??the Eastern Sea and showed his dominance.

    But why did they suddenly appear off the coast of Amami Island?

    Thinking about it, the goal of these people may be Amami Island.

    In the center of the fleet, there is a Spanish-style galleon.  This Spanish-style galleon is very conspicuous among a bunch of oriental ships, and can be seen at a glance.

    On the observation deck on the tallest pole in the middle of the Spanish ship, a sailor with a scarf on his head stood there, his right hand on his forehead, constantly observing the front.

    "Leader Wang, we have seen Amami Island ahead. According to our speed, we can reach there in one and a half hours."

    When the outline of Amami Island first appeared, the sailor on the mast shouted loudly.

    The distance of fifty nautical miles is actually not that far, but this is at sea after all, right? The line of sight is different from that on land.

    Especially the sailor responsible for observation climbed onto the pole.

    Below, a bearded one-eyed man wearing half a Western-style chainmail, with disheveled hair and a sword at his waist laughed wildly.


    "Li Xiang will be destroyed today! Brothers, get ready. We must destroy Li Xiang today. From now on, the entire sea will be our world."

    After the one-eyed man's words fell to the ground, the men around the deck howled like wolves one by one.

    Yes, this fleet is the fleet under Zheng Zhilong, and the one-eyed man is one of the twelve leaders under Zheng Zhilong, known as the "King of Murderers at Sea", 'Wang Renzeng'.

    Speaking of Wang Renzenglai, he was very famous under Zheng Zhilong.

    His reputation is so great that he can even stop children from crying at night in Fujian.

    Because this guy has always been ruthless, the merchants at sea who fell into his hands never survived.

    There are even rumors that this guy likes to eat the heart and liver of children alive.

    Because when Zheng Zhilong was seeking a life at sea, Wang Renzeng had been following Zheng Zhilong, and he was loyal to Zheng Zhilong even if he fought to the death.

    So, Zheng Zhilong also trusts him very much.

    Now that Zheng Zhilong has risen, people like Wang Renzeng have been entrusted with important tasks by Zheng Zhilong and become one of the twelve leaders under his command.

    Of course, although Zheng Zhilong trusts him, there is a limit.?.

    After all, the person in the past had a foreign surname and could not be compared with his blood relatives.

    Therefore, being able to become one of the twelve bosses is already considered a very good treatment.

    And because Zheng Zhilong¡¯s power expanded, Wang Ren also enjoyed the blessings.

    However, it was also because Zheng Zhilong¡¯s power continued to expand and his manpower also continued to expand.  Now there are more and more people enjoying the same status as him.

    Even Li Xiang¡¯s kowtow brothers were supported by Zheng Zhilong and became equal to him after Li Xiang was finally sentenced to defect to Zheng Zhilong.

    Wang Ren was very dissatisfied with this.

    But what about being dissatisfied?

    Could he still rebel against Zheng Zhilong?

    This is simply impossible. He would only do this if he was mentally retarded.

    After all, even a fool can see that Zheng Zhilong is now showing his domineering attitude, and the environment of being the king of the sea has been formed.

    Since Li Xiang became weak, Zheng Zhilong has slowly established his dominance.

    In this sea area of ????the East, no one can compete with it.

    ¡°In addition, Zheng Zhilong has also defected to the imperial court. He is the chief officer of the Fujian Navy of the imperial court. If you dare not deal with him, Zheng Zhilong can call on the imperial navy to destroy you in minutes.

    Therefore, Wang Renzeng felt unhappy, but he did not dare to have the idea of ??betraying Zheng Zhilong.

    However, he didn¡¯t want those who joined later to be on an equal footing with him.

    He really couldn't stand this fact.

    After all, he was the first person to follow Zheng Zhilong, and he followed Zheng Zhilong through all kinds of hardships and dangers.

    How can those guys who joined later be on an equal footing with him?

    So, he wants to prove himself to Zheng Zhilong and prove that he is not just like those wallflowers.  He, Wang Renzeng, was better than those people.

    Therefore, without getting orders from Zheng Zhilong, he summoned his troops.  With hundreds of ships under his control, he headed towards Amami Island where Li Xiang was located.

    Wang Ren once believed that Li Xiang could not be his opponent now.  Since the Naha naval battle last year, Li Xiang has been seriously injured.

    At the same time, after the Naha naval battle, Li Xiang's brothers and some people who originally followed Li Xiang betrayed him and joined Zheng Zhilong, which greatly weakened Li Xiang's strength.

    According to the information provided by those who have taken refuge, Li Xiang does not have many ships in his hands now. The warships he can use now are six Ming-style warships, dozens of fighting ships, and about a hundred fast ships.  Just a boat.

    With such strength, even I can¡¯t compare to myself.

    Therefore, the king decided to deal with Li Xiang once and for all.  Then let Boss Zheng Zhilong see that Wang Renzeng is still a useful person.

    The channels and methods of news dissemination in this era are very backward. The intelligence that Wang Ren had received was already half a year old.  He didn't know that Li Xiang had now defected to the Song Empire and became the admiral of its Nine Provinces Navy.

    Furthermore, before that, Li Xiang also received a congratulatory gift, a total of 19 European-style warships.

    Not to mention the fact that the Japanese Kyushu was captured by the Song Empire and changed its owner.

    For these things, the king once knew nothing.

    Standing on the deck, letting the cold sea breeze blow on his face, Wang Renzeng's heart was burning.

    His intact right eye was filled with a cruel luster, which looked very penetrating.

    Damn it, I don¡¯t know why Boss Zheng always doesn¡¯t let us deal with Li Xiang. Li Xiang is just a half-dead person now. We only need to poke him a little to deal with him.

    "And Li Xiang still has a lot of money. Is it possible to keep it like this?"

    Thinking of the wealth Li Xiang had accumulated over more than 20 years, Wang Renzeng suddenly became excited.

    Everyone in the world said that Li Xiang was a wealthy man. After all, Li Xiang had been sailing on the sea for thirty years, and at that time he monopolized the maritime trade in the entire East.

    Therefore, no one will believe that Li Xiang has no money.

    With such a huge fortune, no one will be tempted.

    Wang Renzeng carried Zheng Zhilong out to sea this time. Although he wanted to prove himself to Zheng Zhilong, he was more motivated by Li Xiang's wealth.

    Wang Renzeng¡¯s Spanish ship was his flagship. It was taken from Spain when Zheng Zhilong fought against the Spanish five years ago.Seized from ??'s hands.

    Because Wang Renzeng had been with him for a long time and was senior, he was given to him as his flagship.

    Around the flagship, there are more than twenty Ming-style attic warships. These warships are equipped with crossbows, trebuchets, and elite sailors holding bows and arrows.

    Seeing his strong soldiers and horses, Wang Renzeng thought to himself: "Humph! I'm going to get rich this time. Li Xiang has so much wealth. If I give half of it to the boss, I can still keep half of it myself. As the saying goes, the bold will starve to death and the timid will die."  " (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)
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