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Text Chapter 970 What are effervescent tablets?

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    After hearing what Li Xiang said, Zhao Hongyu immediately decided to allocate thirty warships to Li Xiang.  Let him lead him back to Amami Island and bring the brothers and family members on the island to Nagasaki at once.

    At the same time, let Li Xiang take advantage of this opportunity to experience some of the capabilities of the imperial warships.

    Although Zhao Hongyu roughly told Li Xiang about the various data of the imperial battleship.  But after all, if Li Xiang doesn't experience it personally, then he won't be able to truly understand it.

    Therefore, while going to Amami Island to pick up people, it would be a good idea to let Li Xiang understand and have a clear idea.

    That night, Zhao Hongyu and Li Xiang had a great time and talked about many topics.

    Afterwards, they left the barbecue restaurant after eating and drinking, and returned to Zhao Hongyu's mansion in Nagasaki.

    As for Li Xiang, after arriving in Nagasaki yesterday and visiting the military camp today, he had a general understanding of some things in the Song Empire.

    Although there are many things, he still doesn¡¯t understand them very well.

    However, he is not in a hurry now. Anyway, there will be a lot of opportunities and time in the future, so he can just take his time.

    Just like that, Li Xiang and the others took a hot bath and rubbed off the thick layer of dirt on their bodies.  They had a good sleep comfortably at night.  After they had breakfast early the next morning, they said goodbye and left Zhao Hongyu's mansion and came to the dock.

    Because of the order from Zhao Hongyu, thirty Dutch-style warships modified by the Empire were already ready in the morning.

    Therefore, without much effort, Li Xiang and the others boarded the ship and left Nagasaki Pier.

    Because they wanted to understand the performance of the empire¡¯s warships, Li Xiang and his men divided half of their manpower and boarded the empire¡¯s warships separately.

    While away from work, Li Xiang took a walk around the ship.

    Li Xiang was completely shocked by the interior of the imperial battleship.

    The clean, tidy and relatively spacious sailor's room is actually composed of small rooms, each room can sleep four people.  This is something Li Xiang can't imagine at all, because it's so comfortable.

    ¡°When he took his brothers at sea, they basically slept on the floor in the cabin. There were no beds, quilts, etc. anywhere.

    "Look at the Song Empire, sailors actually have small rooms. Even sleeping four people in one room is too luxurious.

    At the same time, Li Xiang looked at the artillery placed in the cabin again. His eyes were opened after a close observation.

    After seeing all this, he came to the deck, and suddenly he felt that something was wrong.

    Although he couldn't tell what was wrong, he could not tell, but the thought kept popping up in his mind.

    Finally, he finally figured out what was wrong. It was because the Imperial battleship was traveling too fast.

    Yes, as a veteran pirate with many years of experience, Li Xiang still has a strong understanding of ships.

    Just by looking at the vibration of the water patterns, he could basically confirm that the speed of the imperial warship was more than twice that of the Ming-style warship he was riding.

    Actually, what he didn¡¯t know was that the speed of the Imperial warship was not yet at full power. If it were sailing at full power, it would have to go at least twice as fast.

    But even so, Li Xiang was extremely shocked.

    Although Zhao Hongyu told Li Xiang the various data of the imperial warship earlier, in the end, it was Zhao Hongyu who said it himself.

    In Li Xiang¡¯s view, some exaggeration and bragging are inevitable.

    So, without personal experience, I really can¡¯t make a judgment so quickly.

    It¡¯s okay now, Li Xiang already knows.

    The crown prince really didn¡¯t lie to himself.

    The speed of imperial warships is really fast, and the defense of their warships is very high.

    For example, if the imperial warships fought with the Ming Navy at sea, Li Xiang felt that the Ming Navy would definitely be completely defeated.

    You must know that there are basically few cannons on the ships of the Ming Navy, but there are more crossbows and trebuchets, but those things are of no use at all if they hit the imperial warships.

    Because the wood used in the Imperial warships is so good.

    After all, there are abundant forest resources in the Americas, and there is no shortage of wood.

    There are plenty of good wood materials that can be used to build ships.

    In addition to the fact that the Imperial warships are made of excellent materials, they are also covered with iron sheets to prevent such attacks, which makes the EmpireThe battleship's defense has been greatly improved.

    And it is impossible for the warships of the Ming Navy to harm the imperial warships.

    At the same time, the warships of the Ming Dynasty Navy are relatively short, and the usual method of combat is side-to-side combat.  But such tactics are completely useless against imperial warships.

    Because the Imperial warship is very tall and the Navy warship is very short, it is very troublesome to board the Imperial warship for hand-to-hand combat during a boarding battle.

    Besides, every sailor in the empire is equipped with sophisticated fire guns, which can inflict heavy damage to the enemy when they want to start a boarding battle.

    "How far can a firecracker like yours go?"

    The muskets of the Song Empire were different from those of the Ming Dynasty and Europeans.

    Because there is no need for a gun rack, and there is no match rope.

    A flintlock gun equipped with flint is very novel to Li Xiang.

    "It can probably reach two hundred steps."

    The captain, a genetic man of Chinese descent, replied.

    As a captain of Chinese origin, he knew that this fat old man with white hair would be their commander in the future.  So for Li Xiang's questions, he would give an answer happily without any secret.

    Li Xiang could also feel it, so Li Xiang couldn't help but feel that it was really a right choice to seek refuge with the crown prince from America.

    Because here, he did not feel any rejection, nor was there any resistance from the soldiers of the Song Empire.

    This is completely different from the Ming Dynasty.

    It¡¯s really comfortable to be in this kind of environment.

    Two hundred steps is a good distance.

    The fire blunderbuss of the Ming Dynasty has an effective shooting range and can damage the enemy within fifty steps.  Of course, you can also shoot farther, but at a farther distance, there is no way to cause damage to the enemy.

    In fact, there is no way to do this. After all, this is the seventeenth century, and the level of science and technology in this era is like this.

    "Is two hundred steps the distance at which you can injure the enemy?"

    Li Xiang asked again.

    The Chinese captain beside him said: "Two hundred steps is not accurate, but it can still cause damage. But if you want to use the maximum power of the musket, it is a distance of one hundred steps."


    This is also very good, at least it is much stronger than the Ming Dynasty's fire gun.

    ¡° Moreover, the number of fire rifle soldiers in the Ming Dynasty was actually not very large.

    There are often only twenty or thirty gunmen in a battalion of fifteen hundred soldiers.

    But look at the Song Empire. Each man on a warship has a firecracker, which means hundreds of them.

    You must know that the number of sailors on the warships here in the Song Empire is 326 people per ship.

    The Ming Dynasty¡¯s warships only had one hundred and thirty-four men.

    "Admiral, do you need someone to demonstrate it to you?"

    The captain asked.

    Hearing the other party shout out his official title and call himself Lord Admiral, Li Xiang was not used to it for a while.

    ¡°Is this just an official?

    However, this feeling is really good.

    ?According to the prince¡¯s mantra, it¡¯s ¡®so cool¡¯.

    Li Xiang also wanted to know the power of these fire guns, so he nodded.

    After seeing Li Xiang nod, the captain turned around and shouted twice.

    Then, forty-five sailors picked up their muskets and gathered together. They formed three queues, and one team of fifteen people stood on the edge of the deck.

    After Li Xiang saw the sailors lined up in three queues, a look of confusion appeared on his face.

    After seeing it, the captain explained to Li Xiang: "Let the Admiral know that our Song Dynasty's muskets are fired by three teams. Only in this way can the power of the muskets be fully exerted and cause damage to the enemy.  Severe damage. The same is true in sea battles, but it is rarely used. This is a means to prevent the enemy from getting close to engage in hand-to-hand combat"

    With the captain's explanation, Li Xiang slowly became clear about what three-stage shooting is and what the wave cycle of three-stage shooting is.

    And the sailors who were queuing up began their performances following the captain's order.

    Gunshots continued to sound, and the green smoke filled the air and was blown away by the sea. The pungent smell shocked Li Xiang's body.

    What a powerful gun formation, the formations look like waves,Soldiers can shoot back and forth in a continuous cycle.  He really didn't expect that if he wanted to start a boarding battle, the enemy would have to pay a lot of price to get close to his own warship.

    Li Xiang is not a fool. After watching it for a while and listening to the captain's explanation, he has already seen the power of this battle formation.

    My mother is really amazing.

    These sailors reloaded ammunition very quickly, and there was no delay at all.

    Li Xiangke has never seen such an elite navy.

    At this time, he even thought, if the sailors on the warships of the Song Empire were all so elite, they were driving such warships.  In such a vast sea, who else could they rival?

    "Admiral, have you seen it before?"

    When the captain saw that Li Xiang was stunned, he couldn't help but say something.


    "Not bad!"

    Li Xiang came back to her senses and could only say "not bad".

    The empire¡¯s sailors were more capable than he imagined.

    At this point, what else can he say.

    It seems that I really got a bargain.

    "Admiral, please drink twice as much nutritional water. We all drink this to supplement nutrition and physical strength at sea."

    The captain didn¡¯t know when he got a small wooden cup, which was filled with a glass of water.  It's just that the color of the water is a little off, it's pink.

    "What's this?"

    ¡°Vitamin C effervescent tablets, with this we don¡¯t need to bring so much fruit.¡±

    Vitamin C?

    Effervescent tablets?

    Li Xiang had already seen a lot of things he didn¡¯t understand in Nagasaki. He didn¡¯t expect that there would be so many things he didn¡¯t understand on the imperial battleship


    There may be too many mysterious things like the Song Empire.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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