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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> Rise of America 1620

Text Chapter 912 I want to give you a task (Happy New Year¡¯s Day to book friends)

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    Seeing Jay Chou's somewhat embarrassed look, Zhang Tie knew that this guy must be thinking bad.

    Therefore, he couldn't help but laugh helplessly.

    "I said, do you think I look like a brainless idiot? How could I order to streamline the army at such a time? This is completely impossible."

    Jay Chou stood there with a red face, not knowing how to speak.

    Indeed, he had thought wrong just now. The Governor never said anything about streamlining the army.  It was his own random thinking that led to such a ridiculous misunderstanding. After all, it was still his own problem.

    Who made him think so divergently that he could think of something like this?

    "Don't worry, don't think about such things again in the future. I can tell you responsibly that our army will not be streamlined in the future, but will continue to expand. You don't have to worry about such things happening.  ,do you know?"

    Although this was a misunderstanding, Zhang Tie became a little sensitive.

    Because he didn¡¯t know whether this was a personal concern for the commander of the third group on the opposite side, or a private concern for all the officers.

    If it is a personal concern, then there is nothing to worry about.

    "However, if all the officers are worried that something like this will happen.  Then it is necessary for you to pay more attention, because this is really a source of instability in the military morale.

    The foundation of the empire today is not very solid, although it looks very strong from the outside.  However, both Zhang Tie, Song Hu, and even Wang Shan who was far away in San Francisco understood that their foundation was actually very thin.

    They just look very bluffing now.

    Once there is really trouble, although it can be solved, it will also give them a huge headache.

    Especially if the trouble comes from within, you have to guard against it.

    If the Song Empire wants to rise, first of all, in addition to population and economy, it must have a sophisticated and large army and navy to rely on.

    The Army is only beginning to take shape now and has not yet reached its set goals.  It will take some time for the Navy to start exerting its force.

    Therefore, the Army at this time must not have any problems.

    Once something goes wrong, it will greatly affect the development of the empire and cause unnecessary trouble.

    Zhang Tie knew that despite the two purges, there were still some churches in the country that had slipped through the cracks.  They have become much smarter now and know how to hide themselves and will not act so high-profile.

    Even, they will hide themselves temporarily and make themselves look like ordinary people.

    Rather than being like those silly writers from the previous two times, the situation was so high-profile that they wanted everyone to know about them.

    "If the imperial army's morale is unstable and these hidden guys find out, God knows whether they will use this to instigate some trouble.

    This is the question that worries Zhang Tie the most after he thinks about it.

    Regarding the church, the senior officials of the Song Empire have always regarded it as a scourge.

    The reason is very simple, because people who have been brainwashed and have beliefs are very scary.

    They are not afraid of life and death, and possess very fanatical and terrifying power.

    The destruction caused by such people is very powerful.

    Therefore, the senior officials of the Song Empire absolutely do not want such people to appear in their country.

    Even if there are such people, they should be controlled in their own hands instead of believing in the so-called European ¡®god¡¯.

    The Song Empire has already had this problem twice, but with good luck, it was solved both times.  But no one can guarantee with all their heart that such things will not happen a third time, a fourth time, or even more.

    Judging from the first two incidents, the trouble became bigger each time, and a riot even broke out the second time.

    So if it happens a third time, wouldn¡¯t it be even more powerful than the second time?

    After all, the enemy is also learning and constantly changing themselves.

    The most obvious thing is that the enemy has learned to hide his identity in order to take root in the Americas, and then slowly but surely complete their goals.

    Under such circumstances, if the enemy does not reveal their whereabouts, there will be no way to catch them.  There was even more no way to deal with these people. It could be said that this gave Zhang Tie a headache and alertness, but also made him feel a little weak.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??He is very aware of the horror of these fanatical believers.

    For the sake of the glory and glory of the so-called god they believe in, they can even use any means to punish those who disrespect their beliefs.

    And the top leaders of the Song Empire are obviously their enemies.

    You must know that the Song Empire was obviously not interested in the church.  He even taught the church twice, killed many of their pastors and church staff, and dealt with many staunch believers.

    For the European churches, this is simply something they cannot tolerate.

    Any issue can be discussed, but when it comes to matters of faith, it is impossible for the church to retreat.

    "The Crusades hundreds of years ago, although it was said that the church was trying to divert the dissatisfaction of the European people, but it also indirectly showed their mobilization power, didn't it?

    Even now, in the early seventeenth century, the power of the church has begun to decline on the European continent, but if it is mobilized, it cannot be underestimated.

    Although Portugal and France formed an alliance and colluded with the Ottoman Empire, neither Portugal nor France dared to say that they were targeting the church, but that they were targeting the Habsburg princes.

    At the same time, the Ottoman Turkish Empire did not join in the name of the so-called Islamic faith. It stated that it was for the interests of the Mediterranean.

    Look, any smart person can see this, right?

    If Portugal and France once say that they want to confront the church, then the church can openly and openly publish some words in the name of God, so that believers in Portugal and France can stand up against the high-level officials in these two countries.  .

    In Portugal and France, the top leaders are not very interested in the church, and they are even very clear about the nature of the church.

    "However, the people at the bottom are not very clear about this.

    What¡¯s more, there are still some dissident elements in Portugal and France.  If the church issued an order like this, it would give them an opportunity and an excuse to cause chaos.

    Therefore, Portugal and France will never be so stupid.

    And when the church cannot grasp the situation, there is no way to use this ultimate move.

    This principle is the same on the American continent.

    Today, America has the most populous city in Europe, which is Manhattan.

    The European population living and working in this city has reached more than 800,000, and the number is still increasing by hundreds every day.

    "Excluding the children and women among these Europeans, the remaining young adults are not a small number.

    The children are still very innocent. They have not been brainwashed by the church for a long time, so they are easily assimilated when they come to America and will no longer be interested in the church.

    Women are even simpler. Because of the witch movement, women's life in Europe is not easy.  Therefore, they will not pay attention to the church.

    What¡¯s more, they live very well here in America and no longer have to worry about something like the European witch movement happening.  Why should they believe in the church again and have contact with church people?

    This is of no benefit to them at all.

    Because once the church takes root and develops in the Americas, and when the church leaders create some kind of witch movement in the Americas, they will have no way to survive.

    However, compared to women and children, older European men have great trust in the church.

    The number of these people is about more than 200,000, which is not a small number.

    ¡°Even after two cleanings, these guys have become more honest.

    However, no one can guarantee that they actually still believe in the European god in their hearts.

    After all, one cannot see through the human heart.

    Of course, there are also some people in Europe who have been oppressed by the church, or who have been bullied and abused by the church, and they have no color for the church.

    These families from Europe also account for a certain number.

    However, as long as the shadow of the church still exists, we have to be more careful.

    "Sir, it seems that I was wrong. But I really can't figure out what kind of business you have with me at this time? Could it be that a war is about to break out?"

    Jay Chou asked.

    Zhang Tie stood up, walked up to Jay Chou and looked him up and down.

    "No, we in America?Now that we focus on peaceful development, some kind of war may happen.  I came to you this time just to give you a task.  "

    Although a little disappointed, Jay Chou still straightened his body and said loudly: "Commander of the Third Army, Jay Chou, please obey the orders of the Governor!"

    Zhang Tie smiled and said, "No need to do that. In fact, this mission may not be dangerous at all." Seeing the serious Jay Chou, Zhang Tie raised his hand and patted him gently on the shoulder, indicating that he should give up.  He doesn't want to be so serious.  "Look at this map first."

    Jay Chou is still so serious, with a very rigid expression on his face.

    It seems that Zhang Tie¡¯s comfort has no effect.

    Zhang Tie was helpless about this.

    You know, there are a lot of genetic people here in Manhattan now, and most of them were bred in batches, so they are not of great use.  Although there are mutated guys every month, at most they just become ordinary people.

    ??????????????????? Those genetic people with independent intelligent thinking and personality are not from regular military backgrounds.  Therefore, guys like Jay Chou who joined the army and were admitted to the military academy were very valued by Zhang Tie.

    "As for Jay Chou, after listening to Zhang Tie's words, he looked at the world map in confusion.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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