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Text Chapter 911 Focus on Manhattan (6)

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    "Sir, Colonel Jay Chou of the Third Army Group in Manhattan is reporting to you!"

    Not long ago, after Zhang Tie listened to his secretary¡¯s report, he asked him to call the commander of the Third Army Group in Manhattan.  Because Zhang Tie had already planned to mobilize a group of troops from Manhattan, travel from Manhattan to Australia, and then go to the East via Southeast Asia to support His Highness.

    Therefore, after the secretary reported on the material situation in Manhattan, he immediately went to the headquarters of the Third Army.

    And this genetic human commander, who had the same name as a certain star in another world, immediately came to Zhang Tie's office after receiving the notice from his secretary.

    In the eyes of these genetic people in Manhattan, Zhang Tie is an incredible big shot and a nobleman.

    Therefore, he did not dare to delay his summons.

    Jay Chou is not very old. Judging from his appearance, he is in his early twenties.

    Although his name is the same as that of a star from another world, they don¡¯t look exactly the same.

    Jay Chou looks like a very honest person with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his skin color is also a bit dark.

    With his height of 1.84 meters and his sturdy body, he looks very intimidating.

    This is not something that a big star in another world can compare to.

    ¡°In addition, when Jay Chou was cultivating, he did not use batch cultivation.  Therefore, he is a genetic person with independent thinking and intelligent personality, that is, he is much smarter than those genetic people cultivated in batches.

    In addition, when he was being cultivated, his randomly generated life information was that he served as a soldier in high school and was admitted to the military academy.  He was forced to retire from the army and change jobs just because he offended someone, so he was a good prospect.

    It was precisely because of his family background that Zhang Tie made him the commander of the Third Army with the rank of colonel.

    Such an official title was already not low in the Song Empire.

    You must know that there are only three generals in the Song Empire now.

    That is Zhang Tie, Song Hu, and Wang Shan.

    The three of them are the earliest and closest direct descendants who follow Zhao Hongyu.

    It is for this reason that the three of them became major generals.

    Therefore, it is already very good for a latecomer like Jay Chou to be given the rank of colonel.

    ¡°Today¡¯s imperial army, 60% are of Chinese origin, 30% are of Indian origin, and the remaining 10% are brainwashed European youths.

    After Jay Chou reported, he stood there straight, waiting for Zhang Tie to speak.

    Along the way, Jaylen has been wondering why the Governor of Manhattan and His Highness's cronies are looking for him.

    However, he didn't get any answer.

    While he was on the road, he thought about many aspects.

    ¡°Even, he thought a little excitedly, is a war going to break out?

    You know, as a soldier, Jay Chou is still eager to make contributions on the battlefield.

    What makes him a little helpless is that he has never experienced the wars during the establishment of the empire.

    After all, that time was the most difficult period for Zhao Hongyu, and he, Jay Chou, had not yet been cultivated.

    Although in the end he was nurtured and came into this world.

    However, the Song Empire has begun to take shape, and there are no major battles.

    Even if there is, there is no chance to use the army, it is all done by the navy.

    Therefore, as an army general, how eager he is to lead the army in combat.

    Even if it¡¯s to attack the Indians in the central part of the country, that¡¯s fine.

    It¡¯s just that Jay Chou also knows that these are all his delusions and are simply impossible.

    The Indians in the central part did not have much conflict with the empire, and although the empire established cities in the central part.  But they are slowly integrating them in a peaceful way, and there will be no war in this process.

    With such random thoughts, Jay Chou came to Zhang Tie.

    Zhang Tie sat behind his desk and looked up at Jay Chou who was standing straight.  After a while, Zhang Tie finally spoke.

    "How is the training situation of the troops now?"

    As soon as Zhang Tie opened his mouth, Jay Chou thought that if Governor Zhang Tie summoned him this time, he might be asking about the training situation.  Therefore, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

    After all, there can be no major war between the developing Manhattan and the Song Empire.Therefore, there will definitely be very few times when their army can be used.

    In other words, the empire now focuses on peace.

    This is a very sad thing for their army.

    Although he thought so in his heart, there was no big reaction on Jay Chou's face. He still had a serious expression and replied very seriously: "Reporting to your lord, all the officers and soldiers of our Third Group Army are training every day and not even dare for a moment."  hold up."

    Zhang Tie nodded and said: "Now your third group army has more than 24,000 officers, soldiers and logistics, right?" His words made Jay Chou start to mutter in his heart, "Why would the Governor ask such a question?"  Could it be that they disliked the large number of soldiers and wanted to reduce the number of soldiers?  ¡¯

    Jay Chou, who was thinking wrongly, could not calm down now.

    An anxious look suddenly appeared on his face, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

    "It's just that he didn't say anything after opening his mouth several times. That's because he didn't know how to speak.

    After all, he is facing the Governor of Manhattan. If a person like him wants to question, he must consider the consequences.

    Today, there are six legions of the Standing Army Group in Manhattan, with a population of almost 150,000.

    It can be said that except for a few people of Chinese descent in the empire who choose to do business as freelancers and those who work as farmers to exploit black slaves, basically they have either entered the government departments of the empire, or they have all  Entered the army.

    This is also something that Zhao Hongyu and the others have planned for a long time.

    The economy, military and government departments of the Song Empire must be in the hands of Chinese people. This will never change.

    Of course, in order to look better, and also to further deceive farmers of other ethnic groups.  A small number of grassroots cadres still need to use people from other ethnic groups. For example, if there is a village in the future, then some cadres such as village chiefs and township chiefs will definitely be used.

    ¡°However, some key departments will definitely use Chinese people.

    This can be considered a check and balance.

    Although there is no time to need this method yet, Zhao Hongyu and the others have already thought of this in preparation for a rainy day.

    It can be said that the Chinese citizens living in Manhattan and even the Song Empire are not idle at all.

    Even female Chinese descendants have entered schools to brainwash the children.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? minglinging.

    The empire¡¯s secret policy of giving priority to Chinese people has the support of all people with Chinese genes, and no one opposes it.

    ??Even, they all feel that such a policy should be maintained. If anyone dares to touch such a policy, he should be the mortal enemy of all Chinese people.

    Of course, as His Highness Zhao Hongyu who formulated this policy, no one would say anything if he wanted to change this policy. Anyway, loyalty will definitely decline in the end.

    ¡°And Jay Chou is such a supporter of the Greater China policy.

    ¡°He even joined the ¡®Yanhuang Chauvinism Association¡¯, a small group created by Song Hu, Zhang Tie and Wang Shan. He highly respected the highest views of the Yanhuang ancestry promoted within this group.

    In other words, Jay Chou is also an angry young man.

    Of course, although this angry youth group promotes the theory of Yan and Huang descent, it does not mean that they exclude other ethnic groups.  Because if other ethnic groups are excluded, doesn¡¯t it mean that they will have no one to serve them in the future?

    Therefore, after the improvement of Zhang Tie, Song Hu, Wang Shan, and the last bad old man and angry young professor Liu who joined, the organization's argument has become that it must stand at the top, and then allow other ethnic groups to be able to fight for their own.  Good service.

    ¡° However, in order to achieve this, they must allow the Yanhuang ethnic group to have strong military and political rights, as well as economic rights.

    Therefore, Jay Chou was so anxious after he misunderstood that the Third Army was to be streamlined.

    Because military power can guarantee the rule of the Chinese people over the Song Empire, and can effectively suppress it in times of danger.

    But these are all based on strong military power.

    If they streamline the army and cause problems with insufficient military strength, they will be ashamed of His Highness Zhao Hongyu and the empire.

    You know, the number of Europeans in Manhattan now exceeds 800,000, more than the Chinese.  There were over a million Indians and it was very dangerous.

    Although printedThe Indians can rest assured, but the Europeans have to be on guard.

    If these 800,000 people start a riot, it will be a big deal.

    At the same time, there are more than half a million black slaves here in Manhattan.

    Therefore, it is extremely necessary for the empire to maintain a large army as the basis for stabilizing the city.

    Seeing Jay Chou hesitate to speak several times made Zhang Tie a little strange.

    "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't be so hesitant."

    Zhang Tie had no idea what he had said wrongly to make the commander become like this.

    It¡¯s also Jay Chou¡¯s fault for having such a small misunderstanding.

    In fact, Zhang Tie himself doesn¡¯t know how important it is for the current Song Empire to ensure a large army.

    After all, they don¡¯t have that many high-tech weapons on hand, so now they can only have a huge army to prevent those Europeans with different intentions from coming forward.

    "Otherwise, these guys will definitely cause trouble.

    Yes, there are still some people with bad intentions among the Europeans in the Song Empire.

    This group is the remnants of the European church that survived two sweeps.

    Zhang Tie has always been extremely wary of these guys.

    The last European riot was instigated by these guys.

    Although he was suppressed, Zhang Tie also saw the danger.

    ¡°Nowadays, more and more Europeans are coming to Manhattan. In a few years, the number of these Europeans will exceed 1.5 million or even 2 million.

    When the number of Europeans reaches a certain level, if these church guys instigate trouble again, it may not be so easy to suppress them as they did last time.

    Therefore, Manhattan must have a large and elite armed force to avoid any accidents and threats in the future.

    For example, Quebec and Ontario are much better, because the European population does not account for the majority of the population in these two areas.

    There are three parts in Quebec: Somali blacks, French citizens, and Indians. Among them, French people only account for 20% of the population, so there is nothing to worry about.

    And in the "Faith Project", these French citizens of Quebec have been brainwashed, and they no longer believe in the church.

    So Quebec doesn¡¯t have to worry about this problem at all.

    Ontario is even simpler, because the population there is Chinese and Indian.

    Although there is also a population of European ethnicity, those people are all prisoners bought by Zhao Hongyu from Europe. They are not citizens of the empire, and they cannot even control their own life or death.

    So, these people don¡¯t have anything to worry about.

    ¡°Besides that, there are the black slaves in the three major areas.

    They don¡¯t believe in God, so they don¡¯t have to worry.

    Therefore, it was only the Manhattan side that was filled with a large number of Europeans that made Zhang Tie wary.

    Zhang Tie sometimes even thinks that it would be great if the empire could get modern firearms from the virtual world, even those from the Republic of China period.

    As long as he has such a weapon, he doesn't have to always be on guard against the Europeans in Manhattan.

    By then, even if all the Europeans in Manhattan riot together, and with those advanced weapons, Zhang Tie can control the situation in a short time.

    Well, it¡¯s enough for China to officially cooperate with the mountain cannon.

    However, these are still impossible for Zhang Tie.

    This guy Chen Zhenbang simply doesn¡¯t dare to sell these things to them.

    Zhang Tie had already signaled several times, but Chen Zhenbang did not dare to interrupt.

    This made Zhang Tie very disappointed.

    At the same time, the scientific research investment in the space-time trader was too deceptive, which made Zhang Tie very helpless.

    "My Lord Governor, I request you not to reduce the army. I think our army is not large at all now. If possible, we even need to expand the number. After all, with the influx of more and more Europeans,  My subordinates are worried that there may be riots like last year in the future."

    When Zhang Tie asked him to speak, Jay Chou mustered up the courage to speak out his thoughts.

    Streamlining the army?

    After Zhang Tie heard what Jay Chou said, his eyes widened and he was stunned.?

    Why didn¡¯t he know when he said he wanted to streamline the army?

    After thinking about it, Zhang Tie never remembered that he had said such words.

    "I said, it seems that I never said such a thing at all, right? Who did you hear that I was going to order to streamline the army?" Zhang Tie's expression slowly became serious.

    Oh my god, it seems I misunderstood.

    Hearing what Zhang Tie said, Jay Chou suddenly came to his senses (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)
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