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Text Chapter 541 We can engage in arms trade

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    The Indians here in San Francisco are different from the Indians in the Northeast.

    The Indian tribes here have more than 10,000 warriors, and there are many of them.

    I don¡¯t know if it¡¯s because there are more prey here or for some other reason. In short, there are more Indians here than on the eastern coast.

    Of course, the San Francisco area is only what Zhao Hongyu and the others think of, but in fact, if we really want to dig deeper, the scope of the San Francisco area is actually very large.

    The north can reach the Canadian region in later generations, and the south can connect to the Mohican border in later generations.

    In this era, there is no United States to draw the boundaries between states.

    Therefore, when looking at the San Francisco area at this time, we cannot look at it from the perspective of future generations.

    "Zhao Hongyu and the others don't know this.

    Xiongying had no objection to Zhao Hongyu¡¯s desire to meet the elders of the Cook tribe.

    After all, if there is a union, he alone cannot make the decision on such a big matter.

    Therefore, the elders must make a decision.

    "The other party's presence here now has no less than five or six hundred elite warriors, which is enough to prove that what the other party said is true.

    Having such a powerful united tribe is of great benefit to the Cook tribe.

    ¡°At the very least, when there is a conflict with the Tanmer tribe in the future, we can rely on these strangers, right?

    However, he still knew too little about strangers, so it was a very irrational thing to take these strangers back to the tribe rashly.

    The number of warriors around the opponent now exceeds the total number of tribal warriors.

    ¡°If you rashly take these strangers back to the tribe¡¯s camp, wouldn¡¯t you be a sinner if the other party has bad intentions?

    After thinking about it for a while, the eagle decided not to take these strangers back for the time being. Instead, he would go to the stranger's camp to check it out.

    At least, the other party doesn't show any ill intentions now, so I should be able to take the risk and give it a try.

    It cannot but be said that Xiong Ying was careful enough. Even when Zhao Hongyu put forward several conditions that he could not decide on and at the same time was extremely exciting, he could still make a rational judgment.

    Who says the Indians are simply fools? At least judging from the Eagle's reaction, they are not the kind of idiots who have no brains.

    "Don't worry about the promise I made. According to your thinking, I am the chief of my tribe. Therefore, my promise is the decision of the entire tribe. I think you can rest assured."

    Seeing the eagle standing there with a gloomy expression, Zhao Hongyu spoke to him.

    Finally, the eagle gritted his teeth and responded: "Thank you for your generosity and kindness, can I go to your camp to have a look?"

    Zhao Hongyu rolled his eyes and knew what Xiongying had planned.

    He still admired the other party's caution and prudence very much.

    Therefore, he was not unhappy at all and happily extended the invitation.

    "Yes, as a friend, I would like to invite you to my tribal camp as a guest. However, we have just arrived at this place and the camp is still under construction, so there may be some places that are not accessible to you. Please forgive me in advance.  If you are dissatisfied, please don¡¯t take it to heart.¡±

    The eagle said quickly: "No, the kind-hearted Cook people will not be so picky when it comes to warm invitations from friends."

    ¡°Subsequently, at Zhao Hongyu¡¯s signal, a genetic human guard came over leading a war horse.

    "Can you ride?"

    Zhao Hongyu asked curiously.

    Looking at the snoring war horse, the eagle shook his head.

    To be honest, there are many herds of wild horses in the Great Plains, but few tribes can ride such animals.

    Even for most Indian tribes, these horses galloping on the grasslands are still regarded as spirits and gods.

    Zhao Hongyu waved his hand and asked the Imperial Guard soldier holding the horse to retreat.

    "Then let's leave now. I'll walk back with you."

    Zhao Hongyu walked to the side of the eagle with a smile, and then began to lead the way.

    Because there is a language plug-in, Zhao Hongyu has no problem communicating with Xiongying, and there is no obstacle at all.

    ¡°Even, he can even speak a few words of Cook slang.

    This is the power of language plug-ins.

    You know, many times in the world people andConflicts and misunderstandings between people often occur due to language barriers.

    Good intentions are interpreted as hostility, and malice is interpreted as good intentions.

    During the conflict, the two parties are unable to communicate effectively, or even if they communicate, they fail to express their ideas, which will make the conflict more intense and worsened.

    " However, after Zhao Hongyu has a language plug-in, all this will be greatly avoided.

    Effective communication allows anyone to know what he is talking about and express the most direct meaning.

    Unless the other person communicating is originally malicious, otherwise there will generally be no conflict.

    At Zhao Hongyu¡¯s signal, the eagle followed him.

    But his hands inadvertently raised up and made a few quick gestures.

    The meaning of this gesture is actually to tell the hiding companions that they are going to the other party's camp to take a look, and at the same time to ask them to return to the tribe immediately after leaving to inform the tribe elders about what happened here.

    Of course, these strangers have no ill intentions for the time being, and they also want to tell the elders and tribesmen about this friendly matter.

    Seeing the eagle gesture, Zhao Hongyu just smiled without asking or stopping him.

    "The weapons worn by your warriors are very strong and sharp. I wonder if we really unite and start trade at the same time, will you exchange those weapons with us?"

    The word ¡°buy and sell¡± does not exist in the Indian vocabulary.

    The Indians in the east only learned about it after they had been in contact with Europeans for a long time.

    But compared to their compatriots on the eastern coast, the Indians on the western coast are much more primitive.

    ¡° Moreover, they have never had contact with Europeans, so it is impossible for them to know what buying and selling is.

    "As for what Zhao Hongyu said about carrying out trade, it was only after Zhao Hongyu explained it that Xiongying had a rough understanding.

    From Eagle¡¯s point of view, trading means exchanging things for things.

    The Eagle is no stranger to this matter.

    Many times, the warriors of the Cook tribe would carry a large amount of furs to the Great Plains in the autumn to find some tribes and exchange them for some supplies they needed.

    Therefore, when Hongyu said this, this is trade.

    ?Buying and selling, Eagle has no such concept.

    Therefore, he believes that it is correct to exchange.

    ¡°Moreover, the winning points people on the western coast have no concept of currency.

    At this point, they are far behind the eastern seaboard Indians.

    "However, this cannot be blamed on the Indians on the western coast. Who allowed the Indians on the eastern coast to come into contact with Europeans for more than a hundred years.

    But the Indians on the western coast have never been in contact with them.

    Hearing this, Zhao Hongyu thought for a while and replied: "There should be no problem. Our weapons are made of iron and are much stronger than wooden weapons like yours. At the same time, they are not suitable for damage."

    Zhao Hongyu called to a gene warrior who was following him and asked him to hand his machete to him.

    The gene soldier took out the machete from his waist and handed it over.

    Zhao Hongyu took it in his hand and handed it to Xiongying.

    Previously, although Xiongying had seen the machete of the genetic man team leader, he didn't look at it very carefully.

    Now, Zhao Hongyu gave him a chance to really feel the iron weapons.


    The eagle cocked the blade of the machete, making a unique sound of iron.

    Then, when the eagle passed by a big tree, he brandished a machete and hacked at the trunk of the tree several times.

    "Hmm, it's a very good weapon. If it were to hit someone, I think even one arm would be cut off."

    I am very satisfied with the power of the machete.

    His eyes were full of reluctance, and it was obvious that he was reluctant to return the machete to Zhao Hongyu.

    This can¡¯t be blamed on the eagle. None of the Indian tribes on the west coast have ever seen iron tools.

    They all use wooden weapons, such as spears, blow darts, and bows and arrows.

    No matter what, wooden weapons are always much worse than iron weapons.

    This is simply because the eagle, having seen the iron machete, would like it so much and be reluctant to part with it.

      "Exchange it for furs. Such a machete can be exchanged for at least three bear skins or thirty-six beaver skins. I don't think you have any objection to such an exchange quantity."

    Zhao Hongyu told Xiongying a small way to exchange weapons in the future, as well as the quantity.

    After Xiongying thought about it, he nodded and said to Zhao Hongyu: "It's a fair exchange. I think you are still a little bit at a loss. This kind of weapon is very strong and can be used for a long, long time without any problem. Except for the bear  Isn¡¯t it okay to use other animal skins instead of beaver skins?¡±

    First, Xiongying affirmed the method of exchanging iron weapons, and finally he asked a small question.

    Yes, the eagle heard a little problem in Zhao Hongyu's words, that is, Zhao Hongyu only said that bear skins and beaver skins would be exchanged, but as for other animal skins, he did not say anything.

    Therefore, Xiongying wondered, does the other party just need these two kinds of fur?

    San Francisco has dense forests and a large number of wildlife.

    Brown bears are also very numerous in San Francisco in this era.

    Beavers, in this era of destructive capture, also had considerable numbers along the east and west coasts.

    Therefore, Xiongying thinks this problem is not a big one.

    It¡¯s just that it will be more troublesome.

    It would be better if other leathers were also needed, right?

    ¡°You can¡¯t ask for the skins of prairie dogs and coyotes, as well as squirrels and the like.¡± Zhao Hongyu made a joke with the eagle in a good mood.

    The eagle also laughed.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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