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Text Chapter 540 Heartbeat, heartbeat

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    For the Indians living on the American continent, it is definitely an irresistible temptation.

    Because it involves productivity and some agricultural technology issues, the Indians simply cannot be self-sufficient with their primitive technology.

    Of course, we are talking about the Indians in North America, not the descendants of the Mayans in Central and South America.

    Compared with the Indians in North America, the lives of the indigenous people in Central and South America are much better.  Corn, potatoes, and other crops provided them with enough food to fill their stomachs.

    ??Even, you can hunt to obtain meat to supplement protein.

    At this point, Indians living in North America cannot compare with their compatriots in Central and South America.

    Most of the Indian tribes in North America rely on hunting to obtain food.

    Their food chain is very simple.

    Because they inherited some of the reasons for migration, they rarely cultivated land to obtain food.

    Just like the Cook tribe, although they will not leave the San Francisco area, they also will not stay in one place for too long, and will change places to live from time to time.

    It¡¯s just that the tribe won¡¯t leave the San Francisco area.

    In this case, it would be impossible for them to farm at all.

    They do this to stop excessive hunting in one place and give wild animals a chance to recuperate.

    They still know the principle of killing the goose to get the eggs.

    But even so, most people in the Cook tribe still don¡¯t have enough to eat.

    Because there are many large and small tribes nearby, everyone relies on hunting to obtain food.

    But San Francisco is so big, and as the population increases, the prey seems to be unable to make ends meet.

    And in order to obtain enough prey, war is inevitable.

    At the same time, in addition to defeating other tribes and occupying larger territories to obtain hunting rights, this can also effectively eliminate some populations.

    Especially the population of hostile tribes.

    As the population decreases, the demand for food will also decrease, which is a good thing no matter how you look at it.

    In this way, the war broke out and subsequently involved all the tribes in the San Francisco area.

    Unlike the Iroquois Confederacy, the Indian tribes in the San Francisco area basically fought on their own.

    They did not unite together to deal with powerful enemies.

    Speaking of which, various tribes are full of complicated grudges and entanglements.

    ¡°It¡¯s only been a few decades since you hunted three pheasants in my hunting territory. This is disrespectful and provocative to me.

    Or maybe, your father seriously injured my brother during a tribal conflict more than a hundred years ago.

    The Indians take grievances very seriously and will never forget them even hundreds of years later. As long as there is an adult warrior and man in the tribe, the grievances will be passed down.

    Because of such complicated grievances and entanglements, it is not surprising that various tribes are fighting on their own.

    At least, there has not yet been a large tribe that can unite other tribes.

    However, the disadvantages of fighting independently began to appear after the war in this area for some time.

    First, some medium-sized tribes began to attack small tribes. Some of those small tribes only had dozens of adult male warriors, so they were impossible to match.

    Even if they fight very bravely, it is impossible to avoid being defeated and the fate of the tribe's destruction in the end.

    ??In primitive wars, population is the scale that determines the final outcome of the war.

    There is nothing we can do about this.

    For a time, countless small tribes were wiped out and disappeared from the history of the Americas.

    The tribe where the eagle belongs is a little larger than a small tribe, but smaller than a medium tribe.

    The tribe gritted its teeth and could produce more than 300 adult warriors.

    However, as the war progresses, the Cook tribe is now also facing a crisis.

    Because a large tribe has set its sights on the Cook tribe¡¯s hunting area.

    The Cook tribe¡¯s camp is near the coast of San Francisco Bay, not far from the plains.

    Because they are close to the seaside and forests, the Cook tribe can still obtain some food. At the same time, they are far away from the hinterland of the plains and do not have much conflict with most tribes.

    ?This is also the reason why they have only been targeted since the war has been going on.

    You must know that in the early days of the war, many small tribes living in the hinterland of the plains were wiped out immediately.

    ¡°If the Cook tribe also lived there, then they wouldn¡¯t be alive until now.

    Nowadays, the large tribes living in the hinterland of the grassland have started to wage war against the tribes in the surrounding areas after cleaning up the small tribes. The medium-sized tribes also urgently need to avoid conflicts with the large tribes and begin to look for new territories.

    In this way, some tribes were forced to migrate eastward, while others migrated westward.

    As a result, the originally peaceful Cook tribe will inevitably come into conflict with the migrating tribes.

    In fact, the Indians are very hospitable. As long as the other party has no ill intentions, most of them will entertain the migrating tribes and provide some help.

    It¡¯s just that the migrants the Cook tribe encountered were a medium-sized tribe that was defeated by the larger tribe. As soon as they settled here, they planned to kill the Cook tribe and then recuperate here.

    At that time, the Cook tribe sent people with dozens of plump fresh fish to the tribe called "Tanmo", ready to offer greetings and ask if they needed help.

    But no one expected that the soldiers sent were actually killed by the opponent.

    A Cook warrior who went with him escaped and told the elders and tribesmen what happened.

    It turned out that the other party had a conversation with the Cook warriors, and when they heard that the Cook warriors only had 300 warriors, they had bad thoughts.

    Facing a medium-sized tribe like the Cook, this medium-sized tribe has a thousand warriors.

    Therefore, annihilating the Ku tribe and occupying this area became the idea of ????all the Tanmo tribe.

    In their view, this area should be theirs, and the streams, animals, and mushrooms in the forest should also be theirs to enjoy.

    The Cook tribe has no such qualifications.

    At the same time, this place is far away from the hinterland of the grassland, and the warring tribes will not take this place into consideration at all.

    They don¡¯t like the seaside. They only see abundant pastures, lakes, wild horses and elk.

    Those can only be found in the hinterland of the grassland, but not here near the sea in the west.

    After making up their minds, they killed the Cook warriors on the spot, and then gathered the warriors from the tribe to attack the Cook camp.

    There are eight warriors sent by the Ku tribe to display the Tanmo tribe.

    Seven of them died in the Tammer camp. Only one guy escaped because he had a stomachache and relieved himself in the grass.

    When the Cook people heard the story of the surviving warrior, they immediately reacted.

    A brave Indian warrior is not afraid of fighting.

    The element of fighting has entered into the Indians¡¯ bones.

    Therefore, the Cook tribe immediately summoned 326 warriors to ambush the opponent's only route.


    Of course, the Cook family is not without losses.

    At least seventy or eighty people died in these conflicts.

    Such a large amount of losses makes the Cook family feel extremely painful.

    Tanmo¡¯s losses were even greater, with more than 400 people killed in the ambush battle by the Kuks.

    After more than ten conflicts, the two sides have become mortal enemies and the conflicts are irreconcilable.

    It can only end if one tribe is completely wiped out.

    Who made the Tammer tribe so greedy that they did such a thing?

    You know, killing a well-intentioned warrior from an outside tribe is a naked insult.

    Indians, for those who insult themselves, all they can do is kill them in order to regain their face.

    "Otherwise, he will never be able to hold his head high for the rest of his life, and no one will think highly of him.

    The same principle applies to the entire tribe.

    Fortunately, everyone started to rest during this period and temporarily stopped the non-stop attacks on each other.

    So, both sides had a very strange and short-lived calm.

    Because of the conflict, the Ku tribe has not hunted for a long time in order to cope with Tammer's attacks.

    Therefore, food has begun to be scarce in the tribe.

      As for whether Tanmo is like this, they don't know.

    Therefore, when Zhao Hongyu suggested that they could provide food, the Eagle was really moved.


    With food, you don¡¯t have to be hungry!

    " Moreover, with food, they can deal with the Tammer tribe wholeheartedly.

    At the same time, the other party also proposed a joint proposal.

    The current Cook tribe has lost a lot of manpower after the conflict with the Tanmer tribe.

    Although they are determined to fight to the end, the hostile Tammo tribe has a larger population than the Ku tribe, and there are hundreds more warriors.

    Wait until the other party has finished resting and got used to the local environment here.

    By that time, the outcome of the Cook tribe will definitely not be good.

    You must know that the Tammer tribe came to the sea from the plains, and they are not very familiar with and accustomed to the environment here.

    Therefore, how can it be compared with the Cook people who are accustomed to the environment of this area?

    Therefore, every time a battle takes place in the jungle, the Tamer warriors will feel powerless.

    On the contrary, the Cook warriors took advantage of their familiarity with the land and environment and gained the upper hand.

    However, as the Tanmer tribe slowly becomes familiar with all this, their advantage will no longer exist.

    The Eagle has been worried about this.

    If we can really unite with these strangers, the Tammer tribe will have nothing to fear.

    The stranger said that they had tens of thousands of soldiers.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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