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Text Chapter 24 Gold, gold

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    After the black bear chatted quietly with the old leader Samara for a while, he returned to his seat and sat down quietly.

    The originally noisy tent suddenly became quiet, which was a bit unaccustomed.

    At the very least, Baker and the others are a little uncomfortable with it.

    "Tell this white man that our Mohican tribe is not interested in doing this deal with him, and we are not interested in his inferior iron tools and ice and fire (wine). His goods are of no use to us now, so please  Let him leave my tribe.¡±

    After hearing what Black Bear said, Samara, the old leader of Mohican, immediately made up his mind.

    Since Heitong is also interested in this useless stone, then Samara certainly knows what kind of choice should be made.

    ¡°Compared to the annoying and sinister ¡®White Skin¡¯, the trustworthy and fair ¡®Black Eyed¡¯ is of course the best choice.

    ¡°Besides, he, Samara, was the life saved by ¡®Black Eyes¡¯.  Although the Indians don't know the idiom of repaying a favor, they still know clearly who is truly kind to them.

    Guide Sandori conveyed the answer of the old leader of Mohican to Baker. Baker was very disappointed after hearing Sandori's story.  This was related to his ability to become a rich man, and he didn't want to give up just like that.

    "Dear leader, this kind of stone is of no use to you at all. It is completely useless. Instead of throwing it uselessly in the ground, wouldn't it be good if I exchange it for what you need?"

    Baker continued to work hard, but he knew very well how huge the profits would be in the future if he obtained these minerals.

    "Of course these stones are of no use to us, but even so, I don't want to trade with you white people." Samara's recovery made Baker choke. He really couldn't understand why this old indigenous man  Are you just unwilling to trade with yourself?

    You know, if it were other indigenous Indian tribes, they would have agreed to this condition long ago.  Because for uncivilized natives, this condition of theirs is nothing more than pie in the sky.

    What a damn old guy, I hope Satan will strike down thunder and lightning and turn you into ashes!  I don¡¯t understand the thoughts of you natives. Instead of keeping this coveted gold, why don¡¯t you understand how to exchange it for some supplies you need?

    Baker kept complaining in his mind, as if Samara was stupid for not trading with him.

    ¡°As everyone knows, Samara¡¯s most correct thing is not to make a deal with him.

    Although he kept cursing in his heart, Baker always had a kind smile on his face.  At this moment, he was like a colorful poisonous snake, hiding all of his vicious side, and what he showed was gorgeous.

    Unfortunately, what makes Baker completely disappointed and desperate is that no matter how he improves the conditions, the old leader of the Mohican tribe just shakes his head and disagrees at all.

    Baker wanted to exchange the fist-sized gold nugget for two inferior iron axes. In his opinion, this was already a very reasonable price, and even a gift to the natives.

    But how did he know that after he reported the price in a heart-wrenching tone, little Emma told her father Black Bear all the conditions Zhao Hongyu could offer.

    Compared with the stone that little Emma took out, Zhao Hongyu was willing to exchange a "golden" stone even the size of a fingernail with everyone, and was willing to give an axe, a set of wooden tableware and mustard.

    ¡° In this way, the conditions given by Zhao Hongyu become even more attractive.

    The black bear walked up to Baker, took back the ¡®stone¡¯ that belonged to Emma, ??then turned around and walked back.

    Of course Baker didn¡¯t want the gold he got to leave him just like that. Such a big piece of gold would weigh at least a few ounces.

    But he can¡¯t decide whether he wants to return or not.

    You must understand that the stone still belongs to little Emma and is not his personal belongings.

    "Baker, it seems that they are not willing to make a deal with us. Unless you are willing to give them a more attractive condition, what do you think?"

    Standing behind Baker, Cax, a former Great Swordsman of the British Royal Infantry and now a mercenary in the British immigration camp on the American continent, came over and whispered to Baker.

    When Baker heard this, he clenched his teeth and was silent for a while, and then responded: "It seems that we can only think of a solution from another aspect. These damn red-skinned natives can't communicate at all, if it weren't for us  If there is no numerical advantage, using force to solve the problem is actually a good solution.?.  "

    When Baker responded to Cax, he lowered his head deliberately because he didn't want the native Indians to see the ferocious look in his eyes.

    Yes, after Baker was repeatedly rejected by the old Mohican leader Samara, he already had murderous intentions in his heart.

    Faced with a gold vein, which is likely to be a rich vein, white people who are naturally fascinated by gold have no reason not to have misconceptions.

    Gold, it is something that can turn good people into bad people and good people into devils.

    It¡¯s even okay to say that gold is a product of Satan.

    Although the Indians feel that 'gold' is as useless as stones, except for the Indians on the American continent, Europeans, Africans, or people on the Asian continent will all go crazy for gold.

    And in this world, murders, killings and wars for gold have never stopped.

    Of course, those wars will be given high-sounding excuses, and no one will ever really say that they are for gold.

    "Mr. Baker, what are you going to do?" Another guard interrupted in a low voice at this time and asked.

    Baker rolled his eyes, and at the same time he quickly scanned the faces of everyone in Mohawk.

    Soon, a guess and some ideas came to his mind.

    Baker thought that the stone inlaid with gold was actually brought by the little girl.  Instead of the Mohican natives attending the meeting, during his series of conversations with these people, these Mohicans also revealed information, as if they did not know about the gold veins.

    Therefore, one thing that can be confirmed is that the gold vein he guessed was probably discovered by the little girl.

    And because I wanted to obtain these gold and mineral veins, I made some small mistakes.

    After thinking about this, Baker felt bad. He felt that he had found a way to easily obtain the golden land.

    Shrugging his shoulders, Baker seemed a little helpless and said to everyone in Mohawk: "What a pity. Originally, I thought we could be good business partners, but since you insist not to do this deal, I think if I continue to force it, it will destroy us.  friendship.¡±

    While talking, Baker slowly walked back to his seat and sat down.

    Seeing that Baker no longer insisted, Samara, the old leader of Mohawk, was slightly relieved. In fact, he did not want to make the relationship with Baipi too tense.

    Although the Mohicans are not afraid of "White Skin", they are still afraid of "White Skin"'s weapon Samara from the bottom of their hearts.

    He is no longer young and has seen more killings than young people.  He has seen too much death, so he understands the power of 'White Skin' better than many warriors in the tribe.

    This is not the most important thing.

    ?????????? If he is just a "white skin", he doesn't need to worry, what he is worried about is that if the relationship with the "white skin" is tense, then some rival tribes are likely to join forces with the "white skin" people to find trouble for themselves.

    Uniting some small and medium-sized tribes to deal with some large tribes has always been the specialty of the "white skins".

    Small and medium-sized tribes are not scary, but when they unite, they are very scary.

    When Samara was young, the Mohican tribe was not a large tribe in this area.  At that time, the largest tribe in this area was a tribe called the 'Papache'.

    That tribe had thousands of warriors and a total population of more than 30,000.

    But even such a large tribe fell apart under a series of offensives and means by the "White Skins".

    Samara was still young at that time, but he has never forgotten this matter.

    He could still recall the scene where the leader of the Apache tribe had his limbs chopped off and his heart dug out by warriors from a rival tribe from time to time.

    And what brought all this was brought by the ¡®white skins¡¯ who came from the end of the sea.

    Sometimes Samara even thinks, why can¡¯t the Indians unite?

    If they unite, it will be easy to deal with the white people.

    Unfortunately, Samara knew that this idea of ??hers was very unrealistic, because there were too many conflicts between the various Indian tribes, which were simply irreconcilable.

    If you rashly unite with other tribes, or easily believe in the promises of each tribe.

    ? Then in a few days, you will pay the price.

    For some benefit, those departmentsIt's not unusual to betray you or bring white people with you to attack you.

    The white man took the men of the tribe as slaves, and the Indian tribes that allied with him took the women of the destroyed tribes.

    Such wars of alliance of interests occur several times every year.

    Samara doesn¡¯t want something like this to happen to her tribe.

    Therefore, what he can do is to minimize dealings with "white-skinned people".  He thinks that in this way, the attention of the 'white skinned people' will not be focused on them.

    In fact, how did Samara know that if there was no gold, he could keep the tribe quiet for a few years by doing this.  But now that these golds have appeared, the tranquility of the Mohican tribe will definitely be broken.

    Because he doesn¡¯t know that gold can release the most complex emotions in people¡¯s heartsgreed!

    Under the influence of greed, human beings will do many ugly things and unexpected things.


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