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Text Chapter 23 Heitong is still trustworthy

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    Could this guy be possessed by the devil?

    The little girl Emma was startled by the excited Baker. She felt that this white-skinned man was a bit talkative.

    It was not just the little girl Emma who thought so, all the Mohicans in the tent were a little baffled by his reaction.

    Isn¡¯t it just a useless stone? Why are you so excited when you see such a broken thing?  The white skin is really weird, so weird that people can¡¯t understand it.

    Everyone secretly laughed at Baker.

    Baker didn¡¯t pay attention to everyone¡¯s strange looks. All his attention was now focused on the ¡®gold nugget¡¯ held in Emma¡¯s hand.

    Satan, isn¡¯t there a large gold mine near the Mohican tribe?

    Beck shouted in his heart.

    In his opinion, if there is such a large gold mine as predicted, it would be okay even if he abandons God and believes in Satan.

    The extremely excited Baker stood up and walked in front of the little girl in three steps at a time, showing what he thought was a kind smile.

    "Please, please give me this stone in your hand, can you please give it a look?" The excited Baker even spoke incompletely, which shows how he feels now.

    Not only Baker, but the two white guards who followed him into the tent were also looking at Emma with wide eyes and greedy faces.

    Only Sandoli, who brought Baker to the Mohican tribe, didn't have much of a reaction. He was focused on the 'pickled mustard' and was wondering whether he should secretly make some deals with the Mohicans.  Woolen cloth?

    The taste of this ¡®pickled mustard¡¯ is really good.  After eating it once, I became deeply obsessed with this delicious food.

    Of course, those green, clumsy bear-like costumes that the Mohicans are wearing now are also good.  Even the iron weapons on their waists can be exchanged.

    After all, the quality of these iron weapons is much better than those of the "white-skinned" ones.

    Although Sandoli is an Indian, he has a good relationship with the "white skins".  But this does not mean that he is an idiot. He still sees things clearly on some issues.

    This, this, is really gold!

    Emma threw the stone inlaid with gold into Baker's hand, then jumped away and hid beside her father.

    The black bear reached out and stroked Emma's body gently, comforting her frightened daughter.

    "These damn 'white-skinned ghosts' are so rude. They should all be taken away by the devil and should not exist in the world.

    Seeing that his daughter was so frightened, her little body trembled slightly, the black bear looked at Baker with a trace of ferociousness.

    Baker didn¡¯t realize it at this time. He just held the stone inlaid with gold and kept looking at it while swallowing his saliva.

    From Baker¡¯s face, the greedy expression is clearly visible.

    "Baker, is this really gold?"

    Two guards came over, one on the left and the other on the right. They were both hired by Baker.

    There are many people like them in immigration camps in the UK.  The Thirty Years' War continued on the European continent, so many soldiers who were tired of the war, as well as those who were bankrupt, came to the American continent.

    They can find their new life and hope here.

    But they know nothing but fighting, so working as guards for some businessmen has become a way for them to support their families.

    Fortunately, the New World of America is full of dangers, so people like them don¡¯t have jobs.

    "It's gold! I read it right, this is gold!"

    Beck nodded heavily and responded with certainty.

    "Boss, such a gold nugget will definitely not appear for no reason. Maybe there is a gold mine nearby."

    The guard on the left whispered to Baker quickly.

    How could Baker not know this?

    Think about it, there is a large gold mine nearby. If he can take this area from these stupid Mohicans, find the gold mine and mine it, he will become a rich man in a short time.

    ¡°When you have money, you can build your own fleet, form your own guard, and evenbecome a noble.

    "Santori!" To cool down his fiery heart, Baker called his guide.  areSandoli, who was chatting with Altido in a low voice, stood up and came to Baker's side: "Mr. Baker, what's the matter?"

    Sandoli was a little impatient because just now he was discussing with Atido the possibility of tribal trade and the amount of furs to exchange for mustard and iron weapons.

    Although there is no general idea, there is still some hope.

    Originally, he wanted to work harder, but now the damn "White Skin" called him. How could he be happy?

    If it weren¡¯t for the fact that the ¡®White Skins¡¯ could help him deal with hostile tribes, Sandoli wouldn¡¯t have a good look on them.

    "Please help me ask where this stone was found? Are there many such stones? If possible, I would like to exchange iron products and wine for this stone."

    Greedy Baker bullied the Mohicans into not knowing gold and turned it into stone.

    In his opinion, this thing is of no use to the indigenous Indians.  Using iron products in exchange for them is already a great gift to them.

    Sandoli glanced at Baker as if he were an idiot, then translated Baker's meaning into Indian and asked a few questions to the Mohicans.

    As soon as Sandoli finished his questioning, the Mohawks sitting nearby began to whisper to each other in low voices.

    The expressions on their faces varied, but most of them were mocking looks. From time to time they looked at Baker like he was an idiot.

    These damn ¡®red-skinned¡¯ natives actually looked at me like this.  You idiots have no idea what this is and how much benefit it can bring you.

    You actually thought I was an idiot!

    In my opinion, you are the biggest idiots, the biggest idiots in the world!

    Baker, who deliberately pretended not to see the mocking looks of the Mohawks, actually felt the idiotic looks on his face.

    For the sake of gold, his vicious curses can only be kept deep in his heart.  And he must maintain a faint smile on his face.

    This guy is really an idiot. What¡¯s so good about this shiny thing?  It's so funny how he could be so interested.

    An old man with a mohawk whispered to his companion beside him.

    Who knows, maybe the ¡®white-skinned¡¯ ones are all such fools, but it¡¯s also a good thing for us.  Don't forget that this kind of stone cannot be eaten or used. It would be good if it could be exchanged for iron products and some other things.

    Although the iron weapons of these 'white-skinned' people are very poor, far worse than the iron weapons of the 'black pupils', it is always good to exchange for some.

    Atito's father, the old leader of the Mohican tribe, listened to the discussions of his fellow tribesmen around him, and his heart began to turn.

    He admitted that everyone was right.  These stones really have no permanent value to them. If they can really exchange for the things that 'Baipi' mentioned, it would be a very cost-effective thing for the Mohicans.

    And his son Atido also gave him a fierce wink at this time, asking him to agree.

    Only the black bear remained silent. He quietly stroked his daughter's back.  The little girl Emma whispered in his ear, telling her father something.

    Hei Xiong listened to his daughter's whisper, his expression unchanged.

    "Father, Heitong seems to be very interested in this kind of stone. And he said that if possible, he is willing to hire people from our Mohican tribe to collect these stones. He is willing to use mustard, cotton clothes and some iron tools to mix them.  Those who collect these stones will exchange them.¡±

    It turns out that the little girl Emma was conveying to her father what Zhao Hongyu had said to her earlier.

    For the little girl, although this kind of stone is of little use, if possible, trading with the little brother is more reassuring than trading with 'Baipi'.

    ¡°At the very least, everyone knows that Zhao Hongyu¡¯s transaction is ¡®fair¡¯.  The Mohicans are also very clear about the black hearts of the white-skinned people.

    ¡°Besides, Zhao Hongyu is considered a ¡®member¡¯ of their big Indian family, and he is more approachable than the ¡®white-skinned¡¯ people who drifted to land from the sea.

    ¡°One is a ¡®own member¡¯, the other is an outsider This is a question where everyone will make a biased choice.

    "Father, the white-skinned people are evil-hearted. We must be careful not to be fooled when making deals with them. Compared with these white-skinned people, Brother Heitong is more fair and convincing, so we still don't want to deal with the white-skinned people.In terms of trading.  "

    The little girl was injured by a white man because of a hare outside the British camp earlier.  And the explanation given by the white people was that it was an accidental injury.

    ¡°As for the injured girl, if Zhao Hongyu hadn¡¯t appeared, she might have died of complications caused by wound inflammation.

    Therefore, the little girl should be emotionally closer to her savior.  As for those bad "white-skinned" people, it goes without saying that they are just as bad as they are.

    After hearing what his daughter said, Black Bear raised his eyelids and glanced at the 'stone' in Baker's hand.

    Then, he whispered to Emma, ??"You are right, compared to these white-skinned people, Heitong is a trustworthy and fair person.", and then he gently placed his palm on Emma's head.  After patting her gently to signal her to calm down, Black Bear stood up and bent over to squat down beside the old leader.

    As the black bear whispered, the old leader could not help but nodded slightly.

    The surrounding Mohican elders also stopped talking and looked at Black Bear and the old leader.


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