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Cute Girl and Gay Friends Chapter 17 The real dragon is coming

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    Chapter 17 The real dragon is coming

    "What a bunch of ridiculous clowns are these?" Yuan Shen said solemnly as the Patriarch "sung" the song of Jin Kaila, "It is this kind of people who have oppressed you for so long by falsely claiming the name of the Holy One -  It¡¯s time to make the world normal!¡±

    "Jin Kaila! Ours!!" The people below didn't seem to hear Yuan Shen's sermon, and they all shouted loudly, "Mom, Jin Kaila - it's mine!"

    The crowd cheered, danced and danced to the song - it looked like the music video for "The World's No. 1 His Royal Highness".  The latest chapter of the Holy Temple

    "You can't fight! You can't fight!" The EPLA soldiers began to maintain the order of the crowd, "Jin Gaola has all the benefits - whoever is right, give it to him!"

    "In a sense," Jiang Yucheng said to himself, "brainwashing is still effective."

    Due to the tyrant¡¯s bombardment and the EPLA Air Force¡¯s Jin Jia La Song, the two-way audio and video transmission magic used by the Patriarch did not actually achieve the results they expected.  Instead of being intimidated, the majority of Emerald people generally believed that "the empire is nothing more than that". As for the soldiers of epla, they did not take the empire seriously from the beginning - just like Army General Jiang Yucheng  As he said, "If they don't come here on their own, we will have to go all over the world to find them, which will be very troublesome."

    According to the information given by the epla intelligence department, the empire's so-called "Holy War Army" has now begun a comprehensive mobilization work. It is expected that in four months, a large number of troops will be assembled in the Eastern Continent to launch a cross-sea operation against Emera -  -It is estimated that they will first assemble a dozen flying dragon regiments and launch a large-scale attack on Emera from the air, just like the battle against Emera four years ago.

    Although Jiang Yucheng did not take the emperor's combat power seriously at all, this does not mean that he took it lightly - after all, even ants can kill a mammoth if there are too many -  What's more, even the EPLA Air Force cannot treat flying dragons as ants.  (¡¶¡·7*

    Under the control of the new government, the entire country of Emera erupted with the abnormal efficiency of the Soviet Red Army during the Patriotic War. Since Emera is essentially a resource-rich country, as Emera transitioned to a wartime economy  Rail, this country's huge industrial potential that has been hidden for a long time has been completely liberated - tanks and chariots one after another, ships one after another, and fighter jets one after another, just like  He walked off the production line like toast and joined epla's battle sequence.

    However, in fact, Emerald's industrial production capacity has not yet reached its maximum. Due to the technology tree, Emerald's industrial system still cannot produce many large-scale equipments - such as those larger than C-130.  Transport aircraft, large strategic early warning aircraft, strategic bombers, intercontinental ballistic missiles and other high-precision weapons.

    Therefore, Jiang Yucheng deliberately limited the production capacity of Emera Military Industrial Enterprise. Although tactical weapons are also very important, if you want to fight against an extremely large country like the Empire, if you do not have a sufficient number of strategic-level weapons, the consequences will be  would be completely unthinkable.  Instead of producing a lot of tactical weapons, it is better to save resources and wait until the technology is unlocked to use them to produce strategic weapons on a large scale - after all, with EPLA's current force and relying on local defense, it is definitely more than enough.

    At the same time, the research work of epla's local scientific research department is also in full swing - however, because Emera's basic industrial level cannot actually support the development of advanced strategic weapons, it can only do the local system equipment.  production, so the research work was not going smoothly.

    However, on June 12, 928 Ancestral Calendar, one month after Yuan Shen¡¯s speech, this situation completely changed: at 10:20 in the morning on this day, the siren echoed in the underground command of EADC without any warning.  in the center.

    "What's going on?" Jiang Yucheng, who was in the "Beishan" command center, asked, "What's going on again?"

    "The radar detected two huge targets approaching, and they are expected to arrive in 15 minutes. The temple," the radar soldier reported, "is not the empire's flying dragon - they are obviously larger than the flying dragon."

    "What?!" Jiang Yucheng was shocked, "Where is our nearest drone? Bring up the picture immediately!"

    "Yes, sir, I'll be ready soon."

    Soon, a picture appeared on the display screen in the command center hall, and everyone was startled.  Two dragons, one large and one small, appeared on the screen, flying towards here.  Among the two dragons, even the relatively small one is much larger than the imperial flying dragon.

    "This is a real dragon!" Xiao Zhengtai, who had just arrived at the command center, exclaimed, "What are they doing here?"

    Under normal circumstances, the Dragon Clan will not interact with peoplequasi-contact - in other words, these giant lizard-like creatures will not participate in the war between humans at all.  As for the flying dragons of the Imperial Regiment, they do not belong to the dragon clan.

    Each female dragon will give birth to two to four times in her life, and each time she will lay hundreds of dragon eggs - most of these dragon eggs can hatch.  However, among the hundreds of young dragons hatched, only no more than five meet the dragon clan's requirements for the next generation.  These "eugenics" will be left behind, while other baby dragons will be abandoned on Dragon Island and left to fend for themselves.  As for their life and death, the Dragon Clan doesn't care at all.

    "Attention all units, prepare to fight!" Xiao Zhengtai decisively issued the battle order.

    At this moment, the alarm in the base suddenly stopped.

    "What happened again?" Jiang Yucheng asked, "Why did the alarm stop again?"

    "General, they are not coming for us -" the radar operator reported, "They stopped on a small island 20 kilometers away from our mainland, bearing 034, distance 020, and have no intention of getting closer."

    ¡°Continue to monitor, if the situation changes, report immediately!¡± Jiang Yucheng continued.

    "Boom!" At this moment, the screen captured the footage from the drone - a huge explosion occurred on the enemy side where they landed - which attracted everyone's attention.

    "Which song are you singing again?" Jiang Yucheng frowned, "Let the drone get closer and zoom in on the picture."

    "Well, the general said it? You may not believe it." The radar guide said with a hint of surprise at this time, "They seem to be fighting!"

    ¡°What?!¡± Everyone was dumbfounded at this moment.

    On the screen, explosive flames appeared from time to time, indicating the fierce battle in the distance - the big screen in the command center was currently broadcasting the two-dragon fight live.  The two dragons fired magic at each other, as colorful and wonderful as two lit fireworks.

    The smaller dragon is obviously at a disadvantage. It can be seen that she is now completely on the defensive.

    At this moment, the smaller dragon flashed and turned into a human form - this human-shaped dragon seemed to be holding some kind of weapon similar to a knife in its hand.

    Unlike defective flying dragons, for real dragons, turning into human form can only be regarded as a basic lesson.  However, according to reports, in general, dragons will only choose to transform into human form under certain specific circumstances - for example, when they need to deal with humans for certain reasons (such as the sale of goods).  The little dragon in front of me actually transformed into Mahou Soju (by mistake) while fighting another, larger dragon. This is really a rare thing.

    Somehow, Jiang Yucheng suddenly had an idea - the little dragon that turned into a human form seemed to look familiar.

    "By the way, let's save that little dragon." Jiang Yucheng suddenly expressed what he was thinking at the moment.

    "What, General?"

    "Save that little dragon," Jiang Yucheng repeated. "Let the Second Air Division and the others send out an attacking eagle group and blow it up with guided bombs. They will definitely beat the big dragon half to death, and then send out another hero."  The last hit from the cat group should be enough.¡±

    "Sir, this is crazy!" Xiao Shota shouted, "Real dragons are completely different from those garbage flying dragons in the empire!! If we rashly anger them"

    "Maybe real dragons are very strong," Jiang Yucheng continued, "but if two very strong real dragons fight hard, what will be the result?"

    "It should be a lose-lose situation." Xiao Zhengtai didn't understand what EPLA's God of War wanted to express.

    "This is easy to handle - we can't defeat a dragon with full health and blue, but we can't defeat a dragon with empty blood and blue?" Jiang Yucheng suddenly asked, "We wait until they are defeated and both sides are injured before we attack.  , so what if it¡¯s a real dragon?¡±

    "Well, this should be feasible." Xiao Zhengta thought for a while and said.

    "By the way, sir, I just thought that it would be easier if there was electronic support." The officer on duty suddenly said.

    "Okay, order the 5th and 6th regiments of the 2nd Division to take off immediately in ground attack configuration and air superiority configuration respectively." Xiao Shota began to issue combat orders to the Air Force units in the name of the supreme commander of the Air Force system to complete the commander's instructions.  Mission, "In addition, take off four "Hawkeyes" to prepare for electronic suppression."

    "Yes, sir!" The officer saluted and immediately began to make arrangements.

    Several large air force bases in EPLA immediately became lively. Soon, one after another "Strike Eagle" loaded with laser-guided bombs and F-14e loaded with "Phoenix" missiles roared out of the runway.  , rising into the sky.  At the same time, the e-2d, which is responsible for air security and electronic warfare,Police planes also took off, and the EPLA Air Force was ready for the battle.

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