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Cute Girl and Gay Friends Chapter 31 Full Fire

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    Chapter 31 Full Firepower


    Although the "Sidewinder" also uses a fragmentation warhead, which is very unsatisfactory against heavily armored targets, after all, its warhead still weighs a full 27kg, which is more than enough to deal with fragile human bodies and griffons.  (¡¶¡·Íø7*

    The Imperial Army's "ground staff" on the ground who assisted the Sky Knights in taking off didn't even have time to scream, before they were reduced to a ball of blood mist by the dense barrage.  As for this lucky and brave Sky Knight and his mount, they were blown up like a sieve, and blood flowed all over the ground.

    After all, there are only a few lucky ones - most of the gryphons of the sky knights have been burned to ashes.  The desperate Imperial Sky Knights took out their wands, cast magic into the sky, and fired fireballs at the EPLA fighters passing by in the air.

    However, it is obvious that these visual aiming magics are simply impossible to hit a modern fighter jet flying at high speed.  If it weren't for the fact that the aircraft cannon shells of several fighter planes had not been fired at this time, then these Imperial Sky Knights who tried to resist would have been beaten to pieces one by one.

    "Damn imperial dogs, you have today too!" the young wingman pilots shouted excitedly.

    After only ten minutes of air strikes, the Imperial Royal Air Force Sky Knight Camp, which had just been neat and tidy, was completely changed beyond recognition at this moment - the gryphon barracks and other buildings on the ground were either burned to ashes or blown into flying fragments.

    Many Imperial air knights, logistics support personnel and soldiers responsible for ground defense were killed - just like in the Battle of Santa Elva, most of the dead Imperial soldiers could not even find a complete body -  Because the powerful 20mm aerial cannon hits a person, the worst is to cut it in half directly, not to mention that some people are hit by multiple bullets, which is directly smashed.  There were also some people on "¡·Íø.com who were directly stuck with napalm, and naturally they were burned to ashes."

    "The assessment confirms that all the first phase combat missions have been completed." From the rear driver's seat of Shota's F-15e aircraft, Nayako looked at the imperial barracks that had changed beyond recognition on the screen and said, "All units can retreat.  Second Squadron, please get in position as soon as possible."

    "This is the second squadron. We have entered the combat zone and are preparing to launch the second round of attacks."

    "Second Squadron, please launch an attack as soon as possible. All units of the First Squadron, please pay attention and prepare to retreat." After hearing that the Second Squadron had entered the field, Koshota gave the order to return.

    When the four "Strike Eagle" fighter-bombers returned with tail flames in tow, the fire on the ground was licking the dilapidated barracks and the broken corpses on the ground. The entire barracks was completely enveloped in high temperature and flames.  The mission of the second squadron is to pour another bucket of oil on this raging flame.

    "We have entered the attack area, drop bombs!"

    "Whoosh! Boom!" Balls of fire exploded in the blazing fire in the imperial camp that had been "fired" once.  As the fireball rose and jumped violently, the dazzling bright light and the terrifying overpressure began to destroy the thin human bodies of those who survived without hesitation. The fragments of the Imperial soldiers that were blown to pieces were scattered all over the place.  land.

    Misty water vapor rises from every inch of land. In order to achieve the maximum damage and shock effect on the emperor's army, all the JDAMs carried by the "Attack Eagles" of the second squadron are 500 pounds.  An "air fuel bomb" that can quickly kill a target.  Just like the demon from hell hanging in mid-air and constantly spreading death, every ray of fire will form a large area of ??charred black on the ground.

    In the first round of attacks, the emperor's magic crystal reserve warehouse was retained - because this kind of thing is not flammable, and incendiary bombs of insufficient tonnage are not enough to completely destroy it.  "¡·Íø.com However, this obviously does not mean that the epla Air Force has let go of these imperialist reserves - in the second phase of the bombing operation, these remaining buildings became the second squadron that "picked up leaks"  The most important target.

    The JDAM equipped with a penetrating warhead was like a knife cutting through butter, drilling through the roof of the warehouse, cutting through multiple layers of crystals, and then exploded in the deepest part of the warehouse.  Only earth-shaking loud noises were heard, and huge explosions occurred in the tower-shaped crystal storage warehouses one after another.

    The huge destructive power of the fuel-air bomb in a confined space was unreservedly displayed - the huge fireball and strong pressure made the entire storage warehouse explode into pieces from the inside out like a blown balloon.  .  All the magic crystals stored in the warehouse were blown into pieces that could not be broken into pieces. Around the original location of the warehouse, several blackened and broken corpses were thrown out like garbage by the violent shock wave.

    Immediately afterwards, there was a loud "boom", and a huge pillar of fire rushed into the sky several hundred meters high, and another storage tank exploded.The warehouse containing the explosive magic crystal suddenly rose into the sky, and the violent explosion formed a huge mushroom cloud that rose from the ground into the air.

    This fire-attributed explosive magic crystal is extremely unstable in nature and is easily detonated by external stimulation. Therefore, it has become the main raw material for the magic crystal bomb recently developed by the Emperor.  As a brand-new weapon that the Imperial Air Force is proud of this time, the magic crystal bomb was supposed to show its prowess in the battle against the Republican rebels (i.e. EPLA). But now, with these gods of death falling from the sky, these powerful bombs,  It has indeed proved its great power - but it was only used on the emperor himself.

    "Boom, boom," an earth-shattering explosion sounded, and a billowing heat wave rushed straight into the sky, causing the "Strike Eagle" fighter-bombers in the sky to shake violently.

    "Second Squadron, confirm that all designated targets have been cleared and prepare to return to base." The leader of the Second Squadron sent a signal to his teammates.

    Four huge F-15e "Strike Eagle" fighter-bombers turned around and returned to the "Blade Base" with the joy of success!

    The mission of the third squadron that arrived next was a bit lackluster in comparison - these fighters carried AGM-65 "Maverick" air-to-surface missiles and were responsible for the final kill of the remaining fish that slipped through the net.  .  Their mission ended quickly - at six o'clock in the morning, the entire Imperial Griffin barracks had been completely turned into ruins, and no one or any Griffin could survive.

    At 7:20 in the morning, the 10th EPLA Artillery Brigade, which was preparing to launch a blitzkrieg, had already completed all preparations before shooting - only waiting for Jiang Yucheng's order, the revengeful large-caliber artillery shells were slammed into the Imperial Army.  On top of your head!

    At this time, the Seventh Army of the Empire on the opposite side was neatly lined up and ready to attack the rebels on the opposite side - just like most battle formations of this era, heavy cavalry and other assault troops  The phalanx is in front, and the light infantry units such as line infantry and spearmen form a phalanx behind.  The flanks of the infantry are protected by light cavalry units, while long-range support forces such as various magic troops are behind the infantry units and are responsible for attacking the Republican Army (EPLA) through the tactics of "beating cattle across mountains".

    At this moment, Jiang Yucheng, who was already sitting in the Type 05 tank, quickly heard a report from the aviation force on the communication headset: "The Sixth Regiment of the Second Air Division successfully attacked the Imperial Griffin camp in the B-7r theater! Air strike  The operation was a complete success! It has been confirmed that all the Imperial Griffins in the camp have been destroyed, and no one has been missed!"

    "Okay! Well done!" Although it was reasonable, Jiang Yucheng was so excited when he heard the news that the Empire of All Evils had completely lost its air supremacy in Cassandra!  Now the whole sky belongs to us!  "

    "Attention all epla combat units, this is Overlord," Jiang Yucheng then began to issue the final attack order, "Now I order - the attack begins!"

    "Attention all units, aim at the predetermined target and fire!" In the artillery command vehicle, Colonel Cardini, the commander of the 10th Artillery Brigade in charge of commanding the artillery, looked at the image sent back by the artillery sighting drone on the screen and gave the order.

    His order was instantly transmitted to every artillery squad in the entire 10th Artillery Brigade through the encrypted high-speed tactical data link common to the three armed forces.

    Prior to this, the muzzles of the plz-05 155mm caliber self-propelled howitzers and the 96-type 122mm towed howitzers had been aimed at the target. Under the operation of the fire control computer, the firing units had been adjusted and the first round was fired.  The shells have been loaded into the barrel.  After receiving the order to fire, the gunners either pressed the button on the console or stepped on the firing pedal.

    The never-before-seen PLZ-05 155mm advanced self-propelled howitzer was the first to show off its power. With a loud "bang", the heavy gun body retreated back, and the muzzle spit out an oval-shaped tongue of fire that was more than eight meters long!

    "A single salvo of dozens of 155mm heavy artillery pieces from several artillery battalions was dazzling. Balls of fire flew out from the top of the mountain, flying towards the distant Imperial Palace with a scream that cut through the air.

    The 122mm towed howitzer and the friendly-sponsored Type 63 107mm multiple rocket launcher were also unwilling to be outdone and showed their prowess. In the thunderous roar, countless fire showers and meteors streaked across the blue sky, like thousands of troops marching into the distance.  Galloping away.

    The first row of 155mm heavy artillery shells fired by the plz-05 howitzer artillery battalion landed first. The huge shells landed on the ground, and immediately made a loud noise that shook the earth. The Imperial Army formation that was hit was instantly covered by the fire.  Devour.

    The first artillery shell hit directly through the window left by the array shield of an infantry phalanx.  In the huge explosion, a large artillery shell weighing tens of kilograms blasted a big hole in the ground. Thousands of battle infantrymen in a dense formation were wiped out by a single shell in an instant. Fortunately, the outer perimeter was not blown up on the spot.  The infantrymen whose corpses are gone willIt was blown up by the huge air wave of the explosion and floated gently like leaves.

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