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Cute Girl and Gay Friends Chapter 30 Sead Air Defense Suppression Operation

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    Chapter 30 sead air defense suppression operations

    It wasn¡¯t until the bombs landed that the aerial knights of the empire realized that it was not their own flying dragon regiments that came, but the aerial power of the Emera people who came for revenge!  The flames lit up the night sky, and the figures of several "Strike Eagles" in the sky became clear.  ("".com is updated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with pure txt hand-written

    "The traitor's flying monster is here! Run!" Looking at the huge steel beast in the sky with red five-pointed stars printed on its wings, several Imperial Sky Knights suddenly became frightened and fled in panic - although General Milburn  During the mobilization before the war, the rebels were reduced to nothing, and they seemed confident before, and seemed to regard this battle as a good opportunity to make achievements.

    But in fact, they themselves also knew that what General Milburn said was just nonsense to fool people - if the rebels were really defeated at the first touch, then why would they use the Imperial Regiment?  You know, two griffin regiments and a flying dragon regiment had already disappeared in the sky of Emera.

    In other words, although there are indeed many air knights this time who intend to take this opportunity to gain military merit and gain promotions, in fact, all the air knights this time have no intention of "uprightly" fighting with the Republican Army (epla  )'s air power - the reason is very simple. In fact, they themselves know that their combat effectiveness is not much higher than that of the previously destroyed corps, and they simply cannot defeat the extremely fast flying monsters of the rebels.

    In this battle, their purpose was just to kill and injure ground targets of the Republican Army (EPLA) wherever possible - although they may have received less military merit, at least they would not risk their lives.  After all, no matter how tempting the titles and rewards are, one must have the life to enjoy them.  If you can't even protect your own life, how can you enjoy the generous salary of a high-ranking official?

    "Imperial dog! Where to escape!"

    However, this time the epla air force officers had no intention of letting the enemy escape alive - although they were no longer a threat.  (¡¶¡·Íø is updated 24/7, pure txt handwritten There is no need for infrared targeting pods, the churning fire on the ground is enough for the pilots to clearly see the images on the ground like eagles overlooking the earth.  The emperor runs like a rabbit.

    I saw the No. 3 and No. 4 machines breaking away from the formation and roaring down.  On the pilot's helmet display, the figure of the emperor escaping on the ground appeared in the aiming halo displayed on the screen.

    "Shoot! Shoot!" With a roar, the pilot decisively pressed the cannon button integrated on the flight control stick. Two fighter-bombers roared past from low altitude, shooting streaks of fire at the emperors running back and forth on the ground.  Red fire sickle.

    "Buzz?" Sounds like tearing oilcloths came out. 20mm aircraft cannon shells spurted out from the m61a1 six-barreled Gatling cannon. Like the flaming sickle in the hand of death, the Empire Sky Knights running on the ground were beaten.  One by one they fell to the ground.

    "Alarm! Alarm! The republican rebels are coming!"

    Ten minutes after the attack began, an emperor who was lucky enough to survive finally successfully activated the magic crystal for broadcasting.  The shrill air raid siren sounded belatedly - of course, in fact, raising the air raid siren at this time was of little use.  In the earth-shattering bombing just now, the surviving emperors all knew that the republican rebels were coming to attack.  They ran out of the barracks one after another and ran towards the magic crystal anti-aircraft gun position that had not been destroyed.

    "This is a goblin. A magic target has been found. It may be an anti-aircraft weapon." Pixy said through the communicator - his red single-wing F-15C was equipped with an electronic warfare pod when it attacked this time, temporarily acting as an electronic warfare aircraft.  Task.

    As mentioned before, the magic in this world is inextricably linked to electromagnetic waves - don't forget, infrared rays are also a type of electromagnetic waves.  ("".com is updated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Pure txt hand-written Now, epla's technical staff have discovered that many magic circles and magic facilities radiate a large amount of infrared rays during normal operation, and when they are started and  When preparing to cast a spell, it will radiate electromagnetic waves in the x-band - exactly the same as radar.

    Therefore, Pixy, which was not responsible for the ground strike mission due to the mounting problem of the F-15C, this time not only escorted, but also assumed the sead (suppression of enemy air defenses, suppression of enemy air defense firepower) combat mission¡ª¡ª  Just like the US Army's "Wild Weasel" fleet in the Gulf War.

    "The target has been confirmed and air defense suppression operations have begun."

    Since the F-15c only has a single seat, the information collected by the electronic warfare pod is transferred to Shota Koshota's F-15e through the link-16 universal high-speed encrypted tactical data link.  Naiko, who is the backseat weapons operator, will pass the final fire control information again after processing the target information.??f-¡¶¡·, all he needs to do is press the launch button to launch the missile towards the target.


    Pixy pressed the button lightly, and the two AGM-88 "Harm" high-speed anti-radiation missiles under the wings detached from their pylons and roared towards the magic crystal anti-aircraft gun that had just been activated.

    The AGM-88 "HAM" high-speed anti-radiation missile is the third-generation anti-radiation missile developed by the US military. It is used to replace the previous "Moxa" and "Standard" missiles - the "Moxa" is the first-generation  The performance of anti-radiation missiles is very unsatisfactory. In the late Vietnam War, the hit rate has been as low as appalling single digits, and its successor "Standard" still has not solved the main problem.  Therefore, the United States invested heavily in developing a new third-generation anti-radiation missile to equip fighter jets of the U.S. Navy and Air Force.

    This missile has a flexible combat method, high rate of fire, long range, and a maximum speed of about Mach 3. It can shorten the enemy's reaction time to the maximum extent and the attack distance can reach 25 kilometers.

    From March to April 1986, the "HAM" missile was put into use for the first time in the US air attack on Libya. The US military launched 36 Ham and 12 "Moxa" missiles, destroying 5 radar positions in Libya.

    In the Gulf War, the "HAM" missile once again showed its prowess. In the first five days of the war, more than 600 missiles were launched. Together with the "Moxa", "Standard" and other anti-radiation missiles, they destroyed and suppressed 90% of Iraq's early warning radars.  and surface-to-air missile guidance radar systems, making it unable to perform air defense operations, thus effectively reducing the battle damage rate of air strike aircraft by multinational forces led by the United States.

    Although this missile also has many common problems with anti-radiation missiles, its ability to respond to countermeasures such as repeatedly turning on and off the radar is still extremely limited, and its killing effect is also extremely limited. However, it has never been used to deal with anti-radiation missiles, and it is unknown whether electronic  For the emperor who is fighting against something, it is really appropriate.

    "Boom!" "Boom!"

    The warheads of the two missiles, weighing 66kg, exploded one after another on top of the crystals of the magic crystal cannon.  The flying fragments instantly shattered the priceless and fragile large magic crystal into fragments.

    "The signal disappeared! Confirm target destruction!"

    Without the threat of air defense, the two fighter planes using aircraft cannons to straf the ground became more and more unscrupulous.  The aircraft cannon shells rained down on the ground like a heavy rain from the sky.  Waves of steel rain fell from the sky with a harsh whistling sound, and among the crowd of Imperial soldiers who had just been rushing towards the magic crystal cannon emplacement, streaks of scarlet blood mist suddenly rose up. In front of the overwhelming barrage, the Emperor  ** were cut down one after another like weeds.

    At this time, the small-caliber 20mm aerial cannon used by the US military fighters showed its value - the m61a1 aerial cannon of the F-15 series can carry 675 shells, and is the gsh-30-1 aerial cannon used by the su-27 series.  More than four times that of the latter (the latter has an ammunition capacity of 150 rounds).  Although for fighter jets, the 30mm cannon does have greater lethality. Just hitting one can guarantee a one-hit kill. However, for strafing soft ground targets such as infantry, the power of the 20mm cannon is already sufficient.  - Therefore, at this time, the advantage of m61a1 in the amount of ammunition is reflected.

    Although the killing effect of modern air strikes is devastating, after all, it is still difficult to kill all the griffins in the first round of air strikes without sparing any one - at this time, there are still some lucky ones  Survived.  Only a few lucky ones who escaped from the barracks and whose griffons also survived began to hurriedly mount their griffons and prepare to take off.  The blazing flames in the camp forced them to take off in the dark on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also provided them with enough light so that they could fly relatively easily in the night sky.  The instinct to survive has already overwhelmed everything at this time.

    "***Want to run away? It's not that easy! Fight!"

    Amidst the roars of the pilots of Plane No. 3 and Plane 4, the figures of these super lucky people were caught in the aiming halo on the screen.  The M61A1 aircraft cannons were firing like rain. Those extremely lucky Imperial Sky Knights who had just escaped and were preparing to forcefully take off, their good luck seemed to have ended here - amidst the fragments of shells flying in the sky, they and  Their mounts turned into blood and minced meat.

    Finally, a sky knight who was so lucky that he seemed to be possessed by the First Emperor finally succeeded in getting on his mount.  Under the real threat of death, even the gryphon, which is usually a bit unruly, cooperated exceptionally well at this time and did not dare to slack off at all.

    However, the EPLA Air Force obviously would not give them a chance to escape - before the griffon took off, an Aim-9x "Sidewinder" missile launched by Pixy roared over.  In fact, since air-to-air missiles cannot lock on non-air targets, this "Sidewinder" was actually forcibly launched by Pixy, almost the same as an uncontrolled rocket.  Of course, as far as??In this way, with pixy's excellent air combat skills, the air-to-air missile still hit the ground less than half a meter in front of the griffon with great accuracy.

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