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Ying Chapter 185 The instinct gradually awakens

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    The toy car is a good method. The distance and direction of movement are no longer subject to many restrictions like fishing lines, but this eel blood replaces human blood. Wang Lu asked Xie Ling's ear: "Hey, will this snake blood work? It seems like this.  I am a mammal, and the frog is a fish, so this blood is completely different, right?"

    Xie Ling was itched by Wang Lu's heat and turned her head sideways: "Oh, let's give it a try anyway. I don't want to squeeze my fingers all the time."

    Wang Lu was speechless, just give it a try.

    Wang Lu held the handle of the fire ax with both hands and luckily came on, zombies.  []

    The electric motor of the toy car buzzed. Under Xie Ling's remote control, it flexibly avoided the masonry on the ground, the fallen bicycle, and the flattened handbag, and approached the zombies all the way.

    The nearest zombie is only 3 meters away.

    Wang Lu sweated in his palms - if eel blood can also stimulate zombies, the distance should also have an effect.

    The zombie was standing stupidly in front of an overturned tricycle, as if it didn't know whether to retreat or go around. It tried to move forward, and its head hit the tricycle's raised rear wheel several times.

    Suddenly, it stopped, its head twisted from side to side, and its nose twitched, as if it was looking for something.

    Wang Lu saw everything clearly through the telescope, and then excitedly patted Xie Ling on the shoulder: "It works, this eel blood vessel is for use, drive closer, and drive closer."

    Xie Ling moved her thumb slightly again, and the toy car took another step closer to the zombie. The zombie roared as if it was suddenly electrified, turned around and rushed towards the toy car.

    Wang Lu¡¯s eyes widened and he patted Xie Ling on the shoulder again: ¡°Drive back quickly.¡±

    In fact, without Wang Lu¡¯s instructions, Xie Ling had already flexibly maneuvered the toy car back, while maintaining an appropriate distance from the zombies, allowing the blood to continue to act as a lure.

    Wang Lu was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. This toy car was so useful. In the past, his own fishing line would never be able to be thrown this far. Even if he could throw it, the positioning was not so accurate. When he pulled it back, it would be even more affected by the ground.  Obstacles from debris.

    With the toy car, he and Xie Ling can stay in a safer distance and calmly fight against enemy zombies.

    It¡¯s just that the batteries for toy cars and controllers are a bit expensive. Batteries are definitely non-renewable materials now. However, life is at stake. As long as there is a way to clean up all the zombies, batteries can be found at farmers¡¯ houses and small shops.

    This is the difference between Wang Lu and Xie Ling. Wang Lu hid the entire pack of batteries for use in case of emergency, but Xie Ling used them directly as soon as she had a good idea - she couldn't let go if she hid them.  This guy Lu really has a philistine mentality.

    The toy car went around and around, with zombies following closely behind, making the usual "hehe" noises along the way.

    For some reason, Wang Lu suddenly felt uneasy. He felt something was wrong.

    Wang Lu held up the binoculars and stared at the toy car and the zombies following behind. He squinted and scanned the street - he discovered where his uneasy feeling came from!

    There were 3 or 4 zombies who were alerted by the "hehe" roar of the zombies following the toy car. They also turned and walked towards this side, and they moved faster and faster.

    ¡°What the f*ck is going on?

    It¡¯s not that Wang Lu has never seen multiple zombies walking together, but the distance between the zombies is so close that after alarming one, a chain reaction will occur to the other zombies.

    But now, the zombie behind the toy car is about 10 meters away. The zombie farthest from it is still stumbling forward with its back to it. Now it¡¯s weird, it¡¯s coming 180 degrees.  He turned around and pursued him all the way.  Just like its mother calling it home for dinner.

    Wang Lu¡¯s heart rang with alarm bells¡ªdanger!

    If the toy car attracts only one zombie, he can still deal with it physically, but now a guy comes and plans to have a dinner party, and Wang Lu can¡¯t afford to accompany him.

    ¡°It¡¯s no use adding Xie Ling.

    No, the toy car must not be returned!

    Wang Lu got close to Xie Ling's face and said hurriedly: "Quickly, drive the toy car in another direction. So many zombies are coming, and we can't deal with them."



    The toy car continued to retreat, but the zombie that followed immediately threw itself to the ground, stretched out its tongue and licked a pool of blood on the ground.

      After a while, the zombies following behind also rushed over. Five zombies were lying or kneeling on the ground, pushing each other, fighting for the small pool of eel blood.

    Poor eel blood, there wasn't much blood to begin with. After it was sprinkled on the ground, it was absorbed a lot by the ground. It couldn't withstand the competition of so many zombies. The first zombie licked up some of the taste, and the zombies behind it only tasted a little bit.  Being able to smell the scent will satisfy your craving.

    Seeing that they couldn¡¯t get any blood food, the five zombies pushed each other for a while, then dispersed and started wandering around the streets again.

    Xie Ling and Wang Lu looked at each other and saw four words in each other's eyes - what a ghost!

    The toy car had already driven back to Xie Ling¡¯s feet. Wang Lu stretched out his finger to dip some blood on the bucket, put it under his nose and smelled it - there was no weird smell.

    ?? Could it be that the mourning household is so sensitive to eel blood that this small pool of blood actually attracted zombies from such a large area around it?

    Wang Lu raised his head and asked Xie Ling: "Is there any eel blood left?"

    Xie Ling nodded and took out two more plastic film bags containing blood from her bag - a pound of eel contains almost two taels of blood. Xie Ling knew this from the girl in the same dormitory. That girl had  I suddenly got a lot of acne, and I tried a lot of ointments but they couldn't be cured. Then I got a folk recipe from somewhere. I killed a live catfish and applied the blood on the acne and it was cured.  The girl went to the market early every morning to ask for eel blood from the fish vendor.  Firstly, she was sweet-mouthed, and secondly, the vendor had no use for the eel blood, so he generously gave it to her.  As a result, Xie Ling and other classmates saw girls with acne in the dormitory every day with bloody dots on their faces that were more terrifying than horror movies.

    Wang Lu took a bag, tore it open, and poured it into the bucket of the toy car, but he stopped after only pouring a little.

    Wang Lu whispered to Xie Ling: "Try again."

    Xie Ling nodded and controlled the toy car again to drive towards the zombies.

    ¡°Perhaps because of the low blood volume and not much smell, the toy car almost drove to the heel of a zombie that was missing an arm before it was noticed by the zombie.

    The toy car was almost caught by the armless zombie who reached out to grab it fiercely. Fortunately, Xie Ling reacted quickly and made the toy car take a few steps back, thus escaping the zombie's attack.

    After the toy car distanced itself from the armless zombie, it turned around and drove towards Chen Wei and Wang Lu's hiding place. This time Xie Ling sped up slightly so as not to disturb other zombies.

    The armless zombies following the toy car were just like before, roaring, sniffling, and chasing after

    Then - then, several zombies from the surrounding area also chased after them. Two of them were strong zombies with full arms and legs. They ran very fast and almost surrounded the toy car. Fortunately, the toy car itself was very small.  Under Ling's control, the blood in the bucket was poured out again, and smoke suddenly sprang out from between the legs of the zombies.

    Wang Lu picked up the toy car and looked at the zombies about 30 meters ahead, which were licking the ground in vain for a long time and then dispersed, with a heavy expression on his face.

    He could clearly see just now that the zombie with missing arms that Xie Ling drove the toy car to approach was walking on the outermost side of the street. In front of it was a minibus that was on fire. On the left were two motorcycles that had crashed into a pile. On the right  There were no traces of other zombies in the store.

    "If it were in the past, if Wang Lu had used a fishing line to tie a blood stone to seduce him, this zombie with missing arms would have been quietly lured over, and then Xie Ling would have shot him in the head with a crossbow.

    However, when the zombie with missing arms moved just now, several zombies far away from it began to move one after another. To use the terminology in Wang Bi'an's composition class, that is "unintentionally", no, this is simply better than an appointment.  Playing mahjong is pretty neat.  Fortunately, the bait was a toy car. If he had taken another road, he would have been surrounded by corpses.

    Wang Lu rubbed his temples, what happened? Why did such a strange thing happen?

    Xie Ling bit her lip, thinking deeply about something. After a while she murmured: "Brother, actually I went into town once when you were sick, and I encountered a similar thing. At that time, there was only one zombie on the street, and I also used a toy.  The car drew it over. The zombie was very weak. She was a little girl. I thought I could take care of it with just an axe. Unexpectedly, just as the toy car drew it over, another zombie suddenly ran out of the store next to it.  Come on. I swear, I never heard this zombie make any noise in the store before. It suddenly rushed out and chased the toy car with the little girl zombie. At that time, I was just thinking about using the toy car.  I didn't have much experience in luring zombies, so I just smeared the blood of my fingers on the bucket. And because the little girl's zombies were weaker, I was more relaxed. By the time I found the new zombies, they were already too close. Fortunately  That zombie wasn¡¯t strong either, it was an old woman, about the same height as a child, so it took me a while to kill them all with a fire axe.¡±

      Wang Lu frowned deeply: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

    Xie Ling lowered her eyebrows and said, "I always thought I was careless and didn't discover the zombies in the store in advance, and I was afraid that you would be too worried, so I didn't tell you."

    Wang Lu did not blame Xie Ling, he just shook his head: "You are not careless. If my guess is correct, these zombies are learning to hunt together."

    "Partnership?" Xie Ling's mouth was half-opened, her eyes widened.

    Wang Lu stared at the zombies wandering on the street in front of him: "I have encountered multiple zombies attacking me at the same time before, but those attacks were all messy. To use a local saying, they were all doing their own thing.  , everyone cares about their own affairs, not caring about their buttocks, it¡¯s not even a group fight. As long as I prepare in advance and defeat them one by one, the number of zombies won¡¯t give me much of an advantage.¡±

    "But the actions of these zombies today are very strange. They seem to be cooperating with each other, just like a group of wolves hunting together, discovering, instructing, surrounding, and attacking together."

    Xie Ling's face turned pale, and she said tremblingly: "Brother, this, isn't this the scariest thing you have ever said - zombies, can zombies also learn?"

    Wang Lu had a sullen face, and after a while, he shook his head: "No, this can't be said to be learning. The behavior of the zombies is still very stupid, even worse than cats and dogs. Several unweaned kittens will cooperate to kill the mother cat.  The rats that came. Rather than learning, I think it¡¯s more of an instinct, a predator¡¯s instinct.¡±

    "It is the instinct of many carnivorous animals to communicate with companions through roars and hunt prey together, including wolves, jackals, and even lions. Don't forget that our human ancestors were just a group of big monkeys who liked to eat meat. They lived together.  It is only natural to hunt together and cooperate with each other out of instinct over a long period of time.¡±

    ¡°Zombies are just slowly awakening the instinct that has been dormant deep in human genes.¡±

    Xie Ling's hands were shaking unconsciously. She felt that Wang Lu's analysis not only failed to calm her down, but made her panic even more.

    Listen - how simple, the predator's cooperative instinct is awakening.

    This is still "awakening", so he was almost attacked by two zombies last time, and this time he failed to seduce him twice in a row. If he is "fully awakened", the zombies should not be so defiant.

    Wang Lu saw the fear in Xie Ling's eyes, and he patted her shoulder comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, this kind of instinct is nothing special. Really, many group animals in nature can do it, but instinct is instinct, no matter how awesome it is.  Nothing is better than this (he flicked his bald head) - wisdom."

    Wang Lu said: "I was scared by these weird zombies like you at first, but if you think about it carefully, this instinct of cooperation is not terrible. We have many ways to deal with them. If your crossbow is repaired  , even if there is a group of zombies cooperating to besiege us, as long as we occupy a commanding height to ensure safety, and just use crossbows to name them, we can destroy them together. Unless the zombies can recruit all the accomplices in the whole town."

    Xie Ling said worriedly: "But the problem is that the crossbow is broken now."

    Wang Lu chuckled: "Well, there is still a beast trap. Just now, if we had placed the beast trap on the only way for the zombies to chase the toy car in advance, and let the beast trap catch one of the zombies, then - then we would  Just wait, I don¡¯t believe it anymore. The other zombies will stay here forever. You saw it too. As soon as the blood on the ground was licked up, the zombies went their separate ways. As soon as the other zombies left, that one  The zombies caught in the trap are not ours yet, it¡¯s up to you to chop them horizontally or vertically.¡±

    Xie Ling's mood relaxed a little. She looked at the toy car in Wang Lu's hand: "Then what should we do now? Go back to the mountain to get the animal trap?"

    Wang Lu shook his head: "Forget it, I came to the town. Originally, I just wanted to see the zombie activities in the town since I haven't gone down the mountain for a while, and see if the supplies we originally accumulated are enough."

    Xie Ling hurriedly said: "The supplies are enough. If we save a little, we can use them for three or four months."

    Wang Lu hummed: "Okay, I'm too lazy to climb the wall and break through the house, let's go."

    "Where are you going?" Xie Ling stared.

    Wang Lu laughed: "Xie Ling, do you like roast duck?"

    Two hours later.

    The boat was moving forward slowly in the Yinjiang River. Wang Lu was at the stern and Xie Ling was looking through the telescope at the bow: "Should we be there soon?"

    Wang Lu also looked around. The two of them were looking for the small beach where Wang Bi'an landed last time when he was lost. However, it was already dark at that time and no one could see the surrounding terrain clearly. Now they can't find it.

      Wang Lu consoled him: "It should be there soon. I can row a boat much faster than this guy Wang Bi'an."

    However, Xie Ling's point of interest was not here. She calculated carefully: "Brother, how many ducks do you think we can find? Look, according to what Wang Bi'an said, he chased a duck, that that man  I also had one in my hand, and when we were looking for it, we also saw ducks beside the boat."

    Wang Lu smiled and said, "It's hard to say. Maybe the duck we saw is the same duck that Wang Bian is chasing."

    "Ah, so there are only three ducks in total, and one of them has already been decapitated and died?" Xie Ling was a little frustrated.

    Wang Lu almost laughed out loud: "These ducks are kept in groups. Those three ducks must have left the group accidentally. Don't worry, when we find the duck house, there will definitely be a lot of them quacking at you."  What a fat duck. When the time comes, if you want to eat roast duck, duck stew, braised duck cubes, or duck in sauce, it¡¯s all up to you.¡±

    Xie Ling turned her head and glared at Wang Lu: "Brother, look at what you said, she seems to be a foodie." Even so, her mouth was almost drooling.

    The two were talking and laughing when suddenly there was a thud and the boat stopped.

    Wang Lu and Xie Ling were shaken back and forth on the boat, and they held on to the side of the boat to steady themselves.  Xie Ling lifted the boat's bang and looked at the water: "Brother, there is a barrier under the water, which stopped the boat."

    Wang Lu also looked over and said, "It's not a big deal. I'll get off the boat and drag it into the water." After saying that, he started to take off his pants and prepare to go into the water.

    After untying his belt, Wang Lu suddenly thought of something: "No, Xie Ling, we can't even cross this underwater hurdle, and Wang Bi'an will definitely not be able to cross it. There's no need to continue rowing forward, Wang Bi'an will definitely come back from here.  Head, near where he came ashore."

    With clear instructions, Wang Lu and Xie Ling found it much easier. Not long after paddling back, they recognized a small beach and a large melon field on the shore. Maybe they could still find it if they searched carefully.  I ate the discarded watermelon rind last time.

    Wang Lu and Chen Wei went ashore and walked in the direction of the house in the woods that Wang Bi'an had described.

    Although the main purpose of this trip is to find ducks, this house that once had smoke coming out of Wang Bi'an's mouth also needs to be carefully explored.  It¡¯s always good to be prepared.

    Not long after the two walked, they saw half a tile exposed in a forest. Wang Lu quietly gestured to Xie Ling. One of them was carrying a fire ax and the other was carrying a woodcutter. They were ten meters apart.  Move forward slowly with your waist bent.
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