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Volume 1, Chapter 263: Rebellion (Part 2)

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    "" Two Hundred and Sixty-Three Rebel Army (Part 2)

    What Yi Xiaodao said was exactly what Meng Ju thought.  He did not raise the flag of rebellion without making any noise, and blocked the news to create a mystery. This was exactly his purpose - although he also knew that there was no impermeable wall in the world, and there was no conspiracy that could not be exposed, but now that he could delay it for one more day, he would leave Dongping.  A little closer, a little further away from Xiangzhou's frontier army, he felt safer.

    Meng Ju frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Xiao Dao, over there, what official position do you hold?"

    "Which side? Ah, you mean - that side?"

    Yi Xiaodao's eyes suddenly became profound, and his expression became serious.  Although the two of them knew each other's identity, they never broached the subject.

    The two looked at each other in silence for a while. Seeing Meng Ju's eyes that were firm and unyielding, Yi Xiaodao sighed and said, "I am the left guerrilla general of the Jiangdu Forbidden Army, the counselor of the Beifu Foreign Affairs Department, and a fourth-grade military attache."

    "Disrespect, disrespect." Meng Ju was stunned for a moment, and he had a feeling of ridicule: "It turns out that you are still a general of the Forbidden Army, and I am just a fifth-grade Yingyang Colonel of the Forbidden Army - so, I should  Is it time for the general to salute you, the guerrilla general from the left?"

    The two of you looked at me, and I looked at you, and both felt that nothing could be more absurd in the world: here, Yi Xiaodao was Meng Ju's subordinate; but over there in Jiangdu, Yi Xiaodao was far above Meng Ju.  , Meng Jucai was just a senior officer of the Jiangdu Forbidden Army, but Yi Xiaodao was already the left guerrilla general of the Forbidden Army, and he in turn became Meng Ju's boss.

    "Yi Youyi, your rank is so high, when did you join Beifu? I heard that you are Tuoba Xiong's adopted son, why did you join Beifu? Who is your introducer in Beifu?"

    Yi Xiaodao hesitated, with an expression of struggle clearly on his face, and finally shook his head: "Governor, let's not talk about this, okay? General, there are some things that are not convenient to talk about."

    Meng Ju stared at him silently, and then he said: "Okay. Then Yi Shuai, I want to ask you about someone."


    "Shen Xizhu, counselor of the Henan Department, do you know this person?"

    "Shen Xizhu?" Yi Xiaodao thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know this person. I don't have much contact with the Beifu people - is he a child of the Shen family?"

    "He is from the Shen family."

    "That's it. Is he making it difficult for you to supervise you?"

    Meng Ju was a little surprised: "Yi Shuai, why did you say that?"

    "Haha, Tiance Beifu was founded by the Shen family. The Shen family has a high degree of control over Beifu and has huge potential. Over the past few hundred years, the Shen family has been the strongest supporter of the Northern Expedition, and many of their children have served in Beifu.  . Shen Tiance's grandson and the third-generation head of the Shen family, Shen Nanfeng, also personally served as the Yinghou of Beifu and sneaked into the North. However, he was exposed and was captured and sacrificed by Dongling Guards. Shen Haoran, the fifth-generation head of the Shen family, also died at the hands of Dongling Guards.  Therefore, the enmity between the Shen family and the Dongling Guards is very deep. Governor, you have a background in the Dongling Guards, so it is normal for them to treat you with favor"

    Yi Xiaodao is really astute. Meng Ju only mentioned the word "Shen" and he could immediately guess what happened as if he had seen it with his own eyes. This inference and judgment are really amazing.

    "Whether Counselor Shen was in trouble with me, I really can't say. But when we first met in Luo Jing, she used the Mingjue technique to bewitch me and asked me to lead my troops to launch an incident in Luo Jing."

    Meng Ju stood up and paced back and forth in the tent.  Since coming back from Luojing, this matter has been stuck in his heart, and he has no one to explain it to. The feeling is really uncomfortable.  It wasn't until he met Yi Xiaodao that he couldn't help it anymore and confided a little bit of his heart.

    "Yi Shuai, you and I are in the same situation. We are both descendants of the Yan Han Dynasty. We were born in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and now we are both in high positions in the Northern Wei Dynasty. The Xianbei dignitaries despised us and suppressed us. We cherished our motherland and surrendered to the Southern Dynasties. We narrowly escaped death and succeeded in succeeding each other.  The dawn of the restoration of the country. But now it seems that the Southern Dynasty does not seem to be what we imagined."

    Meng Ju opened the door curtain, the cool night breeze blew in, and the fresh breath of the wilderness filled the camp.  In the dark night sky, stars are dotted like gems, deep and bright.

    "Some people have been telling me not to take the wrong path, otherwise my reputation will be ruined. But I don't know, what is the so-called right path? Is the right path that they think must be the path we should take?"

    He turned around and looked directly at Yi Xiaodao: "Yi Shuai, have you ever regretted taking this path?"

    Yi Xiaodao lowered his head and kept staring at the palm of his hand, as if there was something pretty on it.  Hearing Meng Ju's words, he raised his head: "Lord, do you still remember me?"Something I've told you before?  "


    "Governor, you always think that the people standing on one side are your own people. This idea is so naive. They are just colleagues! In my opinion, there is not much difference between the colleagues here and the colleagues over there.  . If you want to live longer, you'd better be more careful with your 'own' people on both sides - Lord, you should still remember this sentence, right?"

    Meng Ju nodded slowly: "I remember it." - I didn't feel much about it at the time, but looking back now, this sentence is really memorable, full of many feelings and painful lessons.

    Yi Xiaodao stood up. When he was at the door, he stopped and turned around to look at Meng Ju: "My lord, I'd like to say something offensive. You are a warlord in a town and have powerful soldiers in your hands, but at the end of the day, you feel you  There is still a lack of hard work! You are too young, and your journey along the way has been really smooth without any setbacks.

    You are still worried about what is the right path - in the eyes of the general, this kind of thinking is real.  .  .  too childish!

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  We generals, killing is our destiny and our right path!  No matter whether it is the Northern Wei Dynasty or the Southern Dynasty, what happens to them and what does it have to do with you?  After all, we can only rely on ourselves and the soldiers, horses and swords in our hands.

    "My lord, you are already the lord of the six towns. We are all your subordinates and look forward to you."  The well-being and safety of millions of soldiers and civilians in the six towns have been entrusted to your hands.  You can't let us down.

    Anyone who achieves great things must have this belief: The path I am taking is the right path!  Once we have chosen a path, even if there are thousands of blood pools and seas of fire on the way forward, we should move forward majestically - not to mention the Northern Wei and Southern Tang Dynasties, the Shen family and the Ye family, even if the mountains and seas block our way, we will still have a knife.  Split it!

    "My lord, I am impulsive. I have offended you a lot tonight. I hope you will forgive me - take my leave!"  "


    The next day, Meng Ju and his troops arrived at Huatai City.  The local government of Huatai City saw a border army brigade of tens of thousands approaching. The local prefect and soldiers were on the outskirts of the city to welcome the army.

    Yi Xiaodao came forward to meet them.  After the greetings, the local officials cautiously proposed: The people of Huatai City welcome Master Wang's arrival, but the common people have little knowledge and courage, so they may not be able to withstand Master Wang's power. They also hope that the general will show mercy to the land and soil and restrain them.  The soldiers and the residents of the whole city are grateful for the general's kindness and are willing to erect a monument to pray for him.

    Yi Xiaodao simply said: "You don't want us to go into the city? That's okay. We will bring out two thousand shi of food before sunset today. If we can't bring it out, the Qiu Ba people will be hungry, so don't blame me for not being able to restrain them."

    Hearing the request for two thousand dan of grain, the local officials immediately cried out and begged, saying that the poor people in the local area were really poor and could not raise so much grain for the army. They also asked the general to be tolerant and merciful.  Speaking of the emotional part, the white-haired old magistrate lay on the ground and kowtowed to Yi Xiaodao, bursting into tears. Even the tiger would cry after seeing the miserable scene.

    "Ke Yi Xiaodao's heart is harder than that of a tiger: "Master Fu Zun, is Huatai City really that poor? In this case, a certain family will not dare to bother you. We can just send soldiers and horses to the city to have a look on our own."

    The officials were shocked: If they really let this gang of Qiu Ba enter the city, they would only lose money. By then, who knows how many innocent women will be ruined and how many families will be bankrupted?  Alas, there is no other way but to spend money to eliminate the disaster.

    The two sides bargained, and finally Huatai City agreed to supply the army with 1,500 shi of food and grass, while Yi Xiaodao promised to restrain his subordinates from entering the city and not disturbing the countryside.

    The agreement was reached, and the local officials breathed a sigh of relief. They wiped the cold sweat from their heads and looked relieved.

    Meng Ju mingled with Yi Xiaodao's entourage to watch the fun. Seeing the officials secretly rejoicing, he smiled bitterly in his heart: Poor people, do you know that the same thing will happen again in a few days.  When Hong Tianyi arrives with his pursuers, explain to him why you need to supply food and grass to the rebels.  At that time, General Hongdu's men and horses would probably not be able to spend a mere 1,500 shi of food.

    A batch of grain was extorted in Huatai City, and the soldiers and horses continued northward.  Four days later, the army arrived in Handeng, and this time Guan Shanhe came out to contact the local officials.  But unexpectedly, the local government seemed to have heard something this time, and their attitude towards Guan Shanhe was extremely tough: We will not hinder the army from crossing the border; but they want us to provide food, wages and assistance. Sorry, I did not receive the notice from above.  And writing, that is also a no-brainer.

    Guan Shanhe came back dejected and cursed the Handeng government for not knowing how to live or die.

    The brigade marshals gathered in front of Meng Ju, with a hint of worry in their expressions -It's okay if a small town refuses to help.  But what worried them was the attitude of the border troops.  Obviously, Hong Tianyi had already gotten ahead of them and sent people to inform the governments along the way not to provide food and wages to the rebels. The road ahead would no longer be smooth.

    Meng Ju had expected what happened, but his attitude was very calm: "Guan Lushuai!"

    "The end is here!"

    "Gather your troops, go into the city, have a good talk with the Hancheng officials, and reason with them!"

    Guan Shanhe perked up: "I obey! I'm just the governor, how should I explain this?"

    "Since the local government regards us as rebels and refuses to assist, then we have no choice but to fulfill our duties as rebels and do what rebels should do - do you understand, Commander Guan?"

    "The general understands! Don't worry, Governor, the general will definitely make those people understand the truth!"

    That night, the soldiers and horses of the Guanshan Brigade broke through the south gate of Handeng City. In the dark night, a large group of rebel soldiers roared along the city road holding torches, and the sound of hooves resounded throughout the city.  Handeng Bing Beidao led a group of garrison soldiers to block the street and try to stop the rebels, but they were overwhelmed by the Doukai.  The magistrate of Handeng was hiding in his mansion, but was rushed in by the insurrectionary soldiers and hacked to death with knives. All fifteen of his family were also killed.

    The rebels plundered the whole city. That night, the city of Handan was filled with flames. Everywhere was the roaring sound of troops marching, shouting, snapping and smashing, and the sound of crying was loud. The fire burned the sky red, even if it was more than ten miles away.  You can see clearly outside.

    Meng Ju stood outside the camp, looking at the large red fire on the northern horizon, with mixed emotions.

    Turning around, Yi Xiaodao, Bai Yubian, Li Chimei and other brigade commanders were all standing behind him. The generals also looked solemn.  Meng Ju looked at the people one after another. The faces of the brigade marshals were bright red in the firelight.

    "Everyone, the people in Handcheng who resisted our army must be punished as they should. We are thousands of miles away from northern Xinjiang, and we must let the places along the way know the cost of resisting our army, so that we can go home smoothly!"

    The brigade marshals all solemnly said: "Yes, my lord!"

    At this time, an officer strode over, it was Wang Hu.  He saluted Meng Ju and said: "Governor, the scouts behind the palace have discovered the traces of a large number of soldiers and horses, and the border army has followed them. Looking at the flags, they are from the Shangdang's Tiger Roar Brigade, Baqiang Brigade, and Blade Brigade!  They were less than sixty miles away from our main army. When they saw the fire in Handeng, they suddenly accelerated their speed and rushed towards our main army with a forced march. They are expected to catch up with our main army tomorrow morning. Please  Sir, please take precautions!"

    "Hong Tianyi, he finally caught up!"

    However, Meng Ju couldn't figure it out: Hong Tianyi only had three brigades of troops at his disposal, which was only about the same as his apparent strength and not an advantage. How could he be so impatient and march all night to come?  It is common sense to defeat a general in a hundred miles. Hong Tianyi is also a veteran of the border army. How could he commit such a taboo?

    Yi Xiaodao took a step forward with a smile on his face: "Congratulations to my lord Hongfu, God will destroy the soul of the Hong thief! The Hong thief clearly saw the fire in Hand City and thought that our army had lost control. The soldiers went into the city to plunder. Yes  We arrived with great speed, hoping to take advantage of the chaos to defeat our army - the enemy's exhausted troops advanced rapidly, this is a God-given opportunity, please don't miss it, my lord!"

    Meng Ju thought about it, right?  According to common sense, if the rebel soldiers and horses encounter a wealthy place, why should they not plunder heavily?  If the soldiers and horses are let out like this, they will definitely not be able to gather them back within three or two days.  Faced with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Hong Tianyi would be a fool if he let it go.

    Meng Ju smiled: "Very good, Hong Tianyi can really seize the opportunity, so let's not miss this opportunity! Pass my military order: Hengdao, Chimei, and Yubian three brigade soldiers and horses, get up at three o'clock tomorrow morning  Let¡¯s go and fight against the Hong thief!¡±



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