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Volume One Two Hundred and Sixty-Four Ambush

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    Two hundred and sixty-four Ambush

    Late at night on July 20th, when the fire in Handeng was raging, Hong Tianyi led three brigades of pursuers to rush towards Meng Ju overnight.

    Future generations often don¡¯t understand why Hong Tianyi, a famous general in northern Xinjiang, made such a low-level mistake when pursuing Meng Ju, leading three brigades of exhausted troops to come overnight to fight against Meng Ju¡¯s army who was waiting for work?  Especially on the surface, his troops have no advantage over Meng Ju. They are all members of the Third Brigade. Why is Hong Tianyi so impatient and aggressive?

    People in the world are confused like this because they don't understand Hong Tianyi's thinking - in the eyes of the northern Xinjiang veteran, his own military strength is not equal to that of the rebels, but has an absolute advantage.

    Hong Tianyi felt that although the two families were also members of the Third Brigade, but the rebels rebelled against their masters, the morale of the military would definitely be in chaos.  The rebel leaders such as Yi Xiaodao and Guan Shanhe fled north in panic. They did not have time to plunder the people's property in the towns along the way to appease the morale of the army. Therefore, there must be huge hidden dangers among the rebels. As long as they use a serious military force to force them,  The rebel troops will surely fall apart quickly.

    Although he had a good chance of winning, Hong Tianyi still restrained his urge to go forward and fight, because his goal was not just to defeat the rebels, but he also hoped to take back the rebels with as little damage as possible - or better yet, no damage.  The third brigade of soldiers and horses.

    This was an impossible task, but Hong Tianyi still found an opportunity: the rebels came out in full force and plundered Handan City. If he suddenly and rapidly approached, the rebel leaders would definitely be panicked. They would not have time to gather their troops.  Yes, we can only flee in panic.  In this way, he only needs to send troops into the city and use both kindness and power to gather up the various rebel soldiers and horses scattered in the city without any bloodshed, reorganize and gather them, and then the three brigades of the border army can use them - what else can be better than this  Better chance?

    As for the fact that the rebels only sent a branch to plunder the city, not the entire army - this possibility was not considered by Hong Tianyi at all.  How is this possible?  Seeing a rich and defenseless city in front of them, as long as the first group of troops goes in to rob, the other troops will definitely follow. This kind of greed and greed cannot be stopped - even Yi Xiaodao  Guan Shanhe and other leaders have no choice. If they insist on stopping him, those rebel soldiers who are eager to get rich will kill him first.

    Hong Tianyi is as famous as Li Chimei, Helian Bashan and others. He is experienced and steady in using troops. He has always been famous for his accurate judgment and steady use of troops.  This judgment was based on his many years of military experience, and he was confident that he would never make a mistake.

    Yes, Hong Tianyi's entire derivation process was reasonable and rigorous, but he only got one thing wrong: the leader of the rebels was not Yi Xiaodao, Guan Shanhe and others, but Meng Ju of the Dongling Guards in Northern Xinjiang¡ª¡ª  It can be seen that if you start from a wrong premise, the more careful the derivation process, the farther away the result will be from the truth.


    The sky to the east was still dark, and the army marched northward in the dark wilderness.  In the long queue, not a single word was heard, only the dense footsteps of soldiers marching "rustling".  In the team, every few hundred steps there was a team officer holding a torch to guide the entire team. The burning torch was blown by the strong wild wind and made a crackling sound.

    Meng Ju was wearing a battle armor and standing on a high slope beside the road, watching the soldiers and horses marching.  Looking down from here, the long procession of the army is just a moving dark outline across the barren wilderness.  Above the road is a deep night sky with bright stars.  Under this fine starlight, the army rushed forward. The sense of powerful power hidden in the solemnity was awe-inspiring.

    There were slight footsteps behind me, and someone reported softly: "Governor."

    Meng Ju recognized Xu Haojie¡¯s voice and did not turn around: ¡°Guan Ling Xu, how is the investigation going?¡±

    "Governor, our army has sent fifteen teams of scouts, and eleven teams have reported back. The enemy is still moving north, and is currently about ten miles away from our army. At the current speed, our army will encounter them at dawn."

    "Did Hong Tianyi send out scouts?"

    "We encountered their scouts. There were three teams of seventeen people, and we killed them all. No one escaped."

    Meng Ju was moved. He turned around and looked at Xu Haojie: "Okay, well done! Haojie, you will be the first to take credit for this great victory!"

    Detecting the movements of the enemy's main force and shielding news about one's own army are the primary tasks of military intelligence scouts.  In the dark fields and forests, hiding one's own traces in the darkness, searching and tracking enemy scouts, and being ready to entangle and fight at any time, this kind of battle is far more stressful than a frontal fight on the battlefield.

    Xu Haojie was slightly excited after receiving the award from Meng Ju.  He restrained himself and said calmly: "It's a shame that you don't dare to be the governor. You will only do your duty. This is due to the hard work of the soldiers."??.  "

    "After we go back, you give me a list of meritorious soldiers - ah!" Meng Ju suddenly thought of it and asked: "We killed three groups of their scouts and didn't see them report back. Will Hong Tianyi be alert?"

    Xu Haojie has obviously considered this issue: "Governor, in the border army, the reporting rule for scouts is to report safety every three hours, but the sergeants who serve as scouts are all bold and heroic heroes in the army, and they regard the rules as nothing. They rarely  Observe. If they discover enemy conditions, they will naturally report back immediately, but if nothing happens, they are often too lazy to go back and forth in vain. Therefore, it is common for the scouts to fail to return on time to report that they are safe.  Yes, the other party shouldn't notice the abnormality immediately."

    "That's very good. The distance between us and the enemy is only ten miles? Then from high places, we should be able to see them?"

    "You should be able to see it on the high slope of the bush in front. But it's too dark"

    "It doesn't matter. We'll be traveling all night. Hong Tianyi should also be lighting a torch. You take me there."

    Xu Haojie led Meng Ju all the way to the top of the hill. Looking from this height, the vast wilderness was like a huge black and white picture scroll, slowly unfolding, and the earth seemed to be sleeping, quiet and lonely.

    Except for the wind whistling across the field and the grass moving in the wind, Meng Ju saw nothing.

    "Governor, look, there are some flashing bright spots over there, and those are Hong Tianyi's soldiers and horses."

    Meng Ju squinted his eyes, tried his best, and finally saw a few very subtle bright spots on the horizon - those bright spots were not static, but they moved very slowly. If Xu Haojie hadn't mentioned it specifically, Meng Ju would have thought that those bright spots were  It is a stationary star.  In fact, every moment, they're getting a little brighter.

    Seeing this, Meng Ju relaxed: at this distance, it would be too late for Hong Tianyi to turn around and run away if he noticed something was wrong.

    "Go down here with the order, quickly occupy the high slope where I stand, extinguish all the torches, stop advancing, and form a formation here to wait for the enemy to come - anyone who dares to make a noise will be killed immediately!"

    Meng Ju's order was quickly implemented.  Nearly ten thousand soldiers sat quietly on the high slope, their flags and drums were silent, and the surrounding area was silent. Only the gentle wild wind was blowing the bushes. The rows of sitting soldiers were as silent as the woods in the darkness.

    The eastern sky slowly glowed with a red halo, and the enemy army gradually became visible to the naked eye. The enemy's queue gradually emerged on the horizon. The dark outline squirmed and gradually grew larger, with the light of countless torches shining in it.  The outline of the army gradually emerged, getting bigger every moment.

    The battle was about to begin. Meng Ju stared coldly at the approaching army, but his heart felt unexpectedly calm - the two armies were so close that even the resurrection of the Soldier Saint could not save Hong Tianyi.

    "How far away is the enemy from us?"

    "Supervisor, the enemy is about four miles away from me."

    "Command, all armored warriors prepare their armors."

    As soon as the order was given, the armored fighters rushed to open the boxes, took out their armors, and put on their armors with the help of the auxiliary soldiers.  For a moment, the thin and crisp metallic sounds of disintegrating the armor were heard together, but a quarter of an hour later, all the sounds were heard again and fell into silence.

    Meng Ju took another look at the enemy army. In the dark night, in the rising gray smoke, the outlines of fire, flags, cavalry and carriages could be vaguely seen. The wild wind blew by, and the noise of men and horses in the distance could be clearly heard.  .  The enemy troops and horses formed a long queue, winding for miles, with no end in sight.

    He waved the generals over and said in a low voice: "Wait a moment, Wang Hu and Qi Peng will lead their troops and horses to follow me as the first wave of attack, mainly attacking the enemy's front line. Xu Haojie, you lead our troops and horses to follow us at any time.  Reinforce the vanguard troops and horses and plunder the formation for me.

    Brigadier Yi, Brigadier Bai, after our troops are mobilized, you two will immediately lead the troops and horses out of the battle, dispatch all the armors and cavalry, storm the enemy's belly and waist, and cut them in half.

    Li Shuai, your troops and horses serve as the reserve force of the entire army, waiting for the opportunity.  Li Shuai, you must reinforce the battlefields of various ministries at any time, pursue the situation, and expand the results of the battle - do you understand what I mean?  "

    It is expected that this strategy will be so outstanding.  No one expected that as the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Meng Ju would personally lead his men to be the sharp point of the first wave of attacks - to be honest, Yi Xiaodao and Bai Yubian were both ready to take the lead in the first wave of attacks.  Awakened.  According to common sense, as a newly surrendered general, isn't this the time to show your loyalty and determination and hand over your certificate of surrender?

    Yi Xiaodao and Bai Yubian looked at each other and exchanged glances instantly.  Yi Xiaodao raised his hand a little awkwardly: "Please forgive me, my lord, I have some objections."

    "Yi Shuai, please tell me."

    "The Lord is brave and kind.?, bravely championing the three armies, his bravery is extraordinary, and the general will admire him very much.  However, as the lord is the heart and soul of the whole army, it is really not appropriate to be on the front line in person, especially since the lord has to serve as the vanguard - this is really not what the commander of an army should do.  The general finally made a bold suggestion and asked the lord to stay behind and take command of the camp.  With the lord at the back, the generals can fight without worries.  "

    As soon as Yi Xiaodao said this, all the generals, including the newly surrendered generals such as Bai Yubian and Li Chimei, as well as the old subordinates Wang Hu and Qi Peng, all agreed: "What Yi Shuai said is true.  Everyone agrees. My lord, please leave the merit of killing the general and capturing the flag to the last general. I sincerely request my lord to stay at the camp and take command of the plundering formation to calm the morale of the army."

    The attitude of all the generals was very unanimous. Although Meng Ju was the lord, he had to think about it - he was willing to serve as the vanguard, mainly because he considered that the first blow to the enemy in a surprise attack was crucial, and it must be ferocious and resolute enough.  Beat the enemy to pieces and defeat them.  You must know that panic and confusion are contagious. If the enemy's vanguard is defeated in the first blow, more than half of the battle will be won.  Therefore, he must equip his strongest combat power in the first wave of attacks.

    Bai Yubian, Yi Xiaodao and others were very capable generals, but the troops under their command were all newly reformed soldiers of the border army. Compared with their former comrades, Meng Ju estimated that their morale and fighting skills would not be the same.  No matter how high they are, they may still be able to persist in forming a battle formation, but if they want to attack like crazy wolves, only soldiers and horses with a desire to win and extremely strong fighting spirit can do it, and under their own command, they can  The only ones responsible for this task are the Doukai team who followed him south.

    The Doukai team of only 300 people followed him south and fought thousands of miles. They already suffered a lot of casualties. Meng Juwei really couldn't bear to lose these most loyal old subordinates and the seeds of a strong future army, so he wanted to join the battle in person.  , serving as the sharp knife of attack - in fact, in his heart, Meng Ju really didn't pay much attention to Hong Tianyi's soldiers.  He felt that facing such an unsuspecting marching team, all he had to do was attack fiercely with his eyes closed. It didn't matter whether there was unified command or not.

    Meng Ju thought about it again and again, and finally shook his head: "I have my own considerations in this battle, and I must take the lead. The enemy is unprepared and has not even put on his armor. There will be no danger, so you don't need to worry too much. Li Shuai  , the Red Eyebrow Brigade is the general reserve force, the only mobile force, I grant you the power and responsibility to act according to the camera, you have a heavy responsibility - do you understand?"

    Meng Ju looked seriously at Li Chimei. The latter frowned, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and nodded solemnly: "Please don't worry, my lord, the general will know."

    The two spoke in a normal tone, and both understood in their hearts that there was a profound meaning in Meng Ju's words - Governor Meng was not unprepared for the newly surrendered troops such as Yi Xiaodao and Bai Yubian, and Li Chimei's troops served as the general reserve team.  He did not participate in the war, but existed as a formation supervisor to monitor Yi Xiaodao and others.

    All the generals were astute, and they had vaguely guessed something about it, but they all had nothing to say - as the lord, Meng Judu had led his own troops into the first wave, who could complain?  Is he partial to protecting his direct relatives?

    Meng Ju discussed the details of the strategy with everyone again. Less than half an hour had passed, and the eastern sky was already turning red.

    "The sun is coming out soon." Meng Ju took a deep breath: "Go back to your troops and cheer up. After this battle, there will be no obstacles for us to go home!"

    After a while, the enemy soldiers and horses were less than two miles away from the high slope. Their team made a small turn, apparently wanting to bypass the high slope and continue to advance.  A group of cavalry separated from the brigade and ran straight towards the high slope here with torches in hand. They didn't know what their intention was.

    Seeing this scene, Meng Ju couldn't bear it anymore.  He suddenly stood up, raised his sword and shouted in a deep voice: "They can't run away, we don't need to hide anymore, attack!"

    The soldiers emerged from the grass and woods one after another. The flag bearers raised the flags high and waved them in all directions. All the flags of the entire army swayed in response.  Bugles thundered, countless spears and hundreds of knives were raised from the grass and woods, and eight thousand voices shouted at the same time: "Kill, kill, kill!" The loud cry was like a sudden thunderbolt, shaking the entire wilderness.  Amidst the thunderous war drums, soldiers and horses swooped down the high slopes all the way, like a mountain torrent, rushing towards the enemy troops down the mountain.

    Meng Ju took the lead and led his armored warriors to the front of the team.  They were galloping at full speed, like a group of galloping giant beasts, swooping down from the mountain with a terrifying momentum.

    The wind whistled past his ears, and the ground beneath his feet was retreating rapidly. Meng Ju felt like an eagle, spreading its wings and flying in the vast starry sky.  Every time he put on his battle armor and ran at full speed, he felt a thrill of excitement. He was addicted to the unrestrained feeling of galloping in the sky and on the sea.

    He galloped quickly, taking everythingThe guards left everyone behind and rushed towards the enemy's brigade like lightning.  The distance of more than one mile between the two armies was reached in an instant.

    Just as Meng Ju expected, the border troops did not expect that they would suddenly encounter an ambush here, and the enemy's ranks were suddenly in chaos.  With the faint light before dawn, Meng Ju saw the enemy soldiers and horses a hundred steps away. They were hundreds of cavalry. Seeing the large group of armored warriors approaching fiercely, it was obvious that the cavalry was  There was panic and fear, and they hurriedly turned their horses' heads to escape.

    At this time, angry scoldings rang out from the team, and an officer rushed out, scolding them to prevent them from retreating. Meng Ju saw the tall and thin officer at the first sight. He was wearing a red uniform and holding a hand.  A long machete, riding on a tall horse.

    He pointed the sword at Meng Ju and shouted loudly, as if he was ordering the archers to release arrows - very good, it's him!

    Meng Ju jumped up, and the distance of more than ten steps flashed by. He rushed into the cavalry queue like a ghost, and got close to the officer. Before the other party could react, the dark hundred swords flashed away in the dark night.  A stream of blood spurted out, and the officer's head flew out.

    "Captain Liu is dead!"

    The cavalrymen made an uproar. Only then did they notice that the black leopard armored fighter rushed into their queue alone, and the other armored fighters who were closest were a hundred steps away.

    "That guy is alone, kill him and then retreat!"

    The crowd was emboldening, and the cavalry who had planned to escape stopped one after another. For a moment, they gathered around one after another, and countless sabers and bayonets were thrust at Meng Ju. The weapons were so dense that they were almost dense.  Airtight.

    Meng Juju looked around and saw fanatical soldiers, smelly horses and attacking swords in all directions - accidentally, he rushed too hastily and was surrounded by the enemy!


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