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Volume One, Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight, Tossing and Turning

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    Two hundred and thirty-eight, tossed and turned

    Mr. Yi nodded calmly: "Brother Meng, long time no see."

    Meng Ju felt excited when he met Mr. Yi again.  It was the man in front of him who led him on a path that was completely different from the rest of the world.  He is not only Meng Ju's boss in Beifu, but also his mentor in life.  Mr. Yi's loyalty to the Southern Tang Dynasty, his enthusiasm and persistence for his homeland of China, all of which influenced Meng Ju in a subtle way.

    Last year, he passed away suddenly. Meng Ju thought that he would probably never see him again in this life.  Unexpectedly, just one year later, everyone would meet again in Luojing.

    Things in the world are unpredictable, and people are like floating ducks!

    "Mr. Yi, I have often missed you since I left Northern Xinjiang. Have you been in Luojing this year?"

    Mr. Yi waved his hands freely, sat down on the chair first, and then asked Meng Ju to sit down.

    "After leaving Northern Xinjiang, I first returned to the court to report on my duties, and then came to Luojing. At that time, there was a great chaos in Luojing, and the Murong family had just taken over the court. There was an urgent need for manpower everywhere. I signed up and was recruited by them smoothly.  I accepted it and became the leader of this Siyi Pavilion. Brother Meng, you have been very popular recently. I often hear your name here."

    Meng Ju waved his hand carelessly: "Oh, it's all just a false name. False fame is tiring - what did they say about me?" - This sentence fully shows that although Marshal Meng's status is not low, he is already a warlord in the town.  , but after all, he is still just a young man in his twenties, and he still has the vanity of youth.

    Mr. Yi smiled slyly: "It doesn't matter. Brother, you are right, those vulgar sayings are just fame, don't care what he does." - That sly smile made Meng Ju want to slap it on his face  A hard punch.

    "Mr. Yi, you are undercover in Luojing. Is this the intention of Beifu?"

    "Yes, this is Mr. Xiao's personal arrangement." - Since Meng Ju bumped into him, there was no way to hide this matter from him, and Mr. Yi was not afraid to tell him.

    Meng Ju thought: "Mr. Yi, since Mr. Xiao sent you to the Murong family to find out the news, does this mean that in the civil war between the north and the south of the Wei Dynasty, the imperial court was inclined to support the Murong family?"

    Mr. Yi glared at him: "None of us support the two Xianbei Tatars in the north and the south! I didn't expect that, Brother Meng, you really brought people to support the Murong family. To the Murong family, the Xianbei Tatars,  You are very affectionate and righteous!"

    Meng Ju smiled "hehe" and didn't answer.

    ¡°Perhaps because he has a higher status and has experienced more things, Meng Ju¡¯s face has become much thicker.  I remember that Mr. Yi once accused him of "not having a firm stance" and interacting with the Xianbei people. At that time, he argued fiercely with them - thinking about it, I was really naive. It is the butt that decides the stance, and the mouth can change it.  what?

    The two of them sat opposite each other, thinking about the time they had been apart for more than a year, they both felt that they had thousands of words in their hearts, but they didn't know how to say them.

    "Mr. Yi, what has happened to the court in the past year or so?"

    Mr. Yi stroking his beard reservedly and smiled: "The situation is very good. In the past year, our Northern Expeditionary Army has captured Chengdu. The remnants of the Zhang family who have ruled Western Shu for hundreds of years have fled in panic. It is just around the corner for Wang Shi to pacify the center of Shu."

    "The imperial court captured Chengdu?" Meng Ju was a little surprised, but then he was relieved: the war in the Central Plains was chaotic and cut off the connection between the north and the south. It's no wonder that he didn't hear about such a big thing.

    "Yes, we won it, but the casualties of King's Division were also heavy. Chengdu was besieged for five months, and three thousand battle armors took turns to fight. Finally, Zhang's rebellious last line of defense was destroyed. King's Division was victorious, and 30,000 people were beheaded. Zhang  The brothers fled. Although there are still some remnants of the Wu Temple soldiers and horses in the Xikang area, the overall situation in Xishu has been decided, and it is expected that the defeated soldiers will not be able to pull off any tricks. "

    Meng Ju breathed out, and his eyes became solemn: Now, the Murong family and Tuoba Xiong are fighting to the death, but behind them, a huge red figure has slowly emerged.  No matter who wins the civil war, Tuoba Xiong or Murong Po, they will soon face a stronger and more terrifying enemy.

    Once the Southern Tang pacifies Western Shu and integrates the surrendered troops and Doukai from Western Shu, the Doukai group of the Southern Tang will become even more powerful. This powerful red force will continue to appear from Jingxiang and Hanzhong, just like  The red wave generally submerged the fragmented Northern Wei Dynasty.

    The situation is obvious. Time is of the essence. Will the Southern Tang Dynasty finish the war to pacify Western Shu first, or will the Murong family or Tuoba Xiong finish the unification of the Northern Wei Dynasty first?

    The small military officer back then has now become a warlord in charge of one side, and Meng Ju's mentality has also undergone subtle changes.  He knew intuitively that the Southern Tang court could accommodate Meng Ju, a frustrated young officer from the Northern Wei Dynasty.But they may not be able to accommodate a six-town general named Meng Ju who controls several provinces and controls thousands of battle armors.

    If the Southern Tang Dynasty really unified the north, would it be a blessing or a curse for itself?

    "Since the founding of our dynasty during the Kaile period, the northern barbarians have been our biggest threat. Now, heaven has taken away their souls, and the Tatars are killing each other. Our dynasty coincides with the reign of the Ming Dynasty, and there are many talented people in the dynasty, and famous generals have emerged in large numbers.  , one goes down and the other goes up, we should seize the opportunity to regain the lost land in the north in one fell swoop and wash away three hundred years of national humiliation!

    The great cause of the Northern Expedition is a grand event for the sons of Yanhan all over the world, and you should do your part for this!  Captain Yingyang, you now have a strong army in northern Xinjiang, and the court has high expectations for you!  "

    Meng Ju frowned slightly: "Colonel Yingyang? Mr. Yi, what does this mean?"

    "Meng Ju, have you forgotten? You are an officer of our Beifu, Colonel Ying Yang of the Jiangdu Forbidden Army!"

    "That's not right, Mr. Yi, didn't you say that all my files and information in Beifu were destroyed?"

    "Well, Meng Ju, I did destroy your information before, but later, I told Mr. Xiao about you. Mr. Jiang attached great importance to you and said that he could reconstruct the file. So, you are still my  A serving officer in the imperial court, Colonel Ying Yang of the Jiangdu Forbidden Army - well, this official position is indeed a bit low for your current status, but as long as you work hard and be respected by Mr. Xiao, you will be promoted quickly, you don't have to  Worry!"

    Meng Ju was furious. He stood up suddenly and shouted: "Mr. Yi, do you deliberately want to kill me? You know that in Beifu, there are more spies from the Northern Wei Dynasty than lice on cows - you gave me  The merit I reported caused me to go to the dark prison of the General Administration. If I hadn't been stubborn, I would have almost been executed! Now you want to come and trick me again? "

    Mr. Yi's face suddenly turned pale. Looking at Meng Ju, he hesitated to speak, as if he wanted to explain something, but in the end, he couldn't say anything.  He sat with his head down for a while, then raised his head and sighed: "I can't defend this matter. It was indeed Beifu and us before, and we were ashamed of you. You have reason to resent us."

    Meng Ju snorted and said nothing.

    Looking directly at Meng Ju, Mr. Yi said sincerely: "But now, the situation is very different from before. The Northern Wei Dynasty has collapsed, and you are full-fledged. Even if your affairs are leaked, the Xianbei Tatars - Murong  No matter your family or Tuoba's family - they can't do anything to you. It is precisely because of this that I dare to tell Mr. Xiao about you.

    Meng Ju, the past is over. Now, Tuoba Xiong is afraid of you, and the Murong family is wooing you. In the general trend of the Northern Wei Dynasty, you have a pivotal position.  The imperial court and Mr. Xiao both hope that you can play a role and do your best to weaken the military and national power of the puppet dynasty, and try to promote the collapse and destruction of the Northern Wei Dynasty, so as to facilitate the Northern Expedition of the King's Division.

    It¡¯s the best of both worlds.  In my opinion, the imperial court can pacify the north and regain the lost land, and wash away a hundred years of humiliation. Thousands of compatriots who have been enslaved by the Xianbei people will be rescued, and they can regain the glory of our Yanhan; in private, my emperor is kind, and all the princes  A wise man will definitely not treat his meritorious ministers badly. As long as you return to Beifu to serve the imperial court, the imperial court will certainly not treat you badly. In the future, you will definitely be a Duke, Marquis and Houjue, and you will leave your mark in history as a hero who restored China.  A good name, respected by all generations.

    Meng Ju, this is the most critical time to make a decision. You must not forget your righteousness, be fooled by the petty gains in front of you, and take the wrong path!  That wrong path will ruin your reputation and make you irrecoverable!  "

    After seeing Mr. Yi off, Meng Ju ate something simply because he was tired from the journey, washed briefly and then rested. However, he tossed and turned in bed, but it was still difficult to fall asleep.

    "You must not take the wrong path! It is a wrong path that will bring you eternal disaster and ruin your reputation!"

    Mr. Yi's words repeatedly circled in his mind, and Meng Ju's thoughts were confused.

    ¡°I am sitting on a heavily-armed and separatist side, and this is the time when I am in high spirits - is it true that, as Mr. Yi said, I am on the wrong path?  However, who can guarantee that playing for Southern Tang is definitely the right path?

    What is the wrong path?  What is the right path?  Should he return to Beifu?

    ¡°What is the standard used to judge what is right or wrong?  Kindness, love and hatred?  National society?  National justice?

    Being repeatedly entangled by these messy thoughts, Meng Ju couldn't sleep, and his mind was like a ball of paste. Until midnight, someone knocked on his door. Meng Ju, who couldn't sleep, immediately turned over and grabbed the pillow from his pillow.  Holding the hilt of the sword, he shouted: "Who?"

    The door was opened, and an officer holding a lantern stood at the door. The exquisite lantern made Meng Ju's eyes dazzle.  The young officer said politely and politely: "Mr. Meng, I'm sorry to disturb you. The prince"Come for a visit, we are already waiting for you in the reception room.  "

    The moonlight outside the courtyard was as white as snow. Stepping on the fallen leaves on the ground, Meng Ju walked through the corridor towards the living room.  The guards in black holding lanterns stood expressionlessly on both sides of the corridor, like a row of black wooden stakes.  When Meng Ju passed by, they bowed slightly and saluted.  In the darkness where the light could not reach, there were more soldiers standing shadowy. Meng Ju couldn't see their faces clearly, but he could feel countless sharp eyes poking at him from all directions.

    The officer leading the way opened the door of the reception room for Meng Ju: "Mr. Meng, please come in. His Royal Highness is waiting for you."

    Wearing a black robe with rolled yellow edges, Murong Yi sat quietly in his seat, staring at the lights on the table in trance.  Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned around and happened to look into Meng Ju's eyes.

    Meng Ju was startled when he saw Murong Yi's appearance. He had gray hair on his temples and deep sunken eyes.  He still remembered the last time he met Murong Yi. At that time, the young master of the Murong family scolded Fang Qiu and pointed out how heroic he was.  Now, Murong Yi has been established as the crown prince. It is the time when he is in high spirits. How could he become so haggard and lonely?

    Meng Ju was still hesitating whether he should kneel down and pay homage to Murong Yixing, but he suddenly stood up and walked over quickly.  He held Meng Ju's hand, shook it hard twice, and said nothing for a long time.

    Meng Ju felt that the other party's hands were trembling slightly, and his eyes were full of excitement and gratitude.

    "A road can reveal a horse's power, and a crisis can reveal a person's heart! I was not wrong about the person, brother, you are indeed here!"

    Murong Yi¡¯s voice was hoarse and low, but his eyes were very bright and piercing¡ªjust like a person who was about to die of thirst in the desert saw a spring.  Seeing his eyes, Meng Ju's heart skipped a beat: "It's bad! Is the situation in the Murong family really so bad? Even my rotten straw is used as a life-saving gold bar!?"

    Meng Ju shook Murong Yi's hand hard: "Your Highness, let's sit down and talk."

    The two sat cross-legged facing each other across the light.  Seeing Murong Yi's haggard expression, Meng Ju had no intention of being polite and asked directly: "Your Highness, I heard someone say on the road that my Wang division's counterinsurgency war is not going well? Can this be true?"

    A wry smile appeared on Murong Yi's handsome face: "The real situation is worse than what you heard. After my father went to war in Xiangzhou, our army was in a very difficult situation. Recently, we have lost seven games in a row and lost one of the seven counties in Xiangzhou.  Five of them, more than 7,000 officers and soldiers were killed. Nine officers of the leadership and above levels were killed. Two brigade commanders were killed. More than 300 battle armors were lost. The number of armored fighters killed and injured was almost the same.  .¡±

    Meng Ju breathed a sigh of relief: "Your Highness, don't be too discouraged. The loss of hundreds of armors is just a small setback. Now that the Royal United Factory and the Ministry of Industry's manufacturing plant are controlled by the imperial court, you should be able to make up for this loss quickly.  "

    "The loss of hundreds of battle armors is really nothing. But the loss of hundreds of armor fighters - those elites in the army who are brave and good at fighting, is the real loss. Now, the morale in the Xiangzhou camp is very low  , officers and soldiers have already fled.

    Moreover, because of the news of our army's defeat in Xiangzhou, some local states and counties that had remained neutral - such as Weizhou Prefecture in Shaanxi and Qingzhou Prefecture in Shandong - have now defected to the Northern Xinjiang Army. Those who were originally loyal to us  There is also instability in the states and counties, and many local governors have secretly contacted the rebels in private.  Now, I¡¯m very worried. If we can¡¯t reverse the situation, then we will¡ª¡±

    He shook his head and didn¡¯t say any more, but Meng Ju knew very well what he didn¡¯t say: ¡°¡ª¡ªIt¡¯s over!¡±

    "Your Highness, there is no need to worry too much. His Majesty the Emperor was once General Jinwu. He has been in war for a long time and has rich experience. He should have a plan to deal with this, right?"

    Murong Yi was silent for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly: "My father is so unpredictable, how can I see his strategy and thoughts?"

    Meng Ju¡¯s heart sank. Murong Yi was saying that his father Murong Po also had no good solution.

    "Now everyone can see clearly that Xiangzhou is the place where life and death are decided, and it is also the last battlefield of our Murong family. Now, our army's morale is low and people's hearts are scattered, while the rebels' morale is like a rainbow and their offensive is like a tide. Our top priority is,  It is necessary to win a great victory as soon as possible to curb the momentum of the Northern Xinjiang Army and force the war to turn into a stalemate and confrontation. Then, our army can use firm defense and continuous supplies to wear down the strength and vigor of the Northern Xinjiang Army. In this way,  Only then can we have a chance of winning.¡±

    What Murong Yi said happened to coincide with Meng Ju. Meng Ju couldn't help but nod in approval, thinking that Murong Yi's years in Northern Xinjiang were really not in vain, and he really learned a lot.

    ¡°Your Highness clearly sees you,This statement hits home the key point, this statement is the key to victory.  "

    Murong Yi sighed: "Easier said than done! Everyone knows this, but it is not easy to break the winning streak of the Northern Xinjiang Army! Although the old thief Tuoba is despicable, the strength of the Northern Xinjiang Army is not fake.  , Compared with them, Jinwuwei¡¯s bunch of useless people are really far behind!

    ??Bian Xia, the general of Humen Zhonglang, is known as the best warrior of our Jinwu Guard, but he was beaten by Li Chimei, the guard of Woye, with just one look in the face. He lost his helmet and armor, and almost lost his life;

    Xuan Wenke, the commander-in-chief of the West Road March and the imperial censor, led three Doukai brigades to attack Yi Xiaodao. He boasted loudly that he would win in one fell swoop, but in the end, the three Doukai brigades were defeated by Yi Xiaodao.  Everything was ruined¡ªYi Xiaodao only had one brigade in hand!

    There are also the Xiongwei Zhonglang General Guo Wei, the Zhenyuan Zhonglang General Wang Qiang, and the Polu Zhonglang General Wenshan. These second-generation ancestors of the family usually brag about how capable and capable they are, but they really ran into the troops of Northern Xinjiang.  Everyone has turned into a coward!  First he was defeated by Dongping's Guan Shanhe, then by Woye's Gao Jiping, then by Dongping's Bai Yubian, and then he was defeated by - who?  These bastards have lost so much I can't even remember them.  Look at their cowardly nature, they are all shameless losers!  I think even if Tuoba Xiong sends out a few big girls and young wives, these guys will still lose miserably!  "

    The more Murong Yi spoke, the angrier he became, and he laughed in anger: "Haha, it's fine if these guys lose, but when they come back, they talk about the Northern Xinjiang Army as if they were gods descending from heaven, saying that the Northern Xinjiang Army is invincible in the field, so they must not waste it.  Battle - what the hell! Just lose to Li Chimei, that man is indeed a famous general in Northern Xinjiang! But people like Guan Shanhe, Gao Jiping, and Bai Yubian are only second- and third-rate people in Northern Xinjiang.  Such nonsense, do you really think that I have never been to Northern Xinjiang? If my father hadn't stopped me, I would have sacrificed this bunch of trash that shakes the morale of the army to the flag!

    I have repeatedly asked my father to allow me to go to Xiangzhou in person, but my father has always refused, which makes me very anxious, but I can't do anything!  "

    "Your Highness, there is no need to be impatient. The front line is important, but Luojing is the central base camp, and it is even more important. Your Majesty ordered His Highness to take charge personally, precisely because of his reliance on Your Highness!"

    "Of course I know this, but, alas!"

    Murong Yi sighed and looked at Meng Ju, his eyes full of pleading: "It's impossible to rely on the Jinwu Guards gang to turn the situation around. Brother, now I'm in trouble, the only one I can count on is you.  Got it!

    Although the Northern Xinjiang Army has won consecutive victories, they are nothing in front of your brother, the most powerful general in Northern Xinjiang.  You know, even the most famous Li Chimei was defeated by you. Which one of those people is your opponent?  Only by going there in person can you suppress their momentum and save our Murong family from this predicament!

    ??Brother, you have just arrived in Luojing. You have been on a hard journey and should have had a good rest, but the military situation is so intense that you cannot delay it!  I'm afraid I have to ask you to go to Xiangzhou as soon as possible. Can you help me?  "

    Seeing Murong Yi's gloomy and decadent look, Meng Ju had an ominous premonition: maybe the free half-month trip to Luo Jing during public holidays that he had longed for would be ruined. Unexpectedly, that premonition was really a nightmare.  When it came true, he could only cry in his heart: "Brother Murong, you have fallen when you become the prince! Are you too thick and black?"

    But now, Meng Ju can't help feeling unhappy. Murong Yi is so pitiful that he is really embarrassed to enjoy leisurely sightseeing in Luojing.

    "Okay, your highness, don't worry, I will lead the team to Xiangzhou tomorrow."

    Murong Yi's eyes flashed with emotion, and he said: "It's not that urgent. The brothers from Northern Xinjiang Lingwei have come all the way here, so we have to let everyone take a breather. We need to raise food and grass, and we have to pay the departure fee to everyone.  It'll take a day or two anyway. Brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time. You have to have a few drinks with me tonight. Don't look at me hugging so many people, but not many of them can be considerate.  , I have a lot of things to discuss with you!"

    Meng Ju smiled: "Speaking of discussion, I happen to have something to discuss with His Highness."


    "Our Northern Xinjiang Mausoleum Guards are far away from the imperial court. When we have something to report to the imperial court, it is very inconvenient to communicate back and forth. I thought about setting up a stay in Luojing and leaving a few people in Luojing to handle some documents. The imperial court issued an order  It¡¯s also convenient, and he can also help us purchase some supplies and so on.¡±

    Meng Ju put it euphemistically as a "left-behind office", but everyone understood that this was equivalent to the permanent diplomatic mission of the Northern Xinjiang Army in Luojing.  It is common for local vassals to set up offices in Beijing. Murong Yi did not think it was strange: "This is a good thing. Setting up such an organization will make our communication easier, and we will save Wei Tiexin from having to go to northern Xinjiang to deliver messages to you.  I'm sure about this."

      He smiled and said: "However, Brother Meng, you have to send someone reliable to take charge of this detention center. We have to rely on them to deliver the news in the future. If it is not leaked reliably, it will delay the big event.  of."

    "This is exactly what I want to report to His Highness. The stay-at-home steward I plan to assign is named Su Rui."

    Meng Ju stopped talking, Murong Yi frowned and thought: "Su Rui? This name seems familiar."

    "Your Highness, you have a good memory. Su Rui was previously the governor of Dongling Guards in Luojing, and now she works here. She is from Luojing and is familiar with the local area. She is very smart and capable. As a left-behind supervisor, she is making the best use of her talents.  !" Meng Ju pretended not to notice Murong Yi's frown: "But the current situation is chaotic recently, and I heard that the security in Luojing is not very good, so I asked His Highness to help take care of her."

    Murong Yi pondered slightly. To be honest, he didn't like Meng Ju's candidate for the left-behind manager very much.  He had already remembered that Su Rui, the governor of Luojing, was Bai Wusha's most die-hard follower. When Bai Wusha committed suicide in prison, she was the one who died for Bai Wusha. The loyalty and loyalty of this female governor  The strength left a deep impression on Murong Yi.

    But now, Bai Wusha is dead, and the affairs of Jing Mu Dynasty have become a thing of the past. More importantly, Murong Po does not want to refute Meng Ju's face. Now that the war situation is in trouble, this man from northern Xinjiang  The fierce general is simply the life-saving straw of the Murong family!

    "Su Rui, this person is very stubborn, but her character is unspoken. Brother, you are so lucky to be able to recruit her as a subordinate! I haven't said it before, since she is your person, brother, I will naturally help her. I will give her a piece of  Token, when the time comes, if she encounters any difficulties in Luojing, just report my name."

    After the serious talk was over, both of them felt relieved.  Murong Yi called for food and wine, and chatted with Meng Ju while pouring them. When they talked about the old events of Jing'an, they both missed him deeply.

    "Brother Meng, for some reason, Luojing has a lot of fine wine, but I always feel that the Shaodaozi wine from Zhang Laosan's place is the most satisfying!"

    "Your Highness, do you also know Zhang Laosan's restaurant? Fatty Liu took me to that place once."

    "Haha, the frontier soldiers and Lingwei who have been in Jing'an City for a long time all know this place. Brother, don't look at the shabby and old place. Zhang Laosan has a lot of skills. He makes roasted large intestine and fried mutton by himself, which is better than  The food made by the palace chef is even more delicious. I went back to the imperial chef to cook it several times, but I couldn¡¯t make it taste like that."

    Murong Yi shook his head and sighed: "That's the flavor of the frontier fortress. I really miss the good old days!"

    "When the rebellion is put down, His Highness is welcome to visit Jing'an again. It should be delicious to eat old dishes and meet old friends."

    "Haha, it's settled. When the time comes, you, the King of Northern Xinjiang, will have to accompany me in person!"

    Meng Ju was stunned and said: "King of Northern Xinjiang? Your Highness is joking. I am just an ordinary general of the Wei Dynasty."

    "I'm not kidding." Murong Yi breathed out the smell of alcohol and patted Meng Ju's shoulder, but there was no hint of drunkenness in his eyes: "I am sincere. Brother Meng, you have saved my life several times, and now you have saved my life again."  Helping our Murong family in times of crisis, for such an achievement, being crowned king means nothing! Let me give you a guarantee: as long as you can successfully defeat the rebels in Northern Xinjiang, your title of prince will never go away."

    It can be seen that Murong Yi was very sincere when he made his promise, but Meng Ju didn't want to talk about it anymore and changed the subject - even if Murong Yi was serious, the Murong family still couldn't protect themselves now.  Can big sesame cakes fool me into giving up my life?  I won't accept this kind of good thing like making cakes to satisfy my hunger.

    Then, the two talked about the upcoming war.  Murong Yi took the initiative and said, "Brother Meng, you are going to send troops into battle. Do you need any equipment or equipment? If so, just ask."

    When faced with such an opportunity to kill Kaizi, Meng Ju would naturally not be polite. He opened his mouth and said, "Thank you for your kindness, brother. I brought two Doukai brigades this time, both of them are warriors who are good at fighting. They are enough."  One can be worth ten. Unfortunately, the journey is far away, bumpy and wandering on the road, and we have to avoid the Northern Xinjiang Army's interrogation. Most of the battle armor we carried when we set off was lost"

    Murong Yi smiled slightly. He was also a smart man and knew that what Meng Ju said was not entirely true. There would definitely be some losses along the way, but it would definitely not be the majority of the losses.  But Meng Ju came from thousands of miles away to help, this favor is more valuable than anything else, and Luojing is different from Northern Xinjiang. Northern Xinjiang lacks fighting armor, but Luojing has more than enough fighting armor, and there are not enough armored fighters who dare to fight.  In the eyes of the Murong family in the joint factory, hundreds of battle armors are really nothing.

    "That's no problem. I'll ask Wei Tiexin to send you three hundred battle armors tomorrow. You can keep the extra armor as a spare. Brother Meng, when you go to Xiangzhou, you just??Let's start the fight. No matter how much armor you lose, I will replace it for you immediately.  "

    Meng Ju didn¡¯t feel embarrassed about Murong Yi¡¯s generous move - this battle was originally fought for the Murong family, and he and his subordinates were actually mercenaries. It was only natural that the Murong family provided equipment.

    During the dinner, Meng Ju wanted to ask Murong Yi about Ye Canan's current situation, but he didn't know how to ask - as a man, it was very inconvenient for him to take the initiative to inquire about a virgin girl, and the other person was Ye Canan.  Meng Ju felt even more guilty when facing Murong Yi, Canaan's fianc¨¦e.

    He mentioned things about the Ye family several times in a roundabout way, but Murong Yi only mentioned Ye Jianxin, but did not mention anyone else, which made Meng Ju feel itchy.  In the end, he thought that Murong Yi had a wife anyway, so he just risked his life: "By the way, brother, you wrote to me last time and told me that Mr. Ye had found a lost daughter. She was the same as our Ye Ye back then.  The town governors look exactly the same. Is this true? I really want to see them."

    Murong Yi was stunned for a moment, and he forced a smile and said: "This Brother Yu also missed me very much at that time, which is a bit exaggerated. In fact, the real person is not that similar. At most, there is only a three or four point resemblance. It's hard to see.  It doesn¡¯t hurt to look at it.¡±

    When speaking, Murong Yi looked very unnatural, but Meng Ju, who had something on his mind, did not dare to ask further questions. The two of them looked at each other with a tacit understanding, smiled, and changed the topic.

    That night, Murong Yi talked at length until late at night in Meng Ju, and left at five o'clock.  After seeing him off, Meng Ju went back to his room to rest, but he couldn't sleep due to tossing and turning. Murong Yi's awkward smile always appeared in his mind, making it difficult for him to let go.

    What happened between Murong Yi and the Ye family?

    The next morning, before Meng Ju got up, Mr. Yi - well, I should say the head of the Siyi Pavilion - came over to report that the Brigade Commander of the Jinwu Guard had arrived and was waiting in the meeting room.  Get up with Master Meng.

    Meng Ju rubbed his sleepy eyes and came to the waiting room muttering.  As soon as he entered the door, Wei Tiexin gave him a deep bow: "Sorry to bother the commander. Following the order of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the general mobilized 300 pieces of fighting armor equipment from the Ministry of Works overnight, and the commander had to go and order them.  Inspection and acceptance.¡±

    Looking at Wei Tiexin¡¯s haggard face and bloodshot eyes, Meng Ju guessed that he probably didn¡¯t sleep all night last night either.

    "We have General Lao Wei. Come, let's set off."

    After checking the battle armors in the military camp, Meng Ju was very satisfied. The battle armors sent by Murong Yi this time were all leopard-type and tiger-type battle armors, and they were all brand new.

    Seeing Meng Ju's satisfied expression, Wei Tiexin also breathed a sigh of relief: "Commander, the general selected these battle armors last night. I wonder if there is anything wrong with them? If there is anything dissatisfied, the general will replace them immediately.  "

    "Yes, I am very satisfied with this batch of battle armors. General Wei worked hard all night, which makes me feel bad."

    "I don't dare. Marshal, according to the arrangement of His Royal Highness, the supplies, five hundred civilians, and one thousand auxiliary troops for the Marshal's subordinates are also ready. Does the Marshal need to personally inspect it?"

    Meng Ju was stunned for a moment. He looked at Wei Tiexin, but what he saw was the other person's tired and persistent eyes. Those bloodshot eyes were looking straight at him, with anxiety and expectation hidden in them.

    Meng Ju looked at him for a moment, and then he sighed: "I don't have to see it myself. General Wei, just inform my subordinate Qi Peng to go and check it out."

    Seeing Wei Tiexin hesitant to speak, Meng Ju patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, General Wei won't be embarrassed. Check the equipment and we'll set off for Xiangzhou in the afternoon. We won't miss anything."

    Wei Tiexin heaved a sigh of relief. He looked at Meng Ju, his eyes full of gratitude and guilt. Finally, he bowed deeply and said, "I'm tired, Marshal."

    In this way, Meng Ju only stayed in Luojing for one day and one night, and the next day Meng Ju hurriedly embarked on the journey to Xiangzhou.

    When setting off, Murong Yi, the prince of the Luojing Kingdom, came to see him off in person and brought a generous labor reward.  Meng Ju distributed them on the spot.  They had just arrived in Luojing and were about to start fighting before they had a stable foothold. The armored warriors were originally quite complaining, but it was because of the prestige of Governor Meng that they could not complain. However, the large reward was handed out on the spot, which made everyone feel resentful.  It was completely wiped out, and the scene was filled with joy and cheers of long live.

    As a rule, when troops are sent out, they always have to choose a time to sacrifice to heaven and perform a ritual by killing cattle and wiping their blood. But the problem is that Meng Ju is not a subordinate of the Murong family, and Meng Ju's soldiers are not direct soldiers of the Murong family. In addition, time is tight.  , the Murong family didn't want to send him off with much fanfare, so Murong Yi only brought a few emcees from the East Palace Mansion.

    When leaving, Murong Yi faced Meng Ju with deep guilt in his eyes. He hesitated to speak, and finally sighed: "Thousands of miles away, no rest, it's reallyGot the commander in chief.  I'm so rude.  "

    Meng Ju comforted him and said: "Your Highness, our men should act boldly and don't worry about trivial matters. Your Highness, just sit quietly in Luojing and wait to report the good news."

    When Meng Ju said this, Murong Yi felt relieved.  He smiled and said: "I still miss the time when I fought side by side with the commander in Northern Xinjiang. I still remember the commander's unparalleled majesty and grace in my heart. I can no longer gallop on the battlefield with the commander. I feel so lonely."  What a pity! In this case, I will just wait for the commander-in-chief's good news."

    After drinking a glass of Zhuangxing wine, Meng Ju set out on his journey.

    This time starting from Luojing, his team has greatly increased. In addition to the armored warriors accompanying him from northern Xinjiang, there are also 500 heavy civilians and 1,000 auxiliary soldiers in the team.  Leading this group of civilians was a deputy commander named Hu Yong of Jinwu Guard.  He behaved very respectfully, saying that he was working for Marshal Meng and that all actions were subject to the command of Marshal Meng.  Although he didn't know how Hu Guanling would perform in the future, his attitude still made Meng Ju very happy.

    All the way from Luojing to Xiangzhou, traces of the war can be seen everywhere.  Although the war has not yet reached Kinki, the shadow of the war has already enveloped the entire territory.  According to legend, the northern border troops who committed murder and arson were about to come. Residents in the towns and villages of Luojing and Kinki fled one after another. All industries were withered and the population was sparse.  Most of the people Meng Ju saw on the road were civilians and auxiliary troops transporting grain and supplies to the front line. However, there were no traces of the caravans and travelers that were usually seen on this road.

    The team walked on the road for more than ten days, and when they arrived in Xiangzhou, it was already early May.  In May, the weather is getting warmer.  The soldiers took off their cotton-padded jackets and put on light single clothes.

    The team had just entered Xiangzhou. In Anqiao Town of Xiangzhou, Meng Ju and his party encountered the rearguard of the Xiangzhou camp.  According to military practice, newly transferred soldiers and horses from the rear must first report to the rear guard camp when they arrive, and receive food and grass when they check in.

    Meng Ju didn't want to bother with the matter of negotiating with Jinwu Guards, so he just asked Guan Hu to handle it.  Guanling Hu took the order and left, and returned in less than half a day. He not only received the food and grass, but also brought the order from the camp: "Order the Meng tribe in Northern Xinjiang to march to Zapo County immediately and wait for orders at the imperial camp.  "

    Meng Ju stared at the order for a while, feeling quite awkward.  Coming from Luojing, all the officials, big and small, flattered me. Even Murong Yi, who respected him as the prince, paid him a lot of respect. He said "Marshal Meng" to him, which made him feel arrogant for a while. But when he arrived at the front line of Xiangzhou, the military order said  There was only the cold word "Meng Bu", not to mention the honorific, not even a full name, which really made Meng Ju, who was used to flattery, depressed for a while.

    Only then did Meng Ju realize the change in his status: in Luojing, he was the friend and savior of the prince Murong Yi, and Murong Yi had seen him with his own eyes and knew about his bravery, so he could receive special treatment; but in Luojing,  On the Xiangzhou battlefield, both sides mobilized hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, and thousands of battle armors. In the eyes of Emperor Murong Po, who was driving the expedition personally, his status was probably no more than that of an ordinary brigade commander, right?

    Seeing that Hu Guanling was smiling and seemed very happy, Meng Ju hid his depressed mood and asked him: "Hu Guanling, is there anything special about this military order?"

    Hu Guanling was very happy: "Commander, I have asked someone to inquire about this. We are going to the imperial camp. This is amazing! Think about it, there are so many soldiers and horses coming here, but there are not many who are qualified to go to the imperial camp."  , were all directly assigned to garrison at the front, but we were the only ones ordered to go to the imperial camp, which shows that the higher-ups attach great importance to us! Maybe we will have the opportunity to see the emperor in person!"

    Meng Ju felt a chill after hearing this.  Murong Yi is a handsome guy, and his father Murong Po should not be difficult to see, but is it worth being so happy to see him?  Look, brother, you are already a grown-up, and you still have this star-chasing mentality?

    He glanced at Guan Hu and said calmly: "Old Hu, when you enter Xiangzhou, don't mention the title of Marshal, so as not to violate the emperor's taboo. From now on, you should call me an official. I am Dongping Town, Northern Xinjiang.  Governor."

    "Yes, Marshal - uh, I'm a fool, Lord Governor, I know it!"
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