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Volume One, Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven: Be Well

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    Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven: Stay safe

    Since Lu Liulou was sent to guard Wuchuan, Meng Ju has not seen him for half a year.  After being in Wuchuan for half a year, Lu Liulou's temperament became more and more calm and dignified. He stood like a pine tree and sat like a bell. He had the air of an immovable general.

    Looking at him, Meng Ju was filled with emotions. How could he imagine it?  At that time, a small officer of Dongling Guard and a veteran of the frontier army actually became a general in charge of one side.

    Meng Ju first asked about the situation in Wuchuan, and Lu Liulou answered lightly: "We were lucky last year. There were no large-scale invasions of Northern Demons. There were only some small tribes who wanted to fish in troubled waters, but we were repulsed. There was also some trouble at the beginning of the year, and there were a few bastards.  The rich Chinese mixed-race family had a bad idea and wanted to rebel and separate the country, but I defeated them and killed thousands of people, and the rest was no big deal."

    "Okay, I'm relieved that the situation in Wuchuan is stable."

    Lu Liulou said sincerely: "Sir Meng, is there something big going on?" - Since Meng Ju occupied the three towns in northern Xinjiang, most of his subordinates have changed their name to "Commander", and only a few have started to make their fortune.  The subordinates who followed him still called him "sir" according to the old habit.

    Meng Ju didn't hide anything, and told his plan: "Beware of the demons in the north, and the Black Wolf Gang in Huaishuo has not been wiped out. On the sixth floor, after I go south, you have to help me guard my hometown in Northern Xinjiang.  , come back from Wuchuan, with you in charge in Dongping, I can go south with peace of mind."

    Lu Liulou lowered his head and remained silent. Meng Ju thought he was worried: "Liuluo, you don't have to worry. If you are unsure about something, Lan Zheng and Xiao Heng are both very experienced old people and decent people."  , you can ask them for advice.¡±

    "Sir, it's not this that I'm worried about, but you. You went south to deal with the Xianbei people, and you brought with you the newly recruited bandits from Heishan. The whole journey was chaotic and very unsafe. Sir, you are our backbone.  I think it would be better if you stay and take charge while I lead all the troops back to help the Murong family."

    Meng Ju sighed: "No, if I don't go back, the Murong family will definitely not be satisfied. In fact, it doesn't matter how many soldiers and horses are sent back to support the battle. The key is that I have to go back in person, so that I can appear sincere. We are still too much  If we are weak, we will not be able to survive without the support of the Murong family in the future."

    Meng Ju spoke frankly, but Lu Liulou had nothing to say.  He said sadly: "It's all my subordinates who are incompetent and can't share your worries for you. I'm very ashamed."

    "Sixth floor, you help me keep my home safe so that I don't have to worry about anything. This is the greatest help."

    Meng Ju already has a rough idea in his mind about the various situations that may occur in Northern Xinjiang after he leaves.  Tuoba Xiong and the main force of the border army have gone south. Although there are still remnants of the Black Wolf Gang in Huaishuo, Meng Ju doesn't pay much attention to these local gangs - he has no time to deal with them, so these gangs should be burned  Very fragrant.  If you take the initiative to cause trouble, isn't that asking for death?  Therefore, except for the Hu Mo outside the Great Wall, there were no major threats around Dongping, which was why he dared to leave and go south.

    He discussed with Lu Liulou for a whole hour and made preparations for various emergencies. He felt that he was very thorough, but Lu Liulou looked at him with bright eyes: "Sir, there is one more thing you forgot.  ¡±


    "You are not married yet."

    Meng Ju was slightly startled: "So what?"

    "Sir, if there is something important and difficult to decide on your trip south this time, how will we make a decision?"

    "I said it before, on the sixth floor, after I leave, you will be in charge of the family. You can just take care of the matter. If the matter is too big, you can discuss it with General Xiao, Inspector Lan, and Inspector Ouyang.  "

    "If the matter is of great importance and General Xiao and I have different opinions and cannot agree, then who should we listen to?"

    Meng Ju was stunned for a moment, but Lu Liulou had already continued: "Sir, I'd like to say something that is worthy of my humble position. You have traveled thousands of miles south. If something unexpected happens, who should our subordinates take charge? But if you get married, even if you are married, even if  While you are away, with your wife sitting in charge, we as subordinates will have a backbone who can make decisions on major issues and stabilize people's hearts - therefore, sir, please get married as soon as possible."

    Meng Ju smiled casually: "If I'm unlucky and die like a light goes out, the rest will depend on you. What can I do to help even if I leave a woman behind?"

    "Sir, that's not what you said"

    Meng Ju interrupted him: "Okay, I know this well, so there's no need to say anything more."

    Meng Ju originally thought that Lu Liulou was urging him to get married just because he cared too much about him, but he did not expect that after learning that he was about to go south, Xiao Heng, Lan Zheng, Jiang Hai and others all raised the same question: "  Sir, you are going south soon, it is best to get married as soon as possible so that your husband can??Stay behind and sit in order to calm people's hearts.  "

    With everyone attaching so much importance to this issue, Meng Ju had to consider it carefully.  At this time, he also remembered that he had promised Ouyang Qingqing to get married as soon as he came back from Chicheng. Since everyone was urging him, he might as well get it done!

    Meng Ju summoned Xiao Heng, Lan Zheng, Ouyang Hui, Jiang Hai and others and told them that he planned to take Ouyang Qingqing as his concubine before going south.  Because I was in a hurry, I simply prepared a thin glass of wine, and I would like to invite everyone to enjoy it.

    After saying that, Meng Ju crossed his legs contentedly, waiting for everyone's congratulations - look, I am such a good officer, doing good deeds, and I will give you a lot of face this time!

    The faces of the subordinates were gloomy, and no one spoke.

    Meng Ju suddenly felt that something was not good, and hurriedly put down his legs: "You why don't you say anything?"

    The subordinates had strange expressions, as if Meng Ju was not inviting them to a wedding banquet, but inviting them to eat mice alive.

    "What are your expressions like? We are all our own people. If you have anything to say, just say it."

    Among them all, Chicheng General Xiao Heng was the oldest and had a deep friendship with Meng Ju. He stood up with a straight face and a dry cough: "Commander, I am busy with affairs in the army, so I will go back to take care of things. I will take my leave first.  Got it!"

    As soon as Xiao Heng left, everyone followed suit, leaving Meng Ju confused and confused: "You are the ones who asked me to marry a wife, and you are the ones who are against it now. What do you really want? It's not like being unreasonable.  Bar?"

    Everyone escaped, but there was still one person who couldn't escape. Meng Ju caught Ouyang Hui, the inspector of the Integrity Department. After a series of threats and inducements, the guy finally told the truth: "Sir, you want to take a concubine, and we will be your subordinates."  Of course they are all happy. But this for your first woman, it would be better to find a lady with a clean net worth and a well-matched family."

    Meng Ju seemed to understand: "Do you mind if Ouyang stayed in Tianxiang Tower before? When I interacted with her before, I didn't see any objection from you!"

    "Uh, well Miss Ouyang is naturally pure and pure, we all know that, but I'm afraid that the villains outside don't know the truth, gossip, and the rumors will not sound good This, sir, a humble position is definitely not for Miss Ouyang.  I have an opinion. If you are in Dongping, you can marry anyone, but you are going to travel far away. Everyone should be cautious about this and think about it in the long term!

    "My lord, you and Miss Ouyang are in love, so you are not in a hurry, right?"  It¡¯s not too late to wait until you come back from Luojing to hold the wedding ceremony!  "

    Ouyang Hui hesitated and rambled, and Meng Ju had a hard time understanding what he meant: the subordinates did not have any objections to Ouyang Qingqing. If Meng Ju was in Dongping, he would only accept Ouyang Qingqing as Master Meng's love affair.  Most likely they would also say a few words of praise for the perfect match between a peerless courtesan and a peerless warrior.

    But this time Meng Ju goes south, it may take a year and a half - to put it more harshly, he may even never come back - in this case, the weight of the women he leaves at home will be very important.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.  Think about it, after Meng Ju left, so many civil servants and military generals had to respectfully greet a former brothel girl. How could his subordinates bear it?

    The resistance among his subordinates was so strong that Meng Ju had to think carefully: marrying Ouyang Qingqing was a small matter, but it would be very bad if all his subordinates were alienated and he ended up alone.

    The next day, Meng Ju once again summoned his subordinates to announce that he planned to postpone his marriage to Ouyang Qingqing until he returned from Luojing.  After hearing this, all the generals smiled and felt relieved, but no fool came out to persuade Meng Ju to get married as soon as possible.

    The reinforcements going south are not large in size, with only two brigades and about 300 troops. Although the number is small, they are all experienced armored fighters. Their loyalty and combat prowess are carefully selected. They are the elite of the Dongping Army.  .  Both Lan Zheng and Lu Liulou advised Meng Ju to bring more troops, but Meng Ju refused. His reason was very simple: most of the way south he passed belonged to Tuoba Xiong's territory, and he could get through with a small number of people.  If there are too many, it will be difficult to handle.

    "Three hundred people like this are not many, but they are not many. It is thousands of miles away. If you want to fight all the way to pass, it will definitely not work. You have to find a name to get past it."  Ouyang Hui, Inspector of the Integrity Department of the Provincial Office, suggested that they should follow the old method of the last sneak attack on Wuchuan and disguise themselves as a caravan. However, Meng Ju felt that it was inappropriate: the last sneak attack on Chicheng was only two hundred miles away and arrived in three or four days.  , but this time when I return to Luojing, I have to walk on the road for at least a month.The possibility of ?? is too great.

    ???????????????????????????? Now is the time of war, with thieves everywhere in the mainland, and many places are divided between soldiers and bandits. How can there be any caravans who dare to do business now?  Moreover, to those lawless government and military leaders who have isolated territories, aren¡¯t the passing caravans like fat sheep coming to their doorsteps?  Isn't this just asking for trouble?

    Others suggested dressing up as officials returning home, traveling students, or breaking them up into pieces and spreading them out, but Meng Ju rejected all of them - there are hundreds of tough and strong men walking on the road wearing battle armor, what are you pretending to be?  It's not like that. The wildness and murderousness of a soldier cannot be concealed. Anyone who cares will know it at a glance.

    Everyone thought hard for several days with no result, but in the end, Qin Xuan reminded Meng Ju: "Why bother pretending? We are the Northern Border Army, can't we just go there in an upright manner?"

    "One word woke up the dreamer, and everyone shouted goodbye."

    As those bullshit novelists say, the most dangerous place is the safest place, so naturally, the best disguise is no disguise.  Meng Ju¡¯s subordinates have a large number of officers with backgrounds in the frontier army. They are familiar with the methods and style of the frontier army. If they really want to change their appearance, they only need to change their black uniforms of the Lingwei army into the brown uniforms of the frontier army. It will be difficult for outsiders to look at it.  There is a flaw.

    To ensure safety, Meng Ju also specially invited Xiao Heng, a veteran of the frontier army, to check in person and let him see from the eyes of an old frontier army whether there were any flaws in his troops.

    An old-school soldier like Xiao Heng was very conscientious in his work. Not only did he carefully check the weapons, clothing, waist tags and other signs of the reinforcements, but he also observed the troops' march, setting up posts, taking turns, having dinners, resting, and camping.  etc.  Finally, he suggested to Meng Ju that he send his trusted officers Qi Peng and Xu Haojie to accompany Meng Ju on the road - to pretend to be a border army, it would not work if there were not many genuine border army officers in the team.

    In late February of the ninth year of Taichang, Dongping Dongling Guard reinforcements set out from Dongping and began to move south.  At the end of February, Meng Ju and his party left Lianjiang City in Dongping and entered Shuozhou.

    Shuozhou is the rear area of ????Dongping and the first line of junction between Tuobaxiong's forces and Mengju's forces in northern Xinjiang.  Tuoba Xiong stationed a large number of troops in Shuozhou, with a total of four battle armor brigades stationed in Shuozhou County. At the critical moment when he went south to fight the Murong family, Tuoba Xiong still had nearly 500 important battle armor troops at his disposal.  Outside of the main battlefield, it can be seen that the former King of Northern Xinjiang is jealous of the current King of Northern Xinjiang, and it can also be seen how much the emperor attaches importance to the peace agreement reached - very good, Meng Ju also doesn't care.  .

    As the saying goes, do as the Romans do when you go to town. Meng Ju knows very well that when playing in this era, you must abide by the rules of this era. In this war-torn era, the rules between warlords are - there are no rules.

    Any agreement is useless paper, and any warlord who is loyal is a fool. The only condition for maintaining the agreement is the balance of power between the two parties.  If one day Tuoba Xiong gains power, he will immediately turn around and happily kill himself. Therefore, Meng Ju has no psychological burden for tearing up the agreement and joining the war first.

    Tuoba Xiong stationed a large number of troops in Shuozhou, but in Meng Ju's view, these generals obviously did not care too much about the threat from Dongping direction. The proof is that Meng Ju's team followed the official road and was in Shuozhou for a long time.  After walking for three days and passing through three towns, they never encountered a checkpoint to check their identity. There were no checkpoints and sentry posts on the road, but the only people guarding the checkpoints were local government officials and rural soldiers. Their main task was to check their identity.  It's nothing more than cutting off the merchants and passers-by.  Seeing such a border army of several hundred people, these government officials and rural soldiers did not dare to ask anything, which made Meng Ju's prepared military cards and rhetoric useless.

    On March 3, Meng Ju and his party arrived at Shuozhou County.  Shuozhou City was an important town in the northern part of the Wei Dynasty. Naturally, the garrison could not be as lax as those in small towns and villages.  As soon as Meng Ju and his party arrived at the outskirts of the city, they encountered a checkpoint on the road. A frontier army captain led several soldiers to station there.  Seeing Meng Ju's team of more than 300 people approaching, the corps commander ran over and asked politely which army they were from.

    Qi Peng told him that he was the commander of the Chicheng frontier army, and that he and his party were frontier soldiers from Chicheng. They went south to defect to Marshal Tuoba. As he said that, he had prepared his waist badge and documents for the other party to check.  But the team leader did not look at it, but said calmly: "Are they from Chicheng again? Commander Qi, there have been quite a few people from Chicheng recently."

    Qi Peng was stunned for a moment. He didn't know how to respond, so he could only say "Oh" expressionlessly.

    The corps commander did not continue to ask questions, but just told Qi Peng to wait here, and he would send someone to ask for instructions from above on how to arrange them.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­??, even if Shuozhou really mobilized troops to encircle and suppress them, he could easily fight his way out and escape.

    As the sun passed by noon, officials from Shuozhou finally arrived from the city. The leaders were a general judge named Ma from the Shuozhou government office and a deputy brigade commander named Zhou from the border army.  Judge Ma Tong, who had a sallow complexion and was skinny, didn't seem to be very interested. He read the certificate document presented by Qi Peng perfunctorily and asked a few simple questions: "Where are you from?" and "Where do you plan to go?"  What are you doing?", "Going south to join the marshal? Oh, oh, I got it. How many of you are there?"

    From the beginning to the end, Ma Tongpan had a disgusted and helpless expression, as if he was sending away a group of poor relatives who came uninvited.  Only when Qi Peng said that they would not stay in Shuozhou for a long time but go directly south, he finally showed a smile: "Are you leaving soon? That's good. Remember, after leaving Shuozhou, we don't care what you like to do.  But don¡¯t mess around in Shuozhou! Do you hear me clearly? Our soldiers and horses in Shuozhou are very strong, and it will be easy to suppress you!"

    On the other hand, the deputy brigade commander surnamed Zhou seemed enthusiastic. He pulled Qi Peng and asked him in detail. Fortunately, Qi Peng dealt with it well. He only said that he originally belonged to the Chicheng border army, but then there was chaos in Chicheng and the army leaders killed each other.  The demons came again. They did not want to stay in Chicheng and die, so they led their men to escape, hoping to go south to join Marshal Tuoba.

    Shuozhou also knew about the Chicheng Incident, and the deputy brigade commander had no doubts - in fact, many of Chicheng's broken troops had already withdrawn to the interior through Shuozhou, and they were not the first group.

    After chatting for a while, the deputy brigade commander revealed: He saw that Qi Peng's hundreds of troops were quite strong and powerful, and his Tiger Brigade intended to recruit them, and asked Qi Peng if he was willing?  If he is willing, he is willing to introduce Qi Peng to Huaishuo Commander Gao Yeming, and all this team will join the Tiger Brigade.

    Meng Ju was sitting not far away. He heard clearly and was surprised.  Just when he was worried that Qi Peng didn't know how to deal with it, he saw him smiling happily and saying, "In that case, I'm really grateful to Commander Zhou! If the recruitment can be successful, the requirements for a humble position are not high. I just want to be a deputy brigade commander."  alright!"

    Three hundred people are no more than a battalion in the Northern Xinjiang military system, and newly recruited officers are generally unlikely to serve as army commanders, so the price Deputy Brigade Commander Zhou is prepared to offer is at most a deputy commander.  And this man named Qi actually wanted a deputy brigade marshal. This guy was too ignorant of praise - the deputy brigade commander Zhou's expression changed, he turned around and left, but he never talked to Qi Peng again.

    The officials of Shuozhou Governor¡¯s Yamen came slowly but left very quickly.  That Ma Tongpan left a road note, and he told Qi Peng that he could use it to collect a few days of food and grass supplies at the military station in front.  Before leaving, he warned sternly again: "You go faster and don't stay in Shuozhou for too long! If you dare to cause trouble to the place, I will definitely kill you!"

    Qi Peng nodded and bowed: "Don't worry, sir, we will definitely not stay in Shuozhou for a long time."

    After sending these people away, Meng Ju and Qi Peng smiled knowingly: I'm sorry, I was really overthinking beforehand.

    Although Tuoba Xiong led the main force of the northern border army south, due to various reasons, there are still many remnants of the border army left in various parts of northern Xinjiang. They were not able to evacuate with the large army at that time, and now they are moving south in batches one after another.  There must be a lot of them.  The military discipline of the border army was poor, and the local government in Shuozhou must have suffered a lot. They just asked these uncles not to mess around in the country. How could they suspect that they were fake?

    After experiencing this small episode, Meng Ju and others immediately felt relieved.  On the fifth day, the team left Shuozhou and entered the territory of Bingzhou, which was also the territory under the jurisdiction of the Northern Frontier Army.  Compared with Shuozhou, Bingzhou's inspections were more lax - Shuozhou officials at least set up a post on the road to check the soldiers and horses coming and going, while Bingzhou's officials and garrison did not even check - anyway, there was Shuozhou in front of them  Even Dongping's soldiers and horses can't fly over.

    Now, Meng Juzhen feels more and more that Qin Xuan's idea of ??changing into a border soldier is really brilliant.  These days, the military discipline of the imperial army has deteriorated and its reputation is worse than that of bandits.  Seeing hundreds of powerful imperial officers and soldiers approaching, they were hiding as far away as possible from the local government, county soldiers, and local gangs. Everyone just asked Meng Ju and his party not to plunder.  Just nuisance the place, who would come to provoke these gangsters when they are full?  But if you pretend to be a caravan, you'll be in trouble. Bandits will come to rob you, gangs will want to pump water, the government will collect taxes, and all sorts of troubles will arise.

    Meng Ju's journey south was smooth, passing through Shuozhou, Bingzhou, Zhongshan, Jizhou and other places. Along the way, traces of the military disaster could be seen everywhere.  Those counties and provinces that voluntarily surrendered to the Northern Xinjiang Army were better off. Tuoba Xiong still cherished his own territory and was willing to restrain his subordinates.  But in those areas that had resisted the Northern Xinjiang army - especially Jizhou, in this province, the county soldiers supported by the Murong family once attacked the Northern Xinjiang troops who went south.There was fierce resistance, and the two armies fought back and forth. The villages and towns where Meng Ju had settled before were now only desolate and charred.  In the grass beside the road, corpses and bones can be seen from time to time. The smell of corpses is overwhelming, and large groups of crows rise and fall back and forth.  The once prosperous ferries and polder towns are now only covered with large areas of weeds and charred weeds burned by fires.

    Meng Ju walked among the wild grass and black soil for three days and two nights, but he didn't even meet anyone. He couldn't even stay overnight or buy food. He spent the night in the wild.  The once densely populated Central Plains area has now become a ruin with "thousands of miles of uninhabited people and bones left in the wild". This feeling is really hard to let go. Meng Ju was in a low mood and could not be happy for a long time.

    After marching for several days, after leaving Jizhou and seeing towns and people again, Meng Ju felt a little relieved.  In the towns on the way, Meng Ju asked an officer who was escorting grain and grass for information: "Brother, let me ask you something: Where did our uncle, the commander-in-chief, attack? Did he capture Luojing?"

    Because everyone was a soldier coming south from northern Xinjiang, the officer was not wary and answered readily: "Capture Luojing? It's still early! The rebel leader Murong Po went to fight in person, and the commander was with him in Xiangzhou.  The war is about to start, and I heard that many brothers were killed or injured. It seems that this battle still needs to be fought! Brothers, if you are transferred to Xiangzhou, I advise you to slow down!"

    From this officer¡¯s mouth, Meng Ju found out the latest military information: at the beginning of the war, the northern Xinjiang frontier army¡¯s crazy momentum of marching southward had been curbed. The head of the Murong family, Murong Po, personally led 80,000 imperial guardsmen to go north to meet them.  The main forces of the two armies met in Xiangzhou. They fought many battles with each other winning and losing, and a stalemate was formed.

    Murong Po personally conquered Xiangzhou. This matter was indeed very important, but Meng Ju didn't care.  What he is concerned about is where his good brother Murong Yi is, but this kind of thing is not something that ordinary border army officers can know.  To be on the safe side, Meng Ju asked many people. Although no one knew exactly where Murong Yi was, everyone was sure of one thing: Murong Yi's name was not among the generals of the Murong family in Xiangzhou.

    As Murong Yi's eldest son, if he plays a role in Xiangzhou, he should be a very eye-catching character. But now no one knows what he said. After discussing with his subordinates, Meng Ju felt that Murong Yi's role in Xiangzhou  Very unlikely.  Moreover, according to royal practice, when the emperor is on his own expedition, the prince is usually left to guard the rear. It is very likely that Murong Yi stayed in Luojing to look after the base camp for his father.

    Xiangzhou is close and Luojing is far away. Where should I go?

    It only took half a second for Meng Ju to make a decision: go straight to Luojing to find Murong Yi!

    ¡° Going to Xiangzhou is too risky¡ªnot the risk on the road, but the risk after arriving in Xiangzhou.  He didn't have much friendship with old man Murong Po. He might have been sent into battle as cannon fodder by this old guy as soon as he got there.

    ¡°As for going to Luojing, with his friendship with Murong Yi, he would be embarrassed to send him into battle right after they met, right?  He always had to let himself rest for a few days, visit relatives and friends, catch up on old times, eat and drink, and then send him to the front line of Xiangzhou - although Meng Ju had a reputation as a tough general, it didn't mean that he liked killing and being killed.

    In the Xiangzhou battlefield, both the Murong family and the Tuoba family mobilized more than 100,000 troops. The scale and brutality of this Central Plains war, which determined the fate of the country, could not be compared to the war in Northern Xinjiang. The number of dead was probably high.  In this kind of large-scale fighting, no matter how good you are, you can't guarantee that you will come out alive.  It would be good to stay in such a dangerous place for one less day, but what's even better - if you linger like this, maybe the battle will be over by the time you get to the front line, that would be even better.

    Therefore, Meng Ju did not choose Xiangzhou, which was relatively close, but took a long detour and rushed to Luojing from Dan County, Huatai City, and Shangdang County.  After entering Shangdang County, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Soldiers, baggage trains, civilian husbands, and horse teams could be seen everywhere on the road. There were three steps, one checkpoint, five steps and one post on the road. The team was subject to interrogation checkpoints and patrol posts at any time.

    Faced with interrogations by sentry posts, Meng Ju and his party always lied that they were ordered to go to the frontier to perform secret missions. Although they had complete certificates and had access to roads opened by local governments, a road suddenly appeared in their jurisdiction without any prior knowledge.  After receiving the notice, the Northern Xinjiang troops encountered along the way were still quite confused.

    Facing the interrogation checkpoints and patrol posts, Qi Peng used all his tricks to deceive those who could get past him. However, when encountering some highly vigilant checkpoints, Qi Peng straightened his face, showing an arrogant and arrogant face.  , the riding whip was whipped across the face: "Grandpa has important business to do, how dare you guys block the way? If you miss Grandpa's important event, it will be easy to kill you all!"

    In many levels, they can only rush past with bluffs and hits.  Many times when he passed the border, Meng Ju secretlyHe secretly put on his battle armor and hid in the truck. As soon as the talks broke down outside, he would rush out and start killing people. Fortunately, such a thing never happened. Even though the number of officers and soldiers guarding the card was greater than theirs, they still couldn't.  Because he didn't get the order to go up to the peak, and he was afraid of really offending the powerful master on the road, he didn't dare to take action against Qi Peng and the others. He could only watch the people walking away arrogantly, and vomited bitterly.  A mouthful of saliva: "You bastard, do you want to die in a hurry?"

    Danggui County in Shangdang County is the forefront occupied by the Northern Xinjiang Army.  After passing this level, a group of people from Northern Xinjiang entered the war zone.  It just so happened that they encountered a scout cavalry team from the Murong family in the wilderness less than thirty miles away from the Danggui County.

    Being unprepared and suddenly encountered a northern frontier army in the wilderness was a shocking surprise for the scout cavalry.  Seeing that there were many armored warriors in Meng Ju's team, the scout team saw that the opportunity was not good and turned around and ran away.  Meng Ju chased for more than ten miles and finally caught a lame cavalryman who was lagging behind.  The guy was also smart. Seeing that he couldn't run away, he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy. As a result, Qi Peng spent a long time to convince him that he didn't intend to kill him.

    Led by this straggler soldier, Meng Ju and others arrived at Wuchang County, the Murong family's most advanced stronghold in Shangdang County.  Here, he met the top commander of the local garrison, a leader of the Jinwu Guard named Liu.

    This Liu Guanling was a very rough and arrogant military attache - according to Meng Ju's opinion, he was the kind who had a weak head.  Although Meng Ju has repeatedly stated that he is an army from Dongping in northern Xinjiang and an ally of the Murong family. He came all the way to fight to help the Murong family, but Liu Guanling did not listen at all. He only regarded Meng Ju as such.  The gang member was a deserter from the Northern Xinjiang Army. He said rudely: "Brother Meng, you abandoned the secrets and defected to our side. This is a good thing. It is better to follow the imperial court and get a good salary and food, than to betray the party in Northern Xinjiang."  Be nice."

    Meng Ju really had nothing to say when he met such a rough-looking officer from Madaha.  He asked to see Liu Guanling's boss, but Liu Guanling said that he was the highest military officer in Wuchang County.  Meng Ju asked to go to the rear to see his boss, but Liu Guanling refused. He said to Meng Ju: "Brother Meng Ju, you can stay here with me in peace! As long as you can work with me in peace,  I will never treat you badly. You have three hundred people, and I promise to get you a deputy manager¡¯s hat. Even if you find the boss, you can¡¯t be higher than this official!"

    Meng Ju is really dumbfounded: He is a powerful warlord, and this little battalion commander actually wants to mess with him?  I'm afraid Murong Yi, the eldest son of the Murong family, would be embarrassed to say this, right?  He didn't bother to talk to this guy anymore and just took out Murong Yi's letter and showed it to him. However, this country bumpkin couldn't read and had to ask the master from the camp to come over and explain. He was shocked on the spot. Only then did Liu Guanling know.  This group of "deserters" actually had a lot of background, and they immediately became in awe and treated them as honored guests.

    The next day, Meng Ju and his party left Wuchang County and continued towards Luojing.  Because the place he passed was the territory of the Murong family, and Meng Ju had Murong Yi's letter with him, the government and the garrison along the way did not dare to make trouble, and the journey was smooth and smooth, which was much better than before.

    On April 8, the ninth year of Taichang, Meng Ju arrived in Huating County, Luojing Gyeonggi Province.  Outside the city gate, Meng Ju saw a group of people standing there from a distance, including many civil and military officials wearing official robes.  He thought he was welcoming some high-ranking official of the imperial court, but unexpectedly, someone from a distance shouted in this direction: "Excuse me, are those from over there the troops of Marshal Meng of Dongping?"

    "We are Dongping Dongling Guards. May I ask who you are"

    A heroic young red-robed military attache walked out of the crowd. He bowed his hands and saluted the troops: "Excuse me, is Marshal Meng here? The last general is Guard Tiexin of the Jinwu Guard. By order of Prince Jun, I am here to await the arrival of the Marshal.  "

    Meng Jue also recognized Wei Tiexin, and he walked out of the team: "Excuse me, the guard commander - uh, the guard brigade commander has been waiting for a long time!" He looked at Wei Tiexin's fifth-grade military attache's red robe, and said with a smile: "Half a year has passed.  See, Mr. Wei has been promoted!"

    Wei Tiexin bowed slightly with a friendly smile: "It's all thanks to the cultivation of His Highness, and I also want to thank Marshal Meng for his support. Your Excellency traveled a long distance from northern Xinjiang and worked hard all the way. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was very happy when he heard that the Marshal came to help him personally.  Huanxi, I wanted to go out in person to greet you, but I was busy with business and couldn't get away. Because the general is familiar with the commander-in-chief, I volunteered to come over to greet him. I hope the commander-in-chief won't dislike the commander-in-chief for being presumptuous."

    "Your Highness the Crown Prince? Could it be"

    "Exactly, the emperor personally went to Xiangzhou. Before leaving, he had already consecrated the eldest son as the prince and stayed in Luojing to supervise the country. Marshal, you have worked hard all the way. A banquet has been prepared in the city. I also ask the marshal to reward you with millions of dollars."

    Wei Tiexin introduced to Meng Ju the civil and military officials present, including the Huating County magistrate and several local garrison officers. The officials greeted Meng Ju one after another, politely and thoughtfully, but?Not very enthusiastic - thinking about it, I know that a frontier military leader thousands of miles away will naturally not be in the eyes of Beijing officials.  Everyone obviously came here for Wei Tiexin's sake.

    The banquet was full of drinks and glasses, and it was very lively.  During the dinner, Meng Ju asked Wei Tiexin several times about the current situation of the war, but the latter either avoided answering or said some high-sounding words: "Your Majesty led 300,000 elite royal troops to personally conquer Xiangzhou. When the army arrived, those ugly commanders  The sun is in ashes. Marshal, you have just arrived, so there is no need to worry about trivial matters."

    After the banquet, Wei Tiexin led Meng Ju to his residence to rest. Along the way, he tested Meng Ju in a roundabout way several times, wanting to know how many troops and horses came to Dongping to help, saying that they would "prepare food, lodging and provisions." Meng Ju also  There is no need to hide it from him, just tell him straightforwardly: "I command three hundred people, all of whom are selected armored warriors in the army. They are enough to fight one against ten."

    Wei Tiexin's face clearly showed disappointment, and Meng Ju immediately continued: "This is just an advance army, and subsequent armies will arrive one after another. The total number Because the road is far away, the rebels in Northern Xinjiang are entrenched along the way.  Hold on, I can¡¯t say how many soldiers and horses will arrive safely now, but there must be a few thousand, maybe tens of thousands.¡±

    Wei Tiexin's expression immediately improved: "The marshal traveled thousands of miles to come to our aid. This friendship is touching. His Royal Highness was very happy to hear the news of the marshal's arrival. I would like to express my gratitude to him in advance."

    "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and I have a deep friendship, and our two families are indistinguishable from each other. If Master Wei says this, it seems too foreign."

    That night, Meng Ju and his party rested in Huating County.  In order to entertain the prince's distinguished guests from afar, Wei Tiexin was also very dedicated. Not only did he provide good wine and meat, he also prepared a prostitute's house for the officers in the team to spend the night.  Meng Ju refused to stay with the prostitute because he was tired from the journey, but he did not interfere with his subordinates - he couldn't force his subordinates to become vegetarian because Meng Ju didn't eat meat.  We all risked our lives and walked among hundreds of thousands of border troops for a month, so we had to reward ourselves with some benefits.

    After resting for two days in Huating County, Wei Tiexin urged Meng Ju to enter Luojing quickly - he said, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has a deep friendship with the Marshal, and he is eagerly looking forward to your early arrival!", but in fact, everyone knew that,  It is true that Murong Yi was hoping that Meng Ju's troops would arrive quickly.

    However, the Murong family valued the fighting armors of just two brigades so much - Meng Ju probably knew that the situation of the Murong family was probably not very good!  Wei Tiexin didn't dare to say it, for fear of scaring away the rare reinforcements coming his way?

    On April 12, at dusk, when the tall city walls of Luojing were seen on the dusk horizon, the soldiers from northern Xinjiang let out a cry of joy.

    "Luo Jing, the end of this trip has finally arrived!"

    During the eight-year incident in Taichang, rebels and imperial troops fought repeatedly. Many streets in Luojing City were razed to the ground. Residents suffered heavy casualties and fled in large numbers.  Although the Murong family later stabilized the situation in the capital, due to the constant war, they did not have the energy to rebuild Luojing. Therefore, when they entered the city, what appeared in front of Meng Ju was still the ruins of Cangyi.

    Walking on Tongtuo Street, seeing the sparsely populated streets and the heavy atmosphere of twilight, Meng Ju couldn't help but sigh, lamenting the vicissitudes of life and how all prosperity would eventually fade away like falling flowers.

    Wei Tiexin led Meng Ju into Neiguo City and took him to live in Yanran Tower of "Siyi Pavilion".  The Siyi Pavilion was a place used by the Wei Dynasty to entertain foreign dignitaries, and it was specially used to accommodate visitors and merchants from all over the world.

    Although the Siyi Pavilion is called a "pavilion", it is actually a large garden.  It is the spring season, with lush vegetation, blooming flowers, small bridges and flowing water, and graceful girls in fluttering clothes playing in the forest. Towers are located in the picturesque scenery. It looks like a fairyland on earth, but there is still a fire outside.  of war.

    Walking on the forest path filled with colorful flowers and chirping birds, Meng Ju couldn't help but think of the time when Bai Wusha led him to see Emperor Jingmu and passed by the gate of Siyi Pavilion.

    "Master Wei, to tell you the truth, I have seen this Siyi Pavilion before. But at that time, I never thought that I could be admitted as a foreign guest."

    Wei Tiexin hurriedly said: "Commander, you have also seen that Luojing has undergone tremendous changes and suffered huge losses. The imperial city is still under rest and it is really difficult for people to live in. Only the Siyi Pavilion is still intact. Prince, please  You stay here because it is clean and comfortable, but I have no intention of treating you as an outsider!"

    "Wei Tiexin, is he too sensitive?"

    Meng Ju was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Hey, Master Wei is worrying too much. That's not what I meant."

    "Haha, Marshal, the scenery in each area of ????Siyi Pavilion is still worth seeing. If there is anything else that Marshal needscome here!"

    With Wei Tiexin¡¯s shout, the trees on the pathA wretched man wearing a green official robe and a goatee hurriedly ran out. He knelt down and saluted Wei Tiexin: "In this humble position, please see Mr. Wei! What are your orders?"

    "Commander, this is the manager of the Siyi Pavilion. His surname is Lu During your stay here, he will be responsible for all affairs. If you need anything, just tell him - anything will do.  !¡±

    At the last sentence, Wei Tiexin increased his voice and gave Meng Ju an ambiguous smile that "every man knows". But when he turned to Manager Lu, he was not polite at all and shouted sharply: "Manager Lu,  Marshal Meng is an old friend of His Highness the Crown Prince, a distinguished guest specially invited from Northern Xinjiang! The Marshal lives here with you. If you do not serve him well and make the Marshal unhappy - His Highness the Prince will not skin you.  !¡±

    Manager Lu was frightened to the point of peeing, and he knelt down and kowtowed: "Don't worry, Mr. Wei, don't worry! I will do my best to serve Marshal Meng in my humble position, and I will never dare to be lazy or slack off. Don't worry!"

    "Marshuai Meng, if they do something bad, just tell me! I will take care of them!"

    "Ah, oh, ok, Master Wei is really thoughtful." Meng Ju turned his head to look at the scenery in the distance, so as not to let his shocked expression be seen by Wei Tiexin: "Well, Master Wei, I have rushed a lot today.  I¡¯m a little tired from the road, could you take me to a resting place?¡±

    "This is indeed an oversight by the general. I'm sorry, sorry - steward, is Marshal Meng's residence ready? Lead the way."

    "Yes, we are ready. Master Wei, Marshal Meng, please come with me."

    Wei Tiexin was very polite and made sure to send Meng Ju to his residence to settle down before leaving. Meng Ju saw him out of the door and expressed his gratitude to the young general for taking care of him along the way.  It¡¯s a matter of personal responsibility.¡±  After Wei Tiexin had gone far away, Meng Jucai turned around and went back to his room. Manager Lu was still standing by the door with his body bowed and his eyebrows lowered.

    Looking at Steward Lu¡¯s thin and wretched face and sparse goatee, Meng Ju smiled easily.

    "Mr. Yi, long time no see. How are you?"
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