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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Fantasy -> Take charge of the future

Volume One Chapter 207 The Secret

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    Under such a situation, there are certainly fewer Japanese people who can chat and fart online, so of course there are fewer Japanese websites overall.  But does this mean that what Wen Xun and the others did was wrong?  Does this prove that the premise of Wenxun's entire marketing method no longer exists?  Of course not!  Before Wen Xun chose the Internet as a platform to promote the information he wanted to promote, it was not because of how many people were on the Internet in Japan!  Of course, more is better, but less is not a big deal!  After all, they just want to throw out the ground zero to attract attention. As long as a certain number of people are interested, wouldn't it be easy to spread?

    This is a bit like the spread of infectious diseases. Perhaps if an infectious disease is to be spread, it is best to infect more people at the first time, and then spread it to the outside world through these people as the first generation carriers.  Of course, the communication efficiency is high in this way, but who says it must be like this?  In theory, infectious diseases only need the first person to be infected, and then the subsequent spread will almost always spread exponentially!  There are fewer people at the beginning, which only slightly reduces the speed of transmission. As long as the transmission properties of the virus are strong enough, it can actually spread all over the world in a short time!  Why do you say that?  This is about talking about exponential growth.

    There was a man in ancient India who invented a game chess with a total of 64 squares on the chessboard. He dedicated this chess to the king.  The king had a great time and ordered a reward for the chess player.  The minister asked the chess presenter what he wanted.  The chess player said: "He only needs food, and he will be satisfied if he asks the king to give him some food." When asked how much food he needed, he said that he only asked for a grain of rice in the first grid of the chessboard and a grain of rice in the second grid.  Two grains of rice.  Put four grains of rice in the third grid In short, the rice in the following grid is doubled compared to the previous grid. It is enough to fill all 64 grids.  When the king heard this, he agreed.  The ministers also thought: This little rice is nothing.  Then he led the chess player to receive the rice.  Unexpectedly, after all the rice stored in the warehouse was spent, it was still not enough!  Why?  Because this is exponential power growth!

    Put one grain of rice in the first grid, two grains of rice in the second grid, and four grains in the third grid, so we actually start from the second grid.  This is 2 to the power of 2-1, and 2-1 is equal to 1, so the second grid is 2 to the power of 1, and the third grid is 2 to the power of 3-1, which is 2 to the power of 2.  There are sixty-four grids in total, so the last grid is 2 raised to the sixty-third power.  What is the sixty-third power of 2?  It is a number like 9223372036854775808, which is a number like ninety trillion trillion!  This is only 64 grids!  What if you think of the chessboard as a person?  The first person is rice in the first grid. He is the only one who has seen such a news. Then the second grid is 2, which is the first person who knows the news and tells one of his friends.  , so two people knew about such a thing.

    Next, these two people will tell one of their friends respectively, then four people will know.  These four people then tell one of their friends respectively, that is, 8 people know.  Of course, in such a "contagion" model.  In fact, the first person to know is that he has to have many friends all the time, and he has to tell one more friend every time. In fact, a person does not necessarily have that many friends.  But it doesn¡¯t matter even if you don¡¯t have so many friends, because the actual news dissemination is not so strictly based on the pattern of one person telling only one person!  According to the research of sociologists, when humans spread news, it is basically relevant information that one person can spread to 12 people!  These 12 people include various relatives and friends!

    In such a situation.  One person can spread it to 12 people, and then these 12 people can actually spread it to 12 people.  So after two transmissions, there were actually 144 people.  Then what if each of the 144 people spread it to 12 more people?  So how many people are there?  That¡¯s 1,728 people!  Then one person spreads it to 12 people, that¡¯s 20,736 people, and each person spreads it to 12 people, that¡¯s 248,000 people!  From one person to nearly 250,000 people, how many times did it spread?  5 times!  From one person to 250,000 people, it only takes 5 times of transmission!  But why do we usually find no news that can spread to 250,000 people in an instant?  Why don¡¯t we hear any common gossip in daily life?  The main reason for this is how worthy of spreading such a message is, because in the process of spreading, such a message itself will also "weaken"!

    In short, if a message itself is very contagious, but it is relatively "weak", then it may spread to 12 people, and those 12 people may not necessarily spread it to 12 more people!  This may not be 144 people after it spreads for the second time, but maybe only 50 or 60 people.  And these fifty or sixty people, maybeSome people just heard it and didn't spread it to the outside world at all. Wouldn't the spread of it suddenly become weaker?  This is of course a problem that Wenxun has to face, and it is also a problem that viral marketing must face.  Because when information like Ground Zeroes is not so unusual that people subconsciously want to help spread it, then in fact such viral marketing has failed!

    So when making such a virus, or in other words, making such a zero point, you must be careful, and you must try your best to make it so that everyone can be interested!  Try your best to make such a virus less likely to weaken!  To give a simple example, it is like the long-lasting salad tower activity in Pizza Hut. What is the origin of such an activity itself?  Yes, you can only take one bowl of salad at a time, but there is no limit on the quantity. As long as it can fit in one bowl, you can take it away!  Then out of nowhere, on the Internet or somewhere, there appeared some people who were very good at building salad towers. They used carrots or the like as a base at the bottom, and then slowly went up, and finally they could have more than ten layers, which could make other salad towers.  Consumers were shocked when they saw it!

    After other consumers exclaimed, ¡°This person is so awesome,¡± what happened next was a bit intriguing!  On the one hand, after consumers see this kind of post, they will subconsciously feel that there is an advantage to be taken advantage of!  You can also learn to do it yourself!  After all, a bowl is a portion of money. You can take more or less and it¡¯s still a lot of money. Who wouldn¡¯t want to save some money?  And how handsome does he look?  So consumers themselves are tempted to try it!  And because such a message or a post is very attractive in itself, consumers can easily tell their relatives and friends about such a thing, and after their relatives and friends know about it, they will of course want to try it!  So in the end, more people went to Pizza Hut to try stacking salads, but these people never thought that if they didn't go to Pizza Hut, they could even save money on salads!  But they didn't realize this. They just realized that if they go to Pizza Hut and stack the salads well, they can take advantage of it. But after taking advantage of this small advantage, they still give people money!

    Wen Xun doesn¡¯t know whether this pile of salads in Pizza Hut is a viral marketing, but what Wen Xun knows is that this is definitely a very good sample of viral marketing!  Look at what others are doing, look at their publicity effects!  Maybe this is not necessarily propaganda in itself, but it is not a problem, but the effect is quite good, and consumers are completely unaware of the existence of promotion!  It can not only make consumers actively want to go to Pizza Hut, but also help sell such a message to relatives, friends and people around them!  In the end, more and more people are going to Pizza Hut, and of course Pizza Hut is making a lot of money!  After all, no matter how much consumers try, there are still only a few people who can achieve extreme results. On the other hand, even if they do, so what? No matter how much they stack, Pizza Hut will not make money.  Pizza Hut's global procurement, even in mainland China, is regional procurement. The cost of large-scale procurement is quite low!  Where can buyers find the best sellers?  On the surface, consumers seem to be taking advantage and spending less money, but in fact it only allows businesses to make more money!  This is actually a bit like a buffet. When ordinary people think of a buffet, it seems that a big eater will definitely make the business lose money.

    But please don¡¯t forget that there are still only a few people in the world who can really make businesses suffer losses!  Most people still can't make businesses lose money.  So in fact, it doesn¡¯t matter even if a merchant encounters one or two big eaters, he has already made money back from other consumers!  This is quite similar to the insurance industry.  How does the insurance industry make money?  You make money based on chance!  The insurance industry insures others. For example, if something goes wrong with an insurance policy of 100,000 yuan, it will pay someone else 1 million.  But if everyone had an accident, wouldn¡¯t the insurance company suffer a huge loss?  Are insurance companies just good people who are here to contribute to society and distribute money to the people?  Of course not, this insurance company makes money from most people who have nothing to do!  As long as most people don't get into trouble, then it doesn't matter if something happens to a few people. After the insurance company compensates, it will enhance its credibility and attract more people!  And in such a situation, the insurance company actually made a profit!  And you make a lot of money!

    The core of "viral marketing" is the creation of "virus".  No matter what form the "virus" ultimately takes, it must possess basic infection genes.  "Virus" must be unique, convenient and fast, and must be "cool" and "interesting", and allow the audience to accept it voluntarily and feel that it benefits greatly.  "Viral marketing" must be "permissive" rather than "forced", allowing the audience to voluntarily accept and spread voluntarily.  In some ways, as long as these elements are in place, such a viral marketing idea is bound to be a hot seller!  That will definitely spread very widely!  In other words, if Wenxun can cooperate with Kadokawa Bookstore,If it is done well, in fact, even if there are few websites and forums in Japan, and even if the audience it can reach is small, under such a situation, the "red flag" can still be checked all over the world!  (To be continued)
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