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Text Chapter 442 Vegetable Garden

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    ¡®There is still no sunshine¡¯ There is still a hazy fog between the sky and the earth.  The wind cannot take away the thick darkness that makes the eyes obsessed, but it brings the cold that dispels the last trace of warmth.

    Lin Xiang raised his feet and slowly walked out of the unobstructed doorframe.  Standing on the roof of the building where the cold wind was howling, I raised my head and shuddered subconsciously. I took a deep breath of the dry and cold air, and let out a long breath of questions that had accumulated inside my body and could not find the answer.

    The mysterious land in the southwest corner that has been firmly locked has not changed at all.  Exhaling a breath of thick lung air, Lin Xiang stepped forward, walked up the steps to the vent at the top of the floor, took out the tactical telescope from his backpack, hesitated for a moment, and looked in a direction that was beyond his ability to understand.

    The various abilities of the parasitic general are far beyond those of ordinary people.  Even without auxiliary equipment such as a telescope, Lin Xiang could still clearly see everything happening there.  However, he still wanted to witness it with his own eyes in the most human way.  perhaps.  c.  ". This is the most real and closest to the secret itself.

    Under the hazy sky, a small hill with undulating surface shape is tightly wrapped by a forest of reinforced concrete buildings.  It covers a large area and also has settings such as ponds or fountains.  Pavilions, winding corridors, stone rockeries with too many traces of artificial modification, children's game equipment such as swivel chairs.  "." Yes, all of this completely overlaps with the scenes in Lin Xiang's memory, and there is no trace left behind.

    An abandoned old-era park is also one of the few remaining oasis in the city.

    The focus of the problem is not the park itself.  This kind of place appears in almost all ruins and has no appeal to Lin Xiang.  What interested him was just a piece of land in the southwest corner of the park.

    There, it should be the area that originally belonged to the green belt.  The trees and flowers have long since died, and there are a few dry and cracked tree roots piled on the masonry platform near the edge of the winding path.  Apart from someone digging them out from the ground, Lin Xiang really couldn't find a second explanation.

    A hundred years can turn many originally useful things into garbage.  Tree roots are no exception.  Lin Xiang didn't think that mutant beasts would do something like this that was just killing time.  Although they possess a certain degree of intelligence, they have not yet evolved to the point where they can use or make tools like ancient apes.  What's more, the soil next to the tree roots has been filled in.  Even if it is to gnaw the tender roots and stems, it is impossible for wild animals to do so.

    Lin Xiang, whose facial expression was hidden by the telescope, slightly tilted the camera and stared at the two pieces of soil next to the tree roots that were originally part of the green belt.  Thick white mist with hot air was constantly exhaled from the nostrils and lips, and the bullying on the chest became more and more intense.

    The garden has been converted into a vegetable patch.  There are vegetables growing inside.  The leaves on the surface are already a little yellow, but through the half-withered and shrunken corners, you can still see the green leaves in the middle.  It's just that the quantity is not large, and some of them should have been harvested and still remain in the ground, probably for planting purposes.

    Crazy thoughts violently impacted Lin Xiang's brain like a tide.  He only felt dizzy, and there was a soft feeling of weakness all over his body.  However, his subjective consciousness desperately asked him to open his eyes wide and look at it, observing every detail there with great greed, and at the same time, he quickly thought of various ways to deal with it.

    "There's no doubt there's someone there.

    But.  "c Such an answer is extremely ridiculous. It is even impossible.

    Where are the ruins?

    This is a ruin filled with mutated creatures and full of death and killing.

    The radiation here has not yet dissipated, and the intensity of the rays is even stronger than in severe radiation areas in the wild.  Even the mob who have adapted to the environment will never dare to take a step forward.  Even a super force like the Skeleton Knights, backed by powerful weapons, can only linger on the edge of the ruins and cannot penetrate deep into it.

    ¡°However, there are actually humans here.

    It¡¯s ridiculous, it¡¯s ridiculous, but it¡¯s the reality that really happened in front of Lin Xiang.

    He doesn¡¯t know what other creature on earth has the skill of ¡°planting.¡± This is a food-obtaining method that humans have gradually discovered and evolved through continuous migration and change of living places during hundreds of millions of years of evolution.  Although all living things on earth are evolving, their level of intelligence is far from the standards required for cultivation.

    Except for human beings, Lin Xiang could not find the second answer.

    Lin Xiang slowly put down the telescope and suppressed the surging and exciting desire deep in his heart.  He gritted his teeth tightly and managed to squeeze out a few words that completely lost their original sounds from the grinding sound.

    "this.".  "This is impossible.".  "No way."  ""

    He really didn¡¯t want to believe his eyes.However, this scene is a fact that no one can change.

    In the darkness, a very faint shadow flashed back and forth among the ruins of the building c

    That was Lin Xiang running at high speed. His moving speed was far beyond imagination, and his position changed from time to time.  The wind blowing against my face became cold and hard.  He jumped from the top of a house to the collapsed wall of another, and even rushed directly into an abandoned house without stopping.  He chose the simplest and shortest straight line from the top of the building to the old park in the southwest direction.  He was eager to find out the answer to the mystery. While the energy in his body was burning fiercely, it also turned his whole body into a high-speed flying abnormal warhead. He rushed into the middle of the car wreckage crowded on the street, crushing a path.  It looks like a road washed away by hot lava.  The dilapidated walls and reinforced concrete were smashed to pieces, and the building that lost its support swayed and collapsed, erupting with a deafening roar that ended everything.  Occasionally, a few mutated beasts hiding in the darkness tried to capture him as prey, but were crushed on the spot by the strong airflow surrounding their bodies, turning them into piles of broken bones that smelled of fresh blood.  Rotten meat.

    Standing in front of the vegetable patch in the west area of ??the park, Lin Xiang still had an unreal feeling.  It was as if the dishes right in front of him were fakes placed here deliberately by someone.

    Of course they can¡¯t be fake He squatted down and gently touched the uneven vegetable leaves with his trembling fingers. A coldness with a hint of snow and frost ran along his fingers and ran through his body.

    This is a long-stemmed broad-leaf plant that was extremely common in the old days and can be bought at any farmer¡¯s market.  The stems are thick and slightly drooping in all directions. They have a dark green color that is more ink-like.  They grow very majestic, and the outermost leaves have begun to turn yellow. The core, wrapped in layers of fresh leaves, grows tall and protrudes into a long stem as thick as a thumb.  At the top, there are pale white cross-shaped flowers blooming.  Occasionally, if the wind blows, it will sway back and forth in the direction of the air flow.  But it did not break on the spot, but stubbornly stood upright and silently completed its mission of raising seeds for future generations.

    This scene is clearer and more intuitive than what Lin Xiang saw on the roof of the building in the distance.

    He stood blankly in front of the vegetable field, looking up to the sky, breathing in the dry and cold air.  His trembling hands unconsciously grabbed a few handfuls of snow from the ground and covered it directly on his face, which was burned by rush, panic, expectation and countless complex emotions.  Rub it back and forth, using ice to slightly lower the terrifying temperature that seems to be about to burn you alive.  It wasn't until a hint of whiteness appeared again on his blood-red cheeks that he shook his head vigorously, expelling the thoughts that seemed to be crazily gathering thousands of ants in his mind, and finally recovered a little bit to think about the current problem.  Indispensable Qingming.

    This is a vegetable plot that is smoothly and orderly distributed.  There are high arched ridges and shallow concave ditches.  Black and hard fecal particles were mixed between the mud and ice chips.  In the vegetable patch next to it, there were only dozens of vegetable roots that had been cut short from the bottom.  This further confirmed Lin Xiang's suspicion  these were the scratches left by a sharp instrument such as a knife.  Only humans can make and use tools c

    He lowered his head, widened his eyes, and stared at the land under his feet that was filled with countless questions.  Invisible to the naked eye, inside the tightly pressed lips, two rows of white teeth bite together fiercely.  He said nothing and could not speak.  It's just that the pupils in the center of his eyes kept changing the focus of his gaze, looking around crazily and eagerly, desperately searching for every possible clue.

    The most original purpose of human farming is to obtain enough food.  This kind of working method is more direct than nomadic herding or fishing and hunting.

    The harvest quantity often depends on factors such as land area or moisture, cropping efficiency, etc.  But it is undeniable that farming is indeed the most fundamental sign of mankind's escape from barbarism and ignorance and its evolution into advanced intelligent life.

    Under the feet, there is indeed a piece of fertile soil that can be cultivated and suitable for the growth of crops.

    It is very dark in color, with a thick layer of humus formed by withered plants ravaged by time.  Among them, there may be other components such as concrete powder that has lost its solidification effect, or rubble fragments.  Animals have no interest in these things at all, but for plants, they are the basis for plants to enter their bodies together with water, nourish them and thrive.

    It is not unusual for such a scene to appear in the wilderness or a human settlement.

    However, where I am currently.  "." It is a ruin that was destroyed by war hundreds of years ago.

    According to relevant statistics in 2012, the population of Zhengzhou, the ruins where Lin Xiang is currently located, has already exceeded 10 million.  The Skeleton Knights' intensive attacks on the world are absolutely impossible to miss.  Of course, the missiles launched by the defenders,It is indeed possible to intercept some of the warheads, turning the nuclear explosions that should have fallen to the ground into radioactive dust densely distributed in the sky.  However, Zhengzhou was obviously not so lucky Before entering the ruins, Lin Xiang used instruments to measure the surrounding environment, and the average index obtained was between 880 and 860.  This means that at the end of the distant old era, at least one 5-million-ton nuclear warhead dropped here.

    Even mobs that have a certain degree of radiation resistance cannot survive safely in this environment.  Although they can freely travel between moderate and severe radiation areas, they are not as unrestricted as ordinary people imagine.  In fact, the radiation index that the mob can withstand is about 650. This is hundreds of times higher than that of normal humans, but it is not completely fearless.  When you die, you will die.

    What¡¯s more, there are countless mutated creatures hidden in the ruins.  It¡¯s hard to imagine them coexisting peacefully with humans.  Driven by hunger and life, any creature will turn weak and alien creatures different from itself into the bottom of the natural food chain.

    "them.".  .  cWho are they?  "

    Questions, like invisible snakes, lingered and entangled in Lin Xiang's mind.  Desperately devouring every bit of information he knew that corresponded to the word "human" as much as possible.  At the same time, tens of millions of question marks appeared.  It was as if countless heavy copper hammers were hitting his heart and brain from different directions, shouting and howling crazily, squeezing his thoughts, and tearing apart his consciousness in the fastest and most thorough way.  Search for the answer you desperately want to know.

    At this moment, an unconscious, strange feeling between excitement and consternation suddenly rushed into Lin Xiang's consciousness like a tide This was a tentacle that had been spreading in a state of searching for thoughts.  to some unusual movement.

    That is a shadow Even for a being like Lin Xiang, who possesses the powerful power of a parasitic general, it is still impossible for him to "see" the appearance of the opponent simply by searching through his consciousness without direct observation with the naked eye.  "He" was walking out of the ground floor of an old building about two kilometers southeast of the ruins, walking slowly along the street towards where Lin Xiang was. He slowly turned around and looked at the park gate corresponding to the direction of the visitor.  , Lin Xiang's face, which had gradually calmed down, showed a very strange thought.

    shadow.  "." It appeared very strange.

    how to say.  "." It does not follow the normal rules, detecting the outermost periphery of consciousness from thinking, slowly being discovered by the tentacles of consciousness, and entering the core search circle little by little.  Instead, it flashed into the consciousness coverage network very suddenly and in an extremely unexpected way.  It's like a mansion that has been sited and built, and the whole family is happily living in it. No one thought that just below the cornerstone, there is another nest that has just woken up from hibernation and is spitting out red letters and moving.  A venomous snake with its body searching for food.

    Ordinary people without the ability to evolve can easily imagine what kind of existence "Sigan" is?

    It¡¯s actually not mysterious.  Its function is equivalent to another pair of eyes.  Unlike the naked eye, the mind can penetrate physical obstacles such as walls and detect details in locations that cannot be seen with normal vision.  Compared with other superpowers, Lin Xiang's ability to detect thoughts and consciousness is already extremely powerful.  From the moment he walked into the ruins, he had a clear and detailed floor plan in his mind.  The mutated creatures hidden underground and in various dark corners are marked one by one on the map.

    Of course, what the mind can detect are only species with vitality This is the effect of the collision of individual energies.  The living body has magnetic fields of varying strengths, and the kinetic energy generated by the blood flow is like a sonar that actively transmits signals. However, the area where the shadow is located has not seen any form of fluctuations since before it appeared   You must know that with Lin Xiang's current supernatural power, he can easily detect even a comatose person who has fallen into a deep sleep state.

    Consciousness cannot "see" the appearance of the shadow clearly.

    The reason why "he" is used as a pronoun is because the shadow uses its powerful hind limbs to stand upright like humans.  He walked very slowly, and his average moving speed was about the same as the normal human speed of about five kilometers per hour.

    Lin Xiang glanced at the direction the shadow was coming from and frowned slightly.

    ¡°He¡± and ¡°it¡± are the most direct terms that distinguish humans from other animals.  Although subconsciously, the concept of "he" has been used.

    However, Lin Xiang still has not completely classified the future beings as his own kind.  Even he himself couldn't explain clearly, the shadow was getting closer and closer.  "." What exactly is "him"?  Or "it"?
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