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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> wasteland

Text Chapter 441 Mo Shu

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    (I recommend a book, "The Great Ming Chun" by Dai Xiaolou. It is indeed well written. Although the plot is slow, it is very interesting.)

    Ruins are treasures containing rich resources.

    There are too many available materials here, and there are also available road facilities.  Although most of the various items left over from the old era have become obsolete, there is still room for excavation and use.  [bsp; The steel bars and scrap iron in the wreckage of the building, after being remelted, become high-quality metal materials.  Scraped vehicles piled densely on the streets, chassis parts cleaned with grease can be pieced together into mechanical devices with decent performance.  Energy supply facilities such as power plants can continue to operate after repairs and refurbishments and the replacement of certain components.  .  c.  c.  The wasteland world lacks everything. Whatever you can use, you must not give up easily.

    As three consecutive small-scale ruins completed preliminary cleaning work, Lin Xiang also obtained a very surprising result from the reports of his subordinates The radiation content inside the ruins was actually far less intense than imagined.  Its strength and extension are weaker than some areas in the outer area.  The only explanation for this incredible conclusion.  "." The mutated creatures living deep in the ruins absorbed too much radiation energy and used their own bodies to complete the entire process of purifying the ruins that would have taken hundreds of years.

    This is just an unverified guess.  However, combining existing intelligence and various known data is the inference closest to the facts.

    ¡°I.c.cneed more evidence.¡±

    Walking on the cracked asphalt road, Lin Xiang murmured these words softly.  His blurred eyes had already passed through the tattered, skeleton-like high-rise buildings, looking directly at the streets in the distance that were filled with rubble and vehicle wreckage.

    Here is a very large ruin marked with the serial number "S991" on the empire map.  However, Lin Xiang knew that in the old days, there was another name here - Zhengzhou.

    ¡°Compared to the three small ruins that have been cleaned up, the area and scale of ¡°Naoyin¡± are dozens of times larger.  Standing on the edge of the broken city, Lin Xiang couldn't help but feel a strong rejection of the potential threat.  This means that deep in the ruins, there are likely to be mutant creatures that are equally powerful, or even more terrifying.

    However, no one can stop him.  The emperor's supreme authority, the most powerful man in the Soaring Dragon Empire, a parasitic general who was unable to understand the actual power.  "." He had too many reasons to tell his loyal subordinates to shut up. They could only wait anxiously and uneasily around the ruins, silently waiting for his return.

    There are too many unsolved mysteries in this world.

    To find the answer, you must first have a strength that corresponds to or exceeds the mystery itself.  This contrasting relationship can be understood as science, or it can be seen as a pure contrast of power.  But no matter which one it is, Lin Xiang feels that he already has it.

    Ruins and heavily irradiated areas should be the most mysterious areas on earth.  Almost no one has access there, and there are no overly detailed reports.  Even in the eyes of refugees and even the mob, it is only synonymous with "death".

    The more power you have, the more secrets you know.  However, Lin Xiang carefully read through the intelligence files of various wasteland forces, including the Skeleton Knights, and found no detailed mention of "living corpses" in them.  This terrifying creature that once swept the entire earth has almost disappeared in the wasteland world.  Except for occasionally seeing in the corners of wilderness and valleys, all biological energy has been exhausted, and the body can only be driven by the most basic desires.  They eat almost anything, from the most common mutant giant rats to insects such as ants, plant leaves and stems, and even the calcified remains of previous generations of humans.  Feel.  ". c. It was like a group of humanoid gluttons swarming out from the world of hungry ghosts. They were opening their shriveled mouths with almost all their teeth missing, desperately searching for anything that could be used as food.

    The empire has begun to show its scale.  There is sufficient food production, a complete mechanical manufacturing system, the population and military components are stable, and the mutant power is the basis for rule.  "c.c To sum up, the Longteng Empire is much more stable than any country in human history. Of course, the premise of all this is that the emperor himself will survive forever and become a man who firmly occupies the golden throne and is revered by everyone.  The goal of worship.

    Lin Xiang always has a hint of underlying worry in his heart He knows that he is not a truly omnipotent god.  Although he possesses Claude's blood, the power that Captain Sock calls "prophecy" is too illusory.  Indeed, under certain circumstances, some vague and meaningless images may appear in the subconscious mind.  They are all manifestations of something in the "future".  Just like when humans are sleeping, they often "see" something that seems familiar in their dreams.?It¡¯s also a rather unfamiliar picture.  Some may actually experience it, but only have a vague memory of the approximate scene, but cannot change it, or rather do not know how to deal with the fact they are experiencing.  In contrast, the "prophecy" in Lin Xiang's brain is much clearer, and he is better able to grasp initiative and continuity.

    He has seen living corpses in his "dream" more than once.  It is definitely not a repetition of the tragic memories of the old era, but a continuation of the story in the background of the wasteland. There are windy sands all over the sky, and there are also dilapidated buildings that are tilted and crumbling among the ruins.  The most important part of it is that after hundreds of years, the muscles have completely atrophied and there is almost no water. The skin is only wrapped on the surface of the bones. Deep in the empty eye sockets, only a few visual nerves can barely function.  Function, a skinny mummy that looks like a living skeleton.

    There are two threats to the stability of the empire, internal and external, that must be addressed.

    External reformers refer to large and small groups with armed forces such as the Skeleton Knights, the United Doctors Association, the Holy See, etc.

    As for the interior, Lin Xiang has always believed that the ruins that have not been used for a long time are the nests of powerful mutant creatures. No one can guarantee that these guys will never leave.  Once the food chain is missing, or the breeding population becomes larger and larger, the original food base will completely collapse.  "." They are likely to leave the ruins and regard unsuspecting humans as new hunting targets.

    Walking alone on the empty streets, as the sight extended, more and more complex dilapidated buildings, more and more vehicle wreckage, and human remains scattered on the ground began to become the main ingredients filling Lin Xiang's eyes.  There is a faint rotten smell in the air, which seems to be the monster feces that can be seen everywhere, and it also seems to be the dust that has settled over time. There is a slight pricking sensation on the surface of the skin from time to time, which means that the interior of the ruins still contains powerful substances.  radiation.  Wires hanging from cement poles, stained walls, dilapidated abandoned houses, and dilapidated urban sculptures standing tall in the strong wind.  "." Lin Xiang felt like an explorer wandering in a fairy tale. These once-familiar things had a semi-refractory feeling of strangeness deep in his heart.  It seemed familiar, yet it seemed like I had never seen it before.  It can make him feel a hint of curiosity to continue exploring, but at the same time produce an inexplicable fear.

    The footprints extend deeper into the city bit by bit.  There was no one around and it wasn't quiet.  From time to time, empty tin cans and trash cans were blown around by the wind, making a clanking sound.  The swaying waste paper and plastic film floated back and forth in the streets and alleys, as if the ghost breath flow controlled by the force of magnetic energy passed through the doors and windows of the dilapidated and empty buildings, making a frightening "woo-woo" sound.

    Lin Xiang is very strong Parasitism will be the most powerful human mutant on earth.  What's more, he can still convert energy to each other, without having to worry about being an individual with special powers who has exhausted his physical strength.  However, even he himself didn't know what he was afraid of. The closer he got to the depths of the ruins, the more illusory and ethereal he felt about life.  There is a blank in his consciousness, and all memories are forgotten at this moment.  He could feel the mutant beasts lurking in the underground pipes, and he could also detect the predators hiding in the shadows of the buildings, staring at him with greedy eyes.  However, between fear and surprise, a feeling of indifference and coldness reoccupied his consciousness.  Feel.  "

    He was like an anteater walking into an ant nest.  Being treated with hostility and treated as food, yet possessing an arrogance that stands high above the biological class and looks down upon them with disdain.  The hand of the watch on my wrist had just passed the mark of 1:25 noon.

    Although it is winter, you can still feel the warmth transmitted from behind the radiation clouds.  The sky is dark, but not as dark and lightless as the night.  Light is probably the biggest nemesis of the creatures in the ruins.  They almost never go out hunting at this time, but huddle deep in their nests, silently waiting for the most suitable time for activity.

    There are no followers.  Even Lin Xiang himself doesn't know how many mutant creatures are hidden in the ruins of Zhengzhou City?  But no matter what, their number is absolutely impossible to compare with those small ruins that have been cleared.  He may not be able to kill them all, and he is no match for some powerful creatures hidden in the depths of darkness.  However, it is not difficult to escape safely from the ruins under the premise of mutual energy conversion.

    This is a strange city.  Even among those dilapidated buildings with the same architectural style, Lin Xiang couldn't feel the slightest sense of familiarity.  Maybe it's because he is already familiar with life in the wasteland world.  Perhaps, the memory of the old times has faded.  Lin Xiang felt like he was walking on another planet.  Apart from death and rot, there is no third thing here that can be deeply etched in the back of my mind.

    He suddenly had a very strange idea orYou should drive an off-road vehicle into the city.  After all, the speed of walking on foot cannot be the same as that of vehicles.  Even if you can use parasitism to quickly increase your running speed, you will never be able to experience the pleasure of driving a vehicle.

    This idea can never become a reality.

    Looking at the wreckage of vehicles crowded in the city streets, blocking all the roads without any gaps, Lin Xiang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

    No one knows the transportation burden of that era better than him.  During peak traffic periods, crowded vehicles can only move a few dozen meters in two hours. This is definitely not a silly joke, but a negative impact of the rapid development of civilization and economy.

    Climbing to the top of a double-decker bus or two, feeling the icy cold air blowing against his face, Lin Xiang stared at the distant concrete viaduct that would never move at all, like a long curved dragon, and let out a long sigh.

    In the old days, the permanent population of this ruin once exceeded tens of millions.  And they.  "." It has turned into yellow broken bones scattered among the grass and various debris.

    This place is very big, and the divergent thinking consciousness, with Lin Xiang as the midpoint, is constantly expanding the search range.

    Unlike the last time he accompanied the Skeleton Knight into the ruins, Lin Xiang's tentacles of consciousness can extend further.  He has noticed that in a corner of a square similar to the southwest of the ruins, there are several biological energy individuals that are completely different from ordinary mutant beasts.  Judging from the appearance of the thought simulation, it looks very much like a human being.

    He did not turn directly into doubtful directions.  Instead, he stood silently on the roof of the car, closed his eyes and searched carefully with his divergent thinking.  "." About six or seven minutes later, he opened his eyes again, and his originally relaxed brows slowly wrinkled.

    "It's really weird."  "how so?"

    Lin Xiang muttered to himself as he jumped off the roof of the car and landed firmly on the ground.  He stood silently for a moment, raised his head, and quickly selected an old building with a height of more than 40 stories across the street, and walked quickly towards the dark and empty entrance of the building.

    This should be a shopping mall in the old days. The entrance on the first floor is more than a hundred meters wide.  Judging from the dusty glass fragments scattered on the surrounding ground, the floor passage is not actually that big, but was formed after the glass brick wall collapsed and shattered.  It is no longer possible to distinguish the original color of the center of the marble floor, and you can see the electronic lock of the automatic sensor door.  A grid-style rolling shutter door collapsed from the top of the ceiling. There were a few scattered coils hanging on it, as well as several three- to four-centimeter-square sheets. It still retained vague words such as "certificate application, invoice supply," and the words that it could never be opened again.  Phone number stickers.

    The lobby is very spacious.  The counters scattered horizontally and vertically still retain the layout of the old era to some extent.  Some have been overturned, and their goods and clothes have fallen to the ground, or have been trampled and fiddled with by some kind of creature. The surface is covered with dirty dirt, and has been torn into countless tiny strands.

    The elevator leading to the second floor still maintains the appearance in Lin Xiang's memory.  The rubber layer on the handrail has shown signs of liquefaction, and the part that is in contact with the ground has long been chewed away.  Lying nearby were a dozen women's high heels that had fallen off the shelf.  Most of the upper has fallen off, and the leather part is missing, leaving clear tooth marks on the heel.  It seems to be the work of a rodent like a giant rat.

    Slowly walking onto the fourth floor, a man with one finger pointing toward the stairs suddenly appeared in the center of his sight.  Lin Xiang didn't panic. He silently went around to support the other person's shoulders and put him back into the compartment on the side of the stairway It was a black plastic mannequin with only a few strips of cloth left on the upper body of the shirt.  It should have originally been a pair of black trousers.  However, except for the expensive trousers, which were barely hanging on the waist, the tag with the "crocodile" logo, 80% of them had been torn away without a trace.

    There are too many traces of the old era.  Everything can evoke the dusty past in Lin Xiang's heart.

    He is like a Pacific native who has just returned to the civilized world. He cherishes these relics with a strong flavor of the times but is indifferent to them They are all the sediment of historical civilization, but there is no need to use or continue to preserve them.  Various metal utensils, cosmetics with tattered packaging, moldy and rotten food, and clothes whose original appearance cannot be distinguished.  "." Even at the shopping exit, he found several settlement machines that still contained change and banknotes.  On the wrinkled currency paper, there are still those very familiar portraits of great men with majestic smiles.  But they can never come back alive, just like it is impossible to turn back time a hundred years ago and start everything over again.

    Detecting consciousness, appearing and disappearing in his mind. Lin Xiang silently crossed the piles of debris, climbed up the stairs accompanied by intermittent images, and slowly approached the top of the building.  He knows very well that the thinking consciousness cannot deceive itself. Everything the brain "sees" is actually the real display.  RanHowever, it was still difficult for him, or rather he was unwilling to believe what he had discovered.

    That is simply unexplainable and illogical.

    There are more legs, and the speed is getting faster and faster.  He almost couldn't wait to rush to the top of the building to see with his own eyes the weird scenes that already existed in the center of his mind.

    On the corner of the stairs, the word "Forty-Two" in standard printing is written in eye-catching red paint.

    It represents the current floor and is also the last high point of the building.

    There are no lights and the light is very dim.  The small door leading to the roof was closed tightly, and the keyhole was rusted.  But for Lin Xiang, this was not a problem at all.  He used the most straightforward method and kicked him hard.  With a "bang ka" sound, the rotten and tattered metal door panel was hit hard by the huge force and was dented on the spot. It was completely separated from the lily buckle that restrained itself. It flew backwards with irresistible momentum, revealing a gap that could be used for people to pass through.  Rectangle against gray-white sky.  In an instant, a sudden rush of cold fresh air suddenly collided and entangled with the corruption and darkness buried deep in the corridor (to be continued)
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