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    The objects of coercion are those who dare to disobey orders and refuse their own requests.  Every time she saw the lieutenant, Masgulli felt a sense of faint surprise, as well as instinctive shrinkage and timidity.

    One day, with the help of a security inspection.  "The lieutenant spent a few minutes with Masgulie in the tavern kitchen. From an uncertain handshake to a more wild embrace" it finally evolved into two trembling lips tightly pressed together, a mixture of tongues and saliva.  "These" all caused the lieutenant's body to secrete adrenaline exponentially. He had completely forgotten his identity and responsibilities as a political supervisor, and had also put behind him the idea of ??strictly controlling and monitoring the refugees. His brain was overwhelmed by desire.  The space is filled with a strong desire for love and body. Holding the increasingly soft body in her arms, looking at the face with obvious expressions of panic and admiration, she struggled slightly, but she was simply a half-hearted woman.  , causing the man to suddenly feel an unprecedented sense of conquest.

    The hot and trembling hands began to reach into the clothes, slowly and persistently groping for the position of Mu's plump chest.

    We can't

    can not be like this,"

    Maybe it¡¯s out of a woman¡¯s natural instinct, or she¡¯s awakened by the noisy voices outside, and the intoxication full of rosy fantasies disappears in an instant.  When the two people returned to their respective positions and their minds became calm again, the lieutenant also began to feel scared by what he had done before.

    The punishment for such behavior by the Red Republican Army is extremely severe.  In the "Quotations" of the great leader, he repeatedly mentioned the imperative to resolutely resist the temptation of capitalist beauty.  The lieutenant clearly remembered that in many internal publications that he was familiar with, the female agents were all wearing revealing clothes, pointed stilettos, their lips were smeared red, and their eyes were depicted as thick black snakes.  Whenever these dirty and ugly women appear, there is always an "iron fist" with the power of justice that descends from the sky and smashes them to pieces.  Directly above the Iron Fist are a series of sharp eyes filled with awe-inspiring righteousness and angry eyes, rendered layer by layer by a bright red background.

    The lieutenant began to deliberately stay away from the tavern in Villiers, and began to anesthetize himself with a lot of arduous work, trying to break free from the trap of blood-stirring desire.  However, things in the world are so strange, and no matter what he does, he can't get that beautiful figure out of his mind.  "Just close your eyes" or when you see a certain woman, what comes to your mind subconsciously is Masgulli's shudderingly beautiful face. The next thing is a common saying in old-time film and television scripts.  Scene 1: On a dark and windy night for a month, a man and a woman who have been emotionally tortured for a long time finally meet quietly in a dark corner. Hugging, stripping, and making love all seem so natural and happen naturally. If you must find out something from it,  There are some parts that are not harmonious enough, that is, amidst the mixed sounds of women's moans and the squeezing of the bed, old man Villiers is sitting alone behind the bar counter, with an evil sneer on his face.

    Lin Xiang has been missing for eight months.  Under the strict orders of Blanche, Wang Biao and other imperial leaders, Griffith began to desperately send a large number of spies to the northwest.  "Different from previous infiltrations," this operation received full support from the Imperial Academy of Sciences and other departments. According to Griffith's request, the 6571 base was chaired by Liu Yuchen, and based on many film and television stars in the old era, selected ones that met the requirements  Genes have created a batch of replicating individuals that combine human visual beauty. "Most of them are female."

    These clones have instilled consciousness and have received systematic relevant training. They entered the northwest region with other intelligence personnel and became peripheral vassals of the Red Republican Army group.  Before entering each settlement, all clones were disguised to make them look tired and dirty, in line with the normal characteristics of wilderness refugees.  Once the person passes the identity check and is washed with clean water, or when, like Masgulie, the stunning beauty is inadvertently revealed completely by "accident", the first step of Griffith's carefully planned plan has actually begun.

    The first targets targeted by the Imperial Intelligence Service were the political supervisors of the outlying settlements.

    The Red Republic Army is a special group among all the forces in the wasteland world.  Since most people have the same income and have received brainwashing education for a long time, their material requirements are not actually strong.  Luxurious items such as banknotes, gold, cigarettes and alcohol are not as attractive to them as they imagined.  This situation is actually similar to the two completely opposite attitudes towards cigarettes between smokers and non-smokers. Without knowing what kind of benefits a certain substance can bring to oneself, one is still in a state of ignorance.  For primitive people, "a million yuan and a piece of half-cooked barbecue" are obviously more attractive.

    Griffith is a shrewd businessman who understands very well how to use the existing resources at hand - a strong-willed red republican soldier to withstand materialFeelings are sugar-coated bullets, but few people can continue to remain as tough as steel at the moment when true feelings are released.

    The Red Republican Army has very strict control over men and women.  Since most of the soldiers are clones, marriages are completely arranged by the staff of the Political Supervision Committee.  Of course, this approach is largely based on considerations of genetic matching and biological optimization.  However, the founders of this regulation have obviously forgotten the most important point - from a broad concept, "replicas should actually be classified as human beings. They also have feelings and have normal physiological desires. Deliberately suppressing only  It will make the sense of rejection deep in the heart become stronger, "especially in an environment where there are only male creatures everywhere." Even the ferocious and ferocious giant female rats in the wilderness seem to make people feel a little uncomfortable because of their inverted maternal reproductive organs.  There is a hint of softness that men cannot have.

    The first time he slept with Masguli, the strange and crazy feeling immediately made the lieutenant feel intoxicated and unable to stop.  What particularly surprised him was the pool of bright red blood on the white bed.  In the wasteland world, "a virgin is as rare as a cream cake. Although men pay more attention to a woman's appearance than the membrane on her lower body," subconsciously everyone hopes to be the first to discover that dark and slippery passage.  .

    Masgulie has become a treasure in the lieutenant's heart. She never made any material demands, nor did she say anything about temptation or breaking the rules. She always gave the lieutenant enough tenderness and care when he needed it most.  "Warmth" uses the most daring actions to meet all the requirements of men in terms of desire and desire.  If I had to find something special about her, it would probably be every time we meet." She would always look at the man hugging her affectionately, moaning sweet words such as "love me" again and again.  , and when the other party put on his pants and was about to leave, he hugged his broad and strong chest tightly from behind, and whispered in a slightly crying tone: "Please, please forgive me for a little longer."

    The lieutenant fell hopelessly in love with Masguli and fell in love with the woman who he considered to be the most important woman in his life.  Although her identity was unknown and she had only been a peripheral vassal of the Republican Army for more than a month, he selectively ignored all of this.  Love does have the power to make people lose their minds.  "Especially in the chaotic and disorderly wasteland." This kind of secretive underground love shines under the brilliance of the leader whose thinking is almost suffocating. The lieutenant only feels that deep in his rigid and mechanical brain, there is finally a glimmer of what can be called  A bright spot of "humanity".

    Old man Viller never interfered in the affairs between Masgulie and the lieutenant.  He would always look for an unnoticed corner and wait silently for the crazy venting process in the small attic to end - he is an excellent intelligence officer who has received systematic training and knows very well what kind of words should be said at what time.  The Red Republican Army's achievements in brainwashing personnel are unparalleled.  Taking photos, seizing evidence and forcing the other party to provide it to become accomplices will only make all the previous efforts in vain.  Love can indeed make people crazy, but in the face of the fundamental issues of right and wrong, the republican officers will still stand on their own side.

    ¡°Corruption takes time, and threats and inducements are far less effective than shaking one¡¯s own beliefs.  Villiers was very patient. He only needed to make his actions completely consistent with his status as a refugee in the wilderness. He was just trying to get rid of hunger without any intention of infiltrating or spying on secrets.  Only in this way can the doubts in the lieutenant's mind be truly eliminated.

    "I'm old, and I just want to live out my last days in peace. I don't expect too much. I have enough to eat every day."

    After all, the lieutenant is a member of the political supervisory committee, and he has asked the old man Villers's request from the front or side more than once.  ¡¼Answer¡½There are no exceptions.

    As for the old man Musgulliver, he only said one thing over and over again: "Treat her well, and I will bless you in heaven."

    Being moved is the most effective weapon to destroy the defense line of reason.

    Neither Villiers nor Masgulli ever raised any request to become a formal citizen in front of the lieutenant.  Their behavior is exactly the same as that of the refugees in the wilderness. They are humble and cowardly. It is as if it is natural for their daughter to become someone else's plaything. It is their duty to please men with their bodies. The more this happens, the stronger the guilt deep in the lieutenant's heart becomes. If Ma  Scully is a woman who can do anything she wants. If she had been possessed by another man, the lieutenant would not find it as difficult to give up as she does now. She is beautiful, and she can make herself feel speechless at any time.  She is gentle, considerate, and never makes any demands. The most important thing is that she is her first man. The idea that I must do something for her is like an evil seed that drilled into the depths of the lieutenant's mind.  Constantly absorbing guilt, confusion, confusion and other thoughts as nutrients" slowly sprouted and grew until the huge and dense root system completely occupied the entire brain., becoming the sole master who rules it.

    "I want to take Masguli out of here and start a new life."

    The lieutenant will never forget the scene when he said these words to old man Villiers - the tavern owner kept smiling and nodding to himself.  Perhaps in his opinion, his daughter's happiness is the best destination for him.

    Of course, the lieutenant is not the kind of person who forgets his roots and goes back to his roots.  Before leaving, he had to make arrangements for Verrier - the tavern owner was old, and his final resettlement status was to become a civilian who could receive daily food rations.

    Forged inspection records and changed the specific time of becoming a vassal. When the name Villiers "the settlement time on the vassal resident form changed from a few months to thirty years" and the amount of materials paid was calculated in tons, the lieutenant used it as a political  The internal computer file data that was forcibly modified by the Supervisory Committee member also showed the word "approval" that the vassal refugee could become a civilian.

    Simply using the phrase "men are crazy for love" cannot be used as an excuse for the lieutenant to violate his faith.  However, he did this completely out of his own heart - if he loves this woman, he must love everything about her.

    Threats and inducements can never achieve the series of effects caused by emotions.  Regardless of espionage or counter-infiltration, as long as the executor is a human being, there will always be a gap that may be breached.  After all, they are not cold and emotionless machines. They are human beings, and they have weaknesses. In this dirty and chaotic world, full of death anytime and anywhere, feelings are the last sustenance and the last support of human beings.

    Tiefeng is a city with a population of more than 80,000.

    This place is more than thousands of kilometers away from Xinjing and is close to the edge of Siberia in the old era.  Large areas of desertification began to be replaced by low bushes, and forests that evolved from boreal trees also grew densely in them.  The gray sky and the hopelessly desolate land have not changed at all." Only the scattered lights from the city buildings in the distance announced that this was still a world occupied by humans.

    The "Reorganized Thirty-Fourth Division" belongs to the Category A combat unit in the battle order of the Red Republic Army. It has a maximum strength of 16,000, but according to Lin Xiang's understanding, the number of key combat personnel of the division has actually reached more than 30,000. If together with the military personnel's family members,  The number of reserve forces composed of young and middle-aged women can exceed 50,000 within twelve hours, which is more than twice the standard capacity.

    The Western Military Region is actually the collective name of the Third Army on paper.  This huge force guarding the western part of the Red Republic Army was divided into three armies and six divisions. The Second Regiment of the Thirty-fourth Division, where Lin Xiang served as political commissar, was an all-militarized group centered on Tiefeng City.

    "Here" is a world composed entirely of soldiers.

    On the first day after entering Tiefeng, Lin Xiang had already deeply felt the resistance and contempt for people coming from Beijing.  Everything here seems to be outside the glory of the great leader." Although they also have the group name of the Republican Army, they completely reveal two political attitudes that are completely different from those in the eastern region.

    When the off-road vehicle stopped outside the guard line outside Tiefeng City, an anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on the top of the concrete tower was also aimed at Lin Xiang who jumped from the driver's seat. In his sense of detection, he spread out  Among them, there are two 75mm anti-tank guns and six mounted cannons pointing at themselves at the same time. These powerful weapons are hidden inside permanent fortifications. They are either cleverly disguised turrets or hidden firepower points half buried underground.  .

    The tedious identity verification took nearly half a day.  When the off-road vehicle entered the city under the guidance of a motorcycle patrol team, the looks from pedestrians on the roadside to the "Beijing A" written on the vehicle license plate showed not only confusion and weirdness, but also unabashed coldness and hatred.

    Normally, political commissars should first report to the highest military officer of their unit.  However, "Lin Xiang did not find the regiment leader named Chi Ling in the regiment headquarters. A clerk with the rank of second lieutenant was responsible for the reception. After comparing the identity certificate and carefully checking the relevant documents," he only brought Lin Xiang with him.  When he arrived at an independent single room, he handed over the key, raised his hands in salute with undisguised coldness and indifference on his face, and then turned around and left.

    This city obviously does not welcome Lin Xiang.  To be precise, he should be hostile to the seemingly beautiful aura of the political commissar.

    The morning in Tiefeng City is cooler than in eastern cities.  Even though it was already midsummer, the air rushing towards my face still carried a slight chill.

    The square in the center of the military camp is already filled with nearly a thousand soldiers.  Wearing simple T-shirts and "military trousers", they lined up in a happy team. Amid the scoldings and orders from the officers, they prepared nervously and orderly to start morning exercises.

    Lin Xiang¡¯s tall and strong figure appeared at the exit of the officer¡¯s dormitory building.

    Countless eyes fell on him ¡ª¡ª Hatred, curiosity, indifference, and surprise were like extremely sharp swords, but they could not stop him from walking through countless people at a steady pace, standing straight at the front of the morning training team.

    No one spoke, and a pair of eyes radiated endless doubts.

    According to military regulations: officers above major are not required to do morning exercises.  Looking around the entire square, there was only Lin Xiang, wearing a gray-green military singlet with the double silver star lieutenant colonel logo on the chest.  The drill officer is a lieutenant with a strong physique.  He walked up to Lin Xiang with a gloomy expression and stared coldly at Lin Xiang, who had no scruples and no emotion on his face. After nearly three minutes, he spat at the ground.  The spit erupted into a thunderous roar with a deafening pitch.

    "Start - run,"!  ~!
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