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Text Chapter 374 Penetration

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    (The Chinese New Year is coming, and I have to go to the subordinate units to do inspections, summaries, and assessments. All kinds of assessments make me confused. I suddenly feel envious of the legendary Nezha. This guy can conjure up three heads and six arms.  You can handle a lot at the same time. Especially when you are in bed, when one body is tired, you can also switch to another body to continue having sex?)

    Refugees are the most common people in the wilderness.

    Radiation has divided human beings into many different mutant groups.  No one knows how many mobs are able to freely travel between moderate and severe radiation areas, but no force will recognize them as human beings.  Especially under the premise that the order and moral system has completely collapsed, crime or evil in the usual sense no longer becomes the standard for measuring good and evil.


    Just to be full.

    No matter what method you use.

    The appearance of settlement No. op0930c17 remains the same as when Lin Xiang left a few months ago.  The dilapidated houses and streets maintain the same pattern as before. The alleys and corners are dirty and dark, exuding a disgusting stench, and most residents have sallow complexions.  The barley grown in the fields outside the city is also sparse. The ground is dry, hard and cracked. Only a little moisture can be seen in the concave bottom part, barely maintaining the little green remaining on the stems of the withered yellow wheat seedlings.

    Verrier sat lazily at the dining table, holding an old kettle with smooth rounded corners in his left hand, and slowly sipped the wine contained in it.  He held a dagger in his right hand, cutting the roast meat on the plate in front of him one at a time, and then picked it up with the tip of the dagger and put it into his mouth.

    The meat is very old and the seasoning is only simple salt.  Each piece of meat needs to be chewed for a long time, but it may not be rotten.  They are like pieces of hardened rubber, fighting tenaciously against decayed teeth.

    Sitting on an old and dirty bench, with one leg bent and his broad back leaning against the wooden pillars, the sun shone slantly on Verrier's face through the gap in the slightly worn door, and it was highlighted under the thin cheekbones.  cast a shadow.  Although he has white ancestry, his skin has long since become dark, and his body under the coat is very broad but does not have much muscle to highlight the sense of strength.  From the outside, he looks like an ordinary old man.  Full of white hair, thin and weak, it seems that nothing in the world can tempt him, he can only silently consume his last vitality in the sun.

    Two months ago, a group of wilderness refugees who traveled long distances came to settlement No. 0930c17.  After health quarantine and basic identity verification, they were included in the dependent groups of the peripheral forces of the Red Republican Army.  According to the custom, under the management of the town's political supervisory committee, these people can cultivate fields nearby, build houses, and become official residents who pay the harvest on time.

    Verrier is also one of the refugees. He opened the only bar in the settlement No. 0930c17 based on a few bottles of old wine rummaged through the ruins.  However, the "wine" on the shelves are just empty wine bottles that have been rummaged through the trash and wiped clean.  As for the liquid that the drinkers drink in their cups, it is a drink made from the roots of a certain plant mixed with water.  This thing tastes like a weakened beer. Although its ingredients are no different from water, it still tastes a little bit like wine.

    There were still two pieces of meat left on the plate, and Verrier kept frowning because his teeth were really difficult to deal with.  If it weren't for the fact that they were meat, it would be better to just throw them out and feed them to dogs.

    Meat is hard to come by in the Westfall.

    The giant rats here are more sensitive than their counterparts elsewhere and are extremely difficult to catch.  Perennial drought has caused most of the ground vegetation to wither, and naturally there are no herds of two-headed cows or wildebeests.  Dry sand and gravel won't even interest the rot wolf, let alone attract the attention of other animals.  This place is so desolate that if it weren't for the Red Republican Army that would provide a certain amount of living resources as a supplement on time and have electricity to pump underground water, settlement No. 0930c17 would have long been turned into a dead land.

    The night before yesterday, a drinker brought Verrier an arm in exchange for two liters of an alcoholic drink made from plant roots.  It was a very fresh right hand. It had just been cut off, and there was still blood that had not dried up in the wound.  However, the owner of this thing seems to be very old, and most of the skin and muscles have atrophied. Judging from Verrier's experience, this guy whose arms have been chopped off is at least over sixty years old.

    He did not express any objection to this transaction - there is not much difference between human flesh and beef. Those warnings in the old days, which have been repeatedly demonstrated by countless doctors and scholars, that cannibalism will cause various terrible diseases or sequelae, do not exist in the wasteland world.  any effect.  OK!  Even if chewing the flesh of the same kind will turn you into a monster with sores on your head and pus on the soles of your feet, even if you suck human bone marrow and you will fall into hell after death, even if you use otherIt's a sin to boil meat into a delicious soup, but so what?  I'm hungry and need to eat.  Reality is that simple.

    There are no sins like other Buddhas in this world. That damn old bastard God has given up everything a long time ago, so why should we adhere to the so-called "Tao" virtues?

    What¡¯s more, I¡¯m just an ordinary person, not a holy and noble god who would rather starve to death than eat.

    As he chewed the meat slowly, Veriel kept hearing a slight sound ofsqueakingin his ears.

    This is not friction caused by hard chewing. The house is very old and very old. The joint between the wooden beams and the masonry structure has long become loose. Any forceful movement will cause squeezing and make an overwhelming sound.

    Verrier squinted his eyes, raised his wine bottle and took a sip, listening carefully and attentively.

    The sound came from overhead, in the small attic of the tavern, where the bedrooms of such houses in Settlement 0930c17 were located.

    The "squeaking" sound produced by squeezing is getting louder and louder, from rapid to slow, like a rhythmic alternating process.  In the meantime, there is also a faint wheezing sound like the tiredness of a heavy manual laborer, and there is also a very slight moan, like the gnawing of mosquitoes and ants.  If you calm down and carefully distinguish this little bit of vague chaotic tones, it is not difficult to hear the extremely pleasant impulse in it, as well as the relaxation and emptiness brought about by the release of excessive nervous tension.

    The wine slowly flowed down the throat into the stomach, and a burning sensation as strong as a flame ran from the tongue to the entire body, burning out hot and violent energy, burning Viller's old face full of countless deep wrinkles.  The face was reflected in a strange color mixed between black and red.

    Of course, the wine sold in bars is fake and inferior. Real good wine will only be effective when it is most useful.  Of course, if someone can pay enough, Villiers doesn't mind selling some.  Even if the residents of Settlement No. 0930c17 are poor people who can't even afford to wear pants, he will only keep this good thing for himself.  Just like now.

    The small attic where the sound came from finally slowly returned to calm.  The rhythmic squeeze between the wooden beams and the bed has been replaced by the dull thud of hard-soled boots on the floor.  Then there was a "squeaking" sound of cloth fabric rubbing against each other. After a brief silence, the end of the wooden ladder diagonally connected to the second floor behind the wine cabinet "squeaked" to reveal a square meter entrance.  As the wooden cover was pulled up from the inside, a tall and muscular figure appeared at the top of the stairs.

    This is a middle-aged man about thirty years old.  The shoulders are very broad, and the surface of the arms protruding from both sides of the sleeveless shirt are covered with bulges bulged by swelling muscles.  A pair of desert camouflage military trousers were tied tightly around his waist, highlighting his neatly arranged and solid abdominal muscles.  The tight trousers are tucked into high boots, and the whole person looks full of irresistible power.  The chest of the military shirt is also embroidered with two silver five-pointed stars representing the rank of lieutenant.

    Verrier was still chewing unhurriedly, then he turned to his side, hunched over his back and half-squinted his eyes, following the man's steps downstairs intentionally or unintentionally.  His expression seemed to be smiling, and there was a hint of imperceptible contempt and excitement in his eyes, which were surrounded by layers of turbidity and wrinkles.

    "Would you like a drink?"

    Looking at the officer who had already walked in front of him, Verrier curled up his thin and old body and moved to the side, making way for a wide enough area on the wooden bench.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Make it light and add some wild honey.  "

    After hesitating for a moment, the lieutenant chose to sit down at the dining table.  He quickly glanced at the small wine bottle on the table with an obviously embarrassed look, twisted his neck to straighten the style button at the top of his collar, and then slowly loosened it.

    Not many people know that there is light wine in Verrier's Tavern, and few people know that he also has half a jar of aged wild honey.

    The wine mixed with honey takes on a color similar to butter but slightly lighter.  Looking at the few bubbles still slowly rotating in the center of the wine glass, the middle-aged officer did not drink it all in one gulp like a drunkard. Instead, he held the upper end of the glass tightly with slightly trembling hands and leaned forward.  Lost in thought.

    what to do?  "

    He muttered to himself and seemed to be seeking answers from the gods in the nose void.

    Verrier turned half sideways, glanced at the black-backed red star armband worn on the officer's sleeve, representing the status of the political supervisory committee member, and said nothing.

    The silence seemed to make the lieutenant vaguely dissatisfied.  He turned around, frowned, and stared at the stooped Villiers with the eyes he was used to interrogating prisoners.  But even he himself didn't notice that at some point, a trace of instinctive fear and worry appeared inexplicably in his cold eyes as sharp as a sword.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? tavern manager?? Captured the subtle changes in the eyes of the political supervisory officer very keenly.  He did not reveal the secret he had just discovered at all. He still chewed hard on the piece of human flesh in his mouth that was tougher than rubber, and sighed vaguely: "Masgulli is a good girl."

    This feminine name, which is obviously different from Asians, obviously has an inexplicable special magic for the lieutenant.  He slowly withdrew his scrutinizing gaze, turned his head, and focused his eyes again on the glass of light wine in front of him that had stopped spinning.  The hands holding the cup slowly became tighter and harder.

    Since the time when old man Verier just arrived outside the town and asked to join the settlement No. 0930c17, the lieutenant has been responsible for the identity and pathological examination of these refugees.

    He is a soldier who is extremely loyal to the great leader and a successor who grew up under the glow of red.  Every day, the lieutenant bowed and saluted the portrait of the leader hanging on the wall. In his pocket at any time, there was always a volume of "Quotations" with its margins read and rolled up.  In his opinion, it seemed to be a special medicine that could save lives in critical moments.  However, even the officer himself could not tell whether this kind of thing could really be effective, or whether it could only be used to coerce the soul into doing things that went against human nature.

    "Identity verification of refugees" has always been the most important thing for the Red Republican Army. In order to prevent spy infiltration, peripheral vassal residents are rarely qualified to become official citizens under the rule of the Republican Army. Unlike those who were forcibly imprisoned under the glory of the great leader, they want to  Unlike the people who want to leave the northwest in search of true freedom, the vassal refugees are desperately trying to squeeze into the ruling circle. The refugees and citizens have completely opposite understandings and attitudes towards "freedom" and survival.  The former are tired of wandering in the wilderness, and their awareness of hunger is more profound than anyone else's.  It is not uncommon for a piece of bread to be exchanged for a woman, and the cruelty of using human blood instead of clean water to quench thirst is not an unusual thing.  Being able to get food rations every day is simply unimaginable for them.  Precious food does not require body or life in exchange, it only requires action and verbal allegiance. No matter from every aspect, it is absolutely cost-effective.

    According to the classification standards of some philosophers in history, human beings are actually the product of the combination of body and soul.

    Abandoning faith and personal thinking is undoubtedly a despicable act of exchanging souls for material things.  Fighting with the body, or even breaking free from the shackles of thinking at all costs, is a bright move for the soul to be purified and rush towards freedom

    "Words like this" are strongly praised in many books in the old days. However, few people can think of it. Even the authors of books or aphorisms have never tried it. How difficult is it to find food in a harsh environment? They have never tried it.  Having personally experienced the terrible hunger that stabs the stomach like a knife, it is impossible to do such crazy things as to search for undigested food particles in the feces. There is no thought in that kind of brain, and you can give up everything just for  The despair of getting food is the devil that the refugees in the wilderness are extremely afraid of. It is precisely because of this completely essential difference that the refugees and the people have two completely different attitudes towards hunger and freedom.  No one can understand the other, and they feel envious and jealous of each other's environment.  The refugees would rather be killed than linger in hunger, and the people would rather die than be separated from the glory of the great leader.  They are two kinds of people with different consciousness and thinking concepts. Perhaps only by truly being in different desperate situations and feeling physical and mental touches that are more terrifying than death can the almost rigid stubbornness deep in the brain truly change.  idea.

    The lieutenant was very aware of Old Man Verrier's eagerness to become a formal citizen of the Republican Army, which was also the common wish of all new wilderness vassals.  However, the internal management of immigrants within the Republican Army is extremely strict. It is simply a fantasy for a person who has just obtained vassal status to want to become a citizen who can receive food rations every day.

    ¡°Masgulli is a good girl.¡±

    The tavern owner didn¡¯t look into the lieutenant¡¯s eyes, he just sat on the bench and murmured.

    The officer couldn't help but feel an unspeakable bitterness in his heart.

    According to the relevant management regulations for outsiders, all refugees who request to become peripheral vassals must undergo pathological and identity examinations.  It was at that time that he discovered a girl among the refugees who was wrapped in tattered and dirty cloth. She was "fifteen years old" and already exceeded the average adult standard in the wasteland world. Her bumpy body showed that she was already mature and full.  Her breasts and long, smooth legs are the parts of her body that she is most proud of. Although there is a layer of dirt on the surface of her body due to lack of water and the skin covered by rags, it still maintains the delicacy that a girl should have.  smooth.

    When the girl complied with the request, she took off all her clothes in front of the lieutenant, folded her hands on her chest, and waited shylyWhile waiting for the examination, the lieutenant felt that something that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly burst out from the depths of his brain.  It was like a beast bound by the chains of reason, barking at the prey standing in front of it, tearing the ground with its sharp claws, but unable to move forward.

    This girl named Masgulli is well hidden.  If he hadn't taken off all the disguises, probably no one would have discovered the soft and lovely face hidden under the dirt and mud, which was very similar to a certain star in the promotional brochures of the old era.

    From that day on, the lieutenant began to come to the tavern under various legitimate excuses.  Because Masgulli's father is Verier.  Using power to seize the woman you like is the exclusive preserve of those in power in any era.  Of course, the lieutenant could easily do this, but he never got a chance to display this brutal and domineering behavior from beginning to end.

    The girl named Masgulli has a pair of beautiful eyes as clear as water.  She has the common fear of ordinary refugees towards officers, but she is not cold and repulsive. She even has a favorable impression that is obvious enough for the other party to notice.  !  ~!
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