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Volume 1 Chapter 230 Drinking

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    Chapter 230 Drinking

    The afterglow of the setting sun slants down, dyeing the surface of the dark radiation clouds with a vague golden color.  The thick clouds have accumulated too much water vapor, and occasionally a few drops of cold rain fall from the sky. Before they completely fall to the ground, they are already being swept away by the crazy air pressure current.  Amidst this chaotic and disorderly struggle, the meager sunlight actually faintly reflected a circle as ethereal as mist, and only a few edges of the rainbow could be barely seen.

    Looking up, standing on the wilderness mixed with rocks and shrubs, staring at this precious color with intoxicated eyes for a long time, Liu Yuchen only felt that his heart was moving along with the evaporated water vapor, towards the place beyond the dark radiating clouds.  The world full of sunshine slowly floats and rises slowly.

    The dusk sun gradually sets, and the outline of the rugged mountains on the horizon is already pitch black. A slightly golden light is faintly transmitted from behind the mountains, becoming less and less, and getting darker, as if there is something that cannot be seen clearly by the naked eye.  The giant claws stuck it tightly and dragged it into the endless dark abyss with a grin.

    He put the heavy backpack on his shoulders again, picked up the Famas assault rifle lying at his feet, turned around, took weak and heavy steps, and dragged a long shadow in the direction away from the light.  , Liu Yuchen went further and further.

    He didn¡¯t even remember how he left City of Life No. 24.

    He didn¡¯t agree to Josephine¡¯s request, let alone take the x2 potion as his own.  However, what happened was completely unexpected - just as he turned around and opened the door and was about to leave, he was suddenly hit hard by something hard on the back of his head.  At the moment when he collapsed in dizziness and confusion, Liu Yuchen only saw Josephine's face full of perseverance and compassion.

    When I woke up, I was already lying on a flat bed in a small wooden house more than fifty kilometers northeast of the City of Life.  There was no one, no furniture, only a famas assault rifle leaning against the bed, and a military rucksack containing ammunition, purified water, food, and of course the "x2" potion.

    Josephine has been running City of Life No. 24 for many years, and she always has some secret ways of getting out of trouble.  Liu Yuchen just didn¡¯t understand¡ªwhy didn¡¯t she go with him?  What can you do if you stay in the city that is surrounded by rebels and is almost in ruins?

    He has never felt so hesitant as now.

    There is no purpose.

    There is no where to go.

    Iwhat should I do?

    For the first time, Liu Yuchen felt that for human beings, limited life is actually a gift from God.  Those who died in wars in the old days were happier than themselves.  At least, they don¡¯t need to worry about tomorrow, think about the future, or assume any so-called obligations and responsibilities.

    Death is also a kind of happiness!

    Silently stroking the ring on his left hand, which represented the status of the president and had a silver lancet pattern engraved on the surface, Liu Yuchen seemed to have some epiphany.

    Josephine may have known about the rebellion of Crixus and others for a long time. She had already made arrangements. Although she did not reveal it publicly, the ring was enough to explain everything.

    She gave everything to herself.

    ??The Doctors Association, the city, the medicine and technology that the opponent dreams of

    ¡°Take back the City of Life No. 24 and rescue Josephine¡ª¡±

    Subconsciously, there is a voice shrouded in light, urging myself righteously.

    "Give up! You are just an ordinary person without powers. You have done enough for her. Next, it would be good to find a prosperous city enough, or join the Skeleton Knights or the rebels. You are a creature with  As a technical scientist, any party will show you sufficient respect and preferential treatment. Relax and live a normal life¡ª"

    Opposite, the voice coming from the darkness is charming and evil, but it sounds very comfortable, making you want to give up everything and fall asleep.

    What should I do?

    He lay on the bed and was silent for two days.

    The numb body has forgotten the physiological reactions caused by hunger and thirst.  There was water and food next to him, but Liu Yuchen had no desire to open his mouth.  He just stared at the ceiling silently, his sight seemed to pass through the barrier and fall on an endlessly distant place.

    Finally, he wanted to leave the bed, want to drink water, want to eat

    The road in the distance is very long, but we still have to go on it.  Although the steps are shaky, they are shortening the long distance after all.

    Keep walking toward the southeast, this is his only direction.  There is also the location of Hidden Moon City.

    Liu Yuchen no longer has any relatives, no city, and the necklace he wears on his chest.The silver lancet symbol that symbolizes the deacon status of the United Doctors Association is also gathering dust.

    In this hopelessly desolate wasteland world, at least he still has a friend.


    The night is getting darker and darker.

    The radiation cloud swallowed up the light of the stars and the moon, and the war destroyed all facilities representing civilization in human society.  Of course, this does not mean that the world will plunge into never-ending darkness.  Even in the wilderness, you can still see the presence of light.

    The light in the dark night represents many different types of meanings.

    It could be a few highly poisonous insects that use luminous lures to catch food; it could also be the gleaming green in the eyes of a rot wolf when it is about to go crazy with hunger; it may even be something that has not completely evaporated and still has  The deadly threat of radioactive nuclear waste.  They are all using their own different methods to release extremely weird light, luring animals or humans in need of help to come closer. With expressions of frightened despair, they become prey one by one that is snatched away by the scythe of death.

    The light in Reed Town may have the same function.  But no matter what, it is the light created by humans after all.

    Looking at the walls made of wooden strips and iron sheets, and the narrow houses built on the ruins with broken bricks and stones, Liu Yuchen couldn't help but stop and stood next to the rock more than a hundred meters away from the town, with a complicated expression.  Looking at this settlement marked only with a small black dot on the map.

    He frowned and stared at the endless darkness ahead, the vague warning sign lingering in his heart.  The feeling of danger was very weak and intermittent.

    Living in a wasteland world does not mean that everyone has the experience of surviving in this world.

    Liu Yuchen has never left City of Life No. 24 alone.  He knew that refugees would kill each other for food, and he also knew that girls in the wilderness were no longer virgins at the age of ten, and boys had to go hunting when they were younger, but he had never seen it with his own eyes, let alone experienced it personally.  The kind of life where your throat is thirsty enough to catch fire and your stomach is so hungry that it could be pierced by acid at any time.

    In the old days, some people were born beggars or billionaires, and now is no exception.

    However, he is also very aware of how dangerous the wilderness is at night.  There is no light or fire. Rotting wolves and mutant giant rats wandering in search of food will tear every wanderer sleeping in the darkness into pieces.

    Although it is a strange town, there may still be patrol sentries posted by the rebels, but Liu Yuchen has no choice.

    He can only and must spend the night here.


    There are no guards in Luwei Town. There are only two dirt roads intersecting the streets and no one can be seen.  In a small stone house with a relatively clean appearance, there is a warm light that can be clearly felt. Hanging horizontally on the round wooden sign at the door, a tall figure with a knife is crookedly carved out, and the basic shape can barely be seen.  There are three eye-catching English letters below the foot cup - "pub".

    The area of ??the bar is not large, no more than fifty square meters at best.  When Liu Yuchen pushed open the creaking wooden door and walked into the store, everyone's eyes gathered from different directions and stayed on him for a long time.

    They may not be interested in this strange outsider, but in the thick canvas bag on their shoulders and the powerful famas assault rifle.

    There are people sitting at every table.  After hesitating for a moment, he walked to an old wooden table near the window and sat down. He placed his backpack and rifle within arm's reach at his feet and put them away.

    Opposite him, a fierce-looking man with thick black body hair on his arms stared at him.  He didn't say anything, he just turned the knife in a demonstrative manner and cut a piece of half-cooked roasted giant rat meat on the plate, and then put the cut piece of meat into his mouth with a fork and chewed it hard.  A liquid mixed with blood, water and seasonings.  It was squeezed out from the gap between Bai Sensen's teeth, flowed out of the mouth along the corners of his mouth, and dripped onto the table.

    A waitress with a fat body and greasy clothes, and it could only be seen from the style that it was a white apron, walked over while twisting her surprisingly fat buttocks, lowered her head, leaned close to Liu Yuchen's ear, and spoke with a clearly already  Half drunk, but full of teasing and temptation, he said: "Hey, hey, hey! Beautiful young man, what do you want?"

    Judging from her appearance, this woman¡¯s actual age is at least over forty years old.  If her figure could lose two-thirds of its current figure, she would still be considered pretty.  Unfortunately, too much fat has occupied the positions that originally belonged to the facial features, squeezing the eyes completely into a slit, and creating a terrible gap between the cheeks and the wings of the nose. As for the lips I have applied too much red lipstick.  , too thick, it is difficult for people to distinguish it from the two words "lips" when speaking.When you associate it with ??, you will always subconsciously think of smooth and fresh vagina.

    ¡°If we must find some advantage in her, it would be that she has big breasts and a big butt.  At first glance, it looks like four basketballs arranged in pairs and covered by clothes.

    "A glass of brandy, please."

    Liu Yuchen licked his dry lips and took out a few banknotes issued by the Skeleton Knights from his pocket.  He didn't want to drink, but he also understood that in all settlements, bars and hotels were facilities with the same meaning.  Without spending some money to buy a glass of wine, I'm afraid it's impossible to get the clean bed in the room that I need.

    ¡°Is it just brandy?¡±

    The obese waitress pulled a chair from the side and sat down, placing her entire chest heavily on the table. She twisted her shoulders vigorously so that her loose blouse almost slid down to her elbows, with a sickly sweet smile on her face.  , said: "In addition to wine, you should have something elsefor example, how do I do? Hahahahaha!"

    A mixed smell of sweat and bad breath hit his face, making Liu Yuchen almost suffocate.  His calm and calm face suddenly turned red and white. He turned his face to the side and felt that the smoky smell was slightly lighter. Then he forced a smile and shook his head and said, "Thank you um! Well, there is a room available."  Really? I probably have to spend the night here."

    "Room? Of course there is. If you satisfy me, I can let you stay here forever. Free-"

    The waitress put on a smile that she thought was full of charm, stretched out her hand to take the bill, and couldn't wait to touch Liu Yuchen's slender white fingers, pouted, and blew him a sexy kiss.

    "That's enough! Barbara, leave that young man now. He can't bear your terrible weight. If you really feel itchy, I have two clean empty beer bottles here -"

    A middle-aged man with a slightly bald head and a sickly red face from alcohol stood up from behind the bar. He drank the waitress who was almost in estrus with a stern tone. At the same time, he put a glass of brandy that had just been poured out on the plate and put it on the plate with his hands.  Hold it up and slowly walk out of the counter.

    A burst of unbridled laughter suddenly erupted in the bar, and whistles and boos continued to sound.  A skinny, drunken drunkard staggered up to Barbara. He was about to smile and touch her chest, which was almost bulging out of her clothes, but was beaten hard by the waitress who looked like a mountain of flesh.  Pushed away hard, fell backwards and fell to the ground.

    "Mom, what the hell, you want to touch my body just because of your thin toothpick that doesn't even have hair? Do you believe that I can squeeze you alive?"

    With angry eyes, Barbara coughed a few times, spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on the thin man's face, rolled up her sleeves, revealing two arms thicker than hams, and grabbed a chair from the side.  The high chakra rises, and it smashes violently with great fury.


    The moment the chair came into contact with the body, a shrill scream erupted at the same time.  The severe pain caused the thin man's brain, which had been anesthetized by alcohol, to wake up at once.  While howling in horror, he covered the sore spot and ran away in a hurry. He accidentally knocked over the table in front of Liu Yuchen and knocked everything on it to the ground.

    "You, you damn bastard¡ª"

    The burly man sitting across from him stood up in a rage, the thick veins on his neck kept beating, and the muscles on his body were squirming quickly as if they were full of insects.  He grabbed the thin man by the collar, lifted him up from the ground, roared, and struck the opponent's abdomen with his fists like round copper hammers.

    The skinny man's face was pale, his eyes almost bulged out of his sockets, and the strong external force made his stomach churn.  Suddenly, he burst out into an earth-shattering scream, and then, his body trembled wildly, and he vomited a ball of sticky yellow filth with a strong stench from his wide-open mouth.

    There is wine, undigested food residue, stomach acid, and many tangled and sticky pastes with inexplicable shapes and colors

    Seeing this, Liu Yuchen quickly got up and got out of the way as quickly as possible. By the time he remembered the backpack at his feet, it was already too late - the filth vomited from the thin man's mouth had already been sprayed everywhere, and the assault rifle and backpack were everywhere.  They are all flowing with semi-solidified mucus.

    "Disgusting, stinky."

    ¡°Throw this drunkard outside and let him cool off¡ª¡±

    The middle-aged man who came from behind the bar frowned, covered his nose with one hand and shook his head in disgust. Immediately, he turned around, waved to Liu Yuchen who was standing by the wall, and said apologetically: "  You may encounter such unpleasant things at any time. Young man, sit over here! I¡¯ll treat you to this glass of wine¡ª¡ª?

    Liu Yuchen looked hesitantly at the half-dead struggling drunk, and then at the backpack and gun covered in vomit. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

    "Barbara, take this young man's things to the back and rinse them. By the way, help him arrange a cleaner room¡ª"

    The middle-aged man's identity was obviously the owner of the bar. He placed the tray on another table next to him, smiled and snapped his fingers at Liu Yuchen: "Sit over here! After drinking this glass of wine and eating something, I promise  You¡¯ll have a great night.¡±

    Before Liu Yuchen could say anything, Barbara had already grabbed the shoulder strap of her backpack. With a look of extreme disgust on her face, she carefully held the uncontaminated barrel of the assault rifle. She muttered curses and dragged everything.  Things are stored in the bar room.

    The physical fatigue caused by the long journey, the tight thinking of staying in the city for days, the long hours of thinking without timely nutritional supplements, the sudden accident, and the unprecedented survival experience in the wildernessall things added together  , Liu Yuchen only felt that his brain was numb, and he mechanically stretched out his feet and walked to the new table arranged by the bar owner. Under the enthusiastic greeting of the other party, he instinctively picked up the cup and took a sip.

    The wine did not have the burning sensation that he had experienced from similar drinks.  The taste is very light, and the tongue can taste the alcohol content, but more of it is water.

    People in the wilderness don¡¯t even have enough to eat, so naturally they can¡¯t have any good wine.  Although it is possible to obtain some excellent quality aged wine from the ruins, not everyone is so lucky, or even enough to maintain the daily consumption of the bar.

    Liu Yuchen vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell or notice it.

    He only felt that his mind was in chaos, as if there were countless inexplicable symbols and pictures flashing rapidly, roaring and roaring, frantically seizing the last lucidity in the conscious space.
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