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Volume 1 Chapter 229 The Man of God

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    Chapter 229 The Man of God

    Zhou Hao also has his own gang.  To be precise, it was just a small group with a loose structure and no management at all.  Most of its members are neighbors near Zhou Hao's home.

    He can¡¯t help everyone in Emma City.  Things like bullying men and women and taking food are common in any settlement or in the wilderness, and he once felt confused about this.  However, he has now clearly recognized his identity - absolute obedience, loyalty, and worship to the man who gave him the ability to be a parasite.

    Lin Xiang needed to wipe out all the underground forces in Emma City, but he did not give Zhou Hao any help.  Griffith is well aware of every force in Emma City. Those guys who are called "strong ones" in the mouth of ordinary civilians are, at best, just beginners who use medicine to transform their bodies and have the most basic first and second level strengthening abilities.  Level superpowers.  With Zhou Hao's power reaching the level of a four-star parasitic warrior, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "drying up the dead".

    Lin Xiang wants to see how this eleven-year-old child will complete his orders?  Or should I say, let Zhou Hao try it for himself and suddenly gain the feeling of power and support.

    At the beginning, the news only spread in a small circle around Zhou Hao.  From the time the first Oka member was killed to the gathering of hundreds of supporters, it only took less than half an hour.  Riots spread rapidly throughout the city like a plague.  More and more civilians are participating in the chaos. They may be out of revenge, some are for profit, and some are purely for the purpose of taking advantage of the situation In short, the rioters are getting bigger and bigger like a snowball, starting from every corner of the city.  The sounds of killing and screaming coming from inside became more and more intense.

    Although there are some superpowers among the new generation of humans, the number of evolved groups is very small compared with ordinary people.  The resistance or struggle among the people still largely remains at the level of ordinary people competing against each other.

    Of course, this is partly due to Griffith's rule.  He strictly prohibited the citizens of Emma from possessing weapons such as firearms. Once discovered, the mercenaries would immediately hunt and kill the holders on the spot.


    ???????????????????????????????????? away from the chaotic shack area and along the road, which is not much wider than the alley. At the end, there is a two-story building made of bricks and plaster.  With this building as the core, the surfaces of houses in the surrounding area of ??several thousand square meters are all painted with ferocious animal head patterns in red and yellow paint.  Although the painting looks clumsy and not very beautiful, in terms of actual effect, it is indeed scary enough and has a considerable degree of deterrence.

    This is the headquarters of the Oka Gang.  It is also home to the largest bar and casino in Emma City.

    Dozens of stout men stood guard at the door, staring at the approaching crowd with nervous and bloodthirsty eyes.  Their clothes are relatively neater than those of civilians. Despite the cold weather, many of them still have their chests partially uncovered, revealing muscles covered with tattoos and body hair.  This kind of ostentatious behavior does have a threatening effect. When the eyes met, many thin civilians had quietly changed their direction, turned their bodies sideways, and tried their best to hide behind the figures of others.

    A man with a shaved head, a leather jacket, bare arms, and a gray beard on his lips walked out of the door on the ground floor of the building.  He was holding a semi-curved reverse arc blade in his hand, which was called a "dog leg knife" in the old days. He spread his legs and stood firmly in front of everyone, staring at him with angry and fierce eyes.  With Zhou Hao.

    "Why do you do this? I, Atwood and the Oka Gang, have never felt sorry for you. Why, why do you wantonly slaughter my people?"

    He kept roaring, and there was also a faint fear in his furious eyes.

    Atwood doesn¡¯t understand why Zhou Hao suddenly became angry?  Since the last recruitment failed, he has been warning his gang members not to get close to the house and family of this boy who is so strong that he can only be described as perverted.  He didn't want to get into unnecessary trouble because of some accident.  Bowing to an eleven-year-old child is indeed embarrassing to say, but Atwood knows very well - with the power he obtained through the transformation of the fourth-level strengthening potion, he is no match for a four-star parasite.

    "Someone wants your head."

    Zhou Hao¡¯s answer was extremely brief.  It wasn't that he was quick-thinking. In fact, on the way here, he had repeatedly thought about all the possible scenarios after meeting Atwood. This was the answer he thought was most suitable after careful consideration.

    Atwood was stunned for a moment, and then burst into an extremely rude roar: "Who? Who wants to kill me?"

    Zhou Hao did not answer.  Just take slow, rhythmic steps forward.

    The powerful aura of Parasite oppressed Atwood, and he even felt that he could not move. He used his eyes and body to express the uncontrollable despair and hatred deep in his heart.??.

    Looking coldly at this man who was almost a head taller than him, Zhou Hao suddenly felt an unspeakable impulse and excitement in his heart.  It feels really good to hold other people's lives in your hands.

    ¡°You don¡¯t need to know, and there¡¯s no need to ask so many questions. You¡¯re dead, you don¡¯t need to figure out why¡ª¡±

    Zhou Hao answered Atwood¡¯s inquiry straightforwardly.  Without any warning, he suddenly swung out his right fist and smashed through his left abdomen as fast as lightning. He opened his five fingers in the warm abdominal cavity, grabbed the slimy liver and dragged it outwards. At the same time, he used all his strength to concentrate on the top of his knees.  , hit Atwood's left leg hard.  In a series of crisp "click" sounds, the thick leg bone broke in the middle. Atwood, whose eyes were straight, let out a painful howl, his knees weakened, and he knelt on the ground.  With every gasp, large amounts of blood foam would gush out from his mouth.

    The difference in strength was so great that he couldn't resist at all.

    Looking at his face that was gradually turning gray and lifeless, Zhou Hao took a long breath and said softly in a tone full of respect and admiration: "That man's name is so noble that I even mentioned his qualifications.  None. If there really is hell, in that place maybe you can know it."

    The dying Atwood suddenly opened his eyes wide, and with blood gushing out of his mouth, he made a vague and unbelievable voice: "youeven youcan'tthat person?"

    Zhou Hao nodded and snatched the dogleg knife that Atwood was still holding in his hand. His left hand turned into a claw and penetrated the top of Atwood's head like the hardest steel hook. His right hand slashed backwards.  In a dark light shining with a dull metallic luster, the entire human head was cut off from the body.

    "Of course I can't resist that person. He is Godthe God who gives me everything"

    Carrying the bleeding head, he walked sideways past Atwood's half-kneeling body. Looking at the increasingly noisy city in the distance, a pious smile slowly appeared on Zhou Hao's indifferent face.  .


    The chaos in Emma City did not last long.  In order to obtain maximum benefits, Atwood has always controlled the number of official members of the Oka Gang.  In addition to the more than 500 gang members guarding the core area, plus the peripheral members who were killed by civilians, as well as other gangs of various sizes, the total number of dead was approximately 3,000.

    Lin Xiang immediately dispatched city guards to control the situation.  His purpose is to eliminate all groups in the city that may become potential dangers, not to destroy everything and leave devastated ruins.  Zhou Hao's performance made him very satisfied. Regardless of whether the bloodshed and brutality would have any psychological burden on the young man, the decisiveness and loyalty alone were enough to reassure him.

    The weather is getting warmer, and the wind blowing on your face is still cold, but there is no bone-cutting pain like in the severe winter.  The snow on the ground has almost melted away. Except for the rocks and dead plants protruding from the soil, more and more plots of land are beginning to reveal the landforms that have been covered up all winter. Only in the dark corners that cannot be reached by the sun.  At the bottom of the pit, you can see a little bit frozen into ice, completely integrated with the surrounding environment, with a layer of gray-white snow crystals like coarse salt particles remaining on the surface.

    The huge convoy has entered Emma City from the south for the third time. Together with Griffith's original reserves, the supplies accumulated in the city are enough to last for more than half a year.  Sosibia once conducted a detailed exploration of the geological conditions around the city. According to the annotations in the relevant files, Lin Xiang set up three stone collection points near the mountains. With sufficient building materials and various heavy weapons,  The sturdy new guard tower is gradually replacing the original defense facilities in the city.

    The convoy has transported more than 5,000 civilians. According to Lin Xiang's plan, in addition to 2,000 armed soldiers, the number of citizens in Emma City can only be maintained at around 30,000.  In this desolate world where food determines the population base, the only outcome for residents who exceed the regional farming harvest limit is for a terrible famine to break out throughout the city.  Although Hidden Moon City has sufficient output, considering issues such as transportation, energy consumption, and road conditions, the residents of Emma City must accept the reality of migration if they want to be prosperous.

    Zhou Hao and the original mercenaries in the city were all organized into the "Vulture Mercenary Group".  The wasteland world is full of bandits and mobs, and small-scale wars break out almost every day. As the battle area gradually expands, the tentacles of Hidden Moon City also begin to extend to those places on the map that are farther and farther away, unmarked, and no one goes there.  past place.

    Including the last batch of delivered goods, the number of motorcycles provided by "Black Iron Furnace" has exceeded thousands.  Except for 500 vehicles reserved for the exclusive use of patrol personnel, the rest were sold to other forces at prices ten or even twenty times higher than the cost through Griffith.  Excluding essential transportation costs,Xiang obtained an astonishing amount of food and ore from this absolutely cost-effective deal.

    The salt and seafood of Cangying City occupy an increasingly important part in the Hidden Moon trade circle.  Human beings have endless desires. As long as they can eat enough, salted fish, kelp, shellfish and other things have an irresistible temptation for them.  Frequent convoys entering and exiting the heavily irradiated area also forced Lin Xiang to repeatedly increase the output of anti-radiation agents at the Hidden Moon City Hospital.  Just last week, the entire pharmaceutical production line has been moved into the newly built factory next to the hospital. They will individually become an important branch of Hidden Moon City's products.

    Aphra is very faithful to her promise, and the follow-up assistance promised by the "Redeemer" group is gradually arriving in Hidden Moon City.  The complete smelting facilities allow Lin Xiang to have the ability to produce steel by himself. Although there is no stable source of ore for the time being, relying on recycling for resource regeneration can fully meet the city's own consumption and development.

    The total population of the area ruled by Lin Xiang is less than 200,000, which is only equivalent to the size of a small city in the old days.  There are vehicle wreckage left over from the war era everywhere in the wasteland world. The steel bars excavated from the ruins are the best smelting materials.

    Refugees appear from the wilderness every day. They are amazed by the prosperity of Hidden Moon City, and they are even more envious of the residents' well-fed life.  Although joining the city can only provide the most basic living necessities to barely maintain food and clothing, this kind of life is not static after all.  The milk, meat, eggs and other rations available to high-level citizens made them jealous and jealous.  There are also people who want to get things that do not belong to them through robbery and violence, but are eventually caught on the spot by the city guards and nailed alive to the top of a wooden pole more than ten meters high, leaving them moldy and rotten.

    Lin Xiang is no longer the old-era human being who just woke up from his deep sleep.  He will kill with the cruelest means, but he will not kill without any reason.  If there are one hundred residents in Hidden Moon City, as long as he can get the support of fifty-one of them, he will kill the other forty-nine without mercy.

    The criteria for deciding whether to stay or go is very simple - he only needs to be loyal to his own people.


    A thin, short black line came quickly along the old road from the western end of the wilderness.

    " Two obviously modified heavy-duty trucks with liftable buckets at the front and bulletproof armor on the sides were arranged at the front and rear, together with a black car sandwiched in the middle, to form a convoy.

    Approaching the wilderness, the dilapidated old road began to separate from the middle, gradually surrounding it to form several "herringbone" curves.  The remaining metal crossbars on the roadside and the ruins of the building outlines can be seen faintly from the roadside. It can be judged that this should be a market town near the highway in the old days.  Time has wiped away all the breath of life, leaving only signboards and dilapidated buildings eroded by wind and rain standing silently.

    The convoy moved at an extremely fast speed. The roaring engines easily broke through the dead silence of the wilderness. The huge car body ran like wild beasts with an extremely arrogant attitude. The wet mud was crushed into countless black specks by the wide tires and scattered in all directions.  Splattered, leaving only a few overlapping and intertwined black tracks.

    More than ten meters away from the road fork, the convoy slowly stopped.  A middle-aged man wearing a black combat uniform jumped out of the cab of the truck at the head of the team, walked with steady and solid steps to the black car in the middle of the team, and subconsciously glanced at the white paint on the side of the car.  with the "Devil's Claw" sign, head lowered, facing the back seat of the car near the window, bowing slightly and standing silently.

    This man is very strong, and his height of more than two meters gives people a strong sense of visual oppression.  The swollen muscles bulged out the fabric of her thighs and upper arms. Her hair was short and dense like steel needles pricking her hands, and her face with Slavic features looked as hard as stone.  Especially the masseter muscles that are sunken downwards along both sides of the cheekbones, as if they were brown-black sculptures made of melted steel.

    With the slightly chaotic sound of gears clicking, the closed window slowly sank, revealing Kleist.  Dana's face was always full of indifference, as stiff and chilling as a skeleton.

    "Your Excellency, ahead are the forks leading to Gargasoni Castle and Hidden Moon City respectively. According to your advance instructions, please give us instructions on our next itinerary."

    The middle-aged man¡¯s voice sounded like deafening thunder rolling across the sky, but his tone was extremely respectful.

    Kleist did not make any move. He raised his wrinkled eyelids and stared at the broken road signs in the distance. After almost three minutes, he opened his thin lips and spoke in a low and slightly hoarse voice.  Said: "Go to Gargasoni, I want to hear what that guy Bergson thinks about this matter first."

    The man was slightly startled.  As a confidant, he certainly understands that there has been a conflict between "Devil's Claw" and Sosbia.Through the employment relationship, the purpose of Kleist's trip is also clear.  After hesitating for a moment, he frowned and said, "With all due respect, according to intelligence, although the Luton family and Hidden Moon City are trading partners, the relationship between the two is not as friendly as it seems on the surface. Except that  Negative comments, maybe even abuse and accusations, we probably won¡¯t gain anything.¡±

    ¡°Dear Murphy, don¡¯t judge things too subjectively¡ª¡±

    Kleist obviously didn't care about what the man said. He smiled faintly: "The superficial relationship cannot be evidence of actual existence. Yes, Bergson and the young man who suddenly appeared in Hidden Moon City  There are indeed irreconcilable differences between the boys. But Bergson is not without merit. He is very smart and cautious. As long as he can get enough benefits, he can even string all the members of the Luton family on an iron drill.  Make a human barbecue, which may also include his wife and children. As for who bit whom between the two of them? Who was hurt more? These are none of our business. I just want to know the relevant information about the whereabouts of Brooke and Boris. This  , is my real purpose.¡±


    Murphy nodded heavily and answered briefly and forcefully.  After bowing, he turned around and left.


    Kleist stopped him and looked at the vast wilderness in the distance for a long time before slowly sighing: "Find a suitable woman to get married! When you really have a child of your own, you can  Understand what I¡¯m thinking now.¡±
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