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Volume One, Chapter 188: Causes of War (3)

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    Chapter 188 Causes of War (3)

    "As early as the 1950s, John D. Rockefeller III began using Puerto Rico as a vast experimental site for a population control program. Within fifteen years, three percent of the island nation's  Fifteen women of childbearing age underwent permanent sterilization. The so-called "medical assistance team" sent by the U.S. government went deep into the rural areas of Puerto Rico and used money and various agricultural and business convenience measures to encourage local farm women to undergo sterilization. However, this speed  It was far from meeting the requirements of John III's plan. He began to turn his attention to industries such as health care and food, hoping to find another more convenient, secret, safe and efficient sterilization method to sterilize all the populations of underdeveloped countries that produce resources.  Minimize it as much as possible to achieve the goal of obtaining raw materials cheaply.¡±

    "Monsanto's genetically modified plant research project came into the attention of the Rockefeller family at this time. Strictly speaking, soy food is not as beneficial to the human body as imagined. It contains trypsin inhibitors, especially the high content of plants in the soy food formula.  Sexual estrogen can cause premature puberty in girls and delayed or even delayed sexual development in boys. The isoflavones contained in soybeans can even prevent ovulation and stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Even if the daily consumption is only thirty grams, it can also cause thyroid disease.  Functional decline, symptoms of laziness, constipation, weight gain and fatigue But the more so, soybeans, especially various foods made from genetically modified soybeans, began to interest the Rockefeller family. After the comprehensive cooperation with Monsanto was launched, David  . Rockefeller also sent his trusted personnel to monitor the entire research process, and in accordance with their requirements, he added ingredients that have a high probability of causing sterilization to the genes implanted in the bean seeds. These genetically modified soybeans produced in Argentina are strictly prohibited in the United States and other countries.  Instead, they are sold in the EU market, but at extremely low prices, and even sent in large quantities to Latin America, Africa, Australia, Central Asia and other countries under the guise of "charitable aid". They gradually occupy the food of each target country in a gradual increase manner.  Markets, fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and KFC have also begun to sell burgers containing genetically modified soy flour. They have no idea what they are doing, and they never thought that those foods that are said to be rich in nutrients and taste wonderful will be sold in the future.  Within more than ten years, the body of the eater is subtly modified, causing the female ovulation system to become disordered, atrophied, and completely sterilized. The list of raw material exporting countries drawn up by Rockefeller also includes China"


    Lin Xiang sat on the chair with a dull expression. Aphra's words shocked him like never before. He had imagined various possible causes that led to the world-destroying war, but he never expected that the actual cause turned out to be Xiao Xiao.  of soybeans.

    "Even without Monsanto's participation, countries will launch wars over resource issues. The prosperity and peace in 2012 are actually just superficial phenomena. The Rockefeller family and the Skeleton Knights are already ready to use force to seize the natural resources of underdeveloped countries.  Fuel oil and genetically modified soybeans only accelerated the process, and more importantly, an unexpected experimental data from Monsanto prompted Rockefeller to change the entire plan."

    Aphra looked at Lin Xiang opposite him calmly: "Transgenics are a completely different way of breeding from normal animal reproduction. The transgenic process is not precise and meticulous. It is uncontrollable and unreliable. It often affects  The host genes cause damage and disruption, producing completely unpredictable results (Dr. Hou Meiwan). There is no definite evidence that Monsanto started to conduct matching experiments on plant genes and animal genes. I only know their initial  At that time, mouse genes were combined with soybeans to create something called "octopamine plant." Due to lack of authority, I have not seen this plant in person, but from relevant information and data analysis, this plant  Synthetic plants secrete special mucus. Once it enters the animal's body, it will cause disorders in the secretion of octopamine, leading to a complete collapse of the nerve conduction system. Relying on this terrible liquid, a few months later, in Monsanto's laboratory  The first ¡®puppet sheep¡¯ appears.¡±

    "Puppet sheep?" Lin Xiang asked curiously: "What is that?"

    "From the outside, it looks like an ordinary sheep. All the organs that sheep-like creatures should have can be found on its body."

    Aphra raised her neck and drank all the wine in the cup, licking her lips: "But it has no self-awareness, cannot bark, and cannot even eat grass and drink water. All necessary actions to maintain life must rely on researchers."  It completes the sound signal. Due to the lack of necessary octopamine in the body, it can only live like a zombie. It has no instinct and no consciousness, even if it is pierced into the body by a sharp instrument such as a knife, or a certain part is cut off  The limb organs and nervous system do not produce pain. In Monsanto's research plan, the "puppet sheep" is actually a new genetically modified animal. Its research purpose is to reduce the range of livestock activities so as to achieve the goal of killing animals in the shortest possible time.  Gain weight and increase weight, so as to go on sale as soon as possible.  However, the involvement of the Rockefeller family turned this originally well-intentioned species development into a research activity full of blood and death.  "

    "Blood and death?" A cold light flashed in Lin Xiang's black eyes. Although he had gradually become accustomed to the shocking secrets in Aphra's words, for some reason, these two words with special meanings always  It will make him feel indescribably cold.

    "As early as World War II, the Rockefeller Foundation was already the center of all molecular biology research in the world. Three members of the Rockefeller Institute (now Rockefeller University) affiliated with the foundation, geneticist Avery,  MacLeod and McCarthy identified the process by which genes appear to be transferred from one bacterial cell to another. This is actually an experiment that uses a specific method to produce genetic variation. From today's perspective, this process originated from a  Although the technology of 1941 has long been known and understood by countries in the old era, people do not know the extent to which the Rockefeller family actually used this technology. The second week after the "Puppet Sheep" was successfully developed, the Rockefeller family forcibly demanded it  All information, including previous experimental data, will be classified into the biological laboratory of Rockefeller University."

    "The number of people in Argentina who have suffered physical injuries due to glyphosate contamination is still increasing. Due to Rockefeller's instructions, Monsanto refused to admit the damage caused by the Roundup series of herbicides to the local environment, but they secretly bribed local politicians and  The military police system, in the name of "charitable rescue", transported all injured children under the age of twelve to the United States. According to Monsanto, these children with physical deformations and sudden physiological abnormalities will be transported to the Rockefeller Biotechnology Center.  The prevention and treatment center received treatment. This was just a superficial pretense. In fact, a total of 262 children became guinea pigs at the Rockefeller Research Center."

    "They genetically merged those children with the "puppet sheep"?" Lin Xiang's voice was trembling. Although he didn't know what exactly happened at that time, but based on Aphra's previous and subsequent narrations, he could more or less guess what those children were.  Final outcomes of sick children.

    "They are not just puppet sheep, they have been injected with the DNA of a variety of genetically modified plants including fuel corn and Roundup Ready soybeans." Aphra's voice was gentle, but her tone was unprecedentedly solemn.

    "Injecting plant genes into the human body? What on earth do they want to do?" Lin Xiang cried out.

    "As for this issue, I still haven't figured it out until now."

    Aphra said slowly: "As far as DNA is concerned, this molecule is stable in the test tube. But it is not stable in mass-producing organisms. In living systems, DNA will change through mutation, gene flow,  Recombination and natural selection are modified. Therefore, they are difficult or even impossible to carry out true genetic modification. At least, not by the scientific and technological standards of the old era. Puppet Sheep, Roundup Ready  Although soybeans and fuel corn belong to different species, they are both unnatural products modified by genetic technology. Neither Rockefeller nor Monsanto had enough time to observe and screen them for generations. I don¡¯t know what they are.  Deliberately ignoring this situation, or trying to use gene activation properties to achieve a certain purpose, in short, under Rockefeller's instructions, those children who became sick due to glyphosate pollution became the living basis of genetic mutations. About these two hundred and sixty-two  The information related to these children has been classified as a core secret of the Rockefeller Research Center. No one knows what kind of experiments these children underwent, and no one knows what their final outcome will be, but one thing is certain - the initial abnormality  The original strain of the virus came from their bodies."

    "The original strain of the xenobiotic virus?" Lin Xiang cast his inquiring gaze across the desk.

    "It's the virus that your old-era intelligence agencies called "r12."

    Aphra's voice became deeper and deeper: "This is a virus that is infected through the blood and parasitizes inside animals. By occupying the energy of living cells, it maintains itself and reproduces the population in large numbers. It has extremely strong mutating properties.  , the temperature, moisture, nutrition, and even the physique of different hosts and the pathogens contained in the body will cause it to mutate in completely different ways. It is extremely adaptable, and its energy requirements can almost be used  Described as fanaticism and greed. It is like a huge sponge that will crazily absorb every ounce of energy in the host's body, causing it to rapidly divide and reproduce in a short period of time. The new virus will forcefully occupy those cells that have not yet been infected and destroy them.  After the nutrients are absorbed, they replace them and become new components of the body. Although there is no direct evidence that it was obtained from Monsanto's research, it has a series of characteristics of puppet sheep, Roundup Ready soybeans and genetically modified corn. According to  Our subsequent analysis, LuoThe original purpose of the Filler family was not to destroy the world. They just wanted to use complex gene fusion experiments to obtain new crop varieties that could effectively cut off human reproduction and have abundant yields.  However, genes mutated in a living environment, and biological antibodies appeared in a large-scale application of bt drugs, which made them obtain this terrible original strain of the virus very accidentally.  "

    "Monsanto was shocked by the power of this new virus, and they strongly demanded the destruction of all things related to the experiment, including human culture media and files. Four days later, Monsanto's stock price fell to the limit due to insufficient development funds. New York  The exchange announced an indefinite suspension of trading in the company, after panic selling caused Monsanto's market value to plummet. Six of the company's principals committed suicide in different ways. According to official accounts, members of the Quinney family fled collectively to the  Morocco and other countries, and subsequently disappeared. After a comprehensive inventory of the remaining assets, the court ruled that Chase Bank fully accepted Monsanto. Since then, everything has been held by Rockefeller. However, they did not cancel the name "Monsanto"  name, but still allows it to maintain a certain degree of independence, but in terms of economy and assets, it is completely dependent on the Rockefeller family.¡±

    "So, Rockefeller naturally became the master of the virus, and released this damn virus variant on a large scale around the world? Let them completely destroy the entire world?" Lin Xiang's tone was full of sarcasm, and more importantly, anger.

    For some reason, Aphra did not answer Lin Xiang¡¯s question directly like before.  A slightly hesitant look of suspicion gradually appeared on her face, and her stretched brows gradually squeezed toward the center, forming several obvious wrinkles.

    "According to the information currently known, the person who put the virus is indeed the Rockefeller family. However, this is unreasonable¡ª¡ª"

    Aphra frowned deeply: "I have been thinking about this question for a long time - why did the Rockefeller family do this?"

    "Of course it's for ambition and hegemony." Lin Xiang sneered.

    "What you said is wrong¡ª¡ª"

    Aphra slowly shook her head: "Everything has its own rules and logic, just like the simplest murder case. The criminal must have enough reasons and interests to do such a thing that will definitely bring consequences to himself."  This is a very troublesome move. Members of the Rockefeller family are social elites of the old era. They have secretly controlled almost the entire United States. There is no need or reason to completely destroy the world. Even the craziest John D. Rockefeller III  , they only proposed using war and technological means to reduce the population of other countries in order to control and obtain resources. They were the richest people of that era, possessing the most advanced technology and the most powerful military power. Even regardless of moral considerations  Despite the condemnation, they can still get a lot of what they want. Rockefeller has reached the pinnacle of power and materiality, and the basis of all this is the huge earth population in the hundreds of millions. They have no reason and cannot destroy what they have already  Everything I own is rediscovered in the rubble and ruins that have been turned into rubbish.¡±

    ¡°There are many lunatics in this world, and their actions cannot be judged by logic at all.¡±

    Lin Xiang gritted his teeth hard and said viciously: "Perhaps, they are such people. You should understand that people before death are unusually paranoid, and they all want to take everything they have to another world.  . Even if it cannot be taken away, all material heritage must be destroyed."

    "I admit that what you said makes sense, but it is obviously not the most correct answer."

    As soon as Aphra finished speaking, Lin Xiang realized the error in his thinking.  He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He could only nodded helplessly and reluctantly with a gloomy face.

    "The lifespan of a parasite is equivalent to infinite. This is a very strange biological phenomenon that is completely different from the previous natural understanding of humans."

    Aphra poured some more wine into the empty cup and shook it back and forth in her hand: "After fully taking over the Monsanto research system, under the instruction of David Rockefeller, the Rockefeller Institute conducted a detailed analysis of the original strain of the virus.  It was discovered that this kind of virus, which combines the genes of animals and plants, has unimaginable characteristics - as long as there is enough energy, they will always exist and reproduce, and their spread rate exceeds any species known to mankind. Targeting these  On the other hand, scientific researchers belonging to the Rockefeller family are divided into two groups and debate whether they should continue to study this virus. Those who hold a negative attitude believe that because it is impossible to predict the threat it may cause to life on earth and the risk of ecological disaster, it should be  Completely terminate the experiment and permanently destroy the virus strain. However, those who affirmed felt that it was not necessary. On the contrary, the strain contained infinite division.Sex is precisely its most valuable part.  Neither of the two groups of viewpoint holders could refute the other, and this resulted in a different tone within the Rockefeller family than before.  After weighing the pros and cons, John D. Rockefeller III finally decided to first use human blood samples to conduct detection research on the virus, and then make a decision on whether to destroy or continue to use it after further exploring its specific characteristics and possible mutation tendencies.  "

    "This decision is an important dividing line for the end of the old era. The Rockefeller Institute of Biological Studies has millions of genetic samples collected from all over the world. They inject the original strains of the virus at a rate of one thousand copies at room temperature.  Observation was carried out. When this experiment was carried out on the eighteenth day, and the virus began to be injected into the test tube numbered 17,694 according to the order, the virus that had maintained a strong invading nature suddenly produced an astonishing  Shocking mutation.¡±
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