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Volume 1, Chapter 187: Causes of War (2)

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    Chapter 187 Causes of War (2)

    "How did they do it?" Lin Xiang couldn't help but ask.

    "Inject foreign DNA into specific plants, and use the combination of genes from different organisms to produce new recombinant DNA or rdna. The most famous experimental example is transgenic (bt) sweet corn. It is the Bacillus thuringiensis in the soil, also  It is called BT for short. It is injected into the corn chromosome to prevent European corn borer. As early as 1961, BT had been registered as an insecticide. From a scientific point of view, this insect-resistant  The act of implanting drugs into oneself is indeed an evolutionary move by humans to fight against nature to obtain high yields. However, its harm is also very obvious. In the first few years, the European corn borer indeed no longer posed a threat to genetically modified corn.  However, this situation only lasted less than five years - the insect's resistance to drugs far exceeded human expectations. Researchers soon discovered new antibodies in the European corn borer, and they began to gradually adapt to bt, and used this  A deadly toxin is converted into part of one's own genes, thereby producing new gland veins in the body. Even the concentrated BT spray liquid cannot pose any threat to them. But humans cannot rely on it in a short time like insects.  Genetic inheritance produces antibodies, but we still eat genetically modified corn containing BT ingredients. According to relevant data, pregnant women who ate BT corn during that period had a 55.6% chance of giving birth to a baby with malformations. Due to the local government  and the secret operations of agricultural companies. These matters were not widely exposed by the media. They were just quietly hidden after paying large amounts of compensation to the parties involved." (Note: The historical date and actual date of plant varieties in this section have been changed)

    "Bt corn is just a case. Because of this, Monsanto began to seek more powerful partners in order to get help in terms of funds and power. It was at this time that an extremely prominent person with a strong voice within the US government  The big family took the initiative to cooperate with Monsanto.¡±

    "A big family?" Lin Xiang asked unexpectedly.

    "It's the famous Rockefeller family." Aphra glanced at him and said this name that shocked him extremely.

    "Rockefeller? How could they get involved in this matter?" Lin Xiang frowned again: "If I remember correctly, the core business of the Rockefeller family should be oil."

    "Oil resources are facing depletion, and the replacement of new plant fuels has become an unchangeable fact. The cooperation between the old energy agencies and the new agricultural groups was the wisest decision at that time. In fact, without the participation of the Rockefeller family, this  The world will not become what it is today." As she said that, Aphra not only shook her head but sighed softly.

    "You meanthe Rockefeller family caused that war?" Lin Xiang suddenly opened his eyes wide and stared at her face.

    Aphra did not answer directly.  She put away the smile on her face, with a calm and indifferent serious expression, silently looking at Lin Xiang sitting opposite, with extremely complicated eyes, as if she wanted to see through his heart.

    "Do you know the specific origin of the name "Skeleton Knights"?" After a while, Aphra asked.

    Lin Xiang slowly shook his head, but his eyes became deeper and deeper.

    "As early as 1832, William Huntington Russell founded the "Skull and Bones Society." This is an extremely strict organization with established membership conditions. Selected members must meet certain requirements.  A series of almost harsh standards. The selection targets are junior students at Yale University who happened to join the Skull and Bones Society in the year they graduated. The Skull and Bones Society is very tightly organized and not large in scale. Only fifteen people join it every year, which means that at any time,  There are only about 800 members of the Skull and Bones Society alive at that time. Although the number is small, these people hold very great power. It is no exaggeration to say that the United States in the old era was actually a country controlled by the "Skull and Bones Society".  "

    "Participants in the "Skull and Bones" are basically famous families in the United States, including the Bush family, the Ponty family, the Harriman family, the Lord family, the Phelps family, the Rockefeller family, the Taft family, and the Goodyear family.  family, the Payne family, the Whitney family, etc. Within this society, only those elites who are recognized and recognized by the vast majority of people are qualified to be called Skeleton Knights."

    Lin Xiang's complexion gradually turned pale, and he pursed his lips tightly, as if he wanted to engrave every word that Aphra said in his heart.

    "In the 1950s, the Rockefeller family gained absolute control of the Skull and Bones Society. Nelson Rockefeller, the controller at the time, proposed to establish a new elite group within the society, which later became the "Knights of Skull and Bones."  There are not many actual participants in the Knights, and they are basically members of the Rockefeller family. Among them, Nelson and his brother Dai??, Lawrence, John and Winthrop were the most prominent.  It was at that time that David was worried about the prospects of oil energy.  Rockefeller proposed: full cooperation with Monsanto.  "

    "David Rockefeller's suggestion was not far-sighted, and he did not anticipate the vegetable fuel craze decades later. It just expanded a new revenue branch for the family organization. However, it was precisely because of the large capital injection from the Rockefeller family that Monsanto  A series of genetic modification and development projects for crops were able to be carried out. And in the late 1980s, with the strong support of the Rockefeller Foundation, a huge genetic modification project was officially launched, and the project was implemented in Argentina."

    "Argentina?" This old-era country name suddenly reminded Lin Xiang of the original birthplace of the r12 virus.

    "The emergence of every new technology requires a series of complicated experiments. Monsanto's Roundup Ready soybeans are no exception. Compared with traditional hybrid crops that can only be obtained after repeated breeding for several generations or even dozens of generations or hundreds of generations.  , new DNA varieties obtained by implanting foreign genes, they have not actually undergone any natural selection and elimination. In order to maximize profits, Monsanto has reduced the necessary observation time, and they only use nutrient solution to catalyze growth in the laboratory  After obtaining a series of theoretical data from the mature genetically modified soybeans of the season, they hurriedly put them on the market and can¡¯t wait to start recovering profits.¡±

    Aphra spoke slowly, and her calm appearance showed no trace of joy or sorrow: "Because of its cooperation with the Rockefeller family, Monsanto received a large number of interest-free loans from Chase Bank, which is run by family member David. According to the agreement, Monsanto must  According to the designated scope of the Rockefeller family, genetically modified soybeans are vigorously promoted in Argentina to replace, or should be said to completely destroy, Argentina¡¯s original agricultural economy.¡±

    "Destroy? Just rely on soybeans?" Lin Xiang was a little confused.

    "You are not a person in power, so naturally you won't know what's going on."

    Aphra smiled and shook his head: "In the 1970s, due to regime change and repressive military policies, Argentina owed a large amount of foreign debt to the United States. After Carlos Menem took over as president in 1989, in order to obtain  With enough support, he asked the Rockefeller family for help on extremely generous terms. Taking advantage of this opportunity, a large amount of Rockefeller's funds were able to pour into Argentina. Overnight, everything from state-owned telecommunications companies to state-owned oil companies, and even the National Social Security Fund were  Privatization, as a loan provider, the Rockefeller family received unimaginably huge rewards. During that period, the Argentine peso devalued severely, and although subsequent successors tried their best to fill a huge economic hole, they never succeeded.  By 2003, Argentina's total foreign debt had reached US$198 billion. Under such circumstances, it was impossible for them to refuse any request from the Rockefeller family. In this way, the entire Argentina was completely reduced to Monsanto  The company¡¯s experimental field for growing genetically modified soybeans.¡±

    "Whathave they done?"

    After hesitating for a moment, Lin Xiang bit his lip and asked in a trembling voice: "Do those viruses that parasitize the human body and turn living people into walking zombies come from those genetically modified crops?"

    "I can understand your psychology at the moment. The secret that has been sealed for more than a century is suddenly revealed in front of you. That kind of shock that cannot be explained in words can turn a normal person into a living madman on the spot. But there is one thing you must  Be clear - I can explain your problem in great detail, but I will never say the same thing twice."

    Aphra gave him a flat look, pushed away the chair and stood up, walked to the closet, took out a bottle of old wine and two glasses, and returned to the desk.

    "To be precise, although Monsanto and the Rockefeller family share the same pursuit of interests, their actual focuses are different. In short, the former is more focused on how to use new technologies to achieve high yields, while the latter  ¡­But they want to use these technologies to achieve the ultimate goal of controlling the country, and even the whole world.¡±

    "Because of the loan, Rockefeller had a considerable say in Argentina, and Monsanto was able to successfully obtain 569 field experiment licenses for corn, sunflowers, wheat, soybeans and other crop varieties. Coupled with the high pressure of the government  Policy, starting from the comprehensive promotion of genetically modified soybeans in Afghanistan in 1995, in the five years until 2000, the country¡¯s planting area of ??genetically modified soybeans exceeded 10 million hectares. By 2004, the area increased again  It has expanded to more than 14 million hectares. A large number of forests have been cut down, and the original ecological farming of local farmers has been completely destroyed. All that is left is soybeans."

    ¡°Because Roundup Ready soybeans must be combined with patented glyphosate.Used together with herbicides, sales of Monsanto's series of complementary products have reached unprecedented heights.  While the Rockefeller family and those high-ranking figures were counting their thick bills, they never imagined that more than 60% of Argentina's land had been sprayed with excessive doses of Roundup glyphosate.  Moreover, because Roundup Ready soybeans do not require much management time, these genetically modified soybean seeds are smuggled in large quantities to neighboring countries such as Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Uruguay.  At that time, no one imagined what consequences this disorderly spread would bring.  "

    "The cooperation between Monsanto and Rockefeller has achieved great success. Coveted by the huge profits, many agricultural groups such as Syngenta, DuPont Pioneer Breeds, Dow AgroSciences, and BASF have gradually joined this interest group. At the same time, Rockefeller also  It has roped in large institutions such as Cargill, Nestl¨¦, and Kraft Foods to comprehensively promote various soy foods. Biscuits, bread, macaroni, synthetic beef A large number of foods containing genetically modified soy flour are distributed to South American countries and regions that lack food.  Africa. On the surface, this seems to be a prelude to a new economic plunder by the Rockefeller family and interest groups in the name of "food aid" in order to obtain more returns. In fact, there is a huge conspiracy brewing here."

    "What conspiracy?" Lin Xiang asked subconsciously.

    "The Rockefeller family and members of the group have vigorously promoted the huge health benefits of soy food, and can even replace milk and meat protein. However, this propaganda is a pure lie. It deliberately ignores the fact that soy is based on  The food is not suitable for long-term human consumption. Compared with babies fed with breast milk and cow's milk, babies fed with soy milk have a much higher incidence of allergies. All unprocessed and processed soybeans contain a range of toxic substances. If  Soybeans are the main ingredient in human food. These substances can damage health and may cause cancer. What is even more frightening is that due to excessive spraying of Roundup and glyphosate-resistant all year round, young animals near genetically modified soybean planting areas have begun to suffer from severe organ malformations.  . Various strange mutations have also appeared in bananas and sweet potatoes. This effect has even spread to nearby human farms. Many local children have strange black spots on their bodies and their temperaments have become extremely manic."

    Aphra was holding a glass of wine, seemingly unintentionally shaking the glass, and the wine could not help but swirl: "From the initial genetically modified research simply to increase crop yields, to later Argentina became a testing ground for genetically modified soybeans, and then  The energy crisis that broke out in the last century seemed like a mess of unrelated threads. However, if you have read the "National Security Memorandum No. 200" secretly drafted by the U.S. government in 1974, you will definitely understand.  I was surprised to find that all of this was actually the gradual implementation of the conspiracy between the Skeleton Knights and the Rockefeller family in the old days."

    "The content of this highly confidential memorandum was authorized by John D. Rockefeller III, and the then President Nixon personally arranged the arrangements. It involves several major projects such as food policy, population growth, and strategic raw materials. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said in the report  China claims that the world is increasingly dependent on the supply of mineral resources in developing countries. If the rapidly growing population hinders their future economic growth and social progress, the resulting instability may have an impact on the supply of these resources.  Continuing to supply the environment causes damage. This will have unforeseen disasters for the overall economic interests of the United States. Therefore, our strategy should support actions that achieve major breakthroughs on key issues that hinder the goals of birth control. For example: through biomedical research  , to develop simpler and more effective contraceptive methods. These improved methods of measuring population changes will help many underdeveloped countries to stabilize the current population growth rate Haha! This passage puts it bluntly. In fact, it has only one meaning - using various  Normal or abnormal means force underdeveloped countries with resources to reduce their populations."

    "To give the simplest example: If the population of Congo exceeds 200 million, then the huge population will inevitably bring more instability to the country. The rise of new armed forces, ethnic issues, interest disputes these problems will have a natural impact on the local area.  Resources cause huge damage, and American investment companies and resource acquisitions will also cause a series of troubles. The most direct and best way to eliminate the root causes of all problems is to control the population of Congo to a very small range. One million  , half a million, or even just tens of thousands. To put it bluntly, it means completely sterilizing every woman in Congo.¡±

    "Sterilization?" Lin Xiang asked in disbelief: "They really do this? What is the difference between this and direct genocide?"

    "Using machine guns and bullets to massacre people is a heinous cruelty. But using advanced technical means to do it secretly without being noticed is called science. To put it bluntly, the National Security Memorandum formulated by the U.S. government  No. 200" actually means "If these inferior races prevent us from getting enough"We have to find ways to get rid of them because of their cheap raw materials."

    Aphra picked up the cup, took a sip, and said calmly: "The cooperation with Monsanto is superficially to make profits, but its real intention is still to implement the National Security Memorandum No. 200. The Rockefeller Family  They took charge of the Skull and Bones Society and created an elite Knights organization within the society. While controlling the entire United States, they did not forget about other countries in the world. Their appetite is not generally large, from resources to money, and then  When it comes to land and population, their actions are stable and orderly. If Monsanto had not made abnormalities in its research on genetically modified plants, the world would probably have been swallowed up by the Rockefeller family in the end."
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