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Volume 1 Chapter 83 Expectation

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    Chapter 83: Expectation

    There are basically no tall trees in the valley behind the town. A simple road that can barely pass three people side by side connects Yinyue Town with twists and turns from the mountains covered with steep rocks.  On several high points near the valley entrance on this narrow road, large rocks and mortar were used to build strong machine gun fortifications.  Their location is very hidden, and their appearance is integrated with the surrounding environment. Looking from a distance, it is impossible to find any traces.

    Compared with usual times, the town is much more lively today.  Dozens of strong men gathered around the street leading out of the town, using steel drills and trimmed rocks to form a foundation.  Two trucks from the town also drove into the foot of the mountain behind the town and pulled large pieces of stone from the quarry.  Several particularly strong women also participated in this simple manual labor.  They are tall, and the arms exposed when they roll up their sleeves are thicker than the calves of some thin men. Stones weighing dozens of kilograms are as light as toys in their hands. If it weren't for the two huge groups on their chests,  The terrifyingly plump breasts, judging from the back alone, he looked like a burly and strong man.

    In addition to the personnel on duty who stayed on the guard tower, all residents of Yinyue Town participated in the construction of this defensive project.

    There is a two-story wooden house in the center of the town.  Compared with ordinary residential houses in the town, this house, which is used as a public storage room, is slightly larger in area and the overall structure is stronger.  Due to the limited productivity of the land, coupled with climate disturbance and other factors, the crops harvested by the townspeople cannot even fill their cellars and warehouses.  This embarrassing situation has also resulted in that it has never really played its intended role since the day it was built.

    There is a huge long table in the center of the room.  Strictly speaking, it is actually a frame made of thick wooden boards split from tree trunks.  A dozen square stones that have been simply polished support the entire tabletop. Except for the side facing the ceiling, which is slightly smooth, not even the rough bark has been peeled off under the wooden boards facing the ground.

    It doesn¡¯t need to be beautiful, it just needs to be strong enough.  This is the value concept of the residents of Hidden Moon.

    Five tall men stood around a corner of the wooden table.  Except for Lin Xiang and Wang Biao, the other three people are the duty captains responsible for security guards and maintaining law and order in the town.  In this chaotic era, in addition to integrity, strength and strength are also very important criteria for people to choose representatives and protectors of their interests.

    There is a piece of architectural structure diagram made of yellowed old paper spread out on the table.  If you look at it with the critical eyes of architectural experts in the old days, this pencil drawing is really full of too many shortcomings and flaws.  There is no scale, no relevant horizontal coordinates, no contour distances, and the lines are messy. Apart from a simple representation of the direction of the mountains, the only thing that is barely clear on the drawing is a diagonal line that curves from west to east, in the center.  Irregular lines with slightly raised parts.

    Lin Xiang is not a professional engineer. He can only use the most direct method to express what he wants as simply as possible.

    "The entire wall is four meters high and two meters wide, with a total length of about 800 meters. There are four machine gun guard towers on the front, and there are gates on the east and west for entry and exit. If built, it will  It will become our most effective defense facility." Lin Xiang's words were brief but clear enough.

    Wang Biao put his hands on the table, and his strong muscles stretched his shoulders high.  He frowned and glanced at the people standing around him in sequence, and finally returned to Lin Xiang.

    "The problem is still the same as last time - we don't have enough manpower."

    Including the Yang Hua family who just became new residents yesterday, the current total number of residents in Yinyue Town is only one hundred and ninety-one.  It is indeed difficult to complete such a wall that is not very long, but definitely not short.

    "No matter how difficult it is, we must do it¡ª¡ª"

    Lin Xiang¡¯s attitude is very tough.  He raised his right fist and smashed it hard on the heavy table: "There is still nearly a month until the beginning of spring. I have calculated that we will divide everyone into two sows and use the stones quarried in the back mountain to pile them up. By the time the farming season comes,  By that time, most of the entire wall should be completed. The remaining finishing progress can be slowed down a bit. If there are no special circumstances, the entire project can probably be completed before summer."

    "With this arrangement, the personnel problem can be barely solved. In terms of materials, we can get the stones ourselves. But what about the cement? The inventory in the town's public warehouse is definitely not enough."

    The speaker is called Colbert, and he is a strong and sturdy man.  He was bareheaded, wearing a cleanly washed coarse cloth blouse, his chin was slightly pointed, and his face looked hesitant and anxious.

    He is one of those twenty?One of the beneficiaries of the strengthening potion is also a die-hard supporter of Lin Xiang.

    "I will solve the cement problem. Before that, we must prepare enough stones." As he spoke, Lin Xiang used the pencil between his fingers to draw a large circle on the drawing: "Gentlemen, I would like to  To defend our homeland, more people need to participate. We will cultivate more land and harvest more food. There are too many unpredictable potential dangers in the wilderness. If you don¡¯t want to become the target of mob plunder and the mouths of mutated creatures  As for food, we have to put in a lot of hard work and effort.¡±

    Viewed from a distance, Emma is undoubtedly a city full of life.  Under the dim sky, lights were on in the tall buildings in the central area of ??the city, and vehicles could often be seen coming and going on the criss-crossing main roads.  All this means that the city has sufficient power supply.

    Tall and sturdy machine gun towers and insurmountable cordons on the ground divide the entire city into two distinct parts.  Compared to the brightly lit core area, the slums, which are more than six times the area, look like a group of hungry rats hanging around the tempting cakes.  If it weren't for the terrifying number of damn soldiers and the firepower points densely scattered in every corner of the building, this symbol of the light that symbolizes the remaining civilization of mankind would have been swarmed by civilians fighting and fighting with each other.  Completely submerged.

    There is not much snow left on the ground, and the warmer and warmer air is urging the white accumulation to disappear from the world as much as possible.  The weather is still a bit cold, but the wind caressing my face is no longer as cold as a knife or needle.  People who are active outside no longer gather around the fire all day long, and their clothes are not so thick.

    A lonely figure stood at an intersection far away from the city.

    He was wrapped in a light gray velvet scarf, and through the button seam of his black coat, he could see that he was wearing a dark blue sweater underneath.  This kind of attire could be said to be ordinary in the old days, but now, when supplies are extremely scarce, it is a luxurious attire that would make any refugee envious and jealous.

    Maybe it¡¯s because I feel like I¡¯m having trouble breathing!  He pulled down the scarf covering his nostrils, revealing a slightly confused and immature face.  A pair of black eyes were occupied by melancholy and loss at the same time.

    Throughout the winter, Zhou Hao would stand here for several hours every day, staring expectantly at the end of the road disappearing on the horizon.

    This is where he met the man.  He believed that person would appear again.

    This is a cruel era.  In order to survive, men would kill their women to use as food, and they would also sell their relatives as slaves in exchange for necessary resources.  Friends are for selling, parents and children are for eating.  Except for naked interests, people can give up everything.

    Zhou Hao has lost count of how many men his mother has slept with.  Regardless of whether they were tall or short, fat or thin, old or young or disabled, those men all had lustful eyes. They threw their mothers on the bed like wild beasts, ravaged, humiliated, beat and vented them roughly and excitedly After they were satisfied, there was no trace of emotion in their eyes.  With one exception, he would show contempt and disdain, and he would use all kinds of dirty words to humiliate and curse the woman who was just lying under him.  When they are lucky, they will readily throw down the sufficient amount of banknotes agreed upon in advance, or a piece of lightly irradiated bread as black as coal.  Some people only give half of the required price, or less, or even just pick up their pants and leave without saying a word.  There are also some psychopathic guys or guys who rely on brute strength, who will beat their mothers with their fists and walk out of the dilapidated hut with both physical and mental satisfaction.

    Mother and son struggled hard in this humiliating way.  Zhou Hao never persuaded his mother or comforted her in any way.  The only thing he could do was to slowly get close to his mother when she was curled up on the bed and sobbing softly in the middle of the night, hold her skinny body tightly, gently rub the slightly rough skin, and use the corners of her clothes to  Wipe the tears from her eyes.

    As for his father Zhou Hao could not associate him with this sacred word.  As the man said, maybe even the mother doesn't know how many men she has received. Zhou Hao himself is a bastard.  But in my memory, the man only did two things when he returned home - to get money from his mother, and to vent his anger by beating the mother and son in an extremely violent way.

    Zhou Hao remembered every man who had insulted and beaten his mother.  He knew he was powerless to resist, so he tried his best to endure it, waiting for the day when he would grow up.  Countless nights, he would stand in the wild and swear to the dark sky that he would personally kill every object of revenge in his memory.

    Before that day, he had never seen Lin Xiang, and Lin Xiang had never seen him.

    However, Lin Xiang gave himself?The money that his mother could not earn back throughout the year, and a drop of blood dripping from his body.

    That is a drop of the most magical liquid in the world.  Under its stimulation, Zhou Hao could clearly feel his blood boiling, rushing wildly in the forcibly widened blood vessels.  New cells desperately fill every gap in the fragile bones, making them thicker and harder.  The muscles are expanding at an unimaginable speed. They are arranged so tightly that every time they are squeezed, they can release unimaginable force.  Not even the hardest stone can block his full blow.

    Zhou Hao once envied those mercenaries who had evolved or strengthened abilities.  In Emma City, they have the best food, the best clothes, and the best housing.  No one dares to provoke them.  In front of them, the most arrogant and brutal gang boss in the slums was like a humble and pitiful ant.  But now, Zhou Hao is much stronger than any mercenary.

    He firmly remembered every word Lin Xiang said to him.  He has never taken the initiative to show his powerful abilities in front of others.  In addition to cornering a few men who had deliberately insulted his mother in a remote corner on a dark and windy night, and smashing those dirty and ugly heads to pieces with his fists, the only thing he did was  He tried his best to control the swollen power, and beat up those guys who wanted to rob his customers while only injuring his flesh.  In this regard, the local snakes in Emma City were just surprised that the boy had grown too fast, but they did not attract anyone's attention.

    After all, he is just a ten-year-old child.

    The number of evolved humans is already very rare.  Ordinary people cannot detect the existence of supernatural aura.  Even if a master as powerful as the Nine-Star Parasitoid stood among ordinary people, he would not be able to attract the slightest look of doubt.

    With the money left by Lin Xiang, her mother opened a small grocery store in the city.  By exchanging various things such as food, clothing, drinking water, etc.  Coupled with the slightly expanded small hotel, the meager but stable income is enough for two people to live.

    No one dares to call him "little mouse" anymore.  Zhou Hao completely ignored this obviously mocking nickname and would not take the initiative to find the other person to cause trouble.  If someone is surprised by his indifferent attitude, and then becomes angry and wants to teach him a lesson with his fists, he will be surprised and painful to find that the person being lectured becomes himself.

    Zhou Hao would stand at the intersection outside the city every day, hoping to see Lin Xiang again.

    He has never forgotten what Lin Xiang said.

    "No matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, you must keep one thing in mind - you are a man -"

    The gap between hope and reality is often wide, whether in the old era or the new era.  Several months passed, and in the end, he still couldn't see the person he was looking forward to most.

    The sky gradually became dim, and only a faint light ball remained in the crumbling sun.  The raging cold wind passed over the mountain forest, making a roar that was more terrifying than that of wild beasts.

    Stretching his somewhat stiff legs and feet, Zhou Hao took one last look at the end of the road disappearing in the dusk, sighed softly, turned around and walked towards the city.

    "Perhaps, he will appear tomorrow"

    Just when the boy's figure disappeared into the low shack, a bright white light appeared from the end of the winding and uneven road in the distance.

    Lin Xiang didn¡¯t know what was happening outside Emma City.  In order to prevent potential opponents from catching his whereabouts, he was changing his supposed fixed movement pattern at any time.  Take this time, for example, after setting off from Hidden Moon Town, he drove an off-road vehicle and walked westward for more than fifty kilometers along the road left over from the old era, before returning to the normal route.

    This is very dangerous.  All terrain looks the same in the dark, with the wilderness dotted with dangerous and hidden swamps.  Relying on the indeed powerful perception ability obtained from Cayetano, coupled with the ability to detect potential dangers and powerful memory capabilities, he can move back and forth safely and freely in this vast area.

    Sitting in the cab with the windows closed, Lin Xiang¡¯s short hair on his forehead was blown high by the wind.  Looking at the snow-white Emma City wooden sign illuminated by the car lights on the roadside, his closed lips curved into a beautiful arc. He exerted force on his feet, and the engine suddenly received energy supply, and suddenly burst out with madness and excitement.  With a roar, under the surprised and envious gazes of passers-by around him, the wide tires were pulled hard across the remaining snow on the road. Amidst the splashing dirty water and the curses coming from the roadside, they rushed towards the black-yellow-painted road.  Twill marked central area in front of the guard post.

    A Sosbian soldier holding an assault rifle stepped forward and looked at Lin Xiang in the driver's seat with vigilance and caution.  In the circular sand barrier not far behind him, a 12.7mm machine gun has been set up, its black and cold muzzle,?Pointing at the shuddering and roaring car body.

    Lin Xiang grabbed the ID card placed on the passenger seat and handed it out the window.  This inspection is nothing more than a routine matter.  Even if he really rushes into the auction hall without stepping on the brakes, with his dual mercenary status of the Skeleton Knights and Sosbia, he will not cause any trouble.  At most, it's just compensation for some losses on the scene.

    ¡°With strength, everything comes, and this is the same truth in the old and new eras.

    "A-level certificate?" The soldier was obviously very surprised by the information on the certificate card.  He looked at Lin Xiang's fine combat uniform and the beautiful and solid off-road vehicle with admiration.  After handing back the certificate card in his hand, he subconsciously took a step back. With undisguised envy and respect in his eyes, he slowly raised the black and yellow road pole across the intersection.

    The auction hall was brightly lit as usual.  From the open door came not only the warm breath, but also the tempting aroma of various foods.

    There are many people in the hall. Judging from their clothing and appearance, most of them are mercenaries serving major companies.  In the prominent positions on their chests and left arms, Lin Xiang not only saw the one-horned lion pattern of Sosbia, the two-sword shield coat of arms of Ferdinand Company, but also some other new ones that he had never seen or heard of before.  symbols of.

    Lin Xiang walked into the hall and attracted the attention of many people.  The man measured the value of the combat uniform he was wearing with his eyes, while the woman's eyes were a little fiery.
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