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Volume 1 Chapter 82 Night Talk

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    Chapter 82 Night Talk

    Winter brings more than just coldness to humans.

    The radiation dust in areas of severe radiation and nuclear explosions will be swept up by the wind and liquid on the ground evaporates, and will be carried up to high altitudes, forming a thick and black radiation airflow layer.  When ordinary cumulonimbus clouds mix with it, they form precipitation and pose a fatal threat to organisms.  Especially in winter, the snow that falls to the ground will not melt for months.  Rays invisible to the naked eye have created a large number of terrifying mutant creatures.  New biological variants that are resistant to cold, heat, and radiation are constantly emerging. They are like evolvers among humans. While they have incredible abilities, they are also drastically expanding their concept of food and their intake of food.  As the old saying goes - "The more you eat, the stronger you grow."

    Compared with the hot summer, although the cold season makes people with thin clothes feel very uncomfortable, it has many fewer potential dangers.  Many species that have been inherited from the old era still retain the fixed hibernation habits of their ancestors.  They hibernate in underground nests, sleeping soundly, waiting for spring to come again next year.  This kind of long sleep can be regarded as the most direct manifestation of laziness, and it also reduces unnecessary trouble and killing for those who travel through the wilderness in the cold season.

    The off-road vehicle was driving at a constant speed on the old road. Lin Xiang held the steering wheel and looked attentively at the ground directly in front of him that was illuminated by the car lights. From time to time, he raised the corners of his eyes and glanced at the rear of the car a few times.  Three rescued people were seated.

    The seats in the car are very spacious, but they are crowded together.  This may be understood as a physiological reaction caused by cold weather, or it can be seen as an instinct caused by fear and worry in unknown situations.

    In order to avoid fainting due to physical exhaustion, Lin Xiang gave each of them a bottle of water and a piece of bread.  Except for one-third of the portion in the boy's hand, the middle-aged man put the rest in his backpack like treasures.  He opened his skinny arms and hugged the entire backpack tightly in his arms. The look in his eyes showed gratitude, excitement, uneasiness and also a trace of vigilance that would not disappear under any circumstances.

    He found that Lin Xiang was observing him through the rearview mirror, and awkwardly squeezed out a fleeting smile from the corner of his mouth.  At the same time, he moved his body as far as possible towards the front of the seat until the boy was completely blocked behind the barrier formed by his body and clothes. Then he breathed a little relaxedly, but the expression on his face was still too rigid and cautious.

    After taking a look at the reflected lens, Lin Xiang felt that he didn¡¯t know what to say.

    In this era, only interests exist.

    The extreme shortage of food and the deterioration of the living environment require everyone to do their best to collect the resources needed for survival.  The source of the killings and fights may be as little as a mouthful of food poisoning, or a bit of water not strong enough to soak your throat.  Words like "care" and "friend" have long since disappeared. People would rather believe in their own fists than in a piece of bread that suddenly comes to their mouths without any reason.

    Maybe, in this man¡¯s view, his purpose is the same as those of the mercenaries, they are all targeting his wife and boy, right?

    "Shaking his head, Lin Xiang sighed, stepped on the accelerator, and the engine that suddenly received power roared like a wild horse that had broken free from its restraints, happily running towards a distant destination in the dark night.

    The location of Yinyue Town is very special.  From normal observation, it is difficult to detect its existence.  Only by following the scattered rocks and dilapidated shrubs and detouring through the uninhabited wilderness can you find this hidden human settlement on the edge of the steep mountain range.

    Passing through the guard towers lining the outskirts of the town, the off-road vehicle slowly drove into the open space in the center of the town.  The stalled engine quickly stopped roaring. He pulled out the key from under the steering wheel and pushed open the door. The moment the soles of his boots made contact with the ground, Lin Xiang felt a sense of stability and reliability as if he had fallen from mid-air to the ground.

    The dark sky gradually brightened, and the few faint stars mixed in the thick clouds completely disappeared. The sky turned gray-white, dawn came, and the first light of dawn had appeared.

    The light was still a little dim. Except for a few townspeople who heard the noise and curiously opened the door to look outside, there was no one on the street.

    It¡¯s still too early to get up. Under normal circumstances, no one would wander outside at this time.

    Lin Xiang raised his head and raised his right thumb towards the guard standing on the central guard tower who was looking down in this direction.  The other person was a strong man with a stubble on his face. He smiled and nodded, stretched out his hand and made the same gesture in reply.

    Lin Xiang rushed into the carriage and grabbed a box full of supplies and put it on his shoulders. Lin Xiang tilted his head at the middle-aged man who had already stepped out of the car: "Come with me!"

    It is obviously a very unethical behavior to wake people up from their sleep in the middle of the night.  ?So, when the sleepy Wang Biao walked out of the bedroom with an unhappy look on his face, wrapped in a coat, and cursing, the only thing Lin Xiang could do was smile bitterly.

    His house is filled with too many things.  Except for the secrets hidden in cellars and corners, concealed by bricks and rocks, the tables, chairs, and floors were already covered in dust.  If you don't clean it carefully, you won't be able to live in it at all.

    "You are looking for convenience and don't look at what time it is now? It's rare for you to wake up from a good night's sleep. If God really exists in this world, I will definitely pray that he throws you into hell to be with the devil  ¡­But then again, sometimes, you kid is scarier than the devil.¡±

    Wang Biao¡¯s voice was so loud that it sounded like a lion roaring.  He rubbed his lazy, half-closed eyes vigorously, and yawned in an exaggerated shape with his surprisingly large mouth.  This made the scar running through his face look even more terrifying, and under the dim light of the fire, the whole person looked even more ferocious.

    Grabbing a few chopped pieces of firewood from the corner of the room and throwing them into the fireplace, using a torch to push away the reddish embers, the burning fire once again radiated enough warmth and light.

    "Who are they?" The scar-faced man leaned over and stood up in front of the stove, glancing at the other three people standing in the living room.

    "Your future neighbor."

    With that said, Lin Xiang opened the box at his feet, took out two bottles of whiskey with black skull labels, and put them into the hands of Wang Biao, whose eyes were shining: "Can you get us something to eat?"

    Simple food was quickly placed on a wooden dining table.  A few pieces of cold tortillas stacked in a clean bamboo basket once again prove the truth of the saying that men have no connection with the kitchen.  Of course, the alcoholic scar-faced man did not treat guests harshly and continued to be angry when he was woken up from bed.  At least there were a few plates of salted pickles and dried meat on the table, as well as enough steaming boiling water.

    The three rescuers sat across the table, looking at the food with greedy and longing eyes, but still maintaining obvious restraint on their faces.

    "You're welcome, eat quickly!"

    Lin Xiang greeted them, fiddling with a piece of corn tortilla in his hand, tearing it into tiny pieces and soaking it in a soup bowl filled with hot water.

    The warmth of the fire and the aroma of the food made the wary guests finally get rid of their inherent caution.  The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, then reached for a piece of cold cake and put it into the boy's bowl. Then he picked up another piece and tore it in half, then handed one half to his wife.

    "Can you tell me your name?" Upon seeing this, Lin Xiang laughed.  He pushed the plate with pickles towards the opposite side.

    "My name is Yang Hua."

    The middle-aged man¡¯s mouth was filled with corn tortillas. Lin Xiang¡¯s actions along the way and his body¡¯s need for food made him completely let go of his last vigilance.  After saying this vaguely, he was choked and felt really uncomfortable. He picked up the soup bowl, washed down the food stuck in his throat with slightly scalding hot water, and let out a long sigh with a solemn expression.  He stood up and pointed to the woman and boy sitting next to him: "This is my wife Ajuan and son Yang Zhen. Thank you thank you for saving us."

    "How were you sold as slaves?" Lin Xiang nodded, scooped up a spoonful of soaked pancakes and put it into his mouth.

    "Things started a week ago."

    Yang Hua touched the shoulder of the boy next to him with a gloomy expression: "We are refugees who have migrated from the eastern region. A few days ago, when we were exchanging food in a settlement camp in the west, the other party suddenly changed his mind. They threatened us with guns to hand over everything.  Property. Unprepared, we had no choice but to agree to their conditions. Those guys stole everything from us, tied us up, imprisoned us all, and sold us as slaves."

    Lin Xiang was a little surprised: "Besides you, is there anyone else?"

    "There are fifty-six of us in total. If those mercenaries hadn't taken the three of us out of the cage and prepared to take us away at dawn, I would have had no chance to escape from there." At this point, Yang Hua's face was full of pain  and hatred.

    "Who are the people who arrested you?" The scar-faced man sat next to Lin Xiang with five wooden wine glasses, opened his big mouth full of thick beard, bit open the cork of the whiskey bottle with his strong teeth, and took out the light yellow  The wine was poured into cups and placed in front of several people in order.  He added gruffly: "It's cold, drink some wine to warm yourself up."

    ¡°They are all refugees just like us.¡±

    Yang Hua took the wine glass and shook it back and forth in his thin hands. His voice was a little hoarse when he spoke: "When exchanging food, they were very friendly and even invited us into the camp to have dinner together. This false superficial atmosphere deceives us."  Every one of us was killed, and by the time we realized something was wrong, it was already too late"

    Lin Xiang put down the spoon in his hand and looked at it quietlyLooking at him.  Wang Biao raised his neck and poured the wine from the glass into his mouth, a dark red soon appeared on his gloomy face.  The woman and child across the table also stopped chewing.  The atmosphere in the room quickly became silent.

    After a long time, the boy named Yang Chen swallowed hard and whispered in a tone of hatred that was obviously inconsistent with his age: "They also killed Uncle Wei."

    "Old Wei is our captain." Yang Hua's eyes were full of hatred because of the memories: "Those guys were prepared. They knocked out the strongest people in the team. In order to establish their authority, they chopped them down in front of us.  They took off Old Wei's head. Cut his body into pieces and boiled it in a pot to make broth There were hundreds of them, and we had no way to resist."

    The refugees wandering in the wilderness will generally abide by the most basic rules.  But this situation usually only occurs when the two sides are equal in strength.  When a certain party's strength or number is too strong, the weaker party will become food, or used as a bargaining chip in exchange for other supplies.

    "Where are the coordinates of their camp?" Lin Xiang calmly took his backpack, took out a regional distribution map obtained from the d212 base, and spread it flat on the table.

    Yang Hua looked at the map carefully for a long time, stretched out his finger and pressed hard on a location to the west of Yinyue Town, and said solemnly: "This is it."

    Lin Xiang turned the map in front of him.  It was not far from the place where he rescued three people, about twenty kilometers away.

    He compared the coordinates on the map with a solemn expression and asked without raising his head: "How many people are there on the other side? What is the weapon configuration?"

    "The number of people was at least two hundred. The weapons were very mixed, basically homemade firearms. As for the number I don't know very well. At that time, we were all locked in wooden cages."

    Speaking of this, Yang Hua showed a touch of sadness on his face: "If you plan to save them I can only tell you that it is too late now."

    "Why?" Wang Biao and Lin Xiang raised their heads at the same time.

    "In addition to the mercenaries, there was another group of people who came to the camp a little later. They drove a truck, bought everyone, loaded them all into the truck, and left before dawn."

    Yang Hua¡¯s eyes turned red. He clenched the glass of wine with both hands and poured every drop of the spicy liquid into his mouth.  With the strong smell of alcohol coming out of his mouth and nose, he lay on the cold table, trembling and panting like a wounded beast.

    The firewood burning in the fireplace made a crackling sound, and the swaying flames illuminated several huge black figures on the opposite wall. The atmosphere in the room was so dull that it was suffocating. Occasionally, there was a weak airflow passing through, which seemed to be affected by this.  Infected by silent anger and sorrow, there was a faint trace of blood.

    Lin Xiang picked up a piece of corn cake, raised it to his mouth, and then slowly put it down.  A gentle sigh emanated from the center of the seemingly calm lip line.

    "Are there any obvious signs on the truck? Or a mark or something?" Wang Biao drank another glass of wine with a ferocious look on his face.  The clothes on my body slipped to the ground at some point.  He didn't seem to feel cold, and the muscles in his shoulders and arms suddenly swelled with anger.

    Yang Hua, who looked sad, shook his head silently.  He was busy escaping from the camp and could not have time to pay attention to more details

    The faint morning light shines on the paper pasted on the window, revealing a hazy white.

    There was a gentle and rhythmic sound of footsteps coming from the window.  Gradually, there were more and more sounds of soles contacting the ground, occasionally mixed with barely discernible conversations. Various chaotic sounds merged with each other, and everything clearly showed that it was another new morning.  , has arrived.

    "Stay here! You will have a new home." The scar-faced man rubbed his rough hands back and forth on his tired face, opened his big mouth and bit hard on his sore teeth, and his eyes were slightly swollen.  , looked at the three people opposite seriously.

    This sentence seemed to have an incomparable magical power, making the three listeners tremble.  The eyes full of sadness suddenly revealed a look of expectation and surprise.

    They didn't speak.  Both the woman and the boy were looking at the man sitting next to them.  Obviously, he was the one who made the decision.

    "Is thisappropriate? I, we have nothing" Yang Hua's thin face was full of excitement. He tried hard to control the urge in his heart to agree, and looked at Lin Xiang and Lin Xiang opposite him uneasily.  Wang Biao.

    There is never any good thing in this world that is given in vain.  Being rescued by Lin Xiang already owed him a huge favor.  If they were taken in again what would be their purpose?  What else can I come up with?exchange?

    This is very normal thinking.

    "There is only one prerequisite." The scar-faced man's words made him feel slightly relieved again.  However, the other party's reply was completely beyond his expectation.

    "Yinyue Town only welcomes hard-working people, not lazy people."

    There are not many empty houses in the town, so it is barely enough to make one as a temporary residence for Yang Hua and his family.  Several enthusiastic neighbors became the protagonists in helping the new residents. After they left with the three new townspeople, only Lin Xiang and Wang Biao were left in the cabin sitting side by side at the dining table.

    "This is for you." Lin Xiang opened his jacket pocket and took out an exquisite glass test tube and placed it on the table.

    That¡¯s the full anti-radiation potion he promised.

    The scarred man¡¯s eyes suddenly showed unexpected surprise. He picked up the test tube, carefully read the words on the tube wall, and said seriously: "I owe you a favor."

    Lin Xiang didn¡¯t joke as usual.  He stared at the open door with an expressionless face, holding the spoon in his hand and ladling up the gelatinized soup in a dull and mechanical manner, moving back and forth between his mouth and the soup bowl.

    "What are you thinking about?" Wang Biao looked at him with some fear.  Whenever this happens, it means that Lin Xiang's heart is full of anger that needs to explode.

    "Have all those strengthening potions been distributed?" Lin Xiang did not answer, but asked another question.

    The scar-faced man nodded: "Twenty level three evolved superpowers, they are now taking turns to serve as guards."

    "Before the next farming season comes, we need to prepare some other things." Lin Xiang dropped the spoon in his hand, stood up from the table, walked slowly to the door, and looked at the vast land in the distance.

    "What are you referring to?" Wang Biao's eyes followed him.

    "There are many. For example, a wall that is strong enough and strong enough."
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