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Volume 1 Chapter 75 Madman

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    Chapter 75 Madman


    On the maps of this era, there are no nouns similar to those of the old era.  Lin Xiang could only draw a new floor plan based on the memory deep in his mind and the various data and intelligence he had.

    Using the ruins of Pingdingshan City that we have visited as a reference, we can infer that the land under our feet should belong to Henan Province in the old era.  According to the direction pointed by Hueman, use the map of Chinese provinces in the old era as a route, and go straight to the northwest - Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang


    This simple and unremarkable word instantly activated Lin Xiang¡¯s closed mind like an electric shock.  Scenes from the past replayed in my mind like a movie: the mutant attack, the evacuation from Chengdu, the difficult transfer of millions of refugeesthe final destination was Xinjiang.

    It used to be one of the most sparsely populated provinces in China in the old days. If we purely use military value and population as an attack reference, most of Xinjiang Province is covered with mountains and wilderness.  In other words, even if the entire Chinese territory is subject to a saturation attack, it will not be included as a key target like the densely populated eastern cities.

    Maybe there are more survivors there

    The bar was still full of decadence and debauchery, but Lin Xiang's seemingly peaceful heart was beating happily to the intense rhythm of the drums.  He had a vague feeling that the west side should be the place of hope in his dream.

    "In exchange, should you also answer a question for me?" Suddenly, Humane burped loudly and looked at him seriously.

    "What do you want to know?" Lin Xiang responded calmly, not avoiding the other party's gaze at all.

    A strange paleness flashed across Human's face, as if hesitating a little, with a complex expression mixed with excitement and hesitation. After a while, he slowly opened his lips and spoke with a rather embarrassed but firm expression.  He asked in a tone of voice: "Can you tell me what it feels like to have a mother?"

    "What did you say?" Lin Xiang turned around and looked into his eyes in surprise.

    "You said that you have parents." Human's tone suddenly became a little weird.  There was obviously a bit of eagerness and expectation mixed with it: "In an abandoned old-time library, I found a few books that were not completely rotten. There was a very philosophical sentence mentioned above."

    "Oh? What is it?" Lin Xiang shook the small amount of wine in the cup, covering his vigilance and hostility hidden at the bottom with a friendly smile that stayed on his face.

    Heumann is indeed a very easy person to get along with.  But that doesn't mean people sitting at the same table drinking can become friends.

    He is a skeleton warrior after all.  The Knights are his eternal enemies. From this perspective, he should also be classified as his opponent.

    "That sentence was very short, but it was deeply etched in my mind like an unforgettable imprint." Heuman took a big sip of wine and groaned with a slight anesthetic that melted into his blood: "Mom  My arms are the warmest place in the worldLin, what does it feel like to have a mother?"

    Lin Xiang looked at him calmly, with a hint of indescribable loss and sadness in his eyes.

    Replicants have no parents.  They were born from test tubes and can be said to be the product of a combination of machines and technology.

    A clone wants to regain the feeling of having a mother

    The bar is still noisy, with thick smoke and the pungent smell of alcohol filling every corner. The dancer's voluptuous body and the man's lustful thoughts are violently colliding and entangled.  There was a sadness in the clear-cut face of Humane that Lin Xiang remembered deeply.

    ¡°Mom¡­what a wonderful word!¡±

    In the southeast corner of the d212 base, there stands a row of ordinary-looking bungalows.

    Pushing open the wooden door with a metal frame, you will find that this is a large room covering an area of ??more than hundreds of square meters.

    Square white tiles covering every corner of the floor.  The freshly painted plaster on the walls gave off a pungent smell of dust, and hanging from the ceiling of the same color was a simple incandescent lamp that emitted too strong light.

    When Lin Xiang walked into the room, a naked Cayetano was leaning back on the soft leather sofa, with his arms and legs spread out. A woman with a good figure, also naked, was lying next to his knees.  , like a docile cat, letting its owner comb its hairless back.

    This is the supreme commander of the D212 base - Hermandez.  Cayetano.

    He is tall and thin.  The body stretches into the Chinese character for "´ó", like a tree made of dead wood.Like a couple, they slumped softly on the spacious sofa surface.  There are very few muscles protruding from under the skin. On both sides of the thin face, there are high protruding joints that seem to be able to pierce the epidermis at any time. The high bridge of the nose makes the shrunken eye sockets look more and more sunken. The shadows falling from the brow bone  Completely cover the exposed part of the eyeball.  His thin body made him look more like a mummy than a living person.

    On the back of the chair in front of the desk next to him, there was a wrinkled light gray skeleton uniform hanging down.  A rectangular badge in the shape of a five-star on a white background can be barely seen through the gap in the folds of the clothes.  This shows that the owner of the clothes is a skeleton knight with the rank of second lieutenant.

    "Are you the mercenary who saved the Human team?"

    Cayetano's face was sickly pale, and his mouth was very thin and dry, but it had a strange bright red color that didn't match it.  Especially the voice, which was as hoarse as a shipwreck survivor who had not drank water for a long time and could die at any time.

    "B-level mercenary. This is my license." Lin Xiang nodded, took out the identification card from his breast pocket, stood it upright in his right hand, and stretched it out flatly.

    The Skeleton Knight's eyes were fixed on him, with no intention of diverting his gaze to take another look at the card.  He seemed to be feeling something, the air in the room was as dull as death.  .  .  .  .  Suddenly, he suddenly jumped up from the sofa as if he was hit by high-voltage electricity. Without any warning, he took out a large-caliber M500 revolver from the side, pointed it directly at Lin Xiang, and pulled the trigger hard.

    Huge gunshots echoed in the room like thunder.  The powerful warhead released an extremely strong and pungent smoke, completely drowning out the smell of lime emanating from the wall.  Four terrifying bullet holes the size of wine cups tightly covered Lin Xiang from the left and right sides, like an invisible shackles, elusive, but actually existing.

    ¡°This gun feels so damn good. I love this brutal power.¡±

    Cayetano groaned, he closed his eyes slightly, and like a narcissist, he stroked his slender fingers back and forth on the surface of his naked body.  The thin arms seemed to have been injected with foreign energy, twisting around the chest and abdomen like flexible snakes.  With this simple touch between skin and flesh, his expression became more and more excited, the rhythm of twisting his head and body became more and more crazy, and his long nails pierced the soft flesh,  Small traces of oozing blood suddenly appeared.

    Lin Xiang watched this scene silently.  His muscles were tense, and his hands were in the best position to draw a gun.  Any abnormal movement of the other party cannot escape his meticulously observing eyes.

    Cayetano's strength is not strong, and the parasitic aura he exudes only reaches the one-star standard.  Killing him is easy.

    Lin Xiang doesn¡¯t want to act rashly.  This is a heavily guarded base of the Knights, with hundreds of armed soldiers outside.  Although he could escape from it with powerful supernatural powers, it was not in line with his intention to hide his identity.

    Only by lurking inside the opponent's camp in disguise can the most powerful destructive force be unleashed at the critical moment.

    Lin Xiang's purpose is very clear - start from the bottom and climb to the top of the Knights' power step by step.

    Having power means having more resources and strength.  It is also easier to hide your identity.

    When the messenger found him, he only said that the base garrison commander wanted to talk to him.  If this rough and barbaric manner could be considered part of the conversation, Lin Xiang could only classify Cayetano as a special group of people with poor mental health.

    Judging from the current situation, this skeleton knight with obvious sadistic and masochistic tendencies must have been a resident of a mental hospital in the old days.

    "A gun is a toy used to kill people."

    Cayetano's voice was a little feminine. He suddenly grabbed the hair of the woman lying on the sofa roughly. Before she could scream, he lifted her soft neck up to his mouth and suddenly opened his thin lips.  , using his white and sharp teeth to bite down on the fragile blood vessels.  The bright red viscous liquid splashed on his face, staining his pale skin a bloody red.

    Lin Xiang finally understood where the strange red color on the Skeleton Knight's lips came from.


    The powerful .50 Magnum bullet blasted the woman's beautiful head into pieces like tofu.  The weak body was lying on the ground crookedly, with a huge crack exploding in the center of the shoulder that extended to the chest.  Under the strong and dazzling light, the fist-sized heart was beating desperately through the swelling wound that was emitting bursts of heat.  With every squeeze, a sauce-colored liquid would gush out from the disconnected blood vessels.

    Her body is not completely dead yet.  The trembling hands and feet moved rhythmically but meaninglessly in all directions under the control of the last instinct of the nerves.To twitch, stretch, bend

    Bending down, he stretched his long and thin arms into the warm abdominal cavity of the deceased, pulled out the soft and slippery intestines, and wrapped them around his thin neck like a bath belt. Cayetano's face was as pale as a dead person,  Suddenly he showed an unprecedented smile of satisfaction.

    Looking at Cayetano reaching climax, Lin Xiang only felt the corners of his eyes twitching slightly.

    He finally understood why Colonel Evans and Heumann spoke of their superiors in such strange and hateful tones.  At that time, they were not talking about a person at all, but a beast, a moldy saprophyte of the dirtiest and meanest kind.

    Cayetano¡¯s bulging eyes looked as if he had taken an overdose of drugs.  He crushed the scattered corpses on the ground with all his strength, then slowly walked to the desk, opened the drawer, took out five thick bullets, and stuffed them into the empty runner of the M500 one by one.  He casually pressed the pager on the table, and a few minutes later, two skeleton warriors with loaded weapons opened the door and walked in.

    ¡°Clean up, make the floor cleaner¡ª¡ª¡±

    Cayetano lit up a cigarette, pointed at the scattered corpses casually, turned to Lin Xiang standing next to him, and said flatly: "Sorry, I was a little too excited just now. Please don't take offense."

    Lin Xiang nodded expressionlessly.  After venting his anger, Cayetano is more or less a normal person.  But the naked body and the blood all over his body showed that he was obviously a patient with confused thinking.

    "I like dealing with mercenaries."

    Without looking at the busy skeleton warrior beside him, Cayetano picked up a white dry towel from the table, and like a gentle and clean woman, carefully wiped the blood on his fingers: "Are you scared?  You? Haha! It¡¯s just a clone. If you like it, I¡¯ll ask someone to come in and accompany you now.¡±

    At this moment, he was as gentle and gentle as a gentleman.

    "Thank you!" Lin Xiang said calmly, his voice sounding sweet and magnetic: "I don't know why the Commander came to see me."

    "Half a month ago, we set up an outpost on the other side of the valley." Cayetano held the cigarette in the corner of his mouth, reached out and took off the military jacket from the back of the chair and put it on his shoulders: "According to the current situation  Look, they were probably attacked by the religious fanatics from the "Sword of God". According to the old guy Evans, you are a pretty good guy. I hope you can help me get a feel for the situation there.  .¡±

    Although Lin Xiang was a little surprised, he didn't show it on his face.  Like all mercenaries when hearing about a mission, he subconsciously rubbed his hands and asked in a greedy tone: "So, how much is the specific reward?"

    "Ten thousand skull yuan."

    Cayetano raised a finger: "In addition, you will be upgraded to an A-level mercenary. Of course, you will be responsible for all discoveries or captured persons. If your performance is outstanding, I can also apply to the above to make an exception.  Promote you to a full member of the Knights."

    Lin Xiang looked at Cayetano's cloudy light blue eyes: "Why did you choose me to carry out this mission? As far as I know, there are many powerful soldiers in the D212 base."

    "I have read your information. You are a human being who came into this dirty world through normal reproduction."

    Cayetano took out a bottle of exquisitely packaged perfume from the drawer and applied it carefully on himself. A blood-like flush soon appeared on the surface of his diseased skin: "I don't like those replicants. They are parasitic here."  They are garbage on the land. They have no use at all except as consumables and losses. Even the stupidest pig is much nobler than them¡ª¡ª"

    As he spoke, he cleared his throat, coughed up a mouthful of thick phlegm, and spat it hard on the soldier next to him who was busy cleaning the ground. He roared nervously: "It hasn't been done for so long, get out of here and give it all to me.  Get out! Get out, call another woman in, and go now¡ª"

    "I need to replenish some necessary equipment and ammunition." Lin Xiang found a suitable excuse to leave.  He really didn't want to stay in this bloody, lewd, and terrifying room.

    ¡°No problem, when I issue a warrant, you can just go directly to that old bastard Evans.¡±

    Cayetano nodded, pulled out his chair and sat down, picked up the pen on the table, and wrote quickly on a blank piece of paper with a black skull pattern.

    At this time, a woman wearing a light gray uniform with a good figure and a face as pale and desperate as a corpse appeared outside the door.

    Cayetano's eyes were filled with blazing blood. He threw the paper he had just signed towards Lin Xiang, strode up to the woman, grabbed her shirt with both hands, and moved toward her.A sharp right blow tore the tough uniform into scattered pieces in an instant.

    ¡°Turn around and put your hands on the sofa. I¡¯m going to fuck you now¡ª¡ª¡±

    The woman¡¯s whole body was trembling. She bent down, supported the armrest of the sofa with her arms, and pointed her white and round buttocks at the skeleton knight.

    With a cruel and excited expression on his face, Cayetano walked forward with a ferocious smile, grabbed a handful of fat buttocks with his left hand, and with an almost crazy excitement and impulse, he picked up the gun that had just been loaded with bullets with his right hand.  m500, pointing its thick, cold muzzle at the woman.

    Lin Xiang, who had already guessed what was about to happen, grabbed the letter paper that the ink had not yet dried on from the table, turned around and walked out of the room as quickly as possible.  The moment the door crack closed, five violent gunshots were suddenly heard from inside the house that made the walls tremble.

    ¡°¡­a madman.¡±

    The moment he whispered these words from his lips, Lin Xiang clearly saw a skeleton guard standing outside the room with a loaded gun, his face full of helpless but unable to resist sadness.
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