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Volume 2 Weird Place Chapter 23 Cathay Mansion

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    A loud shout suddenly rang out in the field hospital, startling the wounded, and they all paid attention. It turned out to be a big man named Yu Zhe, who I heard came from Tabos.

    "Quiet! Why are you yelling?" The medical soldier knocked on the bedside impatiently.

    Yu Zhe rubbed his eyes, "I'm not dead? Where is this?"

    The medical soldier smiled, "Of course you're not dead, and I'm not a ghost. This is the third floor of the underground arsenal, a temporary field hospital where soldiers from the Wei Kingdom receive treatment."

    Yu Zhe couldn't believe it and muttered in a low voice: "How could I not die? Jinqiao will definitely activate the explosive device."

    The medical soldiers were too lazy to pay attention to him. After the bloody battle, many soldiers were not mentally normal. There was only one more, so they whispered a few words and then went to see the others.

    Yu Zhe looked at his right leg and smiled bitterly. It was missing parts again, but this time he was lucky and could only be considered a slightly injured person.  In the first fierce battle, I lost an arm, and this time I lost a leg. Fortunately, my head never fell off.  Although Shantouxing's quick-freezing technology is advanced, time on the battlefield is limited, and few people who lose their heads can survive, so few people dare to try it.

    "Are you awake?" Diaka's voice of surprise came from nearby.

    Yu Zhe looked up and was shocked, why did Diaka become a medical soldier?  Her whole family was drafted to join the army, Ikazan and Spin joined the General Logistics Department, the old fat man was in the purchasing department, and the little fat man was in the data center, so they just used the strengths of both parties.  Li Lai and Diaka are both in the reserves, and their combat capabilities are acceptable.

    "There are too many wounded in the front, and a large number of medical staff have been dispatched from the rear to the front. I learned all my medical knowledge in Pidel, and Tabos also has a strong point." Diaka saw the big man's doubts.  .

    Yu Zhe said noncommittally, "How many survivors are there on the second underground floor?"

    Diaka shook his head, "I don't know. I just arrived. The military doctors are treating the seriously injured. I guess it won't be your turn tomorrow. Have a good rest, I'm going to be busy."

    Yu Zhe waved goodbye and closed his eyes to think.  Jinqiao claims to be a heart-connected person, but the heart-connected person seems to have a lot of secrets. Manny said she is not a robot. Isn¡¯t the heart-connected person a brain-connected person?  Headache!  Anyway, he would know it soon, so he was too lazy to think about it anymore, so he covered his head with a quilt and continued to sleep.

    When the big man woke up again, it was already evening. He went to the toilet in a wheelchair. When he came back, he ate and drank enough, lay down and continued to sleep until the medical staff pushed him into the operating room.  Shantouxing has the strengths of both Iev and Tabos. He is familiar with the body structure of the Lunt people, and his medical level is only higher than that of Tabos.

    It would take a few days for the newly grown legs to fully solidify. Yu Zhe was bored lying on the bed. He used his military ID card to check the list of the dead. He was surprised to find that handsome boy Vali was still alive, as well as Yutani, Zane and Sir.  The pictures are not dead.  Getli is at the rear. Even if she goes to the front line, an experienced and senior warrior like her will not die easily.  Everyone close to him was fine, so he turned to check the battle report.

    The more advanced the technology, the faster people will die in large-scale wars.  The joint forces landed at 10 o'clock the night before yesterday and fought fiercely with the enemy until noon yesterday. In just about ten hours, under the excessive firepower, both sides suffered heavy casualties.  The combined forces lost more than 300,000 lives, the enemy suffered considerable losses, the fortress garrison was completely wiped out, and the main mobile force was defeated.  On the surface, the joint forces seem to have the advantage, but this time the battle near the coast, once it goes deep into the inland, the supply line will be extended, and the fortunes and disasters are unpredictable, not to mention the Dongzhou troops with ulterior motives.  The enemy has sufficient supplies and will not lose its combat capability in the short term.  The reason why they destroyed the sub-nodes was simple. On the one hand, it was to weaken the defense near the ancestral temple, and on the other hand, it was to prepare for the future.  If Li Zhuang can be killed, it is estimated that the Min'an and Min'an troops will soon switch sides.  If the operation fails, as long as the main node of Central Continent is destroyed, after the coalition forces defeat the Wei Feng fleet, a steady stream of troops will land on Shantou Star and uproot the Li family.

    The sufferings of the Cathay and Pacific series have just begun, and everything is unknown.  The Wei Tai family moved the strategic star to the Shantou Galaxy, and the Wei Guo family left most of their clansmen in Tabos for backup.  These were taught by Li Zhuang. Getli said that Li Zhuang taught his ancestors that they should not only persist until the last moment, but also keep backups.  At critical moments, you must dare to gamble. Without courage, you will never achieve great things. But there is a limit to gambling, and you cannot always walk a tightrope.  His teachings were very successful. Both Cathay and Taiyuan factions have the determination of warriors. The higher-ups have the courage to bear the consequences of their decisions. Together with the tribesmen who have gone down to the ground, if they fail, they will all die in battle and will not survive.  The top leaders of both factions are publicly elected by the tribesmen. If the high-level decisions are wrong, the selectors should bear the responsibility. In a broad sense, no one is truly innocent.

    "Oh, but I am an innocent person," Lord Peedee scratched his head, "I can't be considered an innocent person. Without the ancestors of the Weiguo family, there would be no me. I can only be considered an unlucky person, and I belong to the category of bad luck.  .That¡¯s not right either. My luck seems to bevery good.  Forget it, too lazy to think about it.  "

    Yu Zhe always felt that the name his parents gave him was not good. He didn't like to think about twists and turns, but the situation always forced him to think about it.  Hilltop Star is much more chaotic than Tabos, and it is getting more and more chaotic. I really don¡¯t know how the sleeping guy can sort it out. It¡¯s not easy to be a big shot.  It¡¯s okay not to do it for such a tired big shot.

    The day after the operation, Youtani, Zane and Sirtu all came to visit, and the four of them talked about what happened after the enemy blew himself up.  Not long after Yu Zhe fainted, Yutani woke up. She was not only well-equipped, but also in good health.  Cha Nei lay in bed for more than a day and came to visit as soon as he woke up.  Fortunately for Sirtu, he had just run to a main support column when the explosion occurred.  The power of the enemy's self-destruction is very powerful. If the automatic system had not removed most of the shock wave, it is estimated that few senior soldiers present would have survived.  Even so, one-third of the people lost their lives.  The enemy planned well. Two secret passages and the entrances and exits on the first and second underground floors were blown down. It took the rescue team more than ten minutes to get through.

    "Have you seen the Golden Bridge?" Yu Zhe asked.

    The three comrades all shook their heads. Youtani said: "He was hacked to death by me. Everyone saw this, and you threw a small ball. He couldn't die anymore."

    Siltu was puzzled, ¡°Why did you want to kill him?¡±

    Yutani was also puzzled, "The order from above was to kill him regardless of whether the information he gave was true or false. Facts have proved that the order was correct, but I can't figure out how the above knew his true identity.  "

    Yu Zhe said: "Jin Qiao is not dead. When I was in a stalemate with the enemy, he suddenly appeared and walked near the detonation device. I thought it was over, but I didn't expect to survive."

    Everyone was in a daze, this was something very strange.  Zhanei pulled out two knives from his equipment and handed them over, "Here, luckily you didn't throw away your kitchen knife, otherwise it would be difficult to find in the chaos."

    Yu Zhe reached out and took it, "Who do you think is the person wearing the gem-shaped armor?"

    Zhanei smiled bitterly, "Nine times out of ten, it is the life created by the Kallus people. They use pure Kalrus technology, so they have restrictions on the weapons of the clan leaders. The Cathay and Thai families are in big trouble."

    Siltu stood up and said, "The superiors must know. There is no need for us to look sad. Let's go and don't disturb Yu Zhe's rest."

    After Yutani and Zhanei heard this, they stood up and said goodbye to the big man. Yu Zhe looked at the backs of his comrades and suddenly smiled.  His smile was a little weird, and the soldier on the bed opposite him was puzzled.

    The day after she started to resume training, Getli suddenly came to the field hospital from Luntzhou.  Yu Zhe was a little puzzled. Sister Xiaoli was so busy that she only made a phone call after she was injured.

    "Sister, why do you come here when you have time?"

    Getli's face was full of exhaustion, "I want to take you back to Luntzhou. Are the two knives still there?"

    Yu Zhe was surprised, "The knife is still there. Is there anything important in Luntzhou that I need to deal with?"

    Getri shook her head, "You clean up and we'll talk about it on the way."

    The soldier on the opposite bed couldn't help but say, "Tell me, I'm very curious."

    Yu Zhe and Getri looked at each other and laughed together. Getri said: "It's confidential and it's not convenient to disclose it."

    The soldier was disappointed and covered his face with a pillow in protest.  Yu Zhe shook his head, not knowing how to evaluate this elder brother.  He didn't have many personal belongings, and even if he did have them, they were damaged in the battle. He simply packed them up, called the medical staff to hand them over, and then boarded the military airship to the Tallinn military base with Getli.

    "You can finally talk about it now, right?" As soon as he got on the spaceship, Lord Piddy showed his true nature, no different from the guys in front of him.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????? out of the majesty department, it is Luo Wu we know, he has a secret order, the clan leader needs to identify weapons.

    Yu Zhemo did the calculations and said: "For the Weiguo system, Massabub City is the first test, Agnew City is the second, Tallinn Military Base is the third, and Xavier Town is the fourth.  For the Wei-Tai faction, moving is the first test, handling the civil unrest in Xizhou is the second, and the latter two are the same as the Wei-guo faction. I have been lying on the hospital bed these days, and I don¡¯t know how to capture Ze  What happened after Weir Town? There should have been a war that triggered the hidden clause."

    Getli said: "The combined air force attacked Zhangkai Town, the enemy's main base in Zhongzhou, blowing up the aircraft manufacturing plant and a large amount of military supplies. The air force suffered very heavy losses and temporarily lost its offensive capabilities."

    Yu Zhe suddenly realized, "The ancestors need the Cathay and Pacific families to prove their loyalty to the family. If you don't even have the determination to defend the family territory, you don't deserve to enjoy the treatment of a family member."

    Getri sighed, "Maybe, I always feel that everything isUnder control, some people are still jumping up and down without knowing what to do. According to the style of our ancestors, their families will be implicated.  "

    Yu Zhe said coldly: "Although some things may not be right or wrong, people who don't even care about their family members are not worthy of calling others. There is no love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason. Accidents are only a few after all, and the rules can be changed at will.  It¡¯s not called rules. Once the family loses its cohesion, collapse is not far away, and the embankment of a thousand miles collapses in an ant nest.¡±

    Getri stared at the big man for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said: "You'd better not pretend to be a philosopher."

    Yu Zhe shook his head, "I'm serious, I've thought so since I was a child. You have stayed in the Kingdom of Lunt for so long, you should know the rules of the kingdom. Compared with the Yifu people, although we seem very rigid on the surface,  But they live a much happier life. The dark side of human nature has always been suppressed by the mainstream culture of society. The cohesion of the Kingdom of Lunt is very strong. Even though there were 5 billion people at its peak, there were no separatist forces. The king's orders were unimpeded.  Deeply ingrained rules are at work.¡±

    Getli laughed loudly, "You, the races are different and cannot be compared. There is no mother goddess in Yiifu. The various ethnic groups were not harmonious in ancient times. They were sometimes enemies and sometimes friends. After their lifespans were extended, the pace of life also slowed down.  ¡±

    Yu Zhe rolled his eyes, lay back, and soon fell asleep.  Getri couldn't help but laugh. She knew that the big man couldn't talk about too academic topics. She was exhausted these days, so she closed her eyes and took a nap to recuperate her body.

    The Lunt Ocean is not wide, and it only took an hour for the high-speed military spacecraft to park at the spaceport of the Tallinn military base.  A slight vibration woke the two sleeping people up, and they got out of the spaceship after sorting themselves out.  There were officers waiting outside the spaceship. When they saw the two men, they hurriedly greeted them and took them to the auditorium of the base.  The Tallinn military base was built as a fortress from the beginning. Although undercover agents and traitors detonated the ammunition depot, the main building was not damaged and numerous robots completed the cleaning work.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????The top leaders of Cathay and Tallinn Corps are present, including the regular commanders and chiefs of staff of each corps, and the front lines are all led by deputies.  The deputy position is also rich in experience, so commanding the defense will not be a problem.  Among the many big guys, Yu Zhe accidentally discovered Jin Qiao and was a little dizzy. What on earth is going on with this guy?  I know Luo Wu, and his shiny bald head is impressive.  Jinqiao had about ten followers, and Luo Wu brought about thirty people, sitting in the front row of the auditorium.  There is a small round table in front of the rostrum. In addition to his own kitchen knife, all the equipment of the patriarchs of Cathay and Pacific are on it.

    When Yu Zhe saw this, he didn't understand. He quickly took out the kitchen knife and put it with other equipment.  Although the senior management looked at the two kitchen knives many times, they still couldn't help but shake their heads this time.  The big man touched his head, chanted about his mother, and then found a corner to sit down.

    Procrastination is not the style of a soldier, so the meeting started soon.  Luo Wu was the first to take the stage and introduced himself, "I am Luo Wu, who serves on the Security Committee of the Wei Feng Department. This time I brought my ancestor's order to establish the Cathay Palace."

    Cathay Mansion?  Yu Zhe was stunned for a moment, then looked around and found that everyone was at a loss. What Cathay Mansion?  Could it be an organization on the same level as the Clan Mansion?  Luo Wu took out a small ball and played with it on the small round table. After a while, the virtual image of Old Man Li appeared in the air again, this time he was very serious.

    ¡°As the creator and founder of the family, I announce that the Security Committee integrating the eight lines of Cathay Minan Fengwei Shanyang will be established as Cathay Mansion. As the highest organization to unify and coordinate the family¡¯s security forces, the Security Committee of the family headquarters will be abolished at the same time.¡­¡±

    "Everyone in the audience has a big mouth. The eight lines merge. If you add the descendants of the earth, it will be the ninth line. How can we merge in the current situation?"  Cathay Palace?  Since it is called Cathay Palace, it should be dominated by the Cathay faction in the future. Of course, the specific details will depend on the results of the Min'an faction. If they fail to live up to their expectations, there may be very few seats.

    Yu Zhe didn¡¯t have much thoughts and looked at Old Man Li talking with interest.  The Cathay Palace has military and intelligence forces, which are under the supervision of the Cathay Palace's high-level joint meeting. It is expected that they will be restricted by the Council of Elders as before.

    There are four military forces in Cathay Palace, including the Shantou Star garrison, the Shantou Star special operations force, the Shantou Star Space Force and the Shantou Star strategic force.  The headquarters consists of the General Staff Department, the General Equipment Department, the General Logistics Department and the Supervision Department.  The top officers and general managers of the eight departments formed a joint meeting to manage military forces.  In wartime, coordination is carried out by the General Staff, and the Chief of the General Staff is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  The intelligence force of Cathay Mansion is the Shantou Star Military Intelligence Bureau, and its superior is the General Staff.

    Li Zhuang explained it in detail this time, including the operating rules. Unfortunately, Yu Zhe couldn't understand it and was too lazy to listen and think about other things.  If there is Cathay Palace, then there should be Min'an Palace. After all, only a small number of people will get into trouble, and it is impossible for all the people of the two families to lose their minds.

    The hilltop star is the political structure of IAifu. From the establishment of Cathay Palace, we can infer the general political structure model of the future.  The Presbytery will continue to exist??, because it is a family.  It can be seen from the operation of the Weiguo system and the Weitai system that the Presbyterian House is very useful.  The elders usually have little power and usually act as idle supervisors, but at critical moments they are an important corrective force.  It can be seen that elder is not a simple honorary title.

    Since it is the fusion of eight lines, or even the merging of nine lines, plus the characteristics of the family, it should be Zongren Mansion, Cathay Mansion, Min'an Mansion, Fengwei Mansion, Shanyang Mansion and Elder Yuan. There are exactly six institutions. Li Zhuang likes Jixiang.  number.  The Zongren Mansion was the first to be established, and its power should be greater than imagined, overriding other institutions.  Manny said that a family is not a country, and people can be independent if they want to. This is probably what she meant.  There is no semicolon in the Zongren Mansion, and other mansions may have one in every residential star. The Li family's territory is definitely not limited to the Shantou Galaxy, at least Bomba Star.  The powerful Godina people have a close relationship with Shantou Xing. Maybe when Li Zhuang wakes up, the boss of the Godina people will come to visit.

    The Zongren Mansion is in charge of genealogy, the Cathay Mansion is in charge of military administration, the Min'an Mansion is in charge of civil affairs, Fengwei Mansion is the supreme court, Shanyang Mansion is the general manager of research institutions, and the Elders' House is the highest supervisory organization.  There are exactly seven bosses of the six organizations plus the clan leader, so there will be no chance of being unable to vote.  The name is good, it fits the family characteristics, but isn't too out of the ordinary.

    ??In terms of intelligence agencies, the Cathay Prefecture is in charge of the Military Intelligence Bureau of Shantou Star, the Civil Security Prefecture is in charge of the Security Department of Shantou Star, and the Zongren Mansion is the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What does the Elders House control?  There should be an Extraterrestrial Intelligence Agency, but it may be dispersed to the Military Intelligence Agency, the Ministry of Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What are the detailed operating rules?

    While Master Pi Di was thinking hard, Li Zhuang's speech ended.  Jin Qiao came to the stage and began to introduce himself, "I am Jin Qiao, serving in the Xinxin Security Committee. This time I brought military intelligence from Central Continent."

    Yu Zhe felt a chill. Jin Qiao and Luo Wu spoke in similar styles. They seemed to be robots. However, he couldn't tell that they were robots. They were so vivid and lifelike that there was nothing strange about them.  On the stage, Jin Qiao didn't pay attention to the big man's little thoughts and explained in detail to the senior executives present.

    After the town of Xavier was captured, the enemies in the towns of Kahn and Pohamba blasted the fortresses and retreated to the second line of defense inland, concentrating all their efforts on holding on to the main transmission points of Andreev and Berekov towns.  They were not using Iaif technology. Judging from the Ploto people's experience in attacking Tabos, the enemy most likely used Ploto technology.  The Ploto people have intensively researched time and space teleportation. Their principle is different from that of Iaver, and it is more secure. However, the energy consumption is much greater than that of Iaver's technology. If you don't have enough wealth, you can't afford to use it.

    Based on the enemy's battlefield performance, the Heart Maintenance Security Committee determined that the Plotos participated in the attack on the Hilltop Star. It was suspected that the enemies of the Lunt people were a branch of the Plotos.  God Tabers used the advantages of the Plotos to create the Lunts. God Plotos and Tabers clashed many times. He also drew on the advantages of the Lunts to create a new Plotos and sent them to Tabers.  Si lurks.

    Shantou Xing is familiar with the Kalus people. The clan leader's weapons are very ineffective against enemies wearing gem-type armor. According to the battlefield performance, these enemies are high-level puppets created by the Kalus people. They are not as flexible as other ethnic groups and their attacks are fierce.  Uncomparable to other enemies, it can be called the "Kalus Puppet".  There is no need to worry about the Kallus puppets. It is the Kallus people who need to worry. However, Li Zhuang could force Alta to commit suicide back then. With the current technological level of Shantou Star, the possibility that the Kallus people would dare to enter Shantou Planet in person is very small.  , after all, they cannot compare with top beings like God Tabers.  In addition, the planet's strategic defense system found no trace of the Kallus people.

    The Iever people in Hilltop Star are the Stulyman Legion. The League of Justice, the spokesperson of Hilltop Star in Yieffe, was infiltrated by the federal security agency very early, and they are all members of the Stulyman Legion from top to bottom.  This legion has a history of hundreds of years. It was not established after the rumored Battle of the Rashahan System. Its main purpose is to deal with Shantou Star.  Less than two hundred years after Li Zhuang left the earth, the adopted son system completely deteriorated. Some of them even became space pirates, with inconsistent words and deeds.  The Stulyman Army has the largest number of people, about 500,000, and is a reinforced special forces army.

    Based on the management regulations of the Family Headquarters Security Committee, high-level officials in the Civil Security Department colluded with the enemy, or were simply undercover agents of the enemy.  If it operates normally, it is absolutely impossible for the Stulyman Army to pretend to be the adopted son and enter the Hilltop Planet.  The preliminary judgment is that there is something wrong with Li Wuwei, the director of the Security Committee, and even Li Qilian, the patriarch of the Weimin clan, and Li Taocheng, the deputy clan leader of the Wei'an clan.  Without the cooperation of high-level officials, it is impossible for the enemy to understand the top-secret Shantou star identification technology.

    The giants are the Krohlu people, who come from the Krohlu planet in the Milky Way. They have strong melee combat abilities. The I'ifu people give this race a lot of aid in exchange for support, and they are equivalent to the mercenaries of the I'ifu people.  There are about 150,000 giants in the army, and they fight together with the Yifu people to make up for the shortcomings of the Yifu people.

    The mollusk-like ones are the Rauks, the descendants of the Formots, the super civilization in the history of the galaxy.  Rauks aren't really molluscs, noBe bewildered by their performance.  This race is very insidious, good at shape-shifting, and most likely disguised as other races.  The exact number of Rauk people who came to the mountain star is unknown, and the purpose of their attack on the mountain star is also unclear.

    Yu Zhe was shocked. The mysterious Rauk people came to the mountain star?  They had been toiling in Tabos for a long time before, killing many Luntians.  Jin Qiao did not stop. The big man listened attentively to the mysterious Xinwei clan member's speech.

    Except for the more than 200,000 officers and soldiers of the Family Headquarters Security Committee stationed at the southern end of the Wesen Spaceport, all the others were killed in action and may have defected to the enemy.  Judging from the enemy's smooth reception of Central Continent's arms reserves and arsenal, the headquarters management committee and security committee have serious problems, and the enemy's strength has not suffered much after the joint forces captured Xavier Town.

    There are about 8 million troops from Dongzhou landing in Central Continent, divided into thirty-two legions.  The commander-in-chief is Li Honglan, the leader of the Wei'an clan, Li Luoou, the frontline commander, and Li Puxia, the chief of staff.  All Dongzhou combat troops have landed in Zhongzhou, the enemies in Yangtan Town have just surrendered, and there is no clear plan for Zhenqiang Town and Zhenzhe Town.  The Min'an and Min'an factions sent people to contact the Zongren Mansion and expressed that they had no intention of rebelling. At the same time, they hoped that the top leaders of the Cathay Pacific faction would not use the Min'an clan members at the Tallinn military base as cannon fodder.  In view of the actual situation of the family, the joint force of the Civil Security Department will be responsible for the war in the eastern part of Central Continent and will not interfere with the arrangements of the Cathay Department. The two sides will meet at the Wesen Spaceport.

    "General Li Luo'ou is leading his army to storm Zhenzhe Town. Judging from the progress of the war, it will be completed within fifteen days."

    Jin Qiao stepped down after speaking. The news he brought made the top brass of the Tallinn Corps a little embarrassed.  It would be a lie to say that I had no complaints about the iron fist of the Weitai team, but in the end the two sides were evenly matched.  During the attack and defense of Xavier Town, the Tallinn Army lost nearly 60,000 men, not because the front finger treated them as cannon fodder, but because the Tallinn Army's combat effectiveness was not strong enough.  In his post-war summary, General Li Kangzhuang, the commander-in-chief of the front line, cursed the Tallinn Army as a noodle that was dragging down friendly forces.  Although the commander-in-chief's words were harsh, the Tallinn officer corps could not refute it. The battlefield video had already given the answer.  The officers and soldiers of the legion had been staying on the peaceful mountain star before the war. Neither the officers nor the soldiers had experience in war, and their individual combat capabilities were not strong enough.

    Compared with the Tallinn Legion, even the weakest Agnew Legion among the Cathay and Pacific troops has advantages in firepower and coordination.  The Wei Kingdom is a martial nation with many high-level warriors, and the tribesmen who came from Tabos all have war experience.  The Weitai system comes from Iever, a place where wars are frequent, and most of the officers and soldiers have actual combat experience.  The frontline commander, General Li Kangzhuang, is an active lieutenant general of the IAIF Space Marine Corps. He has commanded many battles and has rich experience.  Before the war, he was worried about the combat effectiveness of the Tallinn Army and only gave it a secondary mission. However, the Tallinn Army still fell behind. Not only did he suffer heavy losses, he also caused heavy casualties to the Xiji and Yutian Army.

    "Everyone," Luo Wu clapped his hands and reminded the whispering bosses, "the Cathay Palace has been established, and the Xinwei Department and the Wei Feng Department will dispatch elites to join the joint force. In addition to joining the Military Intelligence Bureau, the Xinwei Department will also command the combat biochemical beast force.  Fighting alongside the ground forces. The Awesome system will take over the Combined Forces Air Force and send out subordinate combat robot units."

    The senior leaders of the Cathay and Tallinn Corps were overjoyed upon hearing this. The ancestors indeed had a back-up plan.  The heart system is very mysterious, and the combat power of the combat biochemical beast unit is unknown, but the combat power of the majestic system is obvious to all.  The Joint Forces Air Force is no match for the enemy. The technical disadvantages of the fighter planes are secondary, and the main reason is the insufficient quality of the pilots.  The majestic type can fly extreme aircraft, combining the random judgment ability of manned fighters and the super maneuverability of unmanned fighters, so there is no need to worry about it in the air.  Even if they are shot down, the majestic advanced robots still have enough survivability.

    Luo Wu said with a smile: "There are not many tribesmen who can reach level eight in the heart maintenance and prestige systems. We are just auxiliaries. The main battlefield still depends on you. There is no best of both worlds."

    Elder Madama stood up and bowed to Luo Wu, "Wei Guo family can understand that according to the clan rules, those who can become family members of Fengwei family and Guotai Minan family are the same high-level beings as the four families of Guotai and Minan, and there is only one life, we will  Try our best to ensure the safety of the Feng and Wei tribesmen."

    Luo Wu returned the gift and was about to leave when Yu Zhe said, "Jinqiao died once, but Fengwei may live more than once."

    With all the eyes in the audience staring at the big man, Yu Zhe bravely told the story of how he met Jin Qiao, so everyone stared at Jin Qiao.

    The mysterious middle-aged man had no choice but to stand with Luo Wu on stage, "This Jinqiao is not that Jinqiao. Our clan members are all called Jinqiao when performing tasks. In order to avoid misunderstandings, you can call me Success in the future."

    People at the venue suddenly realized, Yu Zhe shook his head helplessly and stopped talking.  There were many things that needed to be discussed for coordinated operations. The front line was busy and there was no time to waste. The officers began to discuss the combat plan and continued until dinner time.  Luo Wu didn't need to eat and left with his clan members, but Jin Qiao stayed and ate in the base cafeteria with the senior officials.  He has been engaged in intelligence work for a long time and does notThere was a cold aura in his disguise. No one wanted to sit at the same table with him, so he found a corner by himself.

    Yu Zhe sat across from Jinqiao with an oversized tray and swept away the food without saying a word.  Compared with the big man's rudeness, Jin Qiao eats very politely, but his appetite is not small.  Halfway through the meal, Lord Piddy couldn't help it anymore, "You are Jinqiao. I can't admit it. It's not biological armor or transformation."

    Jin Qiao burst out laughing. He wiped his mouth with a napkin first, then took out a small piece of equipment and put it on the table. "There is indeed something special about the Lunt people of Tabos. Yes, I am Jin Qiao."

    Yu Zhe chuckled, his well-honed intuition turned out to be brilliant, and he continued to eat, but then he almost choked because Jin Qiao said something he couldn't understand.

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